85 research outputs found

    Extinction controlled adaptive phase-mask coronagraph

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    Context. Phase-mask coronagraphy is advantageous in terms of inner working angle and discovery space. It is however still plagued by drawbacks such as sensitivity to tip-tilt errors and chromatism. A nulling stellar coronagraph based on the adaptive phase-mask concept using polarization interferometry is presented in this paper. Aims. Our concept aims at dynamically and achromatically optimizing the nulling efficiency of the coronagraph, making it more immune to fast low-order aberrations (tip-tilt errors, focus, ...). Methods. We performed numerical simulations to demonstrate the value of the proposed method. The active control system will correct for the detrimental effects of image instabilities on the destructive interference. The mask adaptability both in size, phase and amplitude also compensates for manufacturing errors of the mask itself, and potentially for chromatic effects. Liquid-crystal properties are used to provide variable transmission of an annulus around the phase mask, but also to achieve the achromatic {\pi} phase shift in the core of the PSF by rotating the polarization by 180 degrees. Results. We developed a new concept and showed its practical advantages using numerical simulations. This new adaptive implementation of the phase-mask coronagraph could advantageously be used on current and next-generation adaptive optics systems, enabling small inner working angles without compromising contrast.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Robot trajectory planning using OLP and structured light 3D machine vision

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    This paper proposes a new methodology for robotic offline programming (OLP) addressing the issue of automatic program generation directly from 3D CAD models and verification through online 3D reconstruction. Limitations of current OLP include manufacturing tolerances between CAD and workpieces and inaccuracies in workpiece placement and modelled work cell. These issues are addressed and demonstrated through surface scanning, registration, and global and local error estimation. The method allows the robot to adjust the welding path designed from the CAD model to the actual workpiece. Alternatively, for non-repetitive tasks and where a CAD model is not available, it is possible to interactively define the path online over the scanned surface

    An intelligent real time 3D vision system for robotic welding tasks

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    MARWIN is a top-level robot control system that has been designed for automatic robot welding tasks. It extracts welding parameters and calculates robot trajectories directly from CAD models which are then verified by real-time 3D scanning and registration. MARWIN's 3D computer vision provides a user-centred robot environment in which a task is specified by the user by simply confirming and/or adjusting suggested parameters and welding sequences. The focus of this paper is on describing a mathematical formulation for fast 3D reconstruction using structured light together with the mechanical design and testing of the 3D vision system and show how such technologies can be exploited in robot welding tasks

    Extinction controlled Adaptive Mask Coronagraph Lyot and Phase Mask dual concept for wide extinction area

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    A dual coronagraph based on the Adaptive Mask concept is presented in this paper. A Lyot coronagraph with a variable diameter occulting disk and a nulling stellar coronagraph based on the Adaptive Phase Mask concept using polarization interferometry are presented in this work. Observations on sky and numerical simulations show the usefulness of the proposed method to optimize the nulling efficiency of the coronagraphs. In the case of the phase mask, the active control system will correct for the detrimental effects of image instabilities on the destructive interference (low-order aberrations such as tip-tilt and focus). The phase mask adaptability both in size, phase and amplitude also compensate for manufacturing errors of the mask itself, and potentially for chromatic effects. Liquid-crystal properties are used to provide variable transmission of an annulus around the phase mask, but also to achieve the achromatic π phase shift in the core of the PSF by rotating the polarization by 180°.A compressed mercury (Hg) drop is used as an occulting disk for the Lyot mask, its size control offers an adaptation to the seeing conditions and provides an optimization of the Tip-tilt correction

    Preferências estabelecidas e personalidade: uma abordagem comportamental

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Sócio-Econômico. Economia.Este estudo tem o objetivo de contribuir para o entendimento da dissonância cognitiva que surge quando preferências estabelecidas com relação a produtos são alteradas à medida em que os consumidores se deparam com informação mais completa do que a existente na escolha inicial. Buscou-se verificar a probabilidade de abandono da escolha preliminar na amostra de consumidores analisada. A contribuição se refere à mediação da habilidade cognitiva e da personalidade nessas decisões. No experimento, os participantes com fraca preferência na escolha inicial – e baixa habilidade cognitiva, além de baixos escores em traços de honestidade-humildade, extroversão e conscienciosidade – tendem a abandonar a escolha inicial. Já os participantes com escores mais altos em todas essas características tendem a não abandonar a sua escolha preliminar

    First results from fringe tracking with the PRIMA fringe sensor unit

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    The fringe sensor unit (FSU) is the central element of the phase referenced imaging and micro-arcsecond astrometry (PRIMA) dual-feed facility for the Very Large Telescope interferometer (VLTI). It has been installed at the Paranal observatory in August 2008 and is undergoing commissioning and preparation for science operation. Commissioning observations began shortly after installation and first results include the demonstration of spatially encoded fringe sensing and the increase in VLTI limiting magnitude for fringe tracking. However, difficulties have been encountered because the FSU does not incorporate real-time photometric correction and its fringe encoding depends on polarisation. These factors affect the control signals, especially their linearity, and can disturb the tracking control loop. To account for this, additional calibration and characterisation efforts are required. We outline the instrument concept and give an overview of the commissioning results obtained so far. We describe the effects of photometric variations and beam-train polarisation on the instrument operation and propose possible solutions. Finally, we update on the current status in view of the start of astrometric science operation with PRIMA.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, SPIE 2010 conference proceeding

    Rubor, calor, dolor, tumor : infections de la peau et des tissus mous [Rubor, calor, dolor, tumor : skin and soft tissue infections]

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    Skin infections are a frequent cause of consultation, yet the diagnosis can be challenging for physicians. Microbiological documentation is rare, and empiric antibiotic regimens should cover the most commonly identified bacteria, i.e. streptococci Staphylococcus aureus. Other pathogens should be considered in case of immunosuppression or certain exposures. Necrotizing fasciitis (NF) is a severe but rare infection. Early surgical management in parallel with antibiotics is the cornerstone of treatment. Despite the high incidence of these infections, little progress has been made in their management and some areas of uncertainty exist, especially regarding the optimal duration of treatment, the prevention of recurrences and the use of polyclonal immunoglobulins for NF. This article reviews the main aspects of diagnosis and treatment of these infections

    The ESPRI project: astrometric exoplanet search with PRIMA I. Instrument description and performance of first light observations

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    The ESPRI project relies on the astrometric capabilities offered by the PRIMA facility of the Very Large Telescope Interferometer for the discovery and study of planetary systems. Our survey consists of obtaining high-precision astrometry for a large sample of stars over several years and to detect their barycentric motions due to orbiting planets. We present the operation principle, the instrument's implementation, and the results of a first series of test observations. A comprehensive overview of the instrument infrastructure is given and the observation strategy for dual-field relative astrometry is presented. The differential delay lines, a key component of the PRIMA facility which was delivered by the ESPRI consortium, are described and their performance within the facility is discussed. Observations of bright visual binaries are used to test the observation procedures and to establish the instrument's astrometric precision and accuracy. The data reduction strategy for astrometry and the necessary corrections to the raw data are presented. Adaptive optics observations with NACO are used as an independent verification of PRIMA astrometric observations. The PRIMA facility was used to carry out tests of astrometric observations. The astrometric performance in terms of precision is limited by the atmospheric turbulence at a level close to the theoretical expectations and a precision of 30 micro-arcseconds was achieved. In contrast, the astrometric accuracy is insufficient for the goals of the ESPRI project and is currently limited by systematic errors that originate in the part of the interferometer beamtrain which is not monitored by the internal metrology system. Our observations led to the definition of corrective actions required to make the facility ready for carrying out the ESPRI search for extrasolar planets.Comment: 32 pages, 39 figures, Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    First direct detection of an exoplanet by optical interferometry; Astrometry and K-band spectroscopy of HR8799 e

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    To date, infrared interferometry at best achieved contrast ratios of a few times 10410^{-4} on bright targets. GRAVITY, with its dual-field mode, is now capable of high contrast observations, enabling the direct observation of exoplanets. We demonstrate the technique on HR8799, a young planetary system composed of four known giant exoplanets. We used the GRAVITY fringe tracker to lock the fringes on the central star, and integrated off-axis on the HR8799e planet situated at 390 mas from the star. Data reduction included post-processing to remove the flux leaking from the central star and to extract the coherent flux of the planet. The inferred K band spectrum of the planet has a spectral resolution of 500. We also derive the astrometric position of the planet relative to the star with a precision on the order of 100μ\,\muas. The GRAVITY astrometric measurement disfavors perfectly coplanar stable orbital solutions. A small adjustment of a few degrees to the orbital inclination of HR 8799 e can resolve the tension, implying that the orbits are close to, but not strictly coplanar. The spectrum, with a signal-to-noise ratio of 5\approx 5 per spectral channel, is compatible with a late-type L brown dwarf. Using Exo-REM synthetic spectra, we derive a temperature of 1150±501150\pm50\,K and a surface gravity of 104.3±0.310^{4.3\pm0.3}\,cm/s2^{2}. This corresponds to a radius of 1.170.11+0.13RJup1.17^{+0.13}_{-0.11}\,R_{\rm Jup} and a mass of 104+7MJup10^{+7}_{-4}\,M_{\rm Jup}, which is an independent confirmation of mass estimates from evolutionary models. Our results demonstrate the power of interferometry for the direct detection and spectroscopic study of exoplanets at close angular separations from their stars.Comment: published in A&