86 research outputs found

    An approach for estimating measurement uncertainty in medical laboratories using data from long-term quality control and external quality assessment schemes

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    The present study was prompted by the ISO 15189 requirements that medical laboratories should estimate measurement uncertainty (MU)

    Harmonization of pre-analytical quality indicators

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    Quality indicators (QIs) measure the extent to which set targets are attained and provide a quantitative basis for achieving improvement in care and, in particular, laboratory services. A body of evidence collected in recent years has demonstrated that most errors fall outside the analytical phase, while the pre- and post-analytical steps have been found to be more vulnerable to the risk of error. However, the current lack of attention to extra‑laboratory factors and related QIs prevent clinical laboratories from effectively improving total quality and reducing errors. Errors in the pre-analytical phase, which account for 50% to 75% of all laboratory errors, have long been included in the ‘identification and sample problems’ category. However, according to the International Standard for medical laboratory accreditation and a patient-centered view, some additional QIs are needed. In particular, there is a need to measure the appropriateness of all test request and request forms, as well as the quality of sample transportation. The QIs model developed by a working group of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC) is a valuable starting point for promoting the harmonization of available QIs, but further efforts should be made to achieve a consensus on the road map for harmonization

    The role of the External Quality Assessment

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    External Quality Assessment (EQA) and Proficiency Testing (PT) are valuable tools in the quality improvement process. They provide objective evidence of laboratory competence for customers, accrediting bodies, and regulatory agencies, and serve as a unique source of information that is not obtainable in other ways. Traditional EQA/PT schemes tend to address only the analytical process (examination procedures), but some innovative schemes have been recently introduced to evaluate both pre- and post-analytical activities of the medical laboratory. The most important considerations in selecting an EQA/PT program include the evidence that: (i) samples are commutable (i.e. they behave like patient samples), (ii) reference values are traceable, (iii) method comparability with available peer groups is allowable, (iv) the size of peer group is statistically appropriate, and (v) both the timeliness and the usefulness of reports is granted. Careful evaluation of a single EQA/PT result should be coupled with active tracking of all results over time, and monitoring performances represent a challenging issue for medical laboratories. It is also important to consider that every EQA/PT scheme presents some limitations and that it is not appropriate to use EQA/PT as the sole means for evaluating laboratory quality. Therefore, there is the need to underline that internal quality control (IQC), EQA/PT and other tools have to be implemented and used to monitor and improve the quality in laboratory diagnostics

    Verification of examination procedures in clinical laboratory for imprecision, trueness and diagnostic accuracy according to ISO 15189:2012: a pragmatic approach

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    Background The International Standard ISO 15189 is recognized as a valuable guide in ensuring high quality clinical laboratory services and promoting the harmonization of accreditation programmes in laboratory medicine. Examination procedures must be verified in order to guarantee that their performance characteristics are congruent with the intended scope of the test. The aim of the present study was to propose a practice model for implementing procedures employed for the verification of validated examination procedures already used for at least 2 years in our laboratory, in agreement with the ISO 15189 requirement at the Section Methods In order to identify the operative procedure to be used, approved documents were identified, together with the definition of performance characteristics to be evaluated for the different methods; the examination procedures used in laboratory were analyzed and checked for performance specifications reported by manufacturers. Then, operative flow charts were identified to compare the laboratory performance characteristics with those declared by manufacturers. Results The choice of performance characteristics for verification was based on approved documents used as guidance, and the specific purpose tests undertaken, a consideration being made of: imprecision and trueness for quantitative methods; diagnostic accuracy for qualitative methods; imprecision together with diagnostic accuracy for semi-quantitative methods. Conclusions The described approach, balancing technological possibilities, risks and costs and assuring the compliance of the fundamental component of result accuracy, appears promising as an easily applicable and flexible procedure helping laboratories to comply with the ISO 15189 requirements

    Performance criteria and quality indicators for the post-analytical phase

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    Background: Quality indicators (QIs) used as performance measurements are an effective tool in accurately estimating quality, identifying problems that may need to be addressed, and monitoring the processes over time. In Laboratory Medicine, QIs should cover all steps of the testing process, as error studies have confirmed that most errors occur in the pre- and post-analytical phase of testing. Aim of the present study is to provide preliminary results on QIs and related performance criteria in the post-analytical phase. Methods: This work was conducted according to a previously described study design based on the voluntary -participation of clinical laboratories in the project on QIs of the Working Group "Laboratory Errors and Patient Safety" (WG-LEPS) of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC). Results: Overall, data collected highlighted an improvement or stability in performances over time for all reported indicators thus demonstrating that the use of QIs is-effective in the quality improvement strategy. Moreover, QIs data are an important source for defining the state-of- the-art concerning the error rate in the total testing process. The definition of performance specifications based on the state-of-the-art, as suggested by consensus documents, is a valuable benchmark point in evaluating the performance of each laboratory. Conclusions: Laboratory tests play a relevant role in the monitoring and evaluation of the efficacy of patient outcome thus assisting clinicians in decision-making. Laboratory performance evaluation is therefore crucial to providing patients with safe, effective and efficient care

    Defining a roadmap for harmonizing quality indicators in Laboratory Medicine: A consensus statement on behalf of the IFCC Working Group "laboratory Error and Patient Safety" and EFLM Task and Finish Group "performance specifications for the extra-analytical phases"

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    The improving quality of laboratory testing requires a deep understanding of the many vulnerable steps involved in the total examination process (TEP), along with the identification of a hierarchy of risks and challenges that need to be addressed. From this perspective, the Working Group \u201cLaboratory Errors and Patient Safety\u201d (WG-LEPS) of International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC) is focusing its activity on implementation of an efficient tool for obtaining meaningful information on the risk of errors developing throughout the TEP, and for establishing reliable information about error frequencies and their distribution. More recently, the European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM) has created the Task and Finish Group \u201cPerformance specifications for the extraanalytical phases\u201d (TFG-PSEP) for defining performance specifications for extra-analytical phases. Both the IFCC and EFLM groups are working to provide laboratories with a system to evaluate their performances and recognize the critical aspects where improvement actions are needed. A Consensus Conference was organized in Padova, Italy, in 2016 in order to bring together all the experts and interested parties to achieve a consensus for effective harmonization of quality indicators (QIs). A general agreement was achieved and the main outcomes have been the release of a new version of model of quality indicators (MQI), the approval of a criterion for establishing performance specifications and the definition of the type of information that should be provided within the report to the clinical laboratories participating to the QIs project

    Defining a roadmap for harmonizing quality indicators in Laboratory Medicine: A consensus statement on behalf of the IFCC Working Group "laboratory Error and Patient Safety" and EFLM Task and Finish Group "performance specifications for the extra-analytical phases"

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    The improving quality of laboratory testing requires a deep understanding of the many vulnerable steps involved in the total examination process (TEP), along with the identification of a hierarchy of risks and challenges that need to be addressed. From this perspective, the Working Group “Laboratory Errors and Patient Safety” (WG-LEPS) of International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC) is focusing its activity on implementation of an efficient tool for obtaining meaningful information on the risk of errors developing throughout the TEP, and for establishing reliable information about error frequencies and their distribution. More recently, the European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM) has created the Task and Finish Group “Performance specifications for the extraanalytical phases” (TFG-PSEP) for defining performance specifications for extra-analytical phases. Both the IFCC and EFLM groups are working to provide laboratories with a system to evaluate their performances and recognize the critical aspects where improvement actions are needed. A Consensus Conference was organized in Padova, Italy, in 2016 in order to bring together all the experts and interested parties to achieve a consensus for effective harmonization of quality indicators (QIs). A general agreement was achieved and the main outcomes have been the release of a new version of model of quality indicators (MQI), the approval of a criterion for establishing performance specifications and the definition of the type of information that should be provided within the report to the clinical laboratories participating to the QIs project

    Multicentre comparison of BNP andNT-proBNP immunoassays: the CardioOrmocheck study

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    The present study demonstrates that there are marked differences in analytical characteristics and clinical results among the most popular commercial methods for BNP and NT-proBNP assay. As a result, clinicians should give great care to compare results obtained by different laboratories, expecially when different methods are used. Furthermore, our findings confirm that it is necessary a better standardization of immunoassay methods, expecially for BNP assay.Non disponibil

    Use of high-sensitivity cardiac troponins in the emergency department for the early rule-in and rule-out of acute myocardial infarction without persistent ST-segment elevation (NSTEMI) in Italy

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    : Serial measurements of cardiac troponin are recommended by international guidelines to diagnose myocardial infarction (MI) since 2000. However, some relevant differences exist between the three different international guidelines published between 2020 and 2021 for the management of patients with chest pain and no ST-segment elevation. In particular, there is no agreement on the cut-offs or absolute change values to diagnose non-ST-segment elevation MI (NSTEMI). Other controversial issues concern the diagnostic accuracy and cost-effectiveness of cut-off values for the most rapid algorithms (0 h/1 h or 0 h/2 h) to rule-in and rule-out NSTEMI. Finally, another important point is the possible differences between demographic and clinical characteristics of patients enrolled in multicenter trials compared to those routinely admitted to the Emergency Department in Italy. The Study Group of Cardiac Biomarkers, supported by the Italian Scientific Societies Società Italiana di Biochimica Clinica, Italian Society of the European Ligand Assay Society, and Società Italiana di Patolgia Clinica e Medicina di Laboratorio decided to revise the document previously published in 2013 about the management of patients with suspected NSTEMI, and to provide some suggestions for the use of these biomarkers in clinical practice, with a particular focus on the Italian setting
