1,093 research outputs found

    Task Specific Uncertainty in Coordinate Measurement

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    Task specific uncertainty is the measurement uncertainty associated with the measurement of a specific feature using a specific measurement plan. This paper surveys techniques developed to model and estimate task specific uncertainty for coordinate measuring systems, primarily coordinate measuring machines using contacting probes. Sources of uncertainty are also reviewed

    Inertia compensation while scanning screw threads on coordinate-measuring machines

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    Usage of scanning coordinate-measuring machines for inspection of screw threads has become a common practice nowadays. Compared to touch trigger probing, scanning capabilities allow to speed up measuring process while still maintaining high accuracy. However, in some cases accuracy drasticaly depends on the scanning speed. In this paper a compensation method is proposed allowing to reduce the influence of some dynamic effects while scanning screw threads on coordinate-measuring machines

    Terminal Differentiation of Human Fibroblasts is Induced by Radiation

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    In order to analyze the effect of various kinds of radiation on the terminal differentiation processes of fibroblasts in culture, both human skin and lung fibroblasts were irradiated with electromagnetic non ionizing as well as ionizing radiation in clonal and sparse mass culture systems. As analyzed by cell biological (cell type frequencies), biochemical (collagen synthesis) and molecular markers (expression of protein PIVa) human skin and lung fibroblasts are induced to differentiate prematurely into terminal postmitotic cells. Thus, both electromagnetic and ionizing radiation induce terminal differentiation in cultured cells. These data add some new aspects for the interpretation of radiation effects on cells, e.g., in clinical therapy, as well as for the development of normal tissue responses during early and late effects after radiotherapy

    Can natural flavorings enhance the flavor of low-fat ground beef?

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    Natural flavorings were evaluated for use in low-fat ground beef, which frequently lacks flavor intensity. Three lean sources, A-maturity (young), E-maturity (mature cow), and imported (cow) beef round muscles, were used to formulate 7% and 25% fat ground beef. A-maturity fat was added to adjust fat levels. Controls (no added flavors) were prepared for each lean source. No additives were used in 25% fat controls, but 7% fat controls contained water (10%), carrageenan (.5%), and encapsulated salt (.38%). Four natural flavorings; Dried Cream Extract (DCE, Cumberland Packing Co., Inc.); Natural Prime Beef Base WONF #224545 and #224546 (224545, 224546, Tastemaker); and Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein (HVP, A.C. Legg, Inc.) were added to 7% fat ground beef at recommended levels. A- and E-maturity domestic 25% fat controls were scored higher (P\u3c.05) for ground beef flavor intensity and lower (P\u3c.05) for off-flavors than 25% fat patties from imported beef. The 7% fat patties from imported lean had greater (P\u3c.05) beef flavor intensity and reduced off-flavors (P\u3c.05) when flavorings 224545, 224546, and HVP were added. These flavorings also enhanced the beef flavor intensity of low-fat patties from A-maturity lean to a level similar to that of the 25% fat control. Beef flavor intensity after a 60-min holding period was not enhanced by the natural flavorings, except when 224546 was added to E-maturity domestic lean. Therefore, the natural flavorings were most beneficial with imported lean

    Analysis to Action: A Guidebook For Conflict-Sensitive USAID Programming in Africa

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    Розслідування та облік нещасних випадків і аварій на виробництві. Методичні вказівки до самостійної роботи та практичних занять для студентів усіх спеціальностей та форм навчання

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    Розглянуто порядок розслідування та обліку нещасних випадків і аварій, що сталися на виробництві. Наведено обставини, за яких нещасний випадок визнається пов’язаним з виробництвом, основні форми матеріалів розслідування, пояснення щодо їх заповнення, порядок виконання роботи та зміст звіту, перелік контрольних питань та нормативно-правових актів

    Solar neutrino-electron scattering as background limitation for double beta decay

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    The background on double beta decay searches due to elastic electron scattering of solar neutrinos of all double beta emitters with Q-value larger than 2 MeV is calculated, taking into account survival probability and flux uncertainties of solar neutrinos. This work determines the background level to be [1-2]E-7 counts /keV/kg/yr, depending on the precise Q-value of the double beta emitter. It is also shown that the background level increases dramatically if going to lower Q-values. Furthermore, studies are done for various detector systems under consideration for next generation experiments. It was found that experiments based on loaded liquid scintillator have to expect a higher background. Within the given nuclear matrix element uncertainties any approach exploring the normal hierarchy has to face this irreducible background, which is a limitation on the minimal achievable background for purely calorimetric approaches. Large scale liquid scintillator experiments might encounter this problem already while exploring the inverted hierarchy. Potential caveats by using more sophisticated experimental setups are also discussed