271 research outputs found

    E-Portfolios, ‹a chance to learn for themselves› – The use of E-Portfolios as a reflection tool illustrated by the Viadrina PeerTutoring training programme

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    Das Reflektieren und Verstehen des eigenen Lernprozesses gehört zu den studienrelevanten Fertigkeiten, die erlernt und während eines erfolgreichen Studiums vertieft werden sollten. Seit 2012 wird im Rahmen der Viadrina PeerTutoring-Ausbildung an der Europa-Universität Viadrina auf den Ausbau und die Weiterentwicklung der Reflexionskompetenzen sehr viel Wert gelegt. Im Folgenden werden die theoretischen Grundlagen zusammengefasst und erläutert, wie gutes Reflektieren angeleitet wird. Die Studierenden reflektieren ihre Lernprozesse in E-Portfolios. Um das komplexe Zusammenspiel einer guten Anleitung zum Reflektieren, den tatsächlichen Ergebnissen in den E-Portfolios und den Eindrücken der Mitarbeiter/innen am Zentrum für Schlüsselkompetenzen und Forschendes Lernen nachvollziehen zu können, werden am Ende einzelne Auszüge aus den E-Portfolios vorgestellt und für den Einsatz von E-Portfolio als Reflexionsinstrument plädiert.Reflection and understanding of the own learning process belongs to the study related skills which are learnt during a motivated study and should be strengthened while studying. Within the framework of the Viadrina PeerTutoring training programme at the European University Viadrina on the development and advancement of the reflection competence is emphasized. Therefore, the theoretical framework of reflection and an instruction of how to reflect will be highlighted, with the central focus on reflection within the E-Portfolio of each of the training programme modules. The practical experience and its demonstration by the staff of the Center for Key Competences and Research-oriented Learning will herein play an important role. Excerpts of the E-Portfolio will demonstrate the complex interplay between a good instruction of reflection, the actual learning experience by the students and the staff's impression. Concluding, an advocacy for the use of E-Portfolios as a reflection tool will be stated

    Auswirkung von 5-FU auf die Aufnahme von Adenoviren in Zellen in vitro und in vivo

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    Viele Untersuchungen haben gezeigt, dass die Entstehung maligner Erkrankungen durch eine Anhäufung genetischer Veränderungen im Erbgut einer Zelle bedingt ist. Dies zeigt sich besonders in einem veränderten Apoptoseverhalten der Tumorzellen, was entscheidende Probleme in der Therapie maligner Erkrankungen darstellt. Systemische Ansätze sind dadurch zum Scheitern verurteilt. Sowohl die genetische Regulation des programmierten Zelltods als auch die genetischen Veränderungen, die zum veränderten Apoptoseverhalten von Tumorzellen führen, sind gut charakterisiert. Aus diesem Grund erscheint es für neue therapeutische Konzepte zur Behandlung von onkologischen Erkrankungen sinnvoll soweit distal wie möglich im Apoptose-Signaltransduktionsweg wirksam zu sein, um eventuelle genetische Alterationen zu umgehen. Zudem sollte versucht werden gesundes Gewebe, das bei systemischer Behandlung mittels konventioneller Therapien wie Chemotherapie oder Bestrahlung geschädigt wird, vor dem Zelluntergang zu schützen. Die Verwendung von replikationsdefekten Adenoviren stellt dabei eine effiziente und wirksame Methode zum Transfer von DNA in Zellen dar. In dieser Studie wurden daher Adenoviren konstruiert, die die DNA des apoptoseinduzierenden Gens bzw. des apoptoseinhibierenden Gens bcl-2 transferieren. Da Tumorzellen und auch Entzündungszellen oftmals wenig oder keinen Coxsackie-Adenovirusrezeptor (CAR) exprimieren, sind Mechanismen, die CAR-unabhängig die Aufnahme von Adenoviren erhöhen, von entscheidender klinischer Bedeutung. In dieser Studie konnte gezeigt werden, dass die simultane Gabe von 5-FU die Effektivität einer adenoviralen Infektion erhöht und dass dieser Effekt unabhängig von der Expression vom CAR ist

    Internationale Migrations- und Flüchtlingspolitik und die Asylpolitik westlicher Länder

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht die Migrationspolitik der EU und der USA. Zunächst erfolgt ein Überblick über die Flüchtlingsproblematik, wobei die Flüchtlingshilfe der UNO und deren Schwierigkeiten im Mittelpunkt stehen. Im Anschluss daran gehen die Autoren auf die Migrationsproblematik ein. Es wird deutlich, dass das Hauptproblem einer regulierten Migrationspolitik insbesondere darin liegt, dass die Nationalstaaten Probleme damit haben, die Balance zwischen der wirtschaftlich als notwendig erachteten Öffnung für Zuwanderer und der häufig von den Einheimischen geforderten Begrenzung der Wanderungsbewegungen zu wahren. Darüber hinaus werden vier Theorien vorgestellt, mit deren Hilfe versucht wird, die Beweggründe zur Migration nachzuvollziehen. Der nächste Abschnitt fasst die Entwicklung der Europäischen Migrations- und Asylpolitik sowie die aktuellen Entwicklungen zusammen. Abschließend beleuchten die Autoren die Situation in den USA. (ICD2

    Morphology control of zinc oxide films via polysaccharide-mediated, low temperature, chemical bath deposition

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    In this study we present a three-step process for the low-temperature chemical bath deposition of crystalline ZnO films on glass substrates. The process consists of a seeding step followed by two chemical bath deposition steps. In the second step (the first of the two bath deposition steps), a natural polysaccharide, namely hyaluronic acid, is used to manipulate the morphology of the films. Previous experiments revealed a strong influence of this polysaccharide on the formation of zinc oxide crystallites. The present work aims to transfer this gained knowledge to the formation of zinc oxide films. The influence of hyaluronic acid and the time of its addition on the morphology of the resulting ZnO film were investigated. By meticulous adjustment of the parameters in this step, the film morphology can be tailored to provide an optimal growth platform for the third step (a subsequent chemical bath deposition step). In this step, the film is covered by a dense layer of ZnO. This optimized procedure leads to ZnO films with a very high electrical conductivity, opening up interesting possibilities for applications of such films. The films were characterized by means of electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and measurements of the electrical conductivity.BMB

    Mycophilic or Mycophobic? Legislation and Guidelines on Wild Mushroom Commerce Reveal Different Consumption Behaviour in European Countries

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    Mycophiles forage for and pick vast quantities of a wide variety of wild mushroom species. As a result, mushroom intoxications are comparatively frequent in such countries with mycophiles. Thus, national governments are forced to release guidelines or enact legislation in order to ensure the safe commerce of wild mushrooms due to food safety concerns. It is in these guidelines and laws that one can observe whether a country is indeed mycophobic or mycophilic. Furthermore, these laws and guidelines provide valuable information on mushroom preferences and on the consumption habits of each country. As such we were interested in the questions as to whether mushroom consumption behaviour was different within Europe, and if it was possible to discover the typical or distinctive culinary preferences of Slavic or Romanic speaking people, people from special geographical regions or from different zones. This work is based on the analysis of edible mushroom lists available in specific guidelines or legislation related to the consumption and commerce of mushrooms in 27 European countries. The overall diversity of edible mushrooms authorised to be commercialised in Europe is very high. However, only 60 out of a total 268 fungal species can be cultivated. This highlights the importance of guidelines or legislation for the safe commerce of wild mushrooms. The species richness and composition of the mushrooms listed for commerce is very heterogeneous within Europe. The consumption behaviour is not only languagefamily- related, but is strongly influenced by geographical location and neighbouring countries. Indicator species were detected for different European regions ; most of them are widespread fungi, and thus prove culture-specific preferences for these mushrooms. Our results highlight tradition and external input such as trade and cultural exchange as strong factors shaping mushroom consumption behaviour

    "Weil jeder an alles glauben kann, was er will“ – Einstellungen von Kindern zur Wahrheitsfrage im Rahmen einer Interviewstudie in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz

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    Obgleich Religion in der Lebenswelt der Kinder vorkommt, spielt das Verhältnis von Kindern zu Religion in der gegenwärtigen Kindheitsforschung gar keine, in der Religionspädagogik vereinzelt in älteren Veröffentlichungen eine Rolle. Mit der in diesem Aufsatz vorgestellten Interviewstudie "Kinder und Religion" wird diesem Desiderat begegnet. Im Zentrum der Studie stehen die religionsbezogenen Einstellungen und Begegnungen mit Religion von Kindern aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Exemplarisch stellen wir anhand der Frage nach der Wahrheit angesichts unterschiedlicher Religionen die Argumentationen der Kinder vor und interpretieren sie. Hierbei ist zu erkennen, dass die Kinder die Bejahung, Verneinung oder Enthaltung bezüglich der Wahrheitsfrage sowohl mit ethischen wie auch mit theologischen Argumenten begründen, wobei die Antworten auch mit dem Verständnis der Frage verbunden zu sein scheinen. Der im vorliegenden Beitrag interpretierte Umgang der Kinder mit der Wahrheitsfrage führt sowohl exemplarisch vor Augen, dass die empirische Erhebung kindlicher Sichtweisen bestehende religionsdidaktische Vorstellungen erweitern wie korrigieren kann als auch für eine subjektorientierte Religionspädagogik/-didaktik notwendig ist

    Distribution and Characteristics of Listeria spp. in Pigs and Pork Production Chains in Germany

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    Listeria (L.) monocytogenes is a foodborne pathogen that can cause disease, mainly in elderly, pregnant or immunocompromised persons through consumption of contaminated food, including pork products. It is widespread in the environment and can also be found in asymptomatic carrier animals, for example, in different tissues of pigs. To learn more about their nature, 16 Listeria spp. isolates found in tonsils and intestinal content of pigs and 13 isolates from the slaughterhouse environment were characterized using next-generation sequencing (NGS). A wide distribution of clonal complexes was observed in pigs, as well as in the pork production chain, suggesting multiple sources of entry. Hypervirulent clones were found in pig tonsils, showing the potential risk of pigs as source of isolates causing human disease. The presence of closely related isolates along the production chain suggests a cross-contamination in the slaughterhouse or recontamination from the same source, strengthening the importance of efficient cleaning and disinfection procedures. The phenotypical antimicrobial resistance status of L. monocytogenes isolates was examined via broth microdilution and revealed a low resistance level. Nevertheless, genotypical resistance data suggested multiple resistances in some non-pathogenic L. innocua isolates from pig samples, which might pose a risk of spreading resistances to pathogenic species

    Expression of genes involved in hepatic carnitine synthesis and uptake in dairy cows in the transition period and at different stages of lactation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In rodents and pigs, it has shown that carnitine synthesis and uptake of carnitine into cells are regulated by peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α (PPARA), a transcription factor which is physiologically activated during fasting or energy deprivation. Dairy cows are typically in a negative energy balance during early lactation. We investigated the hypothesis that genes of carnitine synthesis and uptake in dairy cows are enhanced during early lactation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>mRNA abundances of PPARA and some of its classical target genes and genes involved in carnitine biosynthesis [trimethyllysine dioxygenase (TMLHE), 4-N-trimethylaminobutyraldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH9A1), γ-butyrobetaine dioxygenase (BBOX1)] and uptake of carnitine [novel organic cation transporter 2 (SLC22A5)] as well as carnitine concentrations in liver biopsy samples of 20 dairy cows in late pregnancy (3 wk prepartum) and early lactation (1 wk, 5 wk, 14 wk postpartum) were determined. From 3 wk prepartum to 1 wk postpartum, mRNA abundances of PPARΑ and several PPARΑ target genes involved in fatty acid uptake, fatty acid oxidation and ketogenesis in the liver were strongly increased. Simultaneously, mRNA abundances of enzymes of carnitine synthesis (TMLHE: 10-fold; ALDH9A1: 6-fold; BBOX1: 1.8-fold) and carnitine uptake (SLC22A5: 13-fold) and the concentration of carnitine in the liver were increased from 3 wk prepartum to 1 wk postpartum (<it>P </it>< 0.05). From 1 wk to 5 and 14 wk postpartum, mRNA abundances of these genes and hepatic carnitine concentrations were declining (<it>P </it>< 0.05). There were moreover positive correlations between plasma concentrations of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and hepatic carnitine concentrations at 1 wk, 5 wk and 14 wk postpartum (<it>P </it>< 0.05).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The results of this study show for the first time that the expression of hepatic genes of carnitine synthesis and cellular uptake of carnitine is enhanced in dairy cows during early lactation. These changes might provide an explanation for increased hepatic carnitine concentrations observed in 1 wk postpartum and might be regarded as a physiologic means to provide liver cells with sufficient carnitine required for transport of excessive amounts of NEFA during a negative energy balance.</p

    Fusaricidins, Polymyxins and Volatiles Produced by Paenibacillus polymyxa Strains DSM 32871 and M1

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    Paenibacilli are efficient producers of potent agents against bacterial and fungal pathogens, which are of great interest both for therapeutic applications in medicine as well as in agrobiotechnology. Lipopeptides produced by such organisms play a major role in their potential to inactivate pathogens. In this work we investigated two lipopeptide complexes, the fusaricidins and the polymyxins, produced by Paenibacillus polymyxa strains DSM 32871 and M1 by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. The fusaricidins show potent antifungal activities and are distinguished by an unusual variability. For strain DSM 32871 we identified numerous yet unknown variants mass spectrometrically. DSM 32871 produces polymyxins of type E (colistins), while M1 forms polymyxins P. For both strains, novel but not yet completely characterized polymyxin species were detected, which possibly are glycosylated. These compounds may be of interest therapeutically, because polymyxins have gained increasing attention as last-resort antibiotics against multiresistant pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria. In addition, the volatilomes of DSM 32781 and M1 were investigated with a GC–MS approach using different cultivation media. Production of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) was strain and medium dependent. In particular, strain M1 manifested as an efficient VOC-producer that exhibited formation of 25 volatiles in total. A characteristic feature of Paenibacilli is the formation of volatile pyrazine derivatives.Peer Reviewe

    Coronary artery disease in patients hospitalized for peripheral artery disease: a nationwide analysis of 1.8 million patients

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    Purpose: Coronary artery disease (CAD) and peripheral artery disease (PAD) are highly prevalent in society. This nationwide analysis aimed to evaluate the trends of in-hospital treatment of patients admitted due to PAD with and without concomitant CAD, to determine the prevalence and risk factors of concomitant CAD in patients with PAD. Methods: Using data from the German Federal Statistical Office, we included all admissions for PAD (with and without concomitant CAD) in Germany between 2009 and 2018. Baseline patient characteristics, outcomes and comorbidities were analyzed. Elixhauser comorbidity groups and the linear van Walraven comorbidity score (vWs) were calculated to assess the comorbidity burden. Results: Of all 1,793,517 patients hospitalized for PAD, a total of 21.8% (390,259) had concomitant CAD, increasing from 18.6% in 2009 to 24.4% in 2018. Patients with accompanying CAD showed higher in-hospital mortality (3.7 vs. 2.6%), more major amputations (9.0 vs. 7.7%) and more comorbidities (Elixhauser score: 4.2 vs. 3.2 and vWs: 9.1 vs. 6.1), resulting in higher costs (median: EUR 4541 vs. EUR 4268 per case). More advanced stages of PAD were associated with multi-vessel CAD (10% of all patients with PAD Fontaine IV showed 3-vessel CAD) and the prevalence of multi-vessel CAD increased predominantly in patients with advanced PAD. Conclusion: One in four patients hospitalized for PAD had concomitant CAD, showing an increase over time with an additional medical and economic burden for hospitals compared with patients without CAD