9 research outputs found

    Cómo la réplica del modelo del distrito industrial del noreste italiano ha fallado en Timisoara (Romania)

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    Italy's industrial districts of the Northeast are often cited as beings models of success due to their economic organisation, thus they have almost become an archetypal myth. One of the reasons for the Northeastern firms' success is proximity (both geographical and relational), particularly with regard to the creation and development of the districts and their innovative and competitive capacity on a global scale. Our research compares the structures of proximity in Montebelluna, an industrial district in Northeast Italy, with Timisoara (in Romania), which has been one of the more favoured areas of delocalisation for Veneto firms. This comparison made it possible to focus on the non-economic categories (such as trust, face-to-face relations, cooperative attitudes, local context…) that have contributed to a large part of their success, although, in reality, they are often overvalued. Above all, the analysis reveals how these Italian industrial districts have concealed an unequal distribution of power, not only inside the firms and between the firms, but also between the firms and their delocalised territories. Today the "Northeast" model is questioned and debated; however a rethinking of regional dynamics is only possible if these hidden dimensions of district development are taken into consideration. Los distritos industriales del noreste italiano son considerados frecuentemente como modelos de éxito por su organización económica y por eso se han vuelto casi un mito arquetípico. Una de las razones de este éxito es la proximidad (sea geográfica que relacional), particularmente en lo que respecta a la creación y desarrollo de los distritos y a sus capacidades de innovación y competitividad global. Esta investigación compara Montebelluna, un distrito en el noreste italiano, con Timisoara (Romania) que ha sido una de las áreas de deslocalización preferidas de las firmas vénetas. Esta comparación ha permitido centrar la atención en las categorías no económicas (como la confianza, las relaciones cara a cara, las actitudes cooperativas y el contexto local...) que han contribuido a su éxito, pero que en realidad son a menudo sobrevalorados. Sobre todo, este análisis revela como estos distritos han ocultado una distribución inicua del poder, no solo al interno de las firmas y entre ellas, sino también entre las firmas y sus territorios deslocalizados. Hoy el modelo "noreste" es cuestionado y discutido; sin embargo, un replanteamiento de las dinámicas regionales solo es posible si se toman en consideración estas dimensiones ocultas de desarrollo de distrito

    Challenge-based learning as a tool for creativity and talent expression

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    After the stop caused by the pandemic, the University of Trento and its newly born FabLab reopened the doors to DigiEduHack (https://digieduhack.com/en/), the decentralized hackathon dedicated to the most pressing challenges of digital and innovative education. More than 30 multidisciplinary students have ventured into the design of innovative learning tools to meet the challenge thrown at them: prototyping educational board games; multimedia artefacts and installations at the intersection of big data, art and technology; co-designing festivals in a combination of art, science and fun; laboratory images to be presented in the classroom. In this short paper, as a case study one, we will outline the DigiEduHack initiative, focusing on the potential of a challenge-based approach in stimulating and strengthening introspection, creative thinking and talent’s expression. Supported by a set of qualitative data collected before and after the event, this work reports an education case study and shows the progress and preliminary reflections of the students and educators involved

    From territories to multi‐sited territorialities : production networks of « made in Italy » in Romania

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    Dans l’actuel cadre économique mondial plus ou moins dynamique, mais surtout fragmenté, la délocalisation de toute ou partie de la production fait aujourd’hui débat. Elle interroge particulièrement les conséquences sur les territoires qui semblent, au premier regard, « soumis » à des logiques purement économiques de recherche de la baisse des coûts de production. Cette recherche propose d’analyser les réseaux de la production « made in Italy » qui se sont configurésentre l’Italie et la Roumanie pendant les vingt dernières années. La mise en place des stratégies entrepreneuriales italiennes se fait sur l’influence des héritages territoriaux roumains et sur les caractéristiques territoriales des départements roumains. Les successives phases des délocalisations italiennes vont construire des territoires différents selon les stratégies des entreprises, leurs réseaux de production, leurs relations de pouvoir et leurs dimensions scalaires.Cette thèse éclairera enfin le lecteur sur l’émergence des nouveaux territoires, des territorialités multi‐situées et des différentes formes de développement, à partir des réseaux de la production entre l’Italie et la Roumanie.In the current global economic environment, roughly dynamic, but also fragmented, the partial or complete relocation of the production is a widely debated issue. The arising questions concern particularly the impact of relocation on territories, which seem at first glance "submitted" to purely economic causes seeking lower production costs. This research work suggests analyzing production networks of the "made in Italy", that have been settled between Italy and Romania inthe last twenty years. The Italian entrepreneurial strategies were established according to the influence of the Romanian territorial inheritance and the territorial characteristics of Romanian departments. The successive phases of Italian companies’ relocations would form different territories according to the companies strategies, production networks, power relations and scales. This research work would also enlighten the reader about the emergence of new territories, multi‐sited territorialities and the different forms of development based on production networks set between Italy and Romania

    Mobilités en action

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    Depuis quelques décennies, on assiste à la réorganisation de la production du made in Italy (notamment les secteurs du textile-habillement et de la chaussure) entre la rive nord et la rive sud de la Méditerranée. Des réseaux transméditerranéens sont en train d’émerger entre l’Italie, la Roumanie et la Tunisie. De nombreuses études visent à comprendre la dimension économique et territoriale de ces réseaux de production. Cependant, ces mêmes analyses « oublient » les hommes et les femmes qui créent ces réseaux et qui sont donc les vrais acteurs de la délocalisation. Cet article naît de l’exigence de raconter les réseaux de la production à travers les personnes qui les créent, à travers leurs histoires. Ainsi, les dynamiques spatiales qui structurent les relations entre acteurs de la production délocalisée contribuent à créer des territoires multi-situés.For several decades, we have identified a reorganization of the production of the so-called « Made in Italy » (especially in textile-garment and footwear sectors) between north and south shore of the Mediterranean Sea. There are some transmediterranean production networks arising amongst Italy, Romania and Tunisia. Many economic and geographical studies aim to understand the economic and territorial dimensions of these production networks. However, these analyses « overlook » the men and women who create these networks and who are the main players in the ongoing delocalization. This paper aims to understand, through the study of life trajectories, the spatial dynamics that structure the relations between the actors of the delocalized production, which create in turn multi-sited territories

    Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer: Real-World Cost Consequence Analysis

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    Purpose: The present work aimed at conducting a real-world data analysis on the management costs and survival analysis comparing data from non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cases diagnosed in the Veneto region before (2015) and after (2017) the implementation of a regional diagnostic and therapeutic pathway including all new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. Method: This study considered 254 incidental cases of NSCLC in 2015 and 228 in 2017 within the territory of the Padua province (Italy), as recorded by the Veneto Cancer Registry. Tobit regression analysis was performed to verify if total and each item costs (2 years after NSCLC diagnosis) are associated with index year, adjusting by year of diagnosis, sex, age, and stage at diagnosis. Logistic regression models were run to study overall mortality at 2 years, adjusting by the same covariates. Results: The 2017 cohort had a lower mortality odd (odds ratio, 0.93; P = .02) and a significant increase in the average overall costs (P = .009) than the 2015 cohort. The Tobit regression analysis by cost item showed a very significant increase in the average cost of drugs (coefficient = 5,953, P = .008) for the 2017 cohort, as well as a decrease in the average cost of hospice care (coefficient = -1,822.6, P = .022). Conclusion: Our study showed a survival improvement for patients with NSCLC as well as an economic burden growth. Physicians should therefore be encouraged to follow new clinical care pathways, while the steadily rising related costs underscore the need for policymakers and health professionals to pursue

    Mobilité des activités et recomposition des territoires en Méditerranée

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    En étudiant la mobilité des activités, ce numéro de la revue Méditerranée s’inscrit dans une réflexion sur l’une des transformations majeures de ces trente dernières années : l’essor considérable de l’internationalisation des entreprises, sous l’effet de la libéralisation des mouvements de capitaux et de l’ouverture des marchés. Ayant favorisé un redéploiement significatif de la géographie des activités, cette dynamique s’incarne, selon le lieu, dans les phénomènes de délocalisations facteurs de crise territoriale – ou dans l’émergence de nouveaux territoires, porteurs de croissance et d’attractivité. Nous abordons la mobilité des activités comme un processus multiforme, en privilégiant trois entrées principales : la mobilité des capitaux et les flux d’investissement ; la mobilité des opérateurs économiques (commerçants, cadres et chefs d’entreprises) ; la mobilité des modèles de développement (complexes touristiques, zones franches, technopôles ou pôles de compétitivité…). Ces transformations sont notables en Méditerranée qui, depuis le processus de Barcelone, se trouve au cœur d’un projet de zone de libre‑échange, elles sont aussi marquées par les soubresauts de la crise actuelle et du « printemps arabe ». Mais au-delà du contexte, ne font-elles pas partie des dynamiques de plus longue durée en Méditerranée ? Ce numéro de la revue Méditerranée se saisit de la question au travers d’un panel pluridisciplinaire de contributions

    Drugs price and reimbursement regulation: comparators, endpoints and role of the cost-effectiveness

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    This document illustrates the results of a discussion of two multi-disciplinary expert panels on pricing and reimbursement of medicines. Experts work in different organizations. The discussion focused on comparator(s), endpoint(s), negotiation of prices of new medicines and/or indications to include in the List 648, as well as the role of cost-effectiveness in the price and reimbursement negotiation. The debate took place during the fourth edition of the Seminari di Mogliano, organized on the 30th of September/1st of October, 2021. The two panels agreed on a general need to enhance interaction among the different stakeholders, in the early assessment and negotiation phases, and to increase the transparency/reproducibility of the decisions taken. The experts have also emphasized the need (i) to improve clarity in the evaluation of additional therapeutic value and the place in therapy with respect to comparators and how comparators are identified; (ii) to create work groups to identify the most appropriate endpoint(s), for each therapeutic area and level of unmet needs; (iii) to provide for a systematic use of cost-effectiveness when an added therapeutic value is delivered by a new medicine. With regard to the 648 List, the experts advocated for an overall reorganization of the current rules governing the special uses of drugs

    Breakthrough Cancer Pain: Preliminary Data of The Italian Oncologic Pain Multisetting Multicentric Survey (IOPS-MS)

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    Introduction: An ongoing national multicenter survey [Italian Oncologic Pain multiSetting Multicentric Survey (IOPS-MS)] is evaluating the characteristics of breakthrough cancer pain (BTP) in different clinical settings. Preliminary data from the first 1500 cancer patients with BTP enrolled in this study are presented here. Methods: Thirty-two clinical centers are involved in the survey. A diagnosis of BTP was performed by a standard algorithm. Epidemiological data, Karnofsky index, stage of disease, presence and sites of metastases, ongoing oncologic treatment, and characteristics of background pain and BTP and their treatments were recorded. Background pain and BTP intensity were measured. Patients were also questioned about BTP predictability, BTP onset (≤10 or >10 min), BTP duration, background and BTP medications and their doses, time to meaningful pain relief after BTP medication, and satisfaction with BTP medication. The occurrence of adverse reactions was also assessed, as well as mucosal toxicity. Results: Background pain was well controlled with opioid treatment (numerical rating scale 3.0 ± 1.1). Patients reported 2.5 ± 1.6 BTP episodes/day with a mean intensity of 7.5 ± 1.4 and duration of 43 ± 40 min; 977 patients (65.1%) reported non-predictable BTP, and 1076 patients (71.7%) reported a rapid onset of BTP (≤10 min). Higher patient satisfaction was reported by patients treated with fast onset opioids. Conclusions: These preliminary data underline that the standard algorithm used is a valid tool for a proper diagnosis of BTP in cancer patients. Moreover, rapid relief of pain is crucial for patients’ satisfaction. The final IOPS-MS data are necessary to understand relationships between BTP characteristics and other clinical variables in oncologic patients. Funding: Molteni Farmaceutici, Italy