1,099 research outputs found

    Preliminary Assessment of the Social Impacts of Tourism in Flagstaff, Arizona

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    The purpose of this study was to assess the perceptions of residents of Flagstaff, Arizona of the impacts of tourism on their community. The sample consisted of 203 residents who were interviewed about their perceptions of 30 impacts of tourism. The main perceived impacts were identified and the relationship of these impacts of socioeconomic characteristics were determined. Differences were also determined between the perceptions of hospitality industry employees and others. Finally the specific impacts that were most significantly related to the overall impact on the quality of life were determined using multiple regression

    Host Community Perceptions of Tourism\u27s Impacts: A Cluster Analysis

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    Tourism has been seen as a positive force in the economic well-being of many rural areas, but in recent years many local residents are starting to question whether the negative impacts of tourism on the physical and social environment are justified by the economic gains. The purpose of this study was to cluster host community respondents to a-survey on perceptions of tourism\u27s impacts into several types based upon their patterns of response

    Motivations of Resource-Based Tourism Operators in North Dakota

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    Many rural areas are rich in natural resources that lend themselves to development of tourism enterprises that assist with economic diversification. The study discussed here explored the motivations of small resource-based tourism operators in North Dakota. Data were collected from 27 tourism operators and analyzed using qualitative methods. Operators\u27 motivations were diversification, personal recreational interests, taking advantage of environmental opportunities, helping keep children in the area, civic mindedness, and personal relationships with customers. Significant financial success was not a major motivation of the operators, so Extension personnel should develop ways to work with the non-business motivations found in the study

    Building Curriculum for Strategic Alignment and Assessment

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    The purpose of this session is to present a case for increased strategic alignment between components of a program. You will also learn about practical tools for building and assessing curriculum for meaningful information and improvements

    Effective and Efficient Data Access in the Versatile Web Query Language Xcerpt

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    Access to Web data has become an integral part of many applications and services. In the past, such data has usually been accessed through human-tailoredHTMLinterfaces.Nowadays, rich client interfaces in desktop applications or, increasingly, in browser-based clients ease data access and allow more complex client processing based on XML or RDF data retrieved throughWeb service interfaces. Convenient specifications of the data processing on the client and flexible, expressive service interfaces for data access become essential in this context.Web query languages such as XQuery, XSLT, SPARQL, or Xcerpt have been tailored specifically for such a setting: declarative and efficient access and processing ofWeb data. Xcerpt stands apart among these languages by its versatility, i.e., its ability to access not just oneWeb format but many. In this demonstration, two aspects of Xcerpt are illustrated in detail: The first part of the demonstration focuses on Xcerpt’s pattern matching constructs and rules to enable effective and versatile data access. It uses a concrete practical use case from bibliography management to illustrate these language features. Xcerpt’s visual companion language visXcerpt is used to provide an intuitive interface to both data and queries. The second part of the demonstration shows recent advancements in Xcerpt’s implementation focusing on experimental evaluation of recent complexity results and optimization techniques, as well as scalability over a number of usage scenarios and input sizes

    Effective grain-size of mastery-style online homework levels

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    Mastery-style online homework is used in a preparatory physics course at the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana. Managing student frustration and making homework content achievable is a priority. In a level that historically has been difficult for students to master, content was broken into two smaller mastery levels for half of the students, with the original level given to the other half. Students performed similarly on follow-up assessments and spent similar amounts of time on the homework and assessments, but significantly more students were able to master the content when they were split into two smaller units. Further, students who saw split levels spent significantly less time re-doing problems that they had previously mastered

    Agrarumweltprogramme: (Wann) lohnt sich die Teilnahme fĂŒr landwirtschaftliche Betriebe?

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    In Bezug auf die hier getroffenen Annahmen lĂ€sst sich festhalten, dass sich die Teilnahme des Modellbetriebs an einem GrĂŒnlandextensivierungsprogramm sowohl unter den Bedingungen der alten als auch der aktuellen Förderperiode in Niedersachsen lohnt. Der Betrieb wĂŒrde einen positiven Einkommenseffekt erzielen. In der aktuellen Förderperiode wĂ€re dieser jedoch höher als in der alten Förderperiode. Die Anpassungsmöglichkeit an die Programmauflagen mit dem grĂ¶ĂŸten wirtschaftlichen Vorteil wĂ€re in beiden FĂ€llen das Zupachten von GrĂŒnland und die VerĂ€nderung der Futterration. Ein variierender Milch- oder Fleischpreis wĂŒrde keinen direkten Effekt auf das Ergebnis auslösen. Zunehmende DĂŒngerpreise wĂŒrden eine Teilnahme attraktiver machen. Steigende Pachtpreise hingegen wĂŒrden den Vorteil mindern. Eine höhere Milchleistung hat einen geringen Effekt auf den Mehrgewinn. Die in dieser Arbeit durchgefĂŒhrten Kalkulationen zur RentabilitĂ€t der GrĂŒnlandextensivierung beziehen sich lediglich auf den Beispielbetrieb. Die Ergebnisse können trotzdem auf andere, Ă€hnlich strukturierte Milchviehbetriebe ĂŒbertragen werden. Betriebsindividuelle Unterschiede hinsichtlich FlĂ€chenausstattung, BetriebsgrĂ¶ĂŸe, BewirtschaftungsintensitĂ€t und Standortbedingungen haben großen Einfluss auf die Höhe des Mehraufwandes und sollten daher nicht außer Acht gelassen werden. --

    What Is Program Level Assessment and Why Does It Matter to Me?

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    Oftentimes, faculty know the Office of Institutional Effectiveness facilitates program assessment for SACSCOC, but they may not know exactly what program assessment entails, why it is important, or how faculty can assist. The purpose of this session is to provide helpful information for faculty about program-level assessment and its meaning to faculty and the University at a practical level

    An Analysis of the Benefits and Disadvantages of Enhanced Medical Training for Texas Peace Officers

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    Discusses the cost and benefit of training police officers in medical emergency response

    IoT-enabled Advanced Services: exploring the IoT-artefact as a socio-technical construct

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    The present study draws on the Information Systems (IS) artefact theory (Lee, Thomas, & Baskerville, 2015) to systematically conceptualize the IoT and investigate its contribution to the manufacturer’s advanced services. The study employs qualitative methods to analyse the advanced services offerings of eight multinational manufacturers and identifies the specific IS artefacts, their underlying information-, social- and technology-subsystems and their enabling roles in an advanced services context. The study and its findings contribute to the development of a socio-technical IoT perspective and an enhanced understanding of the role IoT has in an advanced services context
