189 research outputs found

    Estudo das temperaturas superficiais de coberturas verdes e convencionais na perspectiva de mitigação das ilhas de calor urbano no Centro de Curitiba - Paraná

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    Orientador : Profª. Drª. Cristina de Araújo LimaCoorientador : Prof. Dr. Sérgio Fernando TavaresDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Construção Civil. Defesa: Curitiba, 19/04/2016Inclui referências : f. 113-125Area de concentração : Ambiente ConstruídoResumo: A partir do final da década de 1960 a sociedade em seus mais variados segmentos intensificou a discussão acerca do desenvolvimento sustentável, além de incorporar novas temáticas, técnicas e comportamentos mais sustentáveis, primando por uma forma de pensar e agir que proporcione melhor qualidade de vida para as gerações presentes e as futuras. Nesse contexto, a técnica de cobertura verde (CV) é considerada uma forma de atenuar os impactos do ser humano no meio ambiente, contribuindo para amenizar efeitos notadamente negativos, como por exemplo o fenômeno de ilha de calor urbano (ICU). Sendo a alteração de temperatura uma das principais características do fenômeno ICU, a presente dissertação tem como objetivo principal investigar a possível colaboração da temperatura superficial das CVs na mitigação dos efeitos das ICUs. Para o cumprimento desse objetivo, foram estabelecidas duas principais etapas: na primeira houve a revisão do estado da arte dos temas contemplados na dissertação, abrangendo principalmente artigos científicos nacionais e internacionais e os autores já considerados como referência no tema. Num segundo momento foram utilizados dois métodos de desenvolvimento da pesquisa: um experimento físico constituído de uma CV extensiva e telhados de comparação, formados de telhas cerâmicas vermelhas e telhas de fibrocimento. A outra parte do método foi um exercício de representação gráfica, analisando um recorte urbano em Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil, no qual foram projetados os dados de temperatura superficial obtidos no experimento físico. Para o experimento físico com a CV e os telhados de comparação, os resultados permitiram inferir que quanto mais altas foram as temperaturas superficiais, maiores foram as perdas de calor para o ambiente, sendo que as coberturas cerâmica e de fibrocimento foram as que mais aqueceram durante o dia e as que mais rapidamente resfriaram à noite. A cobertura cerâmica apresentou as maiores temperaturas superficiais, seguidas pela cobertura de fibrocimento e pela CV. Contudo, através de análises estatísticas verificou-se que entre as médias das temperaturas superficiais da cerâmica e do fibrocimento não houve diferenças significativas, contrariamente à CV, que teve a menor variação na temperatura superficial, mantendo mais estáveis essas temperaturas tanto de dia quanto à noite e que, estatisticamente, apresentou diferenças significativas com relação à cerâmica e a fibrocimento. O exercício de representação gráfica dos dados do experimento físico teve como resultado a visualização através de imagens do possível desempenho da temperatura superficial dos três tipos de cobertura no recorte urbano escolhido. Como conclusões, verificou-se que o envelhecimento e a sujidade da telha cerâmica poderiam ser fatores que influenciaram o seu desempenho térmico, sobreaquecendo sua superfície mais do que a superfície do fibrocimento. O experimento físico se mostrou eficiente e recomendável quanto à obtenção de dados para o que foi proposto, ou seja, para obtenção da temperatura superficial, estando os resultados compatíveis com a bibliografia estudada e apontando positivamente para um possível benefício da CV na mitigação dos efeitos das ICUs. O exercício de representação gráfica, por sua vez, permitiu elencar as variáveis que mais poderiam influenciar nos resultados e apresentou algumas características inerentes a esse experimento, como as dificuldades em sistematizar os procedimentos metodológicos e em limitar a área de estudo. Palavras-chave: Ilha de calor urbano. Temperatura superficial. Cobertura verde. Telha cerâmica. Telha de fibrocimento. Curitiba.Abstract: From the late 1960s the society in its various segments intensified the discussion about sustainable development, as well as incorporating new themes, techniques and more sustainable behavior, striving for a way of thinking and acting to provide better quality of life for generations in the present and in the future. In this context, the green roof (GR) technique is considered a way to mitigate the impacts of man on the environment, contributing to soften markedly negative effects, such as the urban heat island (UHI) phenomenon. Since the change in temperature is one of the main features of the UHI phenomenon, this dissertation aims to investigate the possible collaboration of the surface temperature of GRs in mitigating the effects of UHIs. For achieving this goal, two main stages were established: the first was to review the state of the art of the topics covered in the dissertation, mainly covering national and international scientific articles and authors have considered as a reference in the subject. Secondly it was used two research development methods: a physical experiment made of an extensive GR and comparison of roofs formed of red ceramic tiles and fiber cement tiles. The other part of the method was an exercise of graphical representation in an urban cut in Curitiba - Paraná - Brazil, in which the surface temperature data obtained in physical experiment were designed. For the physical experiment with GR and comparison roofs, the result showed that the higher were the surface temperatures, higher were the heat loss to the environment, and the ceramic and fiber cement roofs were the most heated during the day and the fastest cooled at night. The ceramic cover showed the highest surface temperatures, followed by the fiber cement roof and the GR. However, through statistical analysis it was found that between the mean surface temperatures of the ceramic and fiber cement no significant differences, unlike the GR, which had the lowest variation in surface temperature, maintaining more stable these temperatures both day and night and that, statistically, there was significant differences with respect to the ceramic and fiber cement. The exercise of graphical representation of the physical experiment data resulted throgh images in the display of the possible behavior of the surface temperature of the three types of coverage in urban crop chosen. As conclusions, it was found that aging and dirt from ceramic tile could be factors that influenced its thermal performance, overheating the surface more than the surface of the fiber cement. The physical experiment proved effective and recommended in obtaining data to what was proposed, that is for measuring surface temperature, and the results are consistent with the literature studied and pointing positively to a possible benefit of the GR in mitigating the effects of UHIs. The exercise of graphical representation, on the other hand, allowed to list the variables that most could influence the results and presented some characteristics inherent in this experiment, like the difficulties to systematize the methodological procedures and limiting the study area. Keywords: Urban heat island. Surface temperature. Gren roof. Ceramic tile. Fiber cement tile. Curitiba

    Cómo la réplica del modelo del distrito industrial del noreste italiano ha fallado en Timisoara (Romania)

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    Italy's industrial districts of the Northeast are often cited as beings models of success due to their economic organisation, thus they have almost become an archetypal myth. One of the reasons for the Northeastern firms' success is proximity (both geographical and relational), particularly with regard to the creation and development of the districts and their innovative and competitive capacity on a global scale. Our research compares the structures of proximity in Montebelluna, an industrial district in Northeast Italy, with Timisoara (in Romania), which has been one of the more favoured areas of delocalisation for Veneto firms. This comparison made it possible to focus on the non-economic categories (such as trust, face-to-face relations, cooperative attitudes, local context…) that have contributed to a large part of their success, although, in reality, they are often overvalued. Above all, the analysis reveals how these Italian industrial districts have concealed an unequal distribution of power, not only inside the firms and between the firms, but also between the firms and their delocalised territories. Today the "Northeast" model is questioned and debated; however a rethinking of regional dynamics is only possible if these hidden dimensions of district development are taken into consideration. Los distritos industriales del noreste italiano son considerados frecuentemente como modelos de éxito por su organización económica y por eso se han vuelto casi un mito arquetípico. Una de las razones de este éxito es la proximidad (sea geográfica que relacional), particularmente en lo que respecta a la creación y desarrollo de los distritos y a sus capacidades de innovación y competitividad global. Esta investigación compara Montebelluna, un distrito en el noreste italiano, con Timisoara (Romania) que ha sido una de las áreas de deslocalización preferidas de las firmas vénetas. Esta comparación ha permitido centrar la atención en las categorías no económicas (como la confianza, las relaciones cara a cara, las actitudes cooperativas y el contexto local...) que han contribuido a su éxito, pero que en realidad son a menudo sobrevalorados. Sobre todo, este análisis revela como estos distritos han ocultado una distribución inicua del poder, no solo al interno de las firmas y entre ellas, sino también entre las firmas y sus territorios deslocalizados. Hoy el modelo "noreste" es cuestionado y discutido; sin embargo, un replanteamiento de las dinámicas regionales solo es posible si se toman en consideración estas dimensiones ocultas de desarrollo de distrito

    The Northern Adriatic Forecasting System for Circulation and Biogeochemistry: Implementation and Preliminary Results

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    This paper described the implementation of a forecasting system of the coupled physical and biogeochemical state of the northern Adriatic Sea and discussed the preliminary results. The forecasting system is composed of two components: the NEMO general circulation model and the BFM biogeochemical model. The BFM component includes an explicit benthic pelagic coupling providing fluxes at the sediment-water interface and the dynamic of the major benthic state variables. The system is forced by atmospheric forcing from a limited-area model and by available land-based (river runoff and nutrient load) data. The preliminary results were validated against available remote and in situ observations. The validation effort indicated a good performance of the system in defining the basin scale characteristics, while locally the forecasting model performance seemed mostly impaired by the uncertainties in the definition of the land-based forcing

    Challenge-based learning as a tool for creativity and talent expression

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    After the stop caused by the pandemic, the University of Trento and its newly born FabLab reopened the doors to DigiEduHack (https://digieduhack.com/en/), the decentralized hackathon dedicated to the most pressing challenges of digital and innovative education. More than 30 multidisciplinary students have ventured into the design of innovative learning tools to meet the challenge thrown at them: prototyping educational board games; multimedia artefacts and installations at the intersection of big data, art and technology; co-designing festivals in a combination of art, science and fun; laboratory images to be presented in the classroom. In this short paper, as a case study one, we will outline the DigiEduHack initiative, focusing on the potential of a challenge-based approach in stimulating and strengthening introspection, creative thinking and talent’s expression. Supported by a set of qualitative data collected before and after the event, this work reports an education case study and shows the progress and preliminary reflections of the students and educators involved

    Impregnação de heteropoliácidos em sílica para esterificação do ácido esteárico com metanol

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    Orientador: Carlos Itsuo YamamotoCo-orientador: Fernando WypychDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Materiais e Processos. Defesa: Curitiba, 06/05/2009Inclui bibliografiaÁrea de concentração: Processos Térmicos e Químico

    PMD90 Renal Denervation for Resistant Hypertension: HTA Report of the Veneto Region

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    Influence of the gas composition on the efficiency of ammonia stripping of biogas digestate

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    AbstractImpact of strip gas composition on side stream ammonia stripping, a technology aiming at the reduction of high ammonia levels in anaerobic reactors, was investigated. Evaluation of the effect of oxygen contact during air stripping showed a distinct, though lower than perceived, inhibition of anaerobic microflora. To circumvent, the feasibility and possible constraints of biogas and flue gas as alternatives in side stream stripping were studied. Experiments, with ammonia bicarbonate model solution and digestate, were conducted. It was demonstrated that the stripping performance is negatively correlated to the CO2 level in the strip gas with a progressive performance loss towards higher concentrations. In contrast to biogas with its high CO2 content, the efficiency reduction observed for flue gas was significantly less pronounced. The later provides the additional benefit that its high thermal energy can be re-utilized in the stripping unit and it is therefore considered a viable alternative for air

    Mobilidade Intergeracional na América Latina

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a mobilidade em cinco países da América Latina (Brasil, Colômbia, El Salvador, Peru e República Dominicana). Para a obtenção dos resultados, foi utilizada a pesquisa School-to-Work Transition Survey (SWTS), realizada pela Organização Internacional do Trabalho (OIT). A partir desses dados foram realizadas duas análises complementares. Uma primeira de compatibilização dos níveis de escolaridade dos países estudados com a classificação ISCED. Em seguida, foi analisada a mobilidade intergeracional na educação através de matrizes de transição para todos os cinco países da pesquisa e via medidas de elasticidade intergeracional (β) e de mobilidade intergeracional (1-β). Os resultados indicaram que houve um avanço no acesso básico no ensino primário, mas o acesso a esse nível ainda não é universalizado nesses países analisados. Apesar disso, ainda há uma barreira nos níveis iniciais de educação nos países analisados. Além disso, foi identificada uma probabilidade que varia de 40% (Colômbia) até 83% (República Dominicana) de o jovem concluir o ensino médio quando os pais também possuem esse nível educacional. E, por fim, percebe-se uma persistência intergeracional no nível de graduação também, confirmando a literatura no sentido que que a persistência intergeracional tende a ser mais fortes nos extremos

    Inverse Optimization for Routing Problems

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    We propose a method for learning decision-makers' behavior in routing problems using Inverse Optimization (IO). The IO framework falls into the supervised learning category and builds on the premise that the target behavior is an optimizer of an unknown cost function. This cost function is to be learned through historical data, and in the context of routing problems, can be interpreted as the routing preferences of the decision-makers. In this view, the main contributions of this study are to propose an IO methodology with a hypothesis function, loss function, and stochastic first-order algorithm tailored to routing problems. We further test our IO approach in the Amazon Last Mile Routing Research Challenge, where the goal is to learn models that replicate the routing preferences of human drivers, using thousands of real-world routing examples. Our final IO-learned routing model achieves a score that ranks 2nd compared with the 48 models that qualified for the final round of the challenge. Our results showcase the flexibility and real-world potential of the proposed IO methodology to learn from decision-makers' decisions in routing problems