45 research outputs found

    Master of Arts

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    thesisIn 1908, a Special Base Ball Commission determined that baseball was invented by Abner Doubleday in 1839. The Commission, established to resolve a long-standing debate regarding the origins of baseball, relied on evidence provided by James Sullivan, a secretary working at Spalding Sporting Goods, owned by former player Albert Spalding. Sullivan solicited information from former players and fans, edited the information, and presented it to the Commission. One person's allegation stood out above the rest; Abner Graves claimed that Abner Doubleday "invented" baseball sometime around 1839 in Cooperstown, New York. It was not true; baseball did not have an "inventor" and if it did, it was not Doubleday, who was at West Point during the time in question. Ever since the Commisson's decision, historians have attempted to remove any connection between baseball and Abner Doubleday. The Commission's process and decision, itself an episode in the history of baseball, has largely been treated by historians narrowly: mostly debunking the decision over and over. Even one hundred years later, many Americans believe the Doubleday Myth. In 1999, the documents Sullivan collected, previously believed to be burned in a fire, were donated to the Baseball Hall of Fame. This made available the entire process of the decision for analysis. Historians have used this information to gain additional information on the early history of the game, and to further analyze the circumstances surrounding the creation myth. This paper attempts to analyze the motives of the decision. The documents show how much patriotism was involved and how seriously the men involved in the debate took the issue. This persistent debate was settled at a time when America was flexing its muscles on the world stage and spreading its gospel. Baseball, which was part of that gospel, had already sent its own missionaries to the world twice. Spalding, baseball's greatest missionary, was involved both times. This paper will utilize the Commission documents and extensive scrapbooks in the Albert Spalding Collection to show that to the men involved in the debate, their patriotism and masculinity were at stake, and winning the debate became as important as any game

    The multimodal treatment in headaches

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    Gravity’s Influence on Human Motivation

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    Earth’s mass generates a definitive Earth-vertical reference, shaping life’s evolution. Notably, these gravity models influence self-perception and the first-person viewpoint in the CNS, tied to bodily self-awareness and spatial orientation. Transitioning from Earth’s constant gravity to microgravity potentially disrupts the CNS’s gravity-representation models, formed since birth. Our study explored if altered gravity triggers emotional and motivational responses in rapid CNS adaptations. A psychological parallel between Earth’s gravity and attachment systems in infants and adults is proposed. We measured implicit motives through vocal interactions during demanding tasks, finding that disrupted gravity impacts the implicit affiliation motive, i.e., the subconscious need to restore bonding as soon there are signals that this attachment or “gravitational” field is disrupted. As expected, this implicit need for attachment was significantly higher in the groups which experienced disrupted gravity. Causation remains unverifiable due to exploratory design

    Synthesis of bis(ethylenedithio)tetrathiafulvalene (BEDT-TTF) derivatives functionalised with two, four or eight hydroxyl groups

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    Short synthetic routes to a range of BEDT-TTF derivatives functionalised with two, four or eight hydroxyl groups are reported, of interest because of their potential for introducing hydrogen bonding between donor and anion into their radical cation salts. The cycloaddition of 1,3-dithiole-2,4,5-trithione with alkenes to construct 5,6-dihydro-1,3-dithiolo[4,5-b]1,4-dithiin-2-thiones is a key step, with homo- or hetero-coupling procedures and O-deprotection completing the syntheses. The first synthesis of a single diastereomer of tetrakis(hydroxymethyl)BEDT-TTF, the cis, trans product, was achieved by careful choice of O-protecting groups to facilitate separation of homo- and hetero-coupled products. Cyclisation of the trithione with enantiopure 1R,2R,5R,6R-bis(O,O-isopropylidene)hex-3-ene-1,2,5,6-tetrol (from D-mannitol) gave two separable diastereomeric thiones, which can be transformed to enantiomeric BEDT-TTF derivatives with four or eight hydroxyl groups

    Gelingendes Leben - Krise als Chance fĂźr Person & Gesellschaft. Band II

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    • Peter Antes, Rel.wiss. • Petra Bahr, Theol. / Journ. • Matthias Beck Med./JS, AT • Gottfried Biewer, Bildungswiss., AT • Aladin El-Mafaalani, Pol.wiss.• Johannes Eurich, Diak.wiss. • Mario Feigel, Med. CH • Heike Gramkow, Manag.Dir. • Heinrich Greving, Heilpäd. • Udo Hahn, Theol.• Maria-C. Hallwachs, Stud., Beratg. schon betroffen • Walter Hirche, Min. a.D./Präs. Dt. UNESCO • Wolfgang Jantzen †, Soz. • Jochen-C. Kaiser, Hist. • Karl-J. Kemmelmeyer, Präs. Musikrat • Hermes Kick, Med.-Ethik • Waldemar Kippes Redemptorist JN • Ferdinand Klein, SoPäd., SK • Berthold Krüger, bpb • Christian Larsen, Arzt, CH • Ulrich Lilie Präs. Diak.W • Christian Lindmeier, SoPäd., DGfE • Ralf Meister, Bischof • Bertolt Meyer, Org.- u. Wirtschaftspsych, schon betroffen, CH • Peter Neher, Präs. Caritas • Ekkehard Nuissl, Dir. Dt. Inst. EB, DIE • Ulrich Pohl, Vorst. Bethel • Hartmann Römer, Physiker • David Roth, Lt. Hospiz • Hartmut Schlegel SoPäd. • Joachim Schoss, Unternehmer, schon betroffen, CH • Walter Surböck Med., AT• Karl-H. Steinmetz, Trad. Europ. Med., AT • Rudolf Tippelt, Bildg. Forschg. • Inge Wasserberg, Inklu.Beratg. • Walter Thirring †, Phys. CERN, C

    Compositional analysis of selected vegetable oils obtained by hexane and supercritical CO2 extraction and cold pressing procedure

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    Rastlinska olja imajo pomembno vlogo v farmacevtski, kozmetični in prehranski industriji. Klasični metodi pridobivanja rastlinskih olj sta ekstrakcija z organskimi topili, na primer s heksanom, in hladno stiskanje. Tako na raziskovalni kot tudi industrijski ravni pa v ospredje prihaja ekstrakcija s superkritičnim CO2. V magistrski nalogi smo na omenjene tri načine pridobili olja izbranih rastlinskih drog. Vzorce smo analizirali z GC-MS in opredelili njihovo trigliceridno maščobnokislinsko sestavo, primerjali izkoristke in delež nemiljivih snovi. Ekstrakcija s heksanom je bila najbolj donosna metoda za bučno olje (26,89 %) in marelično olje (31,14 %), hladno stiskanje za laneno olje (35,00 % ) in CO2 ekstrakcija za makovo (36,50 %), lipovo (16,30 %) in ognjičevo olje (13,70 %). Deleži nemiljivega dela so bili od 0,60 do 4,37 %, pri čemer smo s CO2 ekstrakcijo pridobili največ neumiljivih snovi bučnega olja, ognjičevega olja in olja pegastega badlja, pri lipovem olju je bilo primernejše hladno stiskanje, pri lanenem in mareličnem olju pa sta bili metodi enakovredni. Ob primerjavi maščobnokislinske sestave smo ugotovili, da različne metode ekstrakcije ne vplivajo bistveno na maščobnokislinsko sestavo. Zaključujemo, da je CO2 ekstrakcija z vidika maščobnokislinske sestave, deleža nemiljivih snovi in izkoristkov zelo dobra metoda za pridobivanje olj, ki bo v prihodnosti postala pomemben del pridelave rastlinskih olj. Še posebej je primerna za rastlinske droge, ki vsebujejo manj olj, saj so bili v teh primerih izkoristki v splošnem boljši. Pri rastlinskih drogah, ki so vsebovale veliko olja, in so droge enostavno dostopne, je bila klasična metoda hladnega stiskanja enakovredna CO2 ekstrakciji. Z okoljskega in zdravstvenega vidika tako ti dve metodi predstavljata racionalno alternativo heksanski ekstrakciji. Poudariti pa moramo, da opredelitev določene ekstrakcijske metode za pridobivanje rastlinskih olj kot najbolj kakovostne na podlagi vrednotenih parametrov ni enoznačna. Izhajati moramo iz končnega namena uporabe olja, tj. kot farmacevtske, kozmetične ali prehranske sestavine. Raznolikost in delež nemiljivih snovi ter maščobnokislinska sestava namreč pomembno vplivajo na lastnosti olja kot surovine.Vegetable oils play an important role in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industries. Conventional methods of obtaining vegetable oils are extraction with organic solvents, such as hexane, and cold pressing. Recently, supercritical CO2 extraction has gain popularity for both the research and industrial purposes. In the master\u27s thesis, we obtained oils from selected herbal drugs using the aforementioned methods. Afterwards, we analyzed fatty acid composition by the GC-MS method, determined the proportion of unsaponifiable matter and oil yields. Hexane extraction was the most efficient method for pumpkin oil (26.89 %) and apricot oil (31.14 %), cold pressing for linseed oil (35.00 %) and CO2 extraction for poppy (36.50 %), linden (16.30 %) and calendula oil (13.70 %). The proportions of unsaponifiable matter ranged from 0.60 to 4.37 %, with CO2 extraction yielding the most unsaponifiable substances of pumpkin seed oil, calendula oil and milk thistle oil, cold pressing was the most suitable for linden oil, while for flaxseed and apricot kernel oil, the methods were equivalent. When comparing fatty acid composition, different extraction methods did not significantly affect the fatty acid composition. It can be concluded that CO2 extraction is a very good method for obtaining oils in terms of their fatty acid composition, proportion of unsaponifiable matter and yields, and will become an important part of vegetable oil production in the future. It is especially suitable for herbal drugs that contain less oil, as in these cases the yields were generally better. For herbal drugs that contained a lot of oil and are easily available, the conventioinal method of cold pressing was equivalent to CO2 extraction. From an environmental and health point of view, these two methods represent a rational alternative to hexane extraction. It should be emphasized, however, that the definition of a particular extraction method for the production of vegetable oils as of the highest quality on the basis of evaluated parameters is not unambiguous. We must proceed from the ultimate purpose of the oil\u27s use, i.e. as pharmaceutical, cosmetic or nutritional ingredient. The variety and proportion of unsaponifiable substances and the fatty acid composition have a significant effect on the properties of an oil as a raw material

    Nicht-invasive Beatmung zur Behandlung des respiratorischen Versagens bei Kindern mit hämato-/onkologischer Erkrankung oder nach Stammzelltransplantation

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    Im Erwachsenenalter reduziert NIV (nicht-invasive Beatmung) bei immunsupprimierten Patienten die Mortalität durch Reduktion nosokomialer Infektionen. Seit 1999 wurden pädiatrische Patienten mit Immunsuppression und akuter respiratorischer Insuffizienz auf der Kinderintensivstation der Uniklinik Ulm nicht-invasiv beatmet. Material und Methoden: Retrospektive Analyse der Patienten nach Stammzelltransplantation oder mit hämato-/ onkologischer Grunderkrankung, die zwischen 1999 und 2007 an der Uniklinik Ulm nicht-invasiv beatmet wurden. Fragestellung: Wie war der Verlauf bzw. das Outcome dieser Patienten? Welche Komplikationen traten bei nicht-invasiver Beatmung auf? Konnten Subgruppen identifiziert werden, die mit Response bzw. Überleben der Patienten assoziiert sind? Ergebnisse: 41 Patienten wurden nicht-invasiv beatmet. 30 Patienten mussten nach der ersten Episode intubiert werden. Die Mortalität der Responder bei der initialen Episode NIV betrug 0 %, die der Nonresponder 60 %. 16 Patienten mussten erneut nicht-invasiv beatmet werden. Im gesamten Krankhausaufenthalt unterschieden sich Responder und Nonresponder bzgl. der Mortalität nicht (55 % vs. 67 %). 4 Patienten mussten bei folgender Intubation reanimiert werden. Ein Abfall der Atem- und Herzfrequenz nach Beginn der NIV sowie ein konstanter Sauerstoffbedarf deuten auf einen Erfolg der NIV hin. Es konnten keine Subgruppen identifiziert werden, die besonders gut auf NIV ansprechen. Unterschiede bei Patienten mit mehrmaliger Episode NIV bzw. verstorbenen Patienten zeigten sich nicht. Fazit: Eine erfolgreiche NIV ist mit höheren Überlebensraten assoziiert. Bei fast 75 % der Patienten gelang es nicht, eine Intubation zu vermeiden. Dem geringen Benefit der NIV stehen schwerwiegende Komplikationen (4 Reanimationssituationen) bei folgender Intubation gegenüber. Daher muss der Einsatz von NIV bei immunsupprimierten Kindern kritisch hinterfragt werden