1,553 research outputs found

    Two-dimensional Yang-Mills Theories Are String Theories

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    We show that two-dimensional SO(N) and Sp(N) Yang-Mills theories without fermions can be interpreted as closed string theories. The terms in the 1/N expansion of the partition function on an orientable or nonorientable manifold M can be associated with maps from a string worldsheet onto M. These maps are unbranched and branched covers of M with an arbitrary number of infinitesimal worldsheet cross-caps mapped to points in M. These string theories differ from SU(N) Yang-Mills string theory in that they involve odd powers of 1/N and require both orientable and nonorientable worldsheets.Comment: (two references added; one old, one recent) 14pages, Latex, BRX-TH-346, JHU-TIPAC-93001

    Lianas Suppress Seedling Growth and Survival of 14 Tree Species in a Panamanian Tropical Forest

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    Lianas are a common plant growth form in tropical forests, where they compete intensely with trees, decreasing tree recruitment, growth, and survival. If the detrimental effects of lianas vary significantly with tree species identity, as is often assumed, then lianas may influence tree species diversity and community composition. Furthermore, recent studies have shown that liana abundance and biomass are increasing relative to trees in neotropical forests, which will likely magnify the detrimental effects of lianas and may ultimately alter tree species diversity, relative abundances, and community composition. Few studies, however, have tested the responses of multiple tree species to the presence of lianas in robust, well‐replicated experiments. We tested the hypotheses that lianas reduce tree seedling growth and survival, and that the effect of lianas varies with tree species identity. We used a large‐scale liana removal experiment in Central Panama in which we planted 14 replicate seedlings of 14 different tree species that varied in shade tolerance in each of 16 80 × 80 m plots (eight liana‐removal and eight unmanipulated controls; 3136 total seedlings). Over a nearly two‐yr period, we found that tree seedlings survived 75% more, grew 300% taller, and had twice the aboveground biomass in liana‐removal plots than seedlings in control plots, consistent with strong competition between lianas and tree seedlings. There were no significant differences in the response of tree species to liana competition (i.e., there was no species by treatment interaction), indicating that lianas had a similar negative effect on all 14 tree species. Furthermore, the effect of lianas did not vary with tree species shade tolerance classification, suggesting that the liana effect was not solely based on light. Based on these findings, recently observed increases in liana abundance in neotropical forests will substantially reduce tree regeneration, but will not significantly alter tropical tree species diversity, relative abundance, or community composition

    A Reply to Verbeeck and Kearsley: Addressing the Challenges of Including lianas in Global Vegetation Models

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    Verbeeck and Kearsley (1) rightfully point out that global vegetation models would greatly benefit from implicitly including the effects of lianas. Recent experimental evidence that lianas substantially reduce the capacity of tropical forests to uptake and store carbon is compelling (2, 3). Furthermore, lianas are increasing relative to trees rapidly in many neotropical forests (4), which will further change the way that forests uptake, cycle, and store carbon

    Trade-offs Between Water Transport Capacity and Drought Resistance in Neotropical Canopy Liana and Tree Species

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    In tropical forest canopies, it is critical for upper shoots to efficiently provide water to leaves for physiological function while safely preventing loss of hydraulic conductivity due to cavitation during periods of soil water deficit or high evaporative demand. We compared hydraulic physiology of upper canopy trees and lianas in a seasonally dry tropical forest to test whether trade-offs between safety and efficiency of water transport shape differences in hydraulic function between these two major tropical woody growth forms. We found that lianas showed greater maximum stem-specific hydraulic conductivity than trees, but lost hydraulic conductivity at less negative water potentials than trees, resulting in a negative correlation and trade-off between safety and efficiency of water transport. Lianas also exhibited greater diurnal changes in leaf water potential than trees. The magnitude of diurnal water potential change was negatively correlated with sapwood capacitance, indicating that lianas are highly reliant on conducting capability to maintain leaf water status, whereas trees relied more on stored water in stems to maintain leaf water status. Leaf nitrogen concentration was related to maximum leaf-specific hydraulic conductivity only for lianas suggesting that greater water transport capacity is more tied to leaf processes in lianas compared to trees. Our results are consistent with a trade-off between safety and efficiency of water transport and may have implications for increasing liana abundance in neotropical forests

    Contribution of Lianas to Plant Area Index and Canopy Structure in A Panamanian Forest

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    Lianas are an important component of tropical forests, where they reduce tree growth, fecundity, and survival. Competition for light from lianas may be intense; however, the amount of light that lianas intercept is poorly understood. We used a large-scale liana-removal experiment to quantify light interception by lianas in a Panamanian secondary forest. We measured the change in plant area index (PAI) and forest structure before and after cutting lianas (for 4 yr) in eight 80 m × 80 m plots and eight control plots (16 plots total). We used ground-based LiDAR to measure the 3-dimensional canopy structure before cutting lianas, and then annually for 2 yr afterwards. Six weeks after cutting lianas, mean plot PAI was 20% higher in control vs. liana removal plots. One yr after cutting lianas, mean plot PAI was ~17% higher in control plots. The differences between treatments diminished significantly 2 yr after liana cutting and, after 4 yr, trees had fully compensated for liana removal. Ground-based LiDAR revealed that lianas attenuated light in the upper- and middle-forest canopy layers, and not only in the upper canopy as was previously suspected. Thus, lianas compete with trees by intercepting light in the upper- and mid-canopy of this forest

    Properties of the Strange Axial Mesons in the Relativized Quark Model

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    We studied properties of the strange axial mesons in the relativized quark model. We calculated the K1K_1 decay constant in the quark model and showed how it can be used to extract the K1(3P1)−K1(1P1)K_1 (^3P_1) - K_1 (^1P_1) mixing angle (ΞK\theta_K) from the weak decay τ→K1Μτ\tau \to K_1 \nu_\tau. The ratio BR(τ→ΜτK1(1270))/BR(τ→ΜτK1(1400))BR(\tau \to \nu_\tau K_1 (1270))/BR(\tau\to \nu_\tau K_1(1400)) is the most sensitive measurement and also the most reliable since the largest of the theoretical uncertainties factor out. However the current bounds extracted from the TPC/Two-Gamma collaboration measurements are rather weak: we typically obtain −30oâ‰ČΞKâ‰Č50o-30^o \lesssim \theta_K \lesssim 50^o at 68\% C.L. We also calculated the strong OZI-allowed decays in the pseudoscalar emission model and the flux-tube breaking model and extracted a 3P1−1P1^3P_1 - ^1P_1 mixing angle of ΞK≃45o\theta_K \simeq 45^o. Our analysis also indicates that the heavy quark limit does not give a good description of the strange mesons.Comment: Revised version to be published in Phys. Rev. D. Minor changes. Latex file uses revtex version 3 and epsfig, 4 postcript figures are attached. The full postcript version with embedded figures is available at ftp://ftp.physics.carleton.ca/pub/theory/godfrey/ocipc9512.ps.

    Blurred Lines Between Competition and Parasitism

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    Accurately describing the ecological relationships between species is more than mere semantics-doing so has profound practical and applied implications, not the least of which is that inaccurate descriptions can lead to fundamentally incorrect predicted outcomes of community composition and functioning. Accurate ecological classifications are particularly important in the context of global change, where species interactions can change rapidly following shifts in species composition. Here, we argue that many common ecological interactions-particularly competition and parasitism-can be easily confused and that we often lack empirical evidence for the full reciprocal interaction among species. To make our case and to propose a theoretical framework for addressing this problem, we use the interactions between lianas and trees, whose outcomes have myriad implications for the ecology and conservation of tropical forests (e.g., Schnitzer et al. 2015)

    Is Oak Establishment in Old‐fields and Savanna Openings Context Dependent?

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    Multiple factors are known to influence tree seedling establishment, yet the degree to which these factors depend on each other and on spatial context is largely unknown. We examined the influence of herbaceous competition and water and nitrogen limitations on tree seedling establishment as functions of distance from trees (within‐site spatial context) and site history (between‐site spatial context; as old‐fields vs. savanna openings). We grew Quercus ellipsoidalis E.J. Hill (pin oak) and Q. macrocarpa Michx. (bur oak) seedlings for 3 years in abandoned agricultural fields and savannas in central Minnesota, USA, near and distant from adult oak trees, with and without water and nitrogen resource additions, and with and without clipping of herbaceous vegetation (reducing above‐ground competition). The strongest treatment effects were found in response to distance from trees and clipping herbaceous vegetation. Ectomycorrhizal infection, year 1 foliar N concentrations, and survival were greater in seedlings growing near vs. distant from adult trees, while clipping herbaceous vegetation increased above‐ground seedling biomass but reduced seedling heights, regardless of distance from adult trees. There were conflicting effects of resource addition, which were dependent on clipping of herbaceous vegetation and site (savanna vs. old‐field). Distance from adult trees and clipping herbaceous vegetation appear to have largely independent effects. Thus, while being near trees benefits seedlings, probably via increased mycorrhizal infection, competition from herbaceous vegetation limits seedlings regardless of distance from trees. In contrast, the effects of resource addition were more context dependent, interacting significantly with herbaceous context and site. The factors influencing seedling success can perhaps be best conceptualized as a series of largely independent environmental filters: seedlings near trees have increased mycorrhizal infection, nutrient uptake and survival, but face competition from herbaceous vegetation regardless of distance from trees. The slow encroachment of woody vegetation into old‐fields and savanna openings in this region is likely to be the result of the net cumulative effect of such filters

    Lianas reduce carbon accumulation and storage in tropical forests

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    Tropical forests store vast quantities of carbon, account for a third of the carbon fixed by photosynthesis, and are a major sink in the global carbon cycle. Recent evidence suggests that competition between lianas (woody vines) and trees may reduce forest-wide carbon uptake. However, estimates of the impact of lianas on carbon dynamics of tropical forests are crucially lacking. Here, we used a large-scale liana removal experiment and found that, three years after liana removal, lianas reduced net above-ground carbon uptake (growth and recruitment minus mortality) by ~76% per year, mostly by reducing tree growth. The loss of carbon uptake due to liana-induced mortality was 4-times greater in the control plots were lianas were present, but high variation among plots prevented a significant difference among the treatments. Lianas altered how aboveground carbon was stored. In forests where lianas are present, the partitioning of forest aboveground net primary production is dominated by leaves (53.2% compared to 39.2% in liana-free forests) at the expense of woody stems (from 28.9% compared to 43.9%), resulting in a more rapid return of fixed carbon to the atmosphere. After three years of experimental liana removal, our results clearly demonstrate large differences in carbon cycling between forests with and without lianas. Combined with the recently reported increases in liana abundance, these results indicate that lianas are an important and increasing agent of change in the carbon dynamics of tropical forests

    From scalar to string confinement

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    We outline a connection between scalar quark confinement, a phenomenologically successful concept heretofore lacking fundamental justification, and QCD. Although scalar confinement does not follow from QCD, there is an interesting and close relationship between them. We develop a simple model intermediate between scalar confinement and the QCD string for illustrative purposes. Finally, we find the bound state masses of scalar, time-component vector, and string confinement analytically through semi-classical quantization.Comment: ReVTeX, 9 pages, 5 figure
