1,227 research outputs found

    A hydrogel system based on a lactose-modified chitosan for viscosupplementation in osteoarthritis

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    Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic disease affecting joint functionality and often managed with hyaluronic acid (HA) administration. In this study, a hydrogel based on a lactose-modified chitosan (CTL) reticulated with boric acid has been developed as a viscosupplement for OA treatment. The rheological characterization allowed to identify a composition whose properties were in line with those of commercial products (in the order of tens of Pascal). The selected CTL-hydrogel showed biocompatibility and antioxidant activity in vitro, and it did not influence cytokines release by macrophages. Degradation studies carried out over 24 h pointed out its higher resistance to chemical degradation with respect to HA samples. Overall, this study underlines the advantages of the CTL-hydrogel to address the treatment of OA and shed light on an innovative application of CTL polymer, which is one of the main component of the proposed hydrogel system and not used in mixture with other molecules

    HERV‐K(HML7) integrations in the human genome: Comprehensive characterization and comparative analysis in non‐human primates

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    Endogenous Retroviruses (ERVs) are ancient relics of infections that affected the primate germ line and constitute about 8% of our genome. Growing evidence indicates that ERVs had a major role in vertebrate evolution, being occasionally domesticated by the host physiology. In ad-dition, human ERV (HERV) expression is highly investigated for a possible pathological role, even if no clear associations have been reported yet. In fact, on the one side, the study of HERV expression in high‐throughput data is a powerful and promising tool to assess their actual dysregulation in diseased conditions; but, on the other side, the poor knowledge about the various HERV group genomic diversity and individual members somehow prevented the association between specific HERV loci and a given molecular mechanism of pathogenesis. The present study is focused on the HERV‐K(HML7) group that—differently from the other HERV‐K members—still remains poorly characterized. Starting from an initial identification performed with the software RetroTector, we collected 23 HML7 proviral insertions and about 160 HML7 solitary LTRs that were analyzed in terms of genomic distribution, revealing a significant enrichment in chromosome X and the frequent localization within human gene introns as well as in pericentromeric and centromeric regions. Phy-logenetic analyses showed that HML7 members form a monophyletic group, which based on age estimation and comparative localization in non‐human primates had its major diffusion between 20 and 30 million years ago. Structural characterization revealed that besides 3 complete HML7 pro-viruses, the other group members shared a highly defective structure that, however, still presents recognizable functional domains, making it worth further investigation in the human population to assess the presence of residual coding potential

    Evidences on overweight of regular blood donors in a center of Southern Italy

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    Objective: Smoking, unhealthy diet and obesity, sedentary behavior and inability to maintain adequate exercise have significant consequences for several chronic disorders. Blood centers can play a public health role in obesity surveillance and interventions. The purpose study was to evaluate the health status of the blood donors by monitoring the nutritional habits and lifestyle. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional face-to-face questionnaire was developed. It included a 41 item dietary assessment, reporting semi-quantitative food frequency, dietary behavior and questions on self-rated health status. Donors were regular repeat blood donors, eligible to donate. Results: Of the 2468 blood donors enrolled between July 2017 and January 2018, 1390 were repeat donors. Only 205 agreed to respond to the questionnaire. Data showed that donors followed mainly a Mediterranean diet and had more awareness to lifestyle, women more than men, in comparison with general population. The prevalence of overweight was found 50.7% in men and 16.9% in women. Conclusions: Overweight and obesity are common among regular blood donors and it is more frequent in men than women. The female blood donors seem to be characterized by better knowledge on the relationship between lifestyle and health, and by a better “putting into practice” of the information possessed

    Results of patch-grafting of tissue infected by ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma pyri’ or by ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma prunorum’, respectively on pear and apricot plants cultivated in pot

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    Molecular analyses carried out either on the pear varieties ‘Conference’, ‘Comice’ and ‘William’ grafted on different rootstocks or on sixty-eight apricot varieties grafted on Myrobalan, showed the susceptibility of the tested combinations to 'Candidatus Phytoplasma pyri', transmitted by Cacopsylla pyri, and to 'Candidatus Phytoplasma prunorum', transmitted by Empoasca decedens, respectively. In order to find pear and/or apricot combinations immune to the associated Phytoplasma, several varieties grafted on new rootstock were tested in the period 2002-2008. 68 pear plants belonging to seven variety/rootstock combinations and 76 apricot plants belonging to seven combinations, all cultivated in pot, in greenhouse covered by anti-aphid tissue, were grafted with patches of infected tissues containing the specific phytoplasmas. Young healthy potted plants belonging to the pear combination ‘Comice’/P. communis and to the apricot combination ‘Palummella’/Myrobalan, both susceptible in open field to the associated phytoplasmas transmitted by the specific vectors, were also used and patch-grafted. Molecular analyses, carried out on nucleic acids extracted from leaf samples, to detect the presence of the pathogens, showed the pear variety ‘William’ grafted on Pyrus betulaefolia to be susceptible to 'Candidatus Phytoplasma pyri’. Neither the pear combination ‘Comice’/P. communis nor the apricot ‘Palummella’/Myrobalan 29 C, susceptible, in open field, to the associated phytoplasmas, became infected after patchgrafting under greenhouse conditions. Thus the results show that patch-grafting cannot be utilized in young potted plants for artificial transmission of these two phytoplasmas.Keywords: Phytoplasmas, source of immunity, variety/rootstock combination, molecular tests, insect proof green-hous

    Headspace Volatile Composition of the Flowers of Caralluma europaea N.E.Br. (Apocynaceae)

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    The volatile constituents of the flowers of Caralluma (Apteranthes) europaea (Guss.) N.E. Br. (Apocynaceae - Asclepiadoideae) from Lampedusa Island were analyzed by headspace method. The analyses allowed the identification and quantification of 41 compounds. The main components were, among the monoterpenoids, terpinolene (23.3%), a-terpinene (19.1%) and linalool (18.4%), whereas, among the carbonylic compounds the major constituents were heptanal (2.0%), octanoic acid (2.4%) and hexanoic acid (1.7%). It is worth to mention the presence of a nitrogen containing compound, indole (0.8%) and of a sulphur containing compound, dimethylsulphide (t). The compounds found in the flowers of C. europea have been compared with data available in the literature as regard to their odor, presence in other sapromyiophilous taxa, possible role as semiochemicals, and presence in decaying organ matter. 89.3% of total constituents have been described in other sapromyiophilous taxa. Some of the compounds are present in several type of decaying organic matter (excrements, body in decomposition, and spoiled fish, etc). Several volatiles found in C. europea flowers are used as semiochemicals in Hymenoptera, Coleoptera, Diptera, Lepidoptera and other insects. Sixteen volatiles, accounting for 32.4% of the total constituents, are described as attractants of some Diptera families with a biology linked to decaying organic matters. Our data thus confirm that C. europea floral bouquet falls within the sapromyiophilous pollination syndrome

    Metabolic Alterations in Obstructive Jaundice: Effect of Duration of Jaundice and Bile-Duct Decompression

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    We examined the effect of prolonged bile duct obstruction, and subsequent biliary decompression, on biochemical and metabolic parameters, using a reversible jaundice model in male Fischer 344 rats. The animals were studied after biliary obstruction for varying periods (4 days, one week, and two weeks) and following decompression. They were sacrificed one or two weeks following decompression. All the rats were compared to sham operated, pair-fed, controls. Obstructive jaundice rapidly increased bilirubin, liver enzymes, serum free fatty acid, and triglyceride levels. Glucose levels were significantly decreased in the jaundice rats compared to their pair-fed controls. Only after two weeks of jaundice was significant hypoalbuminemia observed. Following decompression, all biochemical and metabolic values gradually returned to normal levels, except for albumin. Hypoalbuminemia was not reversed within the two-week post-decompression period. The rats jaundiced for two weeks had significantly higher mortality, compared to the other groups. We conclude that prolonged jaundice adversely affects the metabolic capacity of the rats, with albumin concentration being markedly decreased, and that biliary decompression could not reverse completely all the alterations seen with cholestasis, especially following two weeks of bile duct obstruction

    Evaluation of corneal distortion characteristics in different eyes using Scheimpflug camera device

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    Objective. To study the correlations between corneal distortion and morphological features in different kinds of eyes such as healthy ones (HE), ones previously undergone myopic PRK (PRKE), ones affected by keratoconus (KCE) and keratoconus eyes previously undergone corneal collagen crosslinking (CCCE). Materials and Methods. In this retrospective comparative study, a total of 106 HE of 106 patients, 58 PRKE of 58 patients, 33 KCE of 33 patients, 28 CCCE of 28 patients were included. A complete examination of all eyes was followed by tomographic (Pentacam, Oculus, Wetzlar, Germany) and biomechanical (Corvis ST, Oculus, Wetzlar, Germany) evaluation. Differences among Corvis ST (CST) parameters in the different groups have been analyzed. Linear regressions between central corneal thickness (CCT), intraocular pressure (IOP) and anterior corneal curvature measured with Simulated Keratometry (SK), versus corneal deformation parameters measured with Corvis ST in the different groups, have been run using SPSS software version 18.0. Results, HE showed a significant correlation between main curvature power of the cornea within the central 3 mm expressed in Diopters (KM) and 6 CST parameters; between CCT and 4 CST parameters and between IOP and 5 CST parameters. PRKE showed a significant correlation between KM and 3 CST parameters; between IOP and 4 CST parameters and none between CCT and CST parameters. KCE showed a significant correlation between SK and 3 CST parameters; between IOP and 3 CST parameters and none between CCT and CST parameters. CCCE showed a significant correlation between KM and 5 CST parameters; between CCT and 1 CST parameters and between IOP and 5 CST parameters. Discussion. Data of this study suggest that both corneal curvature and IOP could have a greater influence on the corneal deformation, compared to central corneal thickness (CCT). These results should be taken into account by further studies aiming to assess biomechanical corneal characteristics

    MedNet status report

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    MedNet is a network of very broadband seismic stations installed in countries bordering the Mediterranean area. The project started in 1987, with a final goal of 12-15 stations and a spacing of about 1000 km between stations. It was motivated both by research interest and by seismic hazard monitoring. The network presently comprises 23 operating stations, all of them equipped with state of the art seismographic stations. Presently, fully automatic network functions include: - daily monitoring of state of health; - data recover after link failures; - triggered retrieval of event waveforms; - update of web pages (http://mednet.ingv.it) for events and station information.PublishedS. Fernando (SPAIN)1.1. TTC - Monitoraggio sismico del territorio nazionaleope
