337 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Detection of Organophosphate Pesticides in Aqueous Solutions Using Hydrogen-Bond Acidic Coating on SH-SAW Devices

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    The work presented in this paper focuses on the synthesis and characterization of a hybrid organic/inorganic chemically sensitive layer for rapid detection and analysis of OPs in aqueous solutions using SH-SAW devices. Coated SH-SAW devices on 36° YX-LiTaO and 42.75° YX-Quartz (ST-90° X Quartz), are used to determine the optimum operating conditions for achieving rapid sensor responses with high sensitivity. Three analytes (parathion-methyl, parathion, and paraoxon), having similar molecular mass and volume, are used to evaluate the performance of the hybrid organic/inorganic coating in terms of sensor properties of interest including sensitivity, selectivity, reproducibility. It is shown that the coating has a high degree of partial selectivity and sensitivity towards the analytes. With the present non-optimized chemical sensor, a limit of detection of 60 (ppb), 20 (ppb) and 100 (ppb) is estimated for parathion-methyl, parathion, and paraoxon, respectively, when using a 0.5 -thick BPA-HMTS sensing layer. Concentrations as low as 500 (ppb) parathion have been measured. This concentration is significantly much lower than the typical concentrations found on agricultural produce (≄10 ppm)

    Projected 21st-Century Glacial Lake Evolution in High Mountain Asia

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    In High Mountain Asia (HMA), rising temperatures and retreating glaciers are leading to the formation of new glacial lakes and the expansion of existing ones. The sudden release of water from such lakes can lead to devastating glacial lake outburst floods (GLOF) threatening people and infrastructure for many kilometers downstream. Therefore, information on future glacial lakes, e.g., their location, area and volume as well as the timing of their development, is vital for sustainable development of settlements and infrastructures. In this study, we present comprehensive estimates for future glacial lake development in HMA with unprecedented temporal resolution. We rely on an ensemble of fifteen global climate models using the newest CMIP6 data and employ a set of four Shared Socioeconomic Pathway (SSP) scenarios. With the Open Global Glacier Model (OGGM), we use a modeling framework that explicitly simulates glacier dynamics in order to model glacier change until 2100 and estimate the formation period for each of the 2,700 largest future glacial lakes (>0.1 km2) in HMA. We estimate the glacial lake area in the entire region to grow by 474 ± 121 km2 for SSP126 and 833 ± 148 km2 for SSP585. Following recent estimates of currently existing glacial lakes (>0.1 km2), this would constitute an increase in lake area of ∌120–∌210% in 2100 compared to 2018. The lake volume is expected to increase by 22.8 ± 6.7 km3 for SSP126 and 39.7 ± 7.7 km3 for SSP585. This range includes a drastic tenfold increase in lake volume, from estimated 3.9 km3 in 2018 to 43.6 ± 7.7 km3 in 2100. However, there is a considerable spread between total and relative increase in glacial lake area and volume for different sub-regions of High Mountain Asia. As both, lake area and lake volume, could to lead to an increase in GLOF risk, the results emphasize the urgent need for more localized, in-depth studies at especially vulnerable locations in order to enable local communities to adapt to emerging challenges, to implement risk minimization measures, and to improve sustainable development in High Mountain Asia.Peer Reviewe

    An assessment of contact metallization for high power and high temperature diamond Schottky devices

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    Different metals W, Al, Ni and Cr were evaluated as Schottky contacts on the same p-type lightly boron doped homoepitaxial diamond layer. The current–voltage (I–V) characteristics, the series resistance and the thermal stability are discussed in the range of RT to 625 K for all Schottky devices. High current densities close to 3.2 kA/cm2 are displayed and as the series resistance decreases with increasing temperature, proving the potential of diamond for high power and high temperature devices. The thermal stability of metal/diamond interface investigated with regards to the Schottky barrier height (SBH) and ideality factor n fluctuations indicated that Ni and W are thermally stable in the range of RT to 625 K. Current–voltage measurements at reverse bias indicated a maximum breakdown voltage of 70 V corresponding to an electric field of 3.75 MV/cm. Finally, these electrical measurements have been completed with mechanical adhesion tests of contact metallizations on diamond by nano-scratching technique. These studies clearly reveal Ni as a promising contact metallization for high power, high temperature and good mechanical strength diamond Schottky barrier diode applications

    Attachement, problÚmes de comportement et qualité de vie d'enfants accueillis en foyer

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    International audienceLes enfants confiĂ©s Ă  l'Aide Sociale Ă  l'Enfance ont vĂ©cu une sĂ©paration plus ou moins prĂ©coce d'avec leurs parents biologiques, gĂ©nĂ©ralement Ă  la suite de longues pĂ©riodes de nĂ©gligence et/ou d'abus physiques, Ă©motionnels ou sexuels. Le Foyer DĂ©partemental de l'Enfance a ainsi pour mission d'accueillir dans un environnement institutionnel les enfants confiĂ©s au service de l'ASE, suite Ă  une dĂ©cision judiciaire ou administrative. En raison de leur exposition Ă  une accumulation de risques, ces enfants prĂ©sentent frĂ©quemment un dĂ©veloppement altĂ©rĂ©. L'objectif gĂ©nĂ©ral de cette recherche est de mieux comprendre le dĂ©veloppement socio-affectif d'enfants accueillis en institution (Foyer DĂ©partemental de l'Enfance) dans le cadre d'une mesure de protection de l'enfance, en prenant comme cadre de rĂ©fĂ©rence la thĂ©orie de l'attachement, considĂ©rĂ©e depuis quelques annĂ©es comme apportant un Ă©clairage particuliĂšrement novateur sur ce que reprĂ©sente, pour un enfant, la situation de placement. Au regard du peu de donnĂ©es françaises disponibles, les questions de cette recherche visent d'une part Ă  explorer les aspects spĂ©cifiques des reprĂ©sentations d'attachement des enfants placĂ©s ainsi que leurs problĂšmes de comportement ; d'autre part, Ă  Ă©tudier la qualitĂ© de vie de ces enfants telle que rapportĂ©e par les professionnels et les enfants eux-mĂȘmes ; enfin, Ă  examiner les liens entre reprĂ©sentation d'attachement, problĂšmes de comportement et qualitĂ© de vie. Notre Ă©tude a portĂ© sur 40 enfants de 4 Ă  10 ans confiĂ©s Ă  l'Aide Sociale Ă  l'Enfance et accueillis en Ă©tablissement (13 filles et 27 garçons). Les enfants ont passĂ© " les histoires d'attachement Ă  complĂ©ter " dont nous avons codĂ© les narratifs avec le CCH (Miljkovitch et al., 2003) et ils ont complĂ©tĂ© une version adaptĂ©e du questionnaire de qualitĂ© de vie AUQUEI (Magnificat et al., 1997). Le professionnel rĂ©fĂ©rent de chaque enfant a rempli le Child Behavior Checklist (Fombonne, 1991) pour mesurer les problĂšmes de comportement de l'enfant et le questionnaire de qualitĂ© de vie KindlR (Ravens-Sieberer & Bullinger, 1998) adaptĂ© aux besoins de l'Ă©tude. Cette communication a pour objectif de faire une prĂ©sentation synthĂ©tique de certains rĂ©sultats qui soulignent l'impact des reprĂ©sentations d'attachement sur les problĂšmes de comportement et la qualitĂ© de vie des enfants. Les rĂ©sultats montrent l'importance de la dĂ©sorganisation d'attachement chez ces enfants placĂ©s, la prĂ©valence des problĂšmes de comportement et l'altĂ©ration de la qualitĂ© de vie

    Observation of Slow Dynamics near the Many-Body Localization Transition in One-Dimensional Quasiperiodic Systems.

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    In the presence of sufficiently strong disorder or quasiperiodic fields, an interacting many-body system can fail to thermalize and become many-body localized. The associated transition is of particular interest, since it occurs not only in the ground state but over an extended range of energy densities. So far, theoretical studies of the transition have focused mainly on the case of true-random disorder. In this work, we experimentally and numerically investigate the regime close to the many-body localization transition in quasiperiodic systems. We find slow relaxation of the density imbalance close to the transition, strikingly similar to the behavior near the transition in true-random systems. This dynamics is found to continuously slow down upon approaching the transition and allows for an estimate of the transition point. We discuss possible microscopic origins of these slow dynamics

    Identification of the in vivo elastic properties of common carotid arteries from MRI: a study on subjects with and without atherosclerosis.

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    International audienceThe stiffness of the arterial wall, which is modified by many cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, is known to be an indicator of vulnerability. This work focuses on the in vivo quantification of the stiffness of the common carotid artery (CCA) by applying the Magnitude Based Finite Element Model Updating (MB-FEMU) method to 13 healthy and diseased volunteers aged from 24 to 76 years old. The MB-FEMU method is based on the minimisation of the deviation between the image of a deformed artery and a registered image of this artery deformed by means of a finite elements analysis. Cross sections of the neck of each subject at different times of the cardiac cycle are recorded using a Phase Contrast cine-MRI. Applanation tonometry is then performed to obtain the blood pressure variations in the CCA throughout a heart beat. First, a time averaged elastic modulus of each CCA between diastole and systole is identified and a stiffening of the artery with age and disease is observed. Second, four elastic moduli are identified during a single heart beat for each artery, highlighting the nonlinear mechanical behaviour of the artery. A stiffening of the artery is observed and quantified at systole in comparison to diastole
