74 research outputs found

    Correction of the cytomorphological changes by the quercetin in the mucous membrane of the mouth cavity of rats under the action of systemic pathogenic factors

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    The purpose of this research was to study the correction by the quercetin of the structural and functional changes in the mucous membrane of the mouth cavity of rats caused by the action of the doxaglide prooxidant and chronic emotional and painful stress in conditions of nutritional deficiencies in plant components.The  research  was  conducted  on 21 rats 1.5 months. age. The duration of the experiment was 60 days. Intact group (1) consisted of 7 rats, which were kept on a standard ration of the vivarium. In the 2nd group (7 rats), after 1 month of their non-polifenol diet were subjected to the combined effects of the delagil oral injections (5 mg / kg) and chronic emotional and pain stress. The protective effects of the quercetin have been studied with the combined effects of delagil, chronic stress and non-polifenol diet. Rats of the 3 group  (7 animals), aftewr one month from the beginning diet were orally receiving quercetin (50 mg / kg) five times per week for 30 days.The combined effect of the epitheliotropic toxicant delagil, a chronic emotional pain syndrome with alimentary polyphenolic insufficiency, caused pronounced dystrophic changes in the epithelium and the intrinsic plate of the oral mucosa. Quercetin was the best corrector of inflammatory-destructive changes. The nature of the compensatory-regenerative processes in the cells of the epithelial layer acquired features inherent in the intact group. Quercetin prevented the oppression of proliferative activity of the epithelium

    Study of the influence of the vitamin-mineral complex "Silicon active" on the condition of the periodontal tissues of rats during the modeling of periodontitis

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    The purpose of the research was to study the effects of the vitamin-mineral complex "Silicon Active" on the condition of periodontal tissues of rats under the conditions of modeling periodontitis with the help of exogenous hyaluronidase.The experiment was carried out on 21 female rats 1 month old. age line Wistar, divided into 3 groups. The first group is intact (5 individuals). Rats of the 2nd group (control, 8 individuals) and group 3 modeled the periodontal pathology by inserting a lidase solution under the gums of the rats. In the third group (8 individuals), against the backdrop of modeling periodontitis, rats were given per os vitamin-mineral complex "Silicon active". The duration of the experiment was 55 days.            Vitamin-mineral complex "Silicon active", applied orally in rats under the conditions of parodontitis modeling, restored the structural and functional state of the connective tissue of periodontium of the rats disrupted during the modeling

    Содержание оксипролина в альвеолярном отростке крыс различного возраста, предшественники которых были облучены

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    В результате проведенных исследований установлено, что в условиях физиологического постнатального онтогенеза в альвеолярном отростке крыс, начиная с двухдневного возраста по двенадцатимесячный, происходило неуклонное повышение содержания оксипролина, после чего его уровень снижался в 1,7 раза. У животных поколения F1, полученного от облученных перед спариванием самцов и самок, содержание оксипролина в альвеолярном отростке всех возрастных групп было резко снижено. Сделано предположение, что у этих животных снижение уровня оксипролина является признаком нарушения синтеза коллагена.As a result of the carried out researches it is established, that under conditions of physiological postnatal ontogenesis in an alveolar process of rats from 2-day to 12-month age there was a steady increase in oxiprolin contents, then its level was reduced 1.7 times. At animals of generation F1 from irradiated before pairing male and female the oxiprolin contents in an alveolar process of all age groups has been sharply reduced. The assumption is made, that these animals had a decrease in the oxiprolin level which is an attribute of collagen synthesis disorders

    The effect of estrogen deficiency and its combination with chronic stress on the condition of periodontal in old rats

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of ovariectomy and its combination with stress (femoral fracture) on the periodontal condition in old rats. Materials and methods. A total of 24 white female rats were used in the experiment. The first group consisted of intact rats. Rats of the second group were subjected to an ovariectomy (OE) at the age of 2 months. Rats of the third group underwent a fracture of the one femur 1 month before they were euthanized. The animals were sacrificed at 15 months of age. Results. The level of LPO was increased in the liver, salivary glands and alveolar bone process after experimental ovariectomy; the recession defects on molars were significantly increased. Stress (femoral fracture) aggravated the intensification of peroxidation processes in the salivary glands and liver of rats. The levels of nucleic and higher polyene fatty acids in the liver lipids were decreased in the combination of ovariectomy and stress. The level of LPO in the alveolar bone process was not changed significantly. Histomorphometric study of periodontium in rats revealed a decrease in the upper margin of epithelial attachment. Conclusions. Experimental estrogen deficiency caused the most significant pathogenic effect on the periodontium in old rats. The obtained data demonstrate that female sex hormone deficiency is one of the mechanisms in periodontitis pathogenesis

    Эффективность комплексного лечения кандидоза слизистой оболочки полости рта у пациентов на фоне нарушений углеводного обмена

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    У статті наведені результати лікування кандидозного ураження слизової оболонки ротової порожнини (СОПР), асоційованого з порушеннями вуглеводного обміну (ПВО). Встановлено, що головна мікробіота у порожнині рота у осіб з КС на фоні ППВО представлена дріжджіподібними грибами роду Candida albicans, S. aureus і S. anginosus. Додаткову мікробіоту порожнини рота формують бактерії S. epidermitidis, S. faecalis, E. Coli. Показано, що перерозподіл таксонів головної, додаткової та випадкової мікробіоти у пацієнтів з КС на фоні ППВО зумовлений елімінацією із біотопу бактерій роду Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus (60,0 %), S. Salivarius (72,0 %), S. eguisimilis, S. Hofmannti і колонізацією СОПР патогенними і умовно патогенними для біотопу бактеріями, ентеробактеріями і дріжжіподібними грибами C. albicans. Доведено, що зростання рівня і патогенетичної активності C. albicans, C. tropicalis, C. kruseri, P. Mirabili формують канидозне ураження СОПР на фоні ППВО.The article presents the results of treatment of oral mucosal candidiasis (OMC) associated with disorders of carbohydrate metabolism (DCM). It was established that the main microbiota in the oral cavity of persons with OMC on the background of DCM is represented by yeast of the genus Candida albicans, S. aureus and S. anginosus. Additional microbiota of the oral cavity forms bacteria S. epidermitidis, S. faecalis, E. coli. It was shown that the redistribution of taxae of the main, additional and random microbiota in patients with OMC on the background of DCM is due to the elimination from the biotope of the bacteria genus Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus (60.0%), S. salivarius (72.0%), S. eguisimilis, S. hofmannti and colonization of OMC are pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic to the habitué by bacteria, Enterobacteria and yeasts C. albicans. It has been shown that the increase in the level and pathogenetic activity of C. albicans, C. tropicalis, C. kruseri, P. mirabilis forms a candidous lesions of OMC against the background of DCM.В статье наведены результаты лечения кандидозного поражения слизистой оболочки ротовой полости (СОПР), ассоциированного с нарушениями углеводного обмена (НУО). Установлено, что главная микробиота в полости рта у пациентов с КС на фоне НУО представлена дрожжеподобными грибами рода Candida albicans, S. aureus і S. anginosus. Дополнительную микробиоту полости рота формируют бактерії S. epidermitidis, S. faecalis, E. Coli. Показано, что перераспределение таксонов главной, дополнительной и случайной микробиоты у пациентов с КС на фоне НУО обусловлен элиминацией из биотопа бактерий рода Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus (60,0%), S. Salivarius (72,0%), S. eguisimilis, S. Hofmannti и колонизацией СОПР патогенными и условно патогенными для биотопа бактериями, энтеробактериями и дрожжеподобными грибами C. albicans. Доведено, что рост уровня и патогенетической активности C. albicans, C. tropicalis, C. kruseri, P. Mirabili формируют канидозное поражение СОПР на фоне НУО

    Dissolving the Dichotomies Between Online and Campus-Based Teaching: a Collective Response to The Manifesto for Teaching Online (Bayne et al. 2020)

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    This article is a collective response to the 2020 iteration of The Manifesto for Teaching Online. Originally published in 2011 as 20 simple but provocative statements, the aim was, and continues to be, to critically challenge the normalization of education as techno-corporate enterprise and the failure to properly account for digital methods in teaching in Higher Education. The 2020 Manifesto continues in the same critically provocative fashion, and, as the response collected here demonstrates, its publication could not be timelier. Though the Manifesto was written before the Covid-19 pandemic, many of the responses gathered here inevitably reflect on the experiences of moving to digital, distant, online teaching under unprecedented conditions. As these contributions reveal, the challenges were many and varied, ranging from the positive, breakthrough opportunities that digital learning offered to many students, including the disabled, to the problematic, such as poor digital networks and access, and simple digital poverty. Regardless of the nature of each response, taken together, what they show is that The Manifesto for Teaching Online offers welcome insights into and practical advice on how to teach online, and creatively confront the supremacy of face-to-face teaching

    Studying the Functional Genomics of Stress Responses in Loblolly Pine With the Expresso Microarray Experiment Management System

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    Conception, design, and implementation of cDNA microarray experiments present a variety of bioinformatics challenges for biologists and computational scientists. The multiple stages of data acquisition and analysis have motivated the design of Expresso, a system for microarray experiment management. Salient aspects of Expresso include support for clone replication and randomized placement; automatic gridding, extraction of expression data from each spot, and quality monitoring; flexible methods of combining data from individual spots into information about clones and functional categories; and the use of inductive logic programming for higher-level data analysis and mining. The development of Expresso is occurring in parallel with several generations of microarray experiments aimed at elucidating genomic responses to drought stress in loblolly pine seedlings. The current experimental design incorporates 384 pine cDNAs replicated and randomly placed in two specific microarray layouts. We describe the design of Expresso as well as results of analysis with Expresso that suggest the importance of molecular chaperones and membrane transport proteins in mechanisms conferring successful adaptation to long-term drought stress