62 research outputs found

    Wat mankeert de psychiatrie?

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    Rede, uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van Gewoon Hoogleraar in de Klinische Psychiatrie aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, op woensdag 13 november 198

    M & L Jaargang 10/4

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    GeneriekKoen Himpe Historisch-landschappelijke relictwaarden uit het kasteeldomein van Poeke: aandachtspunten voor een creatief parkbeheer. [The castle domain of Poeke: hisstorical landscape-relics and elements for an imaginative park management.]een drydobbel dreve vormden in de 18de eeuw slechts enkele meer opvallende tekenen van welstand van de baronnen van Poeke.Een kortstondig romantisch intermezzo en de terugkeer naar een vertrouwd neoklassiek patroon markeerden dan weer de late 19de eeuw en meteen ook de nieuwe eigenaars.Deze veelvuldige relicten stroomlijnen tot een respectvol parkbeheer lijkt voor Koen Himpe nochtans geenszins onoverkomelijk.Roel De Ceulaer, Willem Aerts en Yvan Maes De wandtapijten van de Sint-Catharinakerk te Hoogstraten - een conserveringsbehandeling. [Conservation treatment of the wall tapestry of the St. Catherines church at Hoogstraten.]Reeds eerder kwamen Antoine de Lalaing en Elisabeth van Culemborg, het hertogenpaar uit Hoogstraten, hier ter sprake.Hun persoonlijk aandeel in s lands 17de-eeuwse culturele bloei blijft dan ook verbazingwekkend.Nu twee reeksen rugtapijten na een heilzame behandeling de ateliers mochten verlaten van de Koninklijke Manufactuur Gaspard De Wit, geven Roel De Ceulaer en Willem Aerts, naast Yvan Maes, nadere details prijs over de historische achtergronden en de restauratieve aanpak.Frans Dopere en William Ubregts De woontoren van Aynchon de Hognoul te Rutten op het einde van de 13de eeuw. [The donjon of Aynchon de Hognoul in Rutten at the end of the 13th century.]Vertrouwd raken met het 13de-eeuwse panopticum waar Frans Dopere en William Ubregts duidelijk vriend aan huis zijn, vergt net iets meer dan de gewone belangstelling.Wat uit deze onzekere tijden aan monumentaal patrimonium bewaard bleef is dan ook betrekkelijk miskend, zoniet bedroevend schaars.Neem nu bijvoorbeeld... de woontoren van Aynchon de Hognoul.Walter Schudel Wij zullen het wel vrijleggen. [Just let us expose it On the restoration of wall-paintings.]Oude witsellagen blijven in restauratie-middens, tegen beter weten in, de gemoederen verhitten.Terwijl nog steeds niet afdoend doorgedrongen is dat muren van oudsher ook van een afwerking werden voorzien, daagt het gevaar nu bij al te doortastende restaurateurs. Een zoveelste pleidooi van Walter Schudel voor meer deskundige schroom.SummaryJubileum-bijlage: "Het Belgische trekpaard. Levend cultureel erfgoed.

    Physician-assisted death in psychiatric practice in the Netherlands

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    BACKGROUND: In 1994 the Dutch Supreme Court ruled that in exceptional instances, physician-assisted suicide might be justifiable for patients with unbearable mental suffering but no physical illness. We studied physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia in psychiatric practice in the Netherlands. METHODS: In 1996, we sent questionnaires to 673 Dutch psychiatrists - about half of all such specialists in the country - and received 552 responses from the 667 who met the study criteria (response rate, 83 percent). We estimated the annual frequencies of requests for physician-assisted suicide by psychiatrists and actual instances of assistance. RESULTS: Of the respondents, 205 (37 percent) had at least once received an explicit, persistent request for physician-assisted suicide and 12 had complied. We estimate there are 320 requests a year i

    Tying the Hands of its Masters? Interest Coalitions and Multilateral Aid Allocation in the European Union

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    ABSTRACT This paper provides a political economy theory of multilateral aid allocation. We argue that the allocation of multilateral aid depends on the heterogeneity of its member states' interests as well as on the formation of interest coalitions which can overcome the collective action problems inherent in intergovernmental bodies. Whereas member states delegate aid to multilateral institutions in order to signal neutrality of aid allocation to their domestic populations, states have an incentive to covertly bias the multilateral allocation process towards their strategic interests. When member states' preferences over aid allocation are heterogeneous, the multilateral aid agent can implement multilateral aid according to its organizational goals. However, greater homogeneity of members' goals increases the likelihood that members can form powerful interest coalitions and successfully loosen the grip of their ties, and induce the multilateral aid agency to allocate aid according to their strategic interests. We apply our general theory to multilateral aid allocation in the European Union, the most dominant multilateral aid donor in the world over the last decade. The empirical analysis provides robust support for our theoretical argument

    Comparing different early warning systems: Results from a horse race competition among members of the Macro-prudential Research Network

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    Over the recent decades researchers in academia and central banks have developed early warning systems (EWS) designed to warn policy makers of potential future economic and financial crises. These EWS are based on diverse approaches and empirical models. In this paper we compare the performance of nine distinct models for predicting banking crises resulting from the work of the Macroprudential Research Network (MaRs) initiated by the European System of Central Banks. In order to ensure comparability, all models use the same database of crises created by MaRs and comparable sets of potential early warning indicators. We evaluate the models’ relative usefulness by comparing the ratios of false alarms and missed crises and discuss implications for pratical use and future research. We find that multivariate models, in their many appearances, have great potential added value over simple signalling models. One of the main policy recommendations coming from this exercise is that policy makers can benefit from taking a broad methodological approach when they develop models to set macro-prudential instruments

    Comparing different early warning systems: Results from a horse race competition among members of the Macro-prudential Research Network

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    Over the recent decades researchers in academia and central banks have developed early warning systems (EWS) designed to warn policy makers of potential future economic and financial crises. These EWS are based on diverse approaches and empirical models. In this paper we compare the performance of nine distinct models for predicting banking crises resulting from the work of the Macroprudential Research Network (MaRs) initiated by the European System of Central Banks. In order to ensure comparability, all models use the same database of crises created by MaRs and comparable sets of potential early warning indicators. We evaluate the models’ relative usefulness by comparing the ratios of false alarms and missed crises and discuss implications for pratical use and future research. We find that multivariate models, in their many appearances, have great potential added value over simple signalling models. One of the main policy recommendations coming from this exercise is that policy makers can benefit from taking a broad methodological approach when they develop models to set macro-prudential instruments
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