28 research outputs found

    Gisela Miller-Kipp: "Der Führer braucht mich". Der Bund Deutscher Mädel (BDM): Lebenserinnerungen und Erinnerungsdiskurs. Winheim/München: Juventa 2007 (215 S.) [Rezension]

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    Rezension von: Gisela Miller-Kipp: "Der Führer braucht mich". Der Bund Deutscher Mädel (BDM): Lebenserinnerungen und Erinnerungsdiskurs. Winheim/München: Juventa 2007 (215 S.; ISBN 978-3-7799-1135-7; 18,50 EUR)

    Rudolf W. Keck / Sabine Kirk / Hartmut Schröder (Hrsg.): Bildungs- und kulturgeschichtliche Bildforschung. Tagungsergebnisse - Erschließungshorizonte. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Hohengehren 2006 (190 S.) [Rezension]

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    Rezension von: Rudolf W. Keck / Sabine Kirk / Hartmut Schröder (Hrsg.): Bildungs- und kulturgeschichtliche Bildforschung. Tagungsergebnisse - Erschließungshorizonte. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Hohengehren 2006 (190 S.; ISBN 3-8340-0087-6; 18,00 EUR)

    On entropy growth and the hardness of simulating time evolution

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    The simulation of quantum systems is a task for which quantum computers are believed to give an exponential speedup as compared to classical ones. While ground states of one-dimensional systems can be efficiently approximated using Matrix Product States (MPS), their time evolution can encode quantum computations, so that simulating the latter should be hard classically. However, one might believe that for systems with high enough symmetry, and thus insufficient parameters to encode a quantum computation, efficient classical simulation is possible. We discuss supporting evidence to the contrary: We provide a rigorous proof of the observation that a time independent local Hamiltonian can yield a linear increase of the entropy when acting on a product state in a translational invariant framework. This criterion has to be met by any classical simulation method, which in particular implies that every global approximation of the evolution requires exponential resources for any MPS based method.Comment: 15 pages. v2: Published version, Journal-Ref. adde

    Can One Trust Quantum Simulators?

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    Various fundamental phenomena of strongly-correlated quantum systems such as high-TcT_c superconductivity, the fractional quantum-Hall effect, and quark confinement are still awaiting a universally accepted explanation. The main obstacle is the computational complexity of solving even the most simplified theoretical models that are designed to capture the relevant quantum correlations of the many-body system of interest. In his seminal 1982 paper [Int. J. Theor. Phys. 21, 467], Richard Feynman suggested that such models might be solved by "simulation" with a new type of computer whose constituent parts are effectively governed by a desired quantum many-body dynamics. Measurements on this engineered machine, now known as a "quantum simulator," would reveal some unknown or difficult to compute properties of a model of interest. We argue that a useful quantum simulator must satisfy four conditions: relevance, controllability, reliability, and efficiency. We review the current state of the art of digital and analog quantum simulators. Whereas so far the majority of the focus, both theoretically and experimentally, has been on controllability of relevant models, we emphasize here the need for a careful analysis of reliability and efficiency in the presence of imperfections. We discuss how disorder and noise can impact these conditions, and illustrate our concerns with novel numerical simulations of a paradigmatic example: a disordered quantum spin chain governed by the Ising model in a transverse magnetic field. We find that disorder can decrease the reliability of an analog quantum simulator of this model, although large errors in local observables are introduced only for strong levels of disorder. We conclude that the answer to the question "Can we trust quantum simulators?" is... to some extent.Comment: 20 pages. Minor changes with respect to version 2 (some additional explanations, added references...

    Lifetime self-reported arthritis is associated with elevated levels of mental health burden: A multi-national cross sectional study across 46 low- and middle-income countries

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    Population-based studies investigating the relationship of arthritis with mental health outcomes are lacking, particularly among low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). We investigated the relationship between arthritis and mental health (depression spectrum, psychosis spectrum, anxiety, sleep disturbances and stress) across community-dwelling adults aged ≥18 years across 46 countries from the World Health Survey. Symptoms of psychosis and depression were established using questions from the Mental Health Composite International Diagnostic Interview. Severity of anxiety, sleep problems, and stress sensitivity over the preceding 30 days were self-reported. Self-report lifetime history of arthritis was collected, including presence or absence of symptoms suggestive of arthritis: pain, stiffness or swelling of joints over the preceding 12-months. Multivariable logistic regression analyses were undertaken. Overall, 245,706 individuals were included. Having arthritis increased the odds of subclinical psychosis (OR = 1.85; 95%CI = 1.72–1.99) and psychosis (OR = 2.48; 95%CI = 2.05–3.01). People with arthritis were at increased odds of subsyndromal depression (OR = 1.92; 95%CI = 1.64–2.26), a brief depressive episode (OR = 2.14; 95%CI = 1.88–2.43) or depressive episode (OR = 2.43; 95%CI = 2.21–2.67). Arthritis was also associated with increased odds for anxiety (OR = 1.75; 95%CI = 1.63–1.88), sleep problems (OR = 2.23; 95%CI = 2.05–2.43) and perceived stress (OR = 1.43; 95%CI = 1.33–1.53). Results were similar for middle-income and low-income countries. Integrated interventions addressing arthritis and mental health comorbidities are warranted to tackle this considerable burden

    Prevalência e tendências temporais de transtornos mentais necessitando de tratamento de internação na cidade de Porto Alegre: Um estudo de toda a cidade incluindo todas as internações por motivo de saúde mental no sistema público de 2013-2017

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    Objectives: To investigate the 5-year prevalence of patients admitted to public inpatient care units due to a mental disorder, stratifying them by age group and diagnosis, and to assess trends of admissions over this time period in Porto Alegre. Methods: All admissions to the public mental health care system regulated by the city-owned electronic system Administração Geral dos Hospitais (AGHOS) were included in the analysis. The total population size was obtained by estimations of Fundação de Economia e Estatística (FEE). General information about 5-year prevalence of inpatient admissions, time-series trends e prevalence by age groups and diagnosis were presented. Results: There were 32,608 admissions over the 5-year period analyzed. The overall prevalence of patients was 1.62% among the total population, 0.01% among children, 1.12% among adolescents, 2.28% among adults and 0.93% among the elderly. The most common diagnosis was drug-related, followed by mood, alcohol-related and psychotic disorders. There was a linear trend showing an increase in the number of admissions from 2013 to the midst of 2014, which dropped in 2015. Conclusions: Admissions due to mental disorders are relatively common, mainly among adults and related to drug use and mood disorders. Time trends varied slightly over the 5 years. Prevalence rates in real-world settings might be useful for policymakers interested in planning the public mental health system in large Brazilian cities

    Concatenated tensor network states

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    We introduce the concept of concatenated tensor networks to efficiently describe quantum states. We show that the corresponding concatenated tensor network states can efficiently describe time evolution and possess arbitrary block-wise entanglement and long-ranged correlations. We illustrate the approach for the enhancement of matrix product states, i.e. 1D tensor networks, where we replace each of the matrices of the original matrix product state with another 1D tensor network. This procedure yields a 2D tensor network, which includes -- already for tensor dimension two -- all states that can be prepared by circuits of polynomially many (possibly non-unitary) two-qubit quantum operations, as well as states resulting from time evolution with respect to Hamiltonians with short-ranged interactions. We investigate the possibility to efficiently extract information from these states, which serves as the basic step in a variational optimization procedure. To this aim we utilize known exact and approximate methods for 2D tensor networks and demonstrate some improvements thereof, which are also applicable e.g. in the context of 2D projected entangled pair states. We generalize the approach to higher dimensional- and tree tensor networks.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    Adrian Schmidtke: Körperformationen Fotoanalysen zur Formierung und Disziplinierung des Körpers in der Erziehung des Nationalsozzialismus. Münster / NewYork / München / Berlin: Waxmann 2007 (287 S.) [Rezension]

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    Rezension von: Adrian Schmidtke: Körperformationen Fotoanalysen zur Formierung und Disziplinierung des Körpers in der Erziehung des Nationalsozzialismus. Münster / NewYork / München / Berlin: Waxmann 2007 (287 S.; ISBN 978-3-8309-1772-4; 29,90 EUR)

    Historische Bildungsforschung – Innovation und Selbstreflexion. Einführung in den Thementeil

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    Die Beiträge dieses Themenschwerpunktes sind in dem offenen und innovativen Feld der historischen Bildungsforschung platziert, mit Forschungsexempeln für den komparativen Ertrag, jetzt in einem Blick auf die Unterrichtsreformen der Moderne in Spanien des 17. Jahrhunderts (Caruso), mit innovativen Interpretationen der Klassiker, zumal Rousseaus, wenn, auch gegen dominierende feministische Lesarten, die zweifache Referenz auf Öffentlichkeit und Privatheit herausgearbeitet wird (Kuster), mit einem sowohl theoretisch als auch methodisch subtil entfalteten wissenschaftshistorischen Blick auf die Erziehungswissenschaft der Schweiz im 20. Jahrhundert (Hofstetter/ Schneuwly), und zwischen den kritischen und positiven Diagnosen der Forschungslage, v.a. der internationalen (Fuchs). (DIPF/Orig.

    Resistance is possible: self-perception and perception by others of successful Romani women in the categories of class, race and gender

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    Anhand der bildungsbiographischen Erfahrungen von Frauen, die den Gruppen der Sinti oder Roma angehören und entgegen aller statistischer Erwartbarkeit den sozialen Aufstieg, der zumeist ein Bildungsaufstieg ist, bewältigt haben, werden sowohl Barrieren als auch Gelingensbedingungen für diesen Erfolg aufgezeigt. Zentrale Ergebnisse der qualitativen Pilotstudie werden skizziert sowie die Komplexität des Themas anhand der vertiefenden Analyse eines Einzelfalls mit dem theoretischen Ansatz der Intersektionalität exemplarisch dargestellt. Insbesondere anhand der Diskussion von Eigen- und Fremdkonstruktionen entlang der Diskriminierungskategorien von class, race und gender zeigt sich, dass das othering von Romnja und Sintizza ein permanentes Strukturmerkmal der Konstitution von Wirklichkeit ist, das alle Bildungsbiographien von Sinti und Roma bedingt. (DIPF/Orig.)The educational biographies of women who belong to the Sinti and Roma group and whose social advancement defies statistical probability are analyzed. The study examines the barriers that hamper and the conditions that enable this success, which in the main is a form of educational advancement. The central findings of a qualitative pilot study are outlined. A more detailed analysis of one case study using the theoretical framework of intersectionality demonstrates the complexity of the issue. The analysis of self-perception and perception by others in the categories of discrimination class, race and gender shows that the othering of Romani women is a constitutive structural element of reality. This affects the educational biographies of all Romani women. (DIPF/Orig.