19 research outputs found

    Infrasonic Gliding Reflects a Rising Magma Column at Mount Etna (Italy)

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    Infrasound is increasing applied as a tool to investigate magma dynamics at active volcanoes, especially at open-vent volcanoes, such as Mt. Etna (Italy), which are prodigious sources of infrasound. Harmonic infrasound signals have been used to constrain crater dimensions and track the movement of magma within the shallow plumbing system. This study interprets the remarkable systematic change in monotonic infrasound signals preceding a lava fountaining episode at Mt. Etna on 20 February 2021. We model the changing tones (0.7 to 3 Hz fundamental frequency) as a rise in the magma column from 172 ± 25 m below the crater rim to 78 ± 8 m over the course of 24 h. The infrasonic gliding disappears approximately 4 h before the onset of lava fountaining as the magma column approaches the flare of the crater and acoustic resonance is no longer supported. The featured 20 February event was just one of 52 lava fountain episodes that occurred at Mt. Etna over the course of 9 months in 2021 and was the only lava fountain episode where dramatic gliding was observed as a subsequent partial collapse of the crater prevented future resonance. The results presented here demonstrate that analysis of infrasonic gliding can be used to track the position of the magma free surface and hence may provide information on the processes taking place within the plumbing system before eruptive activity

    A Hidden Eruption: The 21 May 2023 Paroxysm of the Etna Volcano (Italy)

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    On 21 May 2023, a hidden eruption occurred at the Southeast Crater (SEC) of Etna (Italy); indeed, bad weather prevented its direct and remote observation. Tephra fell toward the southwest, and two lava flows propagated along the SEC’s southern and eastern flanks. The monitoring system of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia testified to its occurrence. We analyzed the seismic and infrasound signals to constrain the temporal evolution of the fountain, which lasted about 5 h. We finally reached Etna’s summit two weeks later and found an unexpected pyroclastic density current (PDC) deposit covering the southern lava flow at its middle portion. We performed unoccupied aerial system and field surveys to reconstruct in 3D the SEC, lava flows, and PDC deposits and to collect some samples. The data allowed for detailed mapping, quantification, and characterization of the products. The resulting lava flows and PDC deposit volumes were (1.54 ± 0.47) × 106 m3 and (1.30 ± 0.26) × 105 m3, respectively. We also analyzed ground-radar and satellite data to evaluate that the plume height ranges between 10 and 15 km. This work is a comprehensive analysis of the fieldwork, UAS, volcanic tremor, infrasound, radar, and satellite data. Our results increase awareness of the volcanic activity and potential dangers for visitors to Etna’s summit area

    The Influence of Volcano Topographic Changes on Infrasound Amplitude: Lava Fountains at Mt. Etna in 2021

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    Infrasound signals are used to investigate and monitor active volcanoes during eruptive and degassing activity. Infrasound amplitude information has been used to estimate eruptive parameters such as plume height, magma discharge rate, and lava fountain height. Active volcanoes are characterized by pronounced topography and, during eruptive activity, the topography can change rapidly, affecting the observed infrasound amplitudes. While the interaction of infrasonic signals with topography has been widely investigated over the past decade, there has been limited work on the impact of changing topography on the infrasonic amplitudes. In this work, the infrasonic signals accompanying 57 lava fountain paroxysms at Mt. Etna (Italy) during 2021 were analyzed. In particular, the temporal and spatial variations of the infrasound amplitudes were investigated. During 2021, significant changes in the topography around the most active crater (the South East Crater) took place and were reconstructed in detail using high resolution imagery from unoccupied aerial system surveys. Through analysis of the observed infrasound signals and numerical simulations of the acoustic wavefield, we demonstrate that the observed spatial and temporal variation in the infrasound signal amplitudes can largely be explained by the combined effects of changes in the location of the acoustic source and changes in the near-vent topography, together with source acoustic amplitude variations. This work demonstrates the importance of accurate source locations and high-resolution topographic information, particularly in the near-vent region where the topography is most likely to change rapidly and illustrates that changing topography should be considered when interpreting local infrasound observations over long time scales

    Multiparametric approach to unravel the mechanism of Strombolian activity at a multivent system: Mt. Etna case study

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    On 5th July 2014 an eruptive fissure (hereafter referred to as EF) opened at the base of North-East Crater (NEC) of Mt. Etna. EF produced both Strombolian explosions and lava effusion. Thanks to the multiparametric experiment planned in the framework of MEDSUV project, we had the chance to acquire geophysical and volcanological data, in order to investigate the ongoing volcanic activity at EF. Temporary instruments (2 broadband seismometers, 2 microphones, 3-microphone arrays, a high-speed video camera and a thermal-camera) were deployed near the active vents during 15-16 July 2014 and were integrated with the data recorded by the permanent networks. Several kinds of studies are currently in progress, such as: frequency analysis by Fourier Transform and Short Time Fourier Transform to evaluate the spectral content of both seismic and acoustic signals; partitioning of seismic and acoustic energies, whose time variations could reflect changes in the volcanic dynamics; investigation on the intertimes between explosions to investigate their recurrence behaviour; classification of the waveforms, of infrasound events. Furthermore, joint analysis of video signals and seismic-acoustic wavefields outlined relationships between pyroclasts ejection velocity, total erupted mass, peak explosion pressure, and air-ground motion coupling. This multiparametric approach allowed distinguishing and characterizing individually the behavior of the two vents active along the eruptive fissure via their thermal, visible and infrasonic signatures and shed light in the eruptive dynamics.UnpublishedVienna (Austria)5V. Processi eruttivi e post-eruttiv

    Time-series analysis of fissure-fed multi-vent activity: a snapshot from the July 2014 eruption of Etna volcano (Italy)

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    The April to May 2010 eruption of Eyjafjallajökull (Iceland) volcano was characterized by a large compositional variability of erupted products. To contribute to the understanding of the plumbing system dynamics of this volcano, we present new EMPA and LA-ICP-MS data on groundmass glasses of ash particles and minerals erupted between April 15 and 22. The occurrence of disequilibrium textures in minerals, such as resorption and inverse zoning, indicate that open system processes were involved in determining the observed compositional variability. The variation of major and trace element data of glasses corroborates this hypothesis indicating that mixing between magma batches with different compositions interacted throughout the whole duration of the eruption. In particular, the arrival of new basaltic magma into the plumbing system of the volcano destabilized and remobilized magma batches of trachyandesite and rhyolite compositions that, according to geophysical data, might have intruded as sills over the past 20 years beneath the Eyjafjallajökull edifice. Two mixing processes are envisaged to explain the time variation of the compositions recorded by the erupted tephra. The first occurred between basaltic and trachyandesitic end-members. The second occurred between trachyandesite and rhyolites. Least-squares modeling of major elements supports this hypothesis. Furthermore, investi- gation of compositional histograms of trace elements allows us to estimate the initial proportions of melts that interacted to generate the compositional variability triggered by mixing of trachyandesites and rhyolites.Published515V. Dinamica dei processi eruttivi e post-eruttiviJCR Journa

    Seismo-acoustic analysis at MT. Etna

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    The success in eruption forecasting needs the knowledge of the eruptive processes and the plumbing system of the volcano. Indeed, the eruptive styles are controlled by the interplay between magma dynamics and the plumbing system. In multi-vent volcanoes, such as Mt. Etna, where volcanic activity can rapidly vary over time and be simultaneously at the different craters, the shallow plumbing system is quite complex. For forecasting purposes, volcano monitoring measures many geophysical parameters and interprets sub-aerial volcanic phenomena. Lots of volcanic processes occur at or near the boundary between the earth and the atmosphere, thus, beside seismic signal, acoustic waves mainly in the range of infrasound are generated. In particular, infrasound activity is usually evidence of open conduit conditions and its quantification can provide information on explosive phenomena and source mechanism. A more comprehensive knowledge of the source mechanism, as well as of the source depth into the conduit, can be achieved by exploring seismo-acoustic sources, exciting mechanical waves both in the volcano edifice and in the atmosphere. The aim of the thesis is to look closely at the eruption dynamics at Mt. Etna, with a focus on explosive activity, and at the shallow plumbing system by means of analysis of infrasound and seismo-acoustic signals

    Klassifizierung von Infraschallsignalen am Ă„tna mithilfe von Mustererkennungsverfahren

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    The ongoing activity of Mount Etna and the proximity to the nearby population requires constant monitoring. Infrasound recordings play an important role in volcanic observation because explosive activity near or above ground as well as shallow tremor processes are easier to identify with airborne sound waves than with seismic waves that are significantly scattered and refracted in the volcano edifice. However, infrasound signals are often blurred by noise, in case of Mount Etna, mostly wind induced noise. manual distinction of noisy data from real volcanogenic signals brings along a considerable effort and requires expert knowledge. At Mount Etna five summit craters are currently known with fluctuating levels of activity. This leads to a wide variety of infrasound signal patterns interfered by changing noise levels. In order to distinguish waveforms of noise from signals of volcanic origin we apply unsupervised pattern recognition techniques. We show that by extracting features from the amplitude spectrum different infrasound regimes can be distinguished with Self-Organizing maps (SOMs). This technique provides an option to color-code the results for an intuitive interpretation and allows even for a more detailed recognition of transitional activity regimes. We create a reference data set from multiple months of infrasound waveforms to include as many activity regimes as possible to train the SOM. This enables a fast classification of new data.poste

    An Integrated Geophysical Approach to Track Magma Intrusion: The 2018 Christmas Eve Eruption at Mount Etna

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    On 24 December 2018, a violent eruption started at Mount Etna from a fissure on the southeastern flank. The intrusive phenomenon, accompanied by intense Strombolian and lava fountain activity, an ash-rich plume, and lava flows, was marked by significant ground deformation and seismicity. In this work, we show how an integrated investigation combining high-rate GPS data, volcano-tectonic earthquakes, volcanic tremor, infrasound tremor, and infrasound events allows tracking the magma intrusion phenomenon spatially and temporally with unprecedented resolution. Moreover, it enabled showing how the central magma column lowered as a response to the flank eruption and to constrain the zone of interaction between the dike and the central plumbing system at a depth of 2–4 km below sea level. This is important for understanding flank and summit interaction, suggesting that explosive summit activity may in some cases be driven by lateral dike intrusions.Published8009-80175V. Processi eruttivi e post-eruttiviJCR Journa