59 research outputs found
Anatomy in the Third Reich: An outline, part 1. National Socialist politics, anatomical institutions, and anatomists
Although it is known that anatomists working in Germany during the Third Reich have used bodies of victims of the National Socialist (NS) regime for dissection and research, a comprehensive history of the anatomy in the Third Reich has not yet been written. Recent studies of the history of German anatomy departments during this time period provide material for a first outline of the subject matter. A historical review can help with the formulation of ethical foundations in modern anatomy. From the outset, the NS regime sought to reorganize German universities according to NS leadership principles and political goals. Many German academics, especially physicians and among them anatomists, followed these intentions with a voluntary âself-alignmentâ that encompassed their professional actions as well as their ethics. Currently, political information is available for 111 of 178 anatomists. Thirty-eight of the anatomists were dismissed for racial or political reasons, among them 10 chairmen of anatomy, whereas 35 of the anatomists were politically active members of one of the NS organizations. Over 70% of the chairmen of anatomical departments in the time period from 1941 to 1944 were members of NS organizations. Anatomists, as so many other physicians and academics, belonged both, to the group of victims of the regime, i.e., those being dismissed from their positions for racial and political reasons, and to the group of supporters and sometimes active perpetrators of NS policies. Clin. Anat. 22:883â893, 2009. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64328/1/20872_ftp.pd
Polyurethane foam sponge in contact with paper - a comparative study within conservation-restoration
Dry surface cleaning methods are essential tools in paper conservation-restoration.
Polyurethane sponges, also known as cosmetic sponges, are fairly new tools to the
conservation field but are used by several conservation disciplines for dry surface cleaning.
However, availably literature regarding potential surface residues or alteration due to usage
of polyurethane sponges is limited.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the suitability of the usage of polyurethane sponges in
paper conservation, focusing on surface residues and the sponges impact on the paper
surface. In a comparative study between polyurethane sponges and soot sponges surface
residue experiments and cross section analysis were carried out on two types of paper. The
two different of papers, one smooth and one coarse paper, originated from the same pulp.
The samples were analyzed with stereo microscope and scanning electron microscope
(SEM). The analysis revealed residues from both types of sponges. However, the amount
of soot sponge particles were significantly higher, especially in the size interval 1-5 ÎŒm.
The cross sections and surface analysis of the paper samples showed no aggregation of the
paper surfaces or fibers caused by either sponge. No significant difference in the amounts
of particles could be associated with the two different papersâ surface textures.
The small amount of polyurethane sponge particles and lack of paper surface aggregation
speaks in favour for the suitability of the polyurethane sponge, compared to soot sponges,
as a conservation tool for sized rag paper. But further studies are necessary before the
polyurethane sponges potentially could be incorporated as a reliable and principally correct
tool for surface cleaning in paper conservation-preservation treatments.Uppsats för avlÀggande av filosofie kandidatexamen i
KulturvÄrd, Konservatorprogrammet
15 hp
Institutionen för kulturvÄrd
Göteborgs universitet
The university's normal museums : A study about LGBTQ and the Uppsala University museums
This master thesis in Museum and Cultural Heritage Studies is written as part of the final examination of the Master Program in Archive, Library and Museum and Cultural Heritage Studies at Uppsala university. The study is also done within the framework of the Kulturarvet som högskolepedagogisk resurs vid Uppsala universitet project at Uppsala university.The thesis focus on the university museums in Uppsala and their relationships to LGBTQ. The main theoretical framework consists of queer theory and critical cultural heritage theory. The qualitative methods used are interviews and close reading. The study aims to analyze the way the Uppsala university museum managers talk about museums and LGBTQ and study the legal framework and the political climate in Sweden in regards to LGBTQ-issues at university museums.A central conclusion is a problematic framework surrounding the university museums and LGBTQ. The university museums exist in a gray area between being museums and parts of the university. This means specific laws, regulations, recommendations and guidelines about LGBTQ-issues at museums and universities are hard to apply at the university museums. The Uppsala university museum managers give voice to a situation where the museums lack the recourses and the incentive to deal with the complex issue of LGBTQ representation and perspectives. The close relationship between specific academic fields and the university museums also reflects in the way the museums deal with LGBTQ. This affects the way the museums interact with the university and the public since the museums unintentionally reproduce old heteronormative narratives.I takt med att förestÀllningar och attityder i samhÀllet förÀndras hÀnder Àven nÄgot med museers verksamhet. BÄde sett till vad museer vÀljer att fokusera pÄ och vad samhÀllet förvÀntar sig av verksamheterna. Hbtq har kommit att bli allt mer aktuellt för de svenska museerna under de senaste Ären. Denna studie har tittat pÄ hur Uppsala universitetsmuseer förhÄller sig till hbtq-perspektiv och -frÄgor. Studien utgÄr frÄn kvalitativa intervjuer med museichefer frÄn de fyra universitetsmuseerna som finns i Uppsala. De berörda museerna Àr Evolutions-museet, Museum Gustavianum, Uppsala linneanska trÀdgÄrdar och Medicin-historiska museet. Vad museicheferna berÀttar och hur de resonerar kring hbtq i relation till sina respektive verksamheter studeras. LikasÄ omfattar studien en nÀrlÀsning av Uppsala universitets policydokument och verksamhetsmÄl, relevant lagstiftning samt kultur- och utbildningspolitiska dokument. I grunden finns ett teoretiskt perspektiv som tar utgÄng ur queerteori och kritiska kulturarvsstudier. Ett Äterkommande tema Àr den komplexa kontexten universitetsmuseerna befinner sig i. Bristen pÄ direktiv och applicerbar lagstiftning innebÀr att hbtq inte integrerats i universitetsmuseernas verksamhet. Trots att museicheferna visade intresse för frÄgorna gav de Àven uttryck för upplevda svÄrigheter med att integrera och arbeta med hbtq i verksamheterna, vilket Äterspeglas i avsaknaden av satsningar. Detta kan ses som ett resultat av bortprioritering av frÄgorna inom Uppsala universitetet bl.a. som följd av en heteronormativt syn inom akademiska fÀlt. Problematiken i relation till detta Àr att det pÄverkar vad museerna förmedlar till allmÀnheten och studenter samt vilka möjligheter det finns att inkludera universitetsmuseer i Uppsala universitets undervisning och forskning.Kulturarvet som högskolepedagogisk resurs pÄ Uppsala universite
The university's normal museums : A study about LGBTQ and the Uppsala University museums
This master thesis in Museum and Cultural Heritage Studies is written as part of the final examination of the Master Program in Archive, Library and Museum and Cultural Heritage Studies at Uppsala university. The study is also done within the framework of the Kulturarvet som högskolepedagogisk resurs vid Uppsala universitet project at Uppsala university.The thesis focus on the university museums in Uppsala and their relationships to LGBTQ. The main theoretical framework consists of queer theory and critical cultural heritage theory. The qualitative methods used are interviews and close reading. The study aims to analyze the way the Uppsala university museum managers talk about museums and LGBTQ and study the legal framework and the political climate in Sweden in regards to LGBTQ-issues at university museums.A central conclusion is a problematic framework surrounding the university museums and LGBTQ. The university museums exist in a gray area between being museums and parts of the university. This means specific laws, regulations, recommendations and guidelines about LGBTQ-issues at museums and universities are hard to apply at the university museums. The Uppsala university museum managers give voice to a situation where the museums lack the recourses and the incentive to deal with the complex issue of LGBTQ representation and perspectives. The close relationship between specific academic fields and the university museums also reflects in the way the museums deal with LGBTQ. This affects the way the museums interact with the university and the public since the museums unintentionally reproduce old heteronormative narratives.I takt med att förestÀllningar och attityder i samhÀllet förÀndras hÀnder Àven nÄgot med museers verksamhet. BÄde sett till vad museer vÀljer att fokusera pÄ och vad samhÀllet förvÀntar sig av verksamheterna. Hbtq har kommit att bli allt mer aktuellt för de svenska museerna under de senaste Ären. Denna studie har tittat pÄ hur Uppsala universitetsmuseer förhÄller sig till hbtq-perspektiv och -frÄgor. Studien utgÄr frÄn kvalitativa intervjuer med museichefer frÄn de fyra universitetsmuseerna som finns i Uppsala. De berörda museerna Àr Evolutions-museet, Museum Gustavianum, Uppsala linneanska trÀdgÄrdar och Medicin-historiska museet. Vad museicheferna berÀttar och hur de resonerar kring hbtq i relation till sina respektive verksamheter studeras. LikasÄ omfattar studien en nÀrlÀsning av Uppsala universitets policydokument och verksamhetsmÄl, relevant lagstiftning samt kultur- och utbildningspolitiska dokument. I grunden finns ett teoretiskt perspektiv som tar utgÄng ur queerteori och kritiska kulturarvsstudier. Ett Äterkommande tema Àr den komplexa kontexten universitetsmuseerna befinner sig i. Bristen pÄ direktiv och applicerbar lagstiftning innebÀr att hbtq inte integrerats i universitetsmuseernas verksamhet. Trots att museicheferna visade intresse för frÄgorna gav de Àven uttryck för upplevda svÄrigheter med att integrera och arbeta med hbtq i verksamheterna, vilket Äterspeglas i avsaknaden av satsningar. Detta kan ses som ett resultat av bortprioritering av frÄgorna inom Uppsala universitetet bl.a. som följd av en heteronormativt syn inom akademiska fÀlt. Problematiken i relation till detta Àr att det pÄverkar vad museerna förmedlar till allmÀnheten och studenter samt vilka möjligheter det finns att inkludera universitetsmuseer i Uppsala universitets undervisning och forskning.Kulturarvet som högskolepedagogisk resurs pÄ Uppsala universite
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