170 research outputs found

    High-Q2Q^2 Elastic eded-scattering and QCD predictions

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    In the framework of pertubative QCD it is argued that in the elastic eded-scattering at Q2Q^{2}\sim few (GeV/c)2(GeV/c)^{2} the light-cone-frame helicity-flip amplitudes could not be omitted. The obtained BA\frac{B}{A} ratio of Rosenbluth structure functions is shown to be in a good agreement with experimental data. The high Q2Q^2 behavior of tensor analysing power T20T_{20} is discussed.Comment: 6 pages + 2 ps figures not included, LaTeX, ITP-93-33

    Relativistic description of electron scattering on the deuteron

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    Within a quasipotential framework a relativistic analysis is presented of the deuteron current. Assuming that the singularities from the nucleon propagators are important, a so-called equal time approximation of the current is constructed. This is applied to both elastic and inelastic electron scattering. As dynamical model the relativistic one boson exchange model is used. Reasonable agreement is found with a previous relativistic calculation of the elastic electromagnetic form factors of the deuteron. For the unpolarized inelastic electron scattering effects of final state interactions and relativistic corrections to the structure functions are considered in the impulse approximation. Two specific kinematic situations are studied as examples.Comment: (19 pages in revtex + 15 figures not included, available upon request.) report THU-93-10

    Elastic electron deuteron scattering with consistent meson exchange and relativistic contributions of leading order

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    The influence of relativistic contributions to elastic electron deuteron scattering is studied systematically at low and intermediate momentum transfers (Q230Q^2\leq 30 fm2^{-2}). In a (p/M)(p/M)-expansion, all leading order relativistic π\pi-exchange contributions consistent with the Bonn OBEPQ models are included. In addition, static heavy meson exchange currents including boost terms and lowest order ρπγ\rho\pi\gamma-currents are considered. Sizeable effects from the various relativistic two-body contributions, mainly from π\pi-exchange, have been found in form factors, structure functions and the tensor polarization T20T_{20}. Furthermore, static properties, viz. magnetic dipole and charge quadrupole moments and the mean square charge radius are evaluated.Comment: 15 pages Latex including 5 figures, final version accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.C Details of changes: (i) The notation of the curves in Figs. 1 and 2 have been clarified with respect to left and right panels. (ii) In Figs. 3 and 4 an experimental point for T_20 has been added and a corresponding reference [48] (iii) At the end of the text we have added a paragraph concerning the quality of the Bonn OBEPQ potential

    Thermal desorption of CH4 retained in CO2 ice

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    CO2 ices are known to exist in different astrophysical environments. In spite of this, its physical properties (structure, density, refractive index) have not been as widely studied as those of water ice. It would be of great value to study the adsorption properties of this ice in conditions related to astrophysical environments. In this paper, we explore the possibility that CO2 traps relevant molecules in astrophysical environments at temperatures higher than expected from their characteristic sublimation point. To fulfil this aim we have carried out desorption experiments under High Vacuum conditions based on a Quartz Crystal Microbalance and additionally monitored with a Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer. From our results, the presence of CH4 in the solid phase above the sublimation temperature in some astrophysical scenarios could be explained by the presence of several retaining mechanisms related to the structure of CO2 ice.Comment: 8 pages, accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc

    Tensor polarization in elastic electron-deuteron scattering in the momentum transfer range 3.8≤Q≤4.6 fm-1

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    The tensor polarization of the recoil deuteron in elastic electron-deuteron scattering has been measured at the Bates Linear Accelerator Center at three values of four-momentum transfer Q=3.78, 4.22, and 4.62 fm-1, corresponding to incident electron energies of 653, 755, and 853 MeV. The scattered electrons and the recoil deuterons were detected in coincidence. The recoil deuterons were transported to a liquid hydrogen target to undergo a second scattering. The angular distribution of the d→-p scattering was measured using a polarimeter. The polarimeter was calibrated in an auxiliary experiment using a polarized deuteron beam at the Laboratoire National Saturne. A Monte Carlo procedure was used to generate interpolated calibration data because the energy spread in the deuteron energies in the Bates experiment spanned the range of deuteron energies in the calibration experiment. The extracted values of t20 are compared to predictions of different theoretical models of the electromagnetic form factors of the deuteron: nonrelativistic and relativistic nucleon-meson dynamics, Skyrme model, quark models, and perturbative quantum chromodynamics. Along with the world data the structure functions A(Q) and B(Q) are used to separate the charge monopole and charge quadrupole form factors of the deuteron. A node in the charge monopole form factor is observed at Q=4.39±0.16 fm-1

    Measurement of tensor polarization in elastic electron-deuteron scattering in the momentum-transfer range 3.8≤q≤4.6 fm-1

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    The tensor polarization t20 of the recoil deuteron in elastic e-d scattering has been measured for three values of four-momentum transfer, q=3.78, 4.22, and 4.62 fm-1. The data have been used to locate the first node in the charge monopole form factor of the deuteron at q=4.39±0.16 fm-1. The results for t20 are in reasonable agreement with expectations based on the nucleon-meson description of nuclear dynamic

    Specific cortical and subcortical alterations for reactive and proactive aggression in children and adolescents with disruptive behavior.

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    Maladaptive aggression, as present in conduct disorder (CD) and, to a lesser extent, oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), has been associated with structural alterations in various brain regions, such as ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC), anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), amygdala, insula and ventral striatum. Although aggression can be subdivided into reactive and proactive subtypes, no neuroimaging studies have yet investigated if any structural brain alterations are associated with either of the subtypes specifically. Here we investigated associations between aggression subtypes, CU traits and ADHD symptoms in predefined regions of interest. T1-weighted magnetic resonance images were acquired from 158 children and adolescents with disruptive behavior (ODD/CD) and 96 controls in a multi-center study (aged 8-18). Aggression subtypes were assessed by questionnaires filled in by participants and their parents. Cortical volume and subcortical volumes and shape were determined using Freesurfer and the FMRIB integrated registration and segmentation tool. Associations between volumes and continuous measures of aggression were established using multilevel linear mixed effects models. Proactive aggression was negatively associated with amygdala volume (b = -10.7, p = 0.02), while reactive aggression was negatively associated with insula volume (b = -21.7, p = 0.01). No associations were found with CU traits or ADHD symptomatology. Classical group comparison showed that children and adolescents with disruptive behavior had smaller volumes than controls in (bilateral) vmPFC (p = 0.003) with modest effect size and a reduced shape in the anterior part of the left ventral striatum (p = 0.005). Our study showed negative associations between reactive aggression and volumes in a region involved in threat responsivity and between proactive aggression and a region linked to empathy. This provides evidence for aggression subtype-specific alterations in brain structure which may provide useful insights for clinical practice

    Lanthanum tungstate membranes for H-2 extraction and CO2 utilization: Fabrication strategies based on sequential tape casting and plasma-spray physical vapor deposition

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    [EN] In the context of energy conversion efficiency and decreasing greenhouse gas emissions from power generation and energy-intensive industries, membrane technologies for H-2 extraction and CO2 capture and utilization become pronouncedly important. Mixed protonic-electronic conducting ceramic membranes are hence attractive for the pre-combustion integrated gasification combined cycle, specifically in the water gas shift and H-2 separation process, and also for designing catalytic membrane reactors. This work presents the fabrication, microstructure and functional properties of Lanthanum tungstates (La28-xW4+xO54+delta, LaWO) asymmetric membranes supported on porous ceramic and porous metallic substrates fabricated by means of the sequential tape casting route and plasma spray-physical vapor deposition (PS-PVD). Pure LaWO and W site substituted LaWO were employed as membrane materials due to the promising combination of properties: appreciable mixed protonic-electronic conductivity at intermediate temperatures and reducing atmospheres, good sinterability and noticeable chemical stability under harsh operating conditions. As substrate materials porous LaWO (non-substituted), MgO and Crofer22APU stainless steel were used to support various LaWO membrane layers. The effect of fabrication parameters and material combinations on the assemblies' microstructure, LaWO phase formation and gas tightness of the functional layers was explored along with the related fabrication challenges for shaping LaWO layers with sufficient quality for further practical application. The two different fabrication strategies used in the present work allow for preparing all-ceramic and ceramic-metallic assemblies with LaWO membrane layers with thicknesses between 25 and 60 mu m and H-2 flux of ca. 0.4 ml/min cm(2) measured at 825 degrees C in 50 vol% H-2 in He dry feed and humid Ar sweep configuration. Such a performance is an exceptional achievement for the LaWO based H-2 separation membranes and it is well comparable with the H-2 flux reported for other newly developed dual phase cer-cer and cer-met membranes.ProtOMem Project under the BMBF grant 03SF0537 is gratefully acknowledged. Furthermore, the authors thank Ralf Laufs for his assistance in operating the PS-PVD facility. Dr. A. Schwedt from the Central Facility for Electron Microscopy (Gemeinschaftslabor fur Elektronenmikroskopie GFE), RWTH Aachen University is acknowledged for performing the EBSD analysis on the PS-PVD samples.Ivanova, ME.; Deibert, W.; Marcano, D.; Escolástico Rozalén, S.; Mauer, G.; Meulenberg, WA.; Bram, M.... (2019). Lanthanum tungstate membranes for H-2 extraction and CO2 utilization: Fabrication strategies based on sequential tape casting and plasma-spray physical vapor deposition. Separation and Purification Technology. 219:100-112. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2019.03.015S100112219A.A. Evers, The hydrogen society, More than just a vision? ISBN 978-3-937863-31-3, Hydrogeit Verlag, 16727 Oberkraemer, Germany, 2010.Deibert, W., Ivanova, M. E., Baumann, S., Guillon, O., & Meulenberg, W. A. (2017). Ion-conducting ceramic membrane reactors for high-temperature applications. Journal of Membrane Science, 543, 79-97. doi:10.1016/j.memsci.2017.08.016Arun C. Bose, Inorganic membranes for energy and environmental applications, Edt. A. C. Bose, ISBN: 978-0-387-34524-6, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, 2009.M. Marrony, H. Matsumoto, N. Fukatsu, M. Stoukides, Typical applications of proton ceramic cells: a way to market? in: M. Marrony (ed.), Proton-conducting ceramics. From fundamentals to applied research, by Pan Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd., ISBN 978-981-4613-84-2, 2016.Di Giorgio, P., & Desideri, U. (2016). Potential of Reversible Solid Oxide Cells as Electricity Storage System. Energies, 9(8), 662. doi:10.3390/en9080662A.L. Dicks, D.A.J. Rand, Fuel cell systems explained, ISBN: 9781118613528, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2018.Zheng, Y., Wang, J., Yu, B., Zhang, W., Chen, J., Qiao, J., & Zhang, J. (2017). A review of high temperature co-electrolysis of H2O and CO2to produce sustainable fuels using solid oxide electrolysis cells (SOECs): advanced materials and technology. Chemical Society Reviews, 46(5), 1427-1463. doi:10.1039/c6cs00403bGötz, M., Lefebvre, J., Mörs, F., McDaniel Koch, A., Graf, F., Bajohr, S., … Kolb, T. (2016). Renewable Power-to-Gas: A technological and economic review. Renewable Energy, 85, 1371-1390. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2015.07.066Woodhead publishing series in energy, Nr. 76, Membrane reactors for energy applications and basic chemical production, Edt. A. Basile, L. Di Paola, F.I. Hai, V. Piemonte, by Elsevier Ltd, ISBN 978-1-78242-223-5, 2015.Morejudo, S. H., Zanón, R., Escolástico, S., Yuste-Tirados, I., Malerød-Fjeld, H., Vestre, P. K., … Kjølseth, C. (2016). Direct conversion of methane to aromatics in a catalytic co-ionic membrane reactor. Science, 353(6299), 563-566. doi:10.1126/science.aag0274Malerød-Fjeld, H., Clark, D., Yuste-Tirados, I., Zanón, R., Catalán-Martinez, D., Beeaff, D., … Kjølseth, C. (2017). Thermo-electrochemical production of compressed hydrogen from methane with near-zero energy loss. 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    Women with type 1 diabetes exhibit a progressive increase in gut Saccharomyces cerevisiae in pregnancy associated with evidence of gut inflammation.

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    Aims: Studies of the gut microbiome have focused on its bacterial composition. We aimed to characterize the gut fungal microbiome (mycobiome) across pregnancy in women with and without type 1 diabetes. Methods: Faecal samples (n = 162) were collected from 70 pregnant women (45 with and 25 without type 1 diabetes) across all trimesters. Fungi were analysed by internal transcribed spacer 1 amplicon sequencing. Markers of intestinal inflammation (faecal calprotectin) and intestinal epithelial integrity (serum intestinal fatty acid binding protein; I-FABP), and serum antibodies to Saccharomyces cerevisiae (ASCA) were measured. Results: Women with type 1 diabetes had decreased fungal alpha diversity by the third trimester, associated with an increased abundance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that was inversely related to the abundance of the anti-inflammatory butyrate-producing bacterium Faecalibacterium prausnitzii. Women with type 1 diabetes had higher concentrations of calprotectin, I-FABP and ASCA. Conclusions: Women with type 1 diabetes exhibit a shift in the gut mycobiome across pregnancy associated with evidence of gut inflammation and impaired intestinal barrier function. The relevance of these findings to the higher rate of pregnancy complications in type 1 diabetes warrants further study.Esther Bandala-Sanchez, Alexandra J. Roth-Schulze, Helena Oakey Megan A.S. Penno, Naiara G. Bediaga, Gaetano Naselli, Katrina M. Ngui, Alannah D. Smith, Dexing Huang, Enrique Zozaya-Valdes, Rebecca L. Thomson, James D. Brown, Peter J. Vuillermin, Simon C. Barry, Maria E. Craig, William D. Rawlinson, Elizabeth A. Davis, Mark Harris, Georgia Soldatos, Peter G. Colman, John M. Wentworth, Aveni Haynes, Grant Morahan, Richard O. Sinnott, Anthony T. Papenfuss, Jennifer J. Couper, Leonard C. Harrison, on behalf of the ENDIA Study Grou

    An accurate nucleon-nucleon potential with charge-independence breaking

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    We present a new high-quality nucleon-nucleon potential with explicit charge dependence and charge asymmetry, which we designate Argonne v18v_{18}. The model has a charge-independent part with fourteen operator components that is an updated version of the Argonne v14v_{14} potential. Three additional charge-dependent and one charge-asymmetric operators are added, along with a complete electromagnetic interaction. The potential has been fit directly to the Nijmegen pppp and npnp scattering data base, low-energy nnnn scattering parameters, and deuteron binding energy. With 40 adjustable parameters it gives a χ2\chi^{2} per datum of 1.09 for 4301 pppp and npnp data in the range 0--350 MeV.Comment: 36 pages, PHY-7742-TH-9