35 research outputs found

    Opportunities and Obstacles in Adoption of Biodiversity-Enhancing Features on California Farms

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    The USDA National Organic Program requires the conservation of biodiversity and the maintenance or improvement of natural resources on organic farms. On-farm biodiversity-enhancing features such as border plantings can provide many of these ecosystem services. However, which practices farmers currently use to manage non-cropped edges, why and how they use these practices, and how subsidies and technical assistance affect farmers’ ability and willingness to manage farm edges for biodiversity are little studied topics. Our study set out to identify the range of practices currently used to manage non-cropped field edges, roadsides, pond edges, and banks of permanent watercourses (sloughs, canals, ditches) in a case study area in California. Secondary objectives were to gauge local farmers’ awareness of planted hedgerows and vegetated waterways and to gather preliminary information about the range of incentives and constraints to installing such features

    Cross-Disciplinary Analysis of the On-Farm Transition from Conventional to Organic Vegetable Production

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    This farm-scale analysis of the three-year transition to organic from conventional vegetable production tracked the changes in crop, soil, pest and management on two ranches (40 and 47 ha) in the Salinas Valley, California. Many small plantings of a diverse set of cash crop and cover crop species were used, as compared to only a few species in large monocultures in conventional production. The general trends with time were: increase in soil biological indicators, low soil nitrate pools, adequate crop nutrients, minor disease and weed problems, and sporadic mild insect damage. Some crops and cultivars consistently produced higher yields than others, relative to the maximum yield for a given crop. Differences in insect and disease damage were also observed. These results support the value of initially using a biodiverse set of taxa to reduce risk, then later choosing the best-suited varieties for optimal production. The grower used some principles of organic farming (e.g., crop diversity, crop rotation, and organic matter management), but also relied on substitution-based management, such as fertigation with soluble nutrients, initially heavy applications of organic pesticides, and use of inputs derived from off-farm sources. The organic transition was conducive to both production goals and environmental quality

    Mainstreaming impact evaluation in nature conservation

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    An important part of conservation practice is the empirical evaluation of program and policy impacts. Understanding why conservation programs succeed or fail is essential for designing cost-effective initiatives and for improving the livelihoods of natural resource users. The evidence we seek can be generated with modern impact evaluation designs. Such designs measure causal effects of specific interventions by comparing outcomes with the interventions to outcomes in credible counterfactual scenarios. Good designs also identify the conditions under which the causal effect arises. Despite a critical need for empirical evidence, conservation science has been slow to adopt these impact evaluation designs. We identify reasons for the slow rate of adoption, and provide suggestions for mainstreaming impact evaluation in nature conservation. (Résumé d'auteur

    Climate-Smart Landscapes: Opportunities and Challenges for Integrating Adaptation and Mitigation in Tropical Agriculture

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    Addressing the global challenges of climate change, food security, and poverty alleviation requires enhancing the adaptive capacity and mitigation potential of agricultural landscapes across the tropics. However, adaptation and mitigation activities tend to be approached separately due to a variety of technical, political, financial, and socioeconomic constraints. Here, we demonstrate that many tropical agricultural systems can provide both mitigation and adaptation benefits if they are designed and managed appropriately and if the larger landscape context is considered. Many of the activities needed for adaptation and mitigation in tropical agricultural landscapes are the same needed for sustainable agriculture more generally, but thinking at the landscape scale opens a new dimension for achieving synergies. Intentional integration of adaptation and mitigation activities in agricultural landscapes offers significant benefits that go beyond the scope of climate change to food security, biodiversity conservation, and poverty alleviation. However, achieving these objectives will require transformative changes in current policies, institutional arrangements, and funding mechanisms to foster broad‐scale adoption of climate‐smart approaches in agricultural landscapes

    Agriculture and climate change: Monitoring, reporting, and verification methodologies for agriculture, forestry, and other land use

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    Facilitating carbon sequestration in terrestrial ecosystems could provide a significant amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) abatement, which is necessary to limit global temperature increases to only 2 degrees Celsius in the next century until more permanent mitigation strategies are instituted. With relatively small investments, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions could be offset dramatically by management practices such as planting trees, reducing deforestation, midseason draining of irrigated rice, improving nitrogen fertilization efficiency, and increasing organic matter inputs to agricultural soils. Together these types of practices could add up to more than 25 percent of the combined near-term abatement strategies (including energy efficiency and low-carbon energy supply) required to stabilize emissions. While most terrestrial management potential is based on reduced deforestation and degradation (REDD), no one program can be effective in isolation. It is crucial to recognize that there are multiple competing uses for land and that maximizing GHG mitigation is not likely to be achieved with carbon-based financial incentives alone, particularly if incentives do not reach those most responsible for land management. Nearly 90 percent of the potential for terrestrial carbon capture can be found in the developing world, where land managers are largely poor farmers on small plots of land. It is imperative that these farmers be involved in carbon mitigation strategies, but dealing with numerous smallholders is an enormous challenge because planning, monitoring, reporting, and verifying mitigation creates transaction costs for carbon contracts that can be prohibitively expensive. It is therefore critical for the international community to immediately invest in the research and development of innovative methodologies to reduce transaction costs by increasing the effectiveness of monitoring, reporting, and verification for Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) projects, particularly for smallholder agriculture in tropical regions.PRIFPRI1; 2020DG

    Assessing the circularity of nutrient flows related to the food system in the Okanagan bioregion, BC Canada

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    The "circular bioeconomy" is extensively discussed in science and policy, and its implementation in practice is considered to be a panacea for fixing many current sustainability problems. The circular bioeconomy crucially depends on biological and technical processes capable of recycling nutrients in the right mix, at the right pace, and using only renewable energy. The current lack of circularity of nutrient flows is a critical factor that hampers sustainable food and bioeconomy systems. If we are serious about the sustainability of food and bioeconomy systems, we have to develop more robust tools to study (diagnose) and explore (simulate) the factors determining the circularity of nutrient flows. This paper applies a novel analytical framework to assess the circularity of nutrient flows in modern food systems. This framework can help understand the potentialities of proposed changes in relation to reducing nutrient losses and the dependence on nutrients mined from finite deposits. More specifically, in this paper, we illustrate a quantitative assessment of the flows of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium in a case study - the food system of the Okanagan bioregion in BC Canada. Our study suggests that the proposed approach is effective to inform nutrient management policies in bioregional food systems. In particular, an assessment of the openness of nutrient flows flags the importance of managing organic residuals for comprehensive nutrient recovery and reuse - an activity that is still often systematically neglected due to large feed and food imports and the availability of cheap synthetic fertilizers. This type of analysis is essential if we want to develop effective policies for more sustainable management of nutrients in food and bioeconomy systems

    Monitoring, reporting, and verification methodologies for agriculture, forestry, and other land use:

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    Facilitating carbon sequestration in terrestrial ecosystems could provide a significant amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) abatement, which is necessary to limit global temperature increases to only 2 degrees Celsius in the next century until more permanent mitigation strategies are instituted. With relatively small investments, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions could be offset dramatically by management practices such as planting trees, reducing deforestation, midseason draining of irrigated rice, improving nitrogen fertilization efficiency, and increasing organic matter inputs to agricultural soils. Together these types of practices could add up to more than 25 percent of the combined near-term abatement strategies (including energy efficiency and low-carbon energy supply) required to stabilize emissions. While most terrestrial management potential is based on reduced deforestation and degradation (REDD), no one program can be effective in isolation. It is crucial to recognize that there are multiple competing uses for land and that maximizing GHG mitigation is not likely to be achieved with carbon-based financial incentives alone, particularly if incentives do not reach those most responsible for land management. Nearly 90 percent of the potential for terrestrial carbon capture can be found in the developing world, where land managers are largely poor farmers on small plots of land. It is imperative that these farmers be involved in carbon mitigation strategies, but dealing with numerous smallholders is an enormous challenge because planning, monitoring, reporting, and verifying mitigation creates transaction costs for carbon contracts that can be prohibitively expensive. It is therefore critical for the international community to immediately invest in the research and development of innovative methodologies to reduce transaction costs by increasing the effectiveness of monitoring, reporting, and verification for Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) projects, particularly for smallholder agriculture in tropical regions.Climate change,