448 research outputs found

    Protocol for soil functionality assessment in vineyards

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    Protocols used by Resolve partners during the project, to assess soil functionality on degraded aeras and evaluate soil restoration after applying recovering practices

    Protocol for soil functionality assessment in vineyards

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    Protocols used by Resolve partners during the project, to assess soil functionality on degraded aeras and evaluate soil restoration after applying recovering practices

    Protocols for soil functionality assessment in vineyards

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    The purpose of this guideline is to describe the methods used during ReSolVe project for soil functionality assessment, so they can be implemented in similar studies. A brief introduction first underlines what are the main functions of soil and why maintaining an optimal soil functionality is particularly of major interest in viticulture. Then the different protocols selected for ReSolVe project and this guideline are presented according to the following classification: - Part I: assessment of soil physical and chemical features; - Part II: assessment of soil biological features (ecosystem service provision and providers); - Part III: assessment of rhizosphere biological features; - Part IV: assessment of grapevine quantitative and qualitative indicators reflecting soil functionality. In each part, global objectives of the monitoring are explained (what is it used for, in which cases…) and the parameters to evaluate are listed with their corresponding methodological sheet. In these sheets, instructions and information are given about: - Materials needed to perform the sampling and the measurement - Sampling procedure - Analysis procedure - Possible interpretations and conclusions that can be drawn (value and meaning of the results, indication of reference values when existing, potential limit of the protocol) - Bibliographic references related to the method described - Additional helpful information where appropriate (ex: template of sampling sheet

    A Chern-Simons approach to Galilean quantum gravity in 2+1 dimensions

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    We define and discuss classical and quantum gravity in 2+1 dimensions in the Galilean limit. Although there are no Newtonian forces between massive objects in (2+1)-dimensional gravity, the Galilean limit is not trivial. Depending on the topology of spacetime there are typically finitely many topological degrees of freedom as well as topological interactions of Aharonov-Bohm type between massive objects. In order to capture these topological aspects we consider a two-fold central extension of the Galilei group whose Lie algebra possesses an invariant and non-degenerate inner product. Using this inner product we define Galilean gravity as a Chern-Simons theory of the doubly-extended Galilei group. The particular extension of the Galilei group we consider is the classical double of a much studied group, the extended homogeneous Galilei group, which is also often called Nappi-Witten group. We exhibit the Poisson-Lie structure of the doubly extended Galilei group, and quantise the Chern-Simons theory using a Hamiltonian approach. Many aspects of the quantum theory are determined by the quantum double of the extended homogenous Galilei group, or Galilei double for short. We study the representation theory of the Galilei double, explain how associated braid group representations account for the topological interactions in the theory, and briefly comment on an associated non-commutative Galilean spacetime.Comment: 38 pages, 1 figure, references update

    Low Energy Skyrmion-Skyrmion Scattering

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    We study the scattering of Skyrmions at low energy and large separation using the method proposed by Manton of truncation to a finite number of degrees freedom. We calculate the induced metric on the manifold of the union of gradient flow curves, which for large separation, to first non-trivial order is parametrized by the variables of the product ansatz. (presented at the Lake Louise Winter Institute, 1994)Comment: 6 page

    Noncommutative Harmonic Analysis, Sampling Theory and the Duflo Map in 2+1 Quantum Gravity

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    We show that the ⋆\star-product for U(su2)U(su_2), group Fourier transform and effective action arising in [1] in an effective theory for the integer spin Ponzano-Regge quantum gravity model are compatible with the noncommutative bicovariant differential calculus, quantum group Fourier transform and noncommutative scalar field theory previously proposed for 2+1 Euclidean quantum gravity using quantum group methods in [2]. The two are related by a classicalisation map which we introduce. We show, however, that noncommutative spacetime has a richer structure which already sees the half-integer spin information. We argue that the anomalous extra `time' dimension seen in the noncommutative geometry should be viewed as the renormalisation group flow visible in the coarse-graining in going from SU2SU_2 to SO3SO_3. Combining our methods we develop practical tools for noncommutative harmonic analysis for the model including radial quantum delta-functions and Gaussians, the Duflo map and elements of `noncommutative sampling theory'. This allows us to understand the bandwidth limitation in 2+1 quantum gravity arising from the bounded SU2SU_2 momentum and to interpret the Duflo map as noncommutative compression. Our methods also provide a generalised twist operator for the ⋆\star-product.Comment: 53 pages latex, no figures; extended the intro for this final versio

    Effect of organic treatments on soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics in vineyard

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    The work aims to investigate the effects of different soil management strategies on carbon sequestration and total nitrogen in areas of vineyards suffering from loss of soil functionality. Treatments, selected for inter-row management, to re-install soil functionality were based on compost or other organic amendments (COMP), green manure (GM), and dry mulching (DM) strategies using winter legumes and cereals. Cover crops were seeded in fall and mown in late spring, leaved in the ground for mulching in DM or incorporated into the uppermost soil layers in GM. Such approaches were investigated in six vineyards in Italy, six in France, and two vineyards in Slovenia and Turkey. The results showed that COMP significantly increased total organic carbon (TOC) and total nitrogen (Ntot) in the topsoil after one year of application. Also DM tends to increase significantly TOC in the topsoil, but only after two years. Modelling 20-year carbon stock dynamics in Italy vineyards, the average increase resulted 0.49, 0.34, 0.21 and 0.03 Mg C ha-1 yr-1 for COMP, DM, GM and control, respectively

    Galilean quantum gravity with cosmological constant and the extended q-Heisenberg algebra

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    We define a theory of Galilean gravity in 2+1 dimensions with cosmological constant as a Chern-Simons gauge theory of the doubly-extended Newton-Hooke group, extending our previous study of classical and quantum gravity in 2+1 dimensions in the Galilean limit. We exhibit an r-matrix which is compatible with our Chern-Simons action (in a sense to be defined) and show that the associated bi-algebra structure of the Newton-Hooke Lie algebra is that of the classical double of the extended Heisenberg algebra. We deduce that, in the quantisation of the theory according to the combinatorial quantisation programme, much of the quantum theory is determined by the quantum double of the extended q-deformed Heisenberg algebra.Comment: 22 page

    Light hadrons with improved staggered quarks: approaching the continuum limit

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    We have extended our program of QCD simulations with an improved Kogut-Susskind quark action to a smaller lattice spacing, approximately 0.09 fm. Also, the simulations with a approximately 0.12 fm have been extended to smaller quark masses. In this paper we describe the new simulations and computations of the static quark potential and light hadron spectrum. These results give information about the remaining dependences on the lattice spacing. We examine the dependence of computed quantities on the spatial size of the lattice, on the numerical precision in the computations, and on the step size used in the numerical integrations. We examine the effects of autocorrelations in "simulation time" on the potential and spectrum. We see effects of decays, or coupling to two-meson states, in the 0++, 1+, and 0- meson propagators, and we make a preliminary mass computation for a radially excited 0- meson.Comment: 43 pages, 16 figure
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