1,059 research outputs found

    Case report of whole genome sequencing in the XY female: identification of a novel SRY mutation and revision of a misdiagnosis of androgen insensitivity syndrome

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    Background: The 46,XY female is characterised by a male karyotype and female phenotype arising due to any interruption in the sexual development pathways in utero. The cause is usually genetic and various genes are implicated. Case presentation: Herein we describe a 46,XY woman who was first diagnosed with androgen insensitivity syndrome (testicular feminisation) at 18 years; however, this was later questioned due to the presence of intact Müllerian structures. The clinical phenotype suggested several susceptibility genes including SRY, DHH, NR5A1, NR0B1, AR, AMH, and AMHR2. To study candidate genes simultaneously, we performed whole genome sequencing. This revealed a novel and likely pathogenic missense variant (p.Arg130Pro, c.389G>C) in SRY, one of the major genes implicated in complete gonadal dysgenesis, hence securing this condition over androgen insensitivity syndrome as the cause of the patient’s disorder of sexual development. Conclusion: This case highlights the emerging clinical utility of whole genome sequencing as a tool in differentiating disorders of sexual development.Sunita M. C. De Sousa, Karin S. Kassahn, Liam C. McIntyre, Chan-Eng Chong, Hamish S. Scott and David J. Torp

    Searching for Stability as we Age: The PCA-Biplot Approach

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    Principal component analysis (PCA) has been successfully applied to gait data; however, interpretation of the components is challenging. An alternative is to use a graphical display called biplot that gives insights into relationships and trends of data sets. Our goal was to demonstrate the sensitivity of gait variables to aging in elderly women with PCA-biplot. One hundred fifty-one elderly females (71.6±5.0 yrs), 152 adults (44.7±5.4 yrs) and 150 young (21.7±4.1 yrs) participated in the study. Gait spatial and temporal parameters were collected using a computerized carpet. PCA-biplot, discriminant analysis and MANOVA were used in the analysis. PCA-biplot revealed that elderly females walked with lower velocity, shorter step length, reduced swing time, higher cadence, and increased double support time compared to the other two groups. The greatest distances between the groups were along the variable step length with the elderly group showing a decrease of 8.4 cm in relation to the younger group. The discriminant function confirmed the importance of principal component 2 for group separation. Because principal component 2 was heavily weighted by step length and swing time, it represents a measure of stability. As women age they seek a more stable gait by decreasing step length, swing time, and velocity. PCA-biplot highlighted the importance of the variable step length in distinguishing between women of different age groups. It is well-known that as we age we seek a more stable gait. The PCA-biplot emphasized that premise and gave further important insights into relationships and trends of this complex data set

    Nanoscale surface domain formation on the +z face of lithium niobate by pulsed UV laser illumination

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    Single-crystal congruent lithium niobate samples have been illuminated on the +z crystal face by pulsed ultraviolet laser wavelengths below (248 nm) and around (298-329 nm) the absorption edge. Following exposure, etching with hydrofluoric acid reveals highly regular precise domain-like features of widths ~150-300 nm, exhibiting distinct three-fold symmetry. Examination of illuminated unetched areas by scanning force microscopy shows a corresponding contrast in piezoelectric response. These observations indicate the formation of nanoscale ferroelectric surface domains, whose depth has been measured via focused ion beam milling to be ~2 micron. We envisage this direct optical poling technique as a viable route to precision domain-engineered structures for waveguide and other surface applications

    Global well-posedness for a coupled modified kdv system

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    We prove the sharp global well-posedness result for the initial value problem (IVP) associated to the system of the modi ed Korteweg-de Vries (mKdV) equation. For the single mKdV equation such result has been obtained by using Mirura's Transform that takes the KdV equation to the mKdV equation [8]. We do not know the existence of Miura's Transform that takes a KdV system to the system we are considering. To overcome this di culty we developed a new proof of the sharp global well-posedness result for the single mKdV equation without using Miura's Transform. We could successfully apply this technique in the case of the mKdV system to obtain the desired result.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Assessment of hydropyrolysis as a method for the quantification of black carbon using standard reference materials

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    A wide selection of thermal, chemical and optical methods have been proposed for the quantification of black carbon (BC) in environmental matrices, and the results to date differ markedly depending upon the method used. A new approach is hydropyrolysis (hypy), where pyrolysis assisted by high hydrogen pressures (150 bar) facilitates the complete reductive removal of labile organic matter, so isolating a highly stable portion of the BC continuum (defined as BChypy). Here, the potential of hypy for the isolation and quantification of BC is evaluated using the 12 reference materials from the International BC Ring Trial, comprising BC-rich samples, BC-containing environmental matrices and BC-free potentially interfering materials. By varying the hypy operating conditions, it is demonstrated that lignocellulosic, humic and other labile organic carbon material (defined as non-BChypy) is fully removed by 550 °C, with hydrogasification of the remaining BChypy not commencing until over 575 °C. The resulting plateau in sample mass and carbon loss is apparent in all of the environmental samples, facilitating BC quantification in a wide range of materials. The BChypy contents for all 12 ring trial samples fall within the range reported in the BC inter-comparison study, and systematic differences with other methods are rationalised. All methods for BC isolation, including hypy are limited by the fact that BC cannot be distinguished from extremely thermally mature organic matter; for example in high rank coals. However, the data reported here indicates that BChypy has an atomic H/C ratio of less than 0.5 and therefore comprises a chemically well-defined polyaromatic structure in terms of the average size of peri-condensed aromatic clusters of >7 rings (24 carbon atoms), that is consistent across different sample matrices. This, together with the sound underlying rationale for the reductive removal of labile organic matter, makes hypy an ideal approach for matrix independent BC quantification. The hypy results are extremely reproducible, with BChypy determinations from triplicate analyses typically within ±2% across all samples, limited mainly by the precision of the elemental analyser

    The Revised TESS Input Catalog and Candidate Target List

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    We describe the catalogs assembled and the algorithms used to populate the revised TESS Input Catalog (TIC), based on the incorporation of the Gaia second data release. We also describe a revised ranking system for prioritizing stars for 2-minute cadence observations, and assemble a revised Candidate Target List (CTL) using that ranking. The TIC is available on the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST) server, and an enhanced CTL is available through the Filtergraph data visualization portal system at the URL http://filtergraph.vanderbilt.edu/tess_ctl.Comment: 30 pages, 16 figures, submitted to AAS Journals; provided to the community in advance of publication in conjunction with public release of the TIC/CTL on 28 May 201

    Test of a theoretical equation of state for elemental solids and liquids

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    We propose a means for constructing highly accurate equations of state (EOS) for elemental solids and liquids essentially from first principles, based upon a particular decomposition of the underlying condensed matter Hamiltonian for the nuclei and electrons. We also point out that at low pressures the neglect of anharmonic and electron-phonon terms, both contained in this formalism, results in errors of less than 5% in the thermal parts of the thermodynamic functions. Then we explicitly display the forms of the remaining terms in the EOS, commenting on the use of experiment and electronic structure theory to evaluate them. We also construct an EOS for Aluminum and compare the resulting Hugoniot with data up to 5 Mbar, both to illustrate our method and to see whether the approximation of neglecting anharmonicity et al. remains viable to such high pressures. We find a level of agreement with experiment that is consistent with the low-pressure results.Comment: Minor revisions for consistency with published versio

    On non-local variational problems with lack of compactness related to non-linear optics

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    We give a simple proof of existence of solutions of the dispersion manage- ment and diffraction management equations for zero average dispersion, respectively diffraction. These solutions are found as maximizers of non-linear and non-local vari- ational problems which are invariant under a large non-compact group. Our proof of existence of maximizer is rather direct and avoids the use of Lions' concentration compactness argument or Ekeland's variational principle.Comment: 30 page

    Choline and its metabolites are differently associated with cardiometabolic risk factors, history of cardiovascular disease, and MRI-documented cerebrovascular disease in older adults

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    Background: There is a potential role of choline in cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease through its involvement in lipid and one-carbon metabolism. Objective: We evaluated the associations of plasma choline and choline-related compounds with cardiometabolic risk factors, history of cardiovascular disease, and cerebrovascular pathology. Design: A cross-sectional subset of the Nutrition, Aging, and Memory in Elders cohort who had undergone MRI of the brain (n = 296; mean ± SD age: 73 ± 8.1 y) was assessed. Plasma concentrations of free choline, betaine, and phosphatidylcholine were measured with the use of liquid-chromatography-stable-isotope dilution-multiple-reaction monitoring-mass spectrometry. A volumetric analysis of MRI was used to determine the cerebrovascular pathology (white-matter hyperintensities and small-and large-vessel infarcts). Multiple linear and logistic regression models were used to examine relations of plasma measures with cardiometabolic risk factors, history of cardiovascular disease, and radiologic evidence of cerebrovascular pathology. Results: Higher concentrations of plasma choline were associated with an unfavorable cardiometabolic risk-factor profile [lower highdensity lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, higher total homocysteine, and higher body mass index (BMI)] and greater odds of large-vessel cerebral vascular disease or history of cardiovascular disease but lower odds of small-vessel cerebral vascular disease. Conversely, higher concentrations of plasma betaine were associated with a favorable cardiometabolic risk-factor profile [lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and triglycerides] and lower odds of diabetes. Higher concentrations of plasma phosphatidylcholine were associated with characteristics of both a favorable cardiometabolic risk-factor profile (higher HDL cholesterol, lower BMI, lower C-reactive protein, lower waist circumference, and lower odds of hypertension and diabetes) and an unfavorable profile (higher LDL cholesterol and triglycerides). Conclusion: Choline and its metabolites have differential associations with cardiometabolic risk factors and subtypes of vascular disease, thereby suggesting differing roles in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular and cerebral large-vessel disease compared with that of small-vessel disease

    A diagnostic PCR assay for the detection of an Australian epidemic strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    Background Chronic lung infection with the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa is one of the hallmarks of cystic fibrosis (CF) and is associated with worsening lung function, increased hospitalisation and reduced life expectancy. A virulent clonal strain of P. aeruginosa (Australian epidemic strain I; AES-I) has been found to be widespread in CF patients in eastern Australia. Methods Suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) was employed to identify genetic sequences that are present in the AES-I strain but absent from the sequenced reference strain PAO1. We used PCR to evaluate the distribution of several of the AES-I loci amongst a collection of 188 P. aeruginosa isolates which was comprised of 35 AES-I isolates (as determined by PFGE), 78 non-AES-I CF isolates including other epidemic CF strains as well as 69 P. aeruginosa isolates from other clinical and environmental sources. Results We have identified a unique AES-I genetic locus that is present in all 35 AES-I isolates tested and not present in any of the other 153 P. aeruginosa strains examined. We have used this unique AES-I locus to develop a diagnostic PCR and a real-time PCR assay to detect the presence of P. aeruginosa and AES-I in patient sputum samples