5,856 research outputs found

    Near Infrared Spectroscopy of Young Brown Dwarfs in Upper Scorpius

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    Spectroscopic follow-up is a pre-requisite for studies of the formation and early evolution of brown dwarfs. Here we present IRTF/SpeX near-infrared spectroscopy of 30 candidate members of the young Upper Scorpius association, selected from our previous survey work. All 24 high confidence members are confirmed as young very low mass objects with spectral types from M5 to L1, 15-20 of them are likely brown dwarfs. This high yield confirms that brown dwarfs in Upper Scorpius can be identified from photometry and proper motions alone, with negligible contamination from field objects (<4%). Out of the 6 candidates with lower confidence, 5 might still be young very low mass members of Upper Scorpius, according to our spectroscopy. We demonstrate that some very low mass class II objects exhibit radically different near infrared (0.6 - 2.5micron) spectra from class III objects, with strong excess emission increasing towards longer wavelengths and partially filled in features at wavelengths shorter than 1.25micron. These characteristics can obscure the contribution of the photosphere within such spectra. Therefore, we caution that near infrared derived spectral types for objects with discs may be unreliable. Furthermore, we show that the same characteristics can be seen to some extent in all class II and even a significant fraction of class III objects (~40%), indicating that some of them are still surrounded by traces of dust and gas. Based on our spectra, we select a sample of objects with spectral types of M5 to L1, whose near-infrared emission represents the photosphere only. We recommend the use of these objects as spectroscopic templates for young brown dwarfs in the future.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, Accepted in MNRA

    Hybrid Quantum Dot-2D Electron Gas Devices for Coherent Optoelectronics

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    We present an inverted GaAs 2D electron gas with self-assembled InAs quantum dots in close proximity, with the goal of combining quantum transport with quantum optics experiments. We have grown and characterized several wafers -- using transport, AFM and optics -- finding narrow-linewidth optical dots and high-mobility, single subband 2D gases. Despite being buried 500 nm below the surface, the dots are clearly visible on AFM scans, allowing precise localization and paving the way towards a hybrid quantum system integrating optical dots with surface gate-defined nanostructures in the 2D gas.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures (color

    Quand l'information échappe à ses créateurs : le cas de l'artificialisation des terres agricoles en Languedoc-Roussillon

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    International audienceThis article aims to describe how the quantification of a phenomenon in relation to a specific worldview spreads and is distorted. This project has been supported by a regional public authority in Languedoc-Roussillon (France), and consisted in the production of information so to quantify and qualify the farmland decrease due to urban sprawl. The paper is based on Latour's actor-network theory; it characterizes the process of enrolment, and the development of dissidences. Identifying contradictory logics and dissidences help questioning the complexity of ‘closing the black-box' regarding information production and of sensemaking between heterogeneous actants involved in a supposed-to-be public debate.Cet article vise à spécifier comment la quantification d'un phénomène fondée sur une certaine vision du monde se propage et se déforme. Ce projet a été porté par une direction déconcentrée de l'Etat soucieuse de l'emprise croissante du bâti sur les terres agricoles en Languedoc-Roussillon. Le cadre théorique mobilisé, la sociologie de la traduction, permet d'identifier les grandes étapes d'intéressement, d'enrôlement, ainsi que le développement de controverses. Les difficultés rencontrées interrogent sur la complexité de clôture de processus innovants s'agissant de production d'information et de co-construction de sens associant des actants hétérogènes impliqués dans des procédures de débat public

    Evolution of displacements and strains in sheared amorphous solids

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    The local deformation of two-dimensional Lennard-Jones glasses under imposed shear strain is studied via computer simulations. Both the mean squared displacement and mean squared strain rise linearly with the length of the strain interval Δγ\Delta \gamma over which they are measured. However, the increase in displacement does not represent single-particle diffusion. There are long-range spatial correlations in displacement associated with slip lines with an amplitude of order the particle size. Strong dependence on system size is also observed. The probability distributions of displacement and strain are very different. For small Δγ\Delta \gamma the distribution of displacement has a plateau followed by an exponential tail. The distribution becomes Gaussian as Δγ\Delta \gamma increases to about .03. The strain distributions consist of sharp central peaks associated with elastic regions, and long exponential tails associated with plastic regions. The latter persist to the largest Δγ\Delta \gamma studied.Comment: Submitted to J. Phys. Cond. Mat. special volume for PITP Conference on Mechanical Behavior of Glassy Materials. 16 Pages, 8 figure

    Resolving asymmetries along the pulsation cycle of the Mira star X Hya

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    The mass-loss process in Mira stars probably occurs in an asymmetric way where dust can form in inhomogeneous circumstellar molecular clumps. Following asymmetries along the pulsation cycle can give us clues about these mass-loss processes. We imaged the Mira star X Hya and its environnement at different epochs to follow the evolution of the morphology in the continuum and in the molecular bands. We observed X Hya with AMBER in J-H-K at low resolution at two epochs. We modelled squared visibilities with geometrical and physical models. We also present imaging reconstruction results obtained with MiRA and based on the physical a priori images. We report on the angular scale change of X Hya between the two epochs. 1D CODEX profiles allowed us to understand and model the spectral variation of squared visibilities and constrain the stellar parameters. Reconstructed model-dependent images enabled us to reproduce closure phase signals and the azimuthal dependence of squared visibilities. They show evidence for material inhomogeneities located in the immediate environment of the star.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 17 pages, 16 figure

    Simulation study of spatio-temporal correlations of earthquakes as a stick-slip frictional instability

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    Spatio-temporal correlations of earthquakes are studied numerically on the basis of the one-dimensional spring-block (Burridge-Knopoff) model. As large events approach, the frequency of smaller events gradually increases, while, just before the mainshock, it is dramatically suppressed in a close vicinity of the epicenter of the upcoming mainshock, a phenomenon closely resembling the ``Mogi doughnut'

    Spin-down evolution and radio disappearance of the magnetar PSR J1622−-4950

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    We report on 2.4 yr of radio timing measurements of the magnetar PSR J1622−-4950 using the Parkes telescope, between 2011 November and 2014 March. During this period the torque on the neutron star (inferred from the rotational frequency derivative) varied greatly, though much less erratically than in the 2 yr following its discovery in 2009. During the last year of our measurements the frequency derivative decreased in magnitude monotonically by 20\%, to a value of −1.3×10−13-1.3\times10^{-13} s−2^{-2}, a factor of 8 smaller than when discovered. The flux density continued to vary greatly during our monitoring through 2014 March, reaching a relatively steady low level after late 2012. The pulse profile varied secularly on a similar timescale as the flux density and torque. A relatively rapid transition in all three properties is evident in early 2013. After PSR J1622−-4950 was detected in all of our 87 observations up to 2014 March, we did not detect the magnetar in our resumed monitoring starting in 2015 January and have not detected it in any of the 30 observations done through 2016 September.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Ap
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