82 research outputs found

    Mechanical and SEM analysis of artificial comet nucleus samples

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    Since 1987 experiments dealing with comet nucleus phenomena have been carried out in the DFVLR space simulation chambers. The main objective of these experiments is a better understanding of thermal behavior, surface phenomena and especially the gas dust interaction. As a function of different sample compositions and exposure to solar irradiation (xenon-bulbs) crusts of different hardness and thickness were measured. The measuring device consists of a motor driven pressure foot (5 mm diameter), which is pressed into the sample. The applied compressive force is electronically monitored. The microstructure of the crust and dust residuals is investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques. Stress-depth profiles of an unirradiated and an irradiated model comet are given

    VUV-visible measurements on different samples of amorphous carbon

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    Among various candidate materials for interstellar dust, amorphous carbon (AC) is playing an increasingly important role (Greenstein, 1981; Hecht et al., 1984; Jura, 1983, 1986). Furthermore, recent in situ measurements have clearly shown the presence of carbonaceous grains in the coma of comet Halley (Kissel et al., 1986). Laboratory investigations on AC grains may be very useful to better interpret observations and to support theoretical elaborations. Recently, the authors started an international research program which also includes UV extinction analyses on AC samples, by using synchrotron light. Preliminary results obtained in a first shift of measurements, last June, are given. At the present stage of the data analysis, the authors can only draw some preliminary considerations. A wide band falling at around 240 nm is detected in all the analyzed samples. It intensity seems to decrease with increasing the dust collecting distance. A peak at 150 nm decreases in intensity with increasing the collecting distance. The band seems absent in the samples characterized by a larger amount of dust. A feature at about 200 nm is detected in some samples. At the moment the authors tend to attribute it to the transmission properties of the LiF substrates at the wavelength and/or to some problems in the experimental setup. It is unclear if a hump at 120 nm is real or due to instrumental effects. The profile of the spectra does not show substantial changes when the samples are cooled down to about 100 K. The present results appear to be in general agreement with previous findings, but their analysis is in progress and the interpretation is still on the way

    Interstellar Dust Inside and Outside the Heliosphere

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    In the early 1990s, after its Jupiter flyby, the Ulysses spacecraft identified interstellar dust in the solar system. Since then the in-situ dust detector on board Ulysses continuously monitored interstellar grains with masses up to 10e-13 kg, penetrating deep into the solar system. While Ulysses measured the interstellar dust stream at high ecliptic latitudes between 3 and 5 AU, interstellar impactors were also measured with the in-situ dust detectors on board Cassini, Galileo and Helios, covering a heliocentric distance range between 0.3 and 3 AU in the ecliptic plane. The interstellar dust stream in the inner solar system is altered by the solar radiation pressure force, gravitational focussing and interaction of charged grains with the time varying interplanetary magnetic field. The grains act as tracers of the physical conditions in the local interstellar cloud (LIC). Our in-situ measurements imply the existence of a population of 'big' interstellar grains (up to 10e-13 kg) and a gas-to-dust-mass ratio in the LIC which is a factor of > 2 larger than the one derived from astronomical observations, indicating a concentration of interstellar dust in the very local interstellar medium. Until 2004, the interstellar dust flow direction measured by Ulysses was close to the mean apex of the Sun's motion through the LIC, while in 2005, the data showed a 30 deg shift, the reason of which is presently unknown. We review the results from spacecraft-based in-situ interstellar dust measurements in the solar system and their implications for the physical and chemical state of the LIC.Comment: 10 pages, 2 b/w figures, 1 colour figure; submitted to Space Science Review

    Galileo dust data from the jovian system: 2000 to 2003

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    The Galileo spacecraft was orbiting Jupiter between Dec 1995 and Sep 2003. The Galileo dust detector monitored the jovian dust environment between about 2 and 370 R_J (jovian radius R_J = 71492 km). We present data from the Galileo dust instrument for the period January 2000 to September 2003. We report on the data of 5389 particles measured between 2000 and the end of the mission in 2003. The majority of the 21250 particles for which the full set of measured impact parameters (impact time, impact direction, charge rise times, charge amplitudes, etc.) was transmitted to Earth were tiny grains (about 10 nm in radius), most of them originating from Jupiter's innermost Galilean moon Io. Their impact rates frequently exceeded 10 min^-1. Surprisingly large impact rates up to 100 min^-1 occurred in Aug/Sep 2000 when Galileo was at about 280 R_J from Jupiter. This peak in dust emission appears to coincide with strong changes in the release of neutral gas from the Io torus. Strong variability in the Io dust flux was measured on timescales of days to weeks, indicating large variations in the dust release from Io or the Io torus or both on such short timescales. Galileo has detected a large number of bigger micron-sized particles mostly in the region between the Galilean moons. A surprisingly large number of such bigger grains was measured in March 2003 within a 4-day interval when Galileo was outside Jupiter's magnetosphere at approximately 350 R_J jovicentric distance. Two passages of Jupiter's gossamer rings in 2002 and 2003 provided the first actual comparison of in-situ dust data from a planetary ring with the results inferred from inverting optical images.Comment: 59 pages, 13 figures, 6 tables, submitted to Planetary and Space Scienc

    One year of Galileo dust data from the Jovian system: 1996

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    The dust detector system onboard Galileo records dust impacts in circumjovian space since the spacecraft has been injected into a bound orbit about Jupiter in December 1995. This is the sixth in a series of papers dedicated to presenting Galileo and Ulysses dust data. We present data from the Galileo dust instrument for the period January to December 1996 when the spacecraft completed four orbits about Jupiter (G1, G2, C3 and E4). Data were obtained as high resolution realtime science data or recorded data during a time period of 100 days, or via memory read-outs during the remaining times. Because the data transmission rate of the spacecraft is very low, the complete data set (i. e. all parameters measured by the instrument during impact of a dust particle) for only 2% (5353) of all particles detected could be transmitted to Earth; the other particles were only counted. Together with the data for 2883 particles detected during Galileo's interplanetary cruise and published earlier, complete data of 8236 particles detected by the Galileo dust instrument from 1989 to 1996 are now available. The majority of particles detected are tiny grains (about 10 nm in radius) originating from Jupiter's innermost Galilean moon Io. These grains have been detected throughout the Jovian system and the highest impact rates exceeded 100min1\rm 100 min^{-1}. A small number of grains has been detected in the close vicinity of the Galilean moons Europa, Ganymede and Callisto which belong to impact-generated dust clouds formed by (mostly submicrometer sized) ejecta from the surfaces of the moons (Kr\"uger et al., Nature, 399, 558, 1999). Impacts of submicrometer to micrometer sized grains have been detected thoughout the Jovian system and especially in the region between the Galilean moons.Comment: accepted for Planetary and Space Science, 33 pages, 6 tables, 10 figure

    Four years of Ulysses dust data: 1996 to 1999

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    The Ulysses spacecraft is orbiting the Sun on a highly inclined ellipse (i=79 i = 79^{\circ}, perihelion distance 1.3 AU, aphelion distance 5.4 AU). Between January 1996 and December 1999 the spacecraft was beyond 3 AU from the Sun and crossed the ecliptic plane at aphelion in May 1998. In this four-year period 218 dust impacts were recorded with the dust detector on board. We publish and analyse the complete data set of both raw and reduced data for particles with masses 1016g\rm 10^{-16} g to 108\rm 10^{-8} g. Together with 1477 dust impacts recorded between launch of Ulysses and the end of 1995 published earlier \cite{gruen1995c,krueger1999b}, a data set of 1695 dust impacts detected with the Ulysses sensor between October 1990 and December 1999 is now available. The impact rate measured between 1996 and 1999 was relatively constant with about 0.2 impacts per day. The impact direction of the majority of the impacts is compatible with particles of interstellar origin, the rest are most likely interplanetary particles. The observed impact rate is compared with a model for the flux of interstellar dust particles. The flux of particles several micrometers in size is compared with the measurements of the dust instruments on board Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 beyond 3 AU (Humes 1980, JGR, 85, 5841--5852, 1980). Between 3 and 5 AU, Pioneer results predict that Ulysses should have seen five times more (10μm\rm \sim 10 \mu m sized) particles than actually detected.Comment: accepted by Planetary and Space Science, 22 pages, 8 figures (1 colour figure

    The Sample Analysis at Mars Investigation and Instrument Suite

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