601 research outputs found

    Inland fisheries co-management in East Africa

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    The importance of inland fisheries resources to the East Africa Community Partner States of Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda is highlighted. Efforts and achievements to improve utilisation and management of fisheries resources for lasting social and economic benefits in the region are examined. Experiences from two projects, the Integrated Lake Management project in Uganda and the on-going implementation of a Fisheries Management Plan project on Lake Victoria are examined. Key achievements are examined and lessons learned for within and beyond the region are identified.Inland fisheries, Fishery management, Africa, Victoria L.,

    Migrant workers in Rochdale and Oldham

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    This research focuses on the needs and experiences of Central and Eastern European migrants living and working in Rochdale and Oldham. It was commissioned by Oldham Housing Investment Partnership, Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council, Oldham Rochdale Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder and Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council in January 2008 and was conducted by a team of researchers from the Salford Housing & Urban Studies Unit (SHUSU) at the University of Salford

    Investigating the Rotational Phase of Stellar Flares on M dwarfs Using K2 Short Cadence Data

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    We present an analysis of K2 short cadence data of 34 M dwarfs which have spectral types in the range M0 - L1. Of these stars, 31 showed flares with a duration between ∼\sim10-90 min. Using distances obtained from Gaia DR2 parallaxes, we determined the energy of the flares to be in the range ∼1.2×1029−6×1034\sim1.2\times10^{29}-6\times10^{34} erg. In agreement with previous studies we find rapidly rotating stars tend to show more flares, with evidence for a decline in activity in stars with rotation periods longer than ∼\sim10 days. The rotational modulation seen in M dwarf stars is widely considered to result from a starspot which rotates in and out of view. Flux minimum is therefore the rotation phase where we view the main starspot close to the stellar disk center. Surprisingly, having determined the rotational phase of each flare in our study we find none show any preference for rotational phase. We outline three scenarios which could account for this unexpected finding. The relationship between rotation phase and flare rate will be explored further using data from wide surveys such as NGTS and TESS.Comment: Accepted main Journal MNRA

    Stable Umbral Chromospheric Structures

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    Aims. To understand the morphology of the chromosphere in sunspot umbra. We investigate if the horizontal structures observed in the spectral core of the Ca II H line are ephemeral visuals caused by the shock dynamics of more stable structures, and examine their relationship with observables in the H-alpha line. Methods. Filtergrams in the core of the Ca II H and H-alpha lines as observed with the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope are employed. We utilise a technique that creates composite images and tracks the flash propagation horizontally. Results. We find 0"15 wide horizontal structures, in all of the three target sunspots, for every flash where the seeing was moderate to good. Discrete dark structures are identified that are stable for at least two umbral flashes, as well as systems of structures that live for up to 24 minutes. We find cases of extremely extended structures with similar stability, with one such structure showing an extent of 5". Some of these structures have a correspondence in H-alpha but we were unable to find a one to one correspondence for every occurrence. If the dark streaks are formed at the same heights as umbral flashes then there are systems of structures with strong departures from the vertical for all three analysed sunspots. Conclusions. Long-lived Ca II H filamentary horizontal structures are a common and likely ever-present feature in the umbra of sunspots. If the magnetic field in the chromosphere of the umbra is indeed aligned with the structures, then the present theoretical understanding of the typical umbra needs to be revisited.Comment: Accepted to Astronomy and Astrophysics. Online material (Fig3.mov and Fig4.mov) will be available at A&

    Welfare conditionality and disabled people in the UK: claimants' perspectives

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    In order to fully understand the impact of the extension of conditionality in the UK to include people with impairments, it is vital to give voice to those with direct experience of the welfare system. The case studies that follow are taken from interviews carried out as part of a project called Welfare Conditionality: Sanctions, Support and Behaviour Change. This is a major five-year programme of research running from 2013-2018, funded under the Economic and Social Research Council’s Centres and Large Grants Scheme (ESRC grant ES/K002163/2)

    Work, welfare and wellbeing? The impacts of welfare conditionality on people with mental health impairments in the UK

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    The personal, economic and social costs of mental ill-health are increasingly acknowledged by many governments and international organisations. Simultaneously, in high income nations the reach of welfare conditionality has extended to encompass many people with mental health impairments as part of on-going welfare reforms. This is particularly the case in the UK where, especially since the introduction of Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) in 2008, the rights and responsibilities of disabled people have been subject to contestation and redefinition. Following a review of the emergent international evidence on mental health and welfare conditionality, this paper explores two specific issues. First, the impacts of the application of welfare conditionality on benefit claimants with mental health impairments. Second, the effectiveness of welfare conditionality in supporting people with experience of mental ill health into paid work. In considering these questions this paper presents original analysis of data generated in qualitative longitudinal interviews with 207 UK social security benefit recipients with experience of a range of mental health issues. The evidence suggests that welfare conditionality is largely ineffective in moving people with mental health impairments into, or closer to, paid work. Indeed, in many cases it triggers negative health outcomes that make future employment less likely. It is concluded that the application of conditionality for people with mental health issues is inappropriate and should cease

    Assessing the impact of agricultural forage crops on soil biodiversity and abundance

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    AbstractMaintaining soil biodiversity and function is key to maintaining soil health, nutrient cycling and decomposition. Different forage species have variable concentrations of essential nutrients and rooting patterns, potentially affecting soil biology and soil–plant–animal interactions. Our study compared the effect of growing different forage crops on soil faunal diversity and abundance. Plots of chicory (Cichorium intybus), red clover (Trifolium pratense), white clover (Trifolium repens) or perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) were established in 2009 and maintained over a four year period. Soil faunal samples were taken, including soil mesofauna, nematodes and earthworms, at the end of this period in autumn 2012 and spring 2013. Significant differences were found between the forages for a number of biological groups, as well as some seasonal differences; overall earthworm abundance and biomass was higher within the white clover treatment, specifically anecic earthworms. Nematode functional groups were found to differ, with greater numbers of fungal feeders in the clovers and chicory treatments, whilst the herbivores had the greatest abundances in the two ryegrass treatments. Overall the microarthropod order abundances did not differ, however two collembolan superfamilies did show differences between treatments with the detritivorous Poduromorpha having a higher abundance in the clovers and chicory treatment and the herbivorous Symphypleona had a higher abundance in the ryegrass treatment. Relatively little is known about the links between soil biology and the effects of plant type because of the complex nature of soil, however here we have begun to reveal some of these linkages. Overall, the findings indicate a relationship between ryegrass and herbivorous invertebrates, whilst the other forages have a stronger relationship with decomposer invertebrates; changing the dominance within the soil food web dependent on forage type

    Performance, Politics and Media: How the 2010 British General Election leadership debates generated ‘talk’ amongst the electorate.

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    During the British General Election 2010 a major innovation was introduced in part to improve engagement: a series of three live televised leadership debates took place where the leader of each of the three main parties, Labour, Liberal Democrat and Conservative, answered questions posed by members of the public and subsequently debated issues pertinent to the questions. In this study we consider these potentially ground breaking debates as the kind of event that was likely to generate discussion. We investigate various aspects of the ‘talk’ that emerged as a result of watching the debates. As an exploratory study concerned with situated accounts of the participants experiences we take an interpretive perspective. In this paper we outline the meta-narratives (of talk) associated with the viewing of the leadership debates that were identified, concluding our analysis by suggesting that putting a live debate on television and promoting and positioning it as a major innovation is likely to mean that is how the audience will make sense of it – as a media event

    Scalable photonic sources using two-dimensional lead halide perovskite superlattices

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    Miniaturized photonic sources based on semiconducting two-dimensional (2D) materials offer new technological opportunities beyond the modern III-V platforms. For example, the quantum-confined 2D electronic structure aligns the exciton transition dipole moment parallel to the surface plane, thereby outcoupling more light to air which gives rise to high-efficiency quantum optics and electroluminescent devices. It requires scalable materials and processes to create the decoupled multi-quantum-well superlattices, in which individual 2D material layers are isolated by atomically thin quantum barriers. Here, we report decoupled multi-quantum-well superlattices comprised of the colloidal quantum wells of lead halide perovskites, with unprecedentedly ultrathin quantum barriers that screen interlayer interactions within the range of 6.5 Å. Crystallographic and 2D k-space spectroscopic analysis reveals that the transition dipole moment orientation of bright excitons in the superlattices is predominantly in-plane and independent of stacking layer and quantum barrier thickness, confirming interlayer decoupling
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