17,532 research outputs found

    Dual Behavior of Antiferromagnetic Uncompensated Spins in NiFe/IrMn Exchange Biased Bilayers

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    We present a comprehensive study of the exchange bias effect in a model system. Through numerical analysis of the exchange bias and coercive fields as a function of the antiferromagnetic layer thickness we deduce the absolute value of the averaged anisotropy constant of the antiferromagnet. We show that the anisotropy of IrMn exhibits a finite size effect as a function of thickness. The interfacial spin disorder involved in the data analysis is further supported by the observation of the dual behavior of the interfacial uncompensated spins. Utilizing soft x-ray resonant magnetic reflectometry we have observed that the antiferromagnetic uncompensated spins are dominantly frozen with nearly no rotating spins due to the chemical intermixing, which correlates to the inferred mechanism for the exchange bias.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Self-normalizing phase measurement in multimode terahertz spectroscopy based on photomixing of three lasers

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    Photomixing of two near-infrared lasers is well established for continuous-wave terahertz spectroscopy. Photomixing of three lasers allows us to measure at three terahertz frequencies simultaneously. Similar to Fourier spectroscopy, the spectral information is contained in an nterferogram, which is equivalent to the waveform in time-domain spectroscopy. We use one fixed terahertz frequency \nu_ref to monitor temporal drifts of the setup, i.e., of the optical path-length difference. The other two frequencies are scanned for broadband high-resolution spectroscopy. The frequency dependence of the phase is obtained with high accuracy by normalizing it to the data obtained at \nu_ref, which eliminates drifts of the optical path-length difference. We achieve an accuracy of about 1-2 microns or 10^{-8} of the optical path length. This method is particularly suitable for applications in nonideal environmental conditions outside of an air-conditioned laboratory.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    A comparison of the acoustic and aerodynamic measurements of a model rotor tested in two anechoic wind tunnels

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    Two aeroacoustic facilities--the CEPRA 19 in France and the DNW in the Netherlands--are compared. The two facilities have unique acoustic characteristics that make them appropriate for acoustic testing of model-scale helicopter rotors. An identical pressure-instrumented model-scale rotor was tested in each facility and acoustic test results are compared with full-scale-rotor test results. Blade surface pressures measured in both tunnels were used to correlated nominal rotor operating conditions in each tunnel, and also used to assess the steadiness of the rotor in each tunnel's flow. In-the-flow rotor acoustic signatures at moderate forward speeds (35-50 m/sec) are presented for each facility and discussed in relation to the differences in tunnel geometries and aeroacoustic characteristics. Both reports are presented in appendices to this paper. ;.)

    Spacelab 3: Research in microgravity

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    The Spacelab 3 mission, which focused on research in microgravity, took place during the period April 29 through May 6, 1985. Spacelab 3 was the second flight of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's modular Shuttle-borne research facility. An overview of the mission is presented. Preliminary scientific results from the mission were presented by investigators at a symposium held at Marshall Space Flight Center on December 4, 1985. This special issue is based on reports presented at that symposium

    The collapsed tetragonal phase as a strongly covalent and fully nonmagnetic state: persistent magnetism with interlayer As-As bond formation in Rh-doped Ca0.8_{0.8}Sr0.2_{0.2}Fe2_2As2_2

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    A well-known feature of CaFe2_{2}As2_{2}-based superconductors is the pressure-induced collapsed tetragonal phase that is commonly ascribed to the formation of an interlayer As-As bond. Using detailed X-ray scattering and spectroscopy, we find that Rh-doped Ca0.8_{0.8}Sr0.2_{0.2}Fe2_{2}As2_{2} does not undergo a first-order phase transition and that local Fe moments persist despite the formation of interlayer As-As bonds. Our density functional theory calculations reveal that the Fe-As bond geometry is critical for stabilizing magnetism and that the pressure-induced drop in the cc lattice parameter observed in pure CaFe2_{2}As2_{2} is mostly due to a constriction within the FeAs planes. These phenomena are best understood using an often overlooked explanation for the equilibrium Fe-As bond geometry, which is set by a competition between covalent bonding and exchange splitting between strongly hybridized Fe 3d3d and As 4p4p states. In this framework, the collapsed tetragonal phase emerges when covalent bonding completely wins out over exchange splitting. Thus the collapsed tetragonal phase is properly understood as a strong, covalent phase that is fully nonmagnetic with the As-As bond forming as a byproduct.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, and 1 table. Supplemental materials are available by reques

    Klinische Evaluation eines Überdruckventils für Kindertuben mit Cuff

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    Zusammenfassung: Ziel: Zum sicheren Einsatz von Tuben mit Cuff bei Kindern ist eine Cuffdruckbegrenzung bei 20-25cmH2O von entscheidender Bedeutung. Ziel der Studie war es, die Zuverlässigkeit und den Nutzen eines neuen Cuffüberdruckventils (Öffnungsdruck 20cmH2O) in Kombination mit Tuben mit Cuff in der klinischen Anwendung bei Kindern zu evaluieren. Methodik: In einer prospektiven Studie wurde der Cuffdruck bei Kindern und Adoleszenten, die mithilfe von Tuben mit Cuff intubiert waren und eine Sevofluran-Lachgas-Anästhesie erhielten, protokolliert. Das Cuffdruckentlastungsventil wurde zwischen Cuffmanometer und Pilotballon geschaltet. Bei 25Patienten wurde die Messung vom initialen Öffnungsdruck (GruppeA) aus und bei weiteren 25Patienten vom minimalen Dichtungsdruck (GruppeB) aus gestartet. Ergebnisse: Fünfzig Patienten im Alter von 0,4 bis 17,8Jahren (Median 7,4Jahre) wurden in die Studie aufgenommen. Der Öffnungsdruck (GruppeA) lag bei 19,7±0,8cmH2O und der minimale Dichtungscuffdruck (GruppeB) bei 11,7±2,9cmH2O (Variationsbreite 6-16cmH2O). Die mittleren Cuffdruckwerte in GruppeA stabilisierten sich bei 20,4±1,6cmH2O, während sich die Cuffdruckwerte in GruppeB bei 16,5±3,3cmH2O einpendelten. Bei einem Patienten der GruppeA kam es zu einem Überschreiten der Cuffdruckgrenze von 25cmH2O; dies hatte eine manuelle Entlastung gemäß Protokoll zur Folge. Insgesamt waren während 103,1Messstunden 24Nachfüllmanöver (14 in GruppeA und 10 in GruppeB) wegen Druckabfalls mit hörbarer Luftleckage notwendig. Die meisten davon waren durch Druckerhöhungen bei der Umlagerung des Patienten bzw. nachfolgender Entlastung durch das Überdruckventil verursacht. Schlussfolgerung: Die vorliegende Untersuchung zeigt, dass das eingesetzte, einfache und leicht zu handhabende Cuffüberdruckventil zur intraoperativen Cuffdrucklimitierung bei Kindern und Adoleszenten mit geblockten Trachealtuben geeignet is

    Complexity Bounds for Ordinal-Based Termination

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    `What more than its truth do we know if we have a proof of a theorem in a given formal system?' We examine Kreisel's question in the particular context of program termination proofs, with an eye to deriving complexity bounds on program running times. Our main tool for this are length function theorems, which provide complexity bounds on the use of well quasi orders. We illustrate how to prove such theorems in the simple yet until now untreated case of ordinals. We show how to apply this new theorem to derive complexity bounds on programs when they are proven to terminate thanks to a ranking function into some ordinal.Comment: Invited talk at the 8th International Workshop on Reachability Problems (RP 2014, 22-24 September 2014, Oxford

    Charge Fluctuation Forces Between Stiff Polyelectrolytes in Salt Solution: Pairwise Summability Re-examined

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    We formulate low-frequency charge-fluctuation forces between charged cylinders - parallel or skewed - in salt solution: forces from dipolar van der Waals fluctuations and those from the correlated monopolar fluctuations of mobile ions. At high salt concentrations forces are exponentially screened. In low-salt solutions dipolar energies go as R5R^{-5} or R4R^{-4}; monopolar energies vary as R1R^{-1} or lnR\ln{R}, where RR is the minimal separation between cylinders. However, pairwise summability of rod-rod forces is easily violated in low-salt conditions. Perhaps the most important result is not the derivation of pair potentials but rather the demonstration that some of these expressions may not be used for the very problems that originally motivated their derivation.Comment: 8 pages and 1 fig in ps forma

    BCL-W has a fundamental role in B cell survival and lymphomagenesis.

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    Compromised apoptotic signaling is a prerequisite for tumorigenesis. The design of effective therapies for cancer treatment depends on a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms that govern cell survival. The antiapoptotic proteins of the BCL-2 family are key regulators of cell survival and are frequently overexpressed in malignancies, leading to increased cancer cell survival. Unlike BCL-2 and BCL-XL, the closest antiapoptotic relative BCL-W is required for spermatogenesis, but was considered dispensable for all other cell types. Here, however, we have exposed a critical role for BCL-W in B cell survival and lymphomagenesis. Loss of Bcl-w conferred sensitivity to growth factor deprivation-induced B cell apoptosis. Moreover, Bcl-w loss profoundly delayed MYC-mediated B cell lymphoma development due to increased MYC-induced B cell apoptosis. We also determined that MYC regulates BCL-W expression through its transcriptional regulation of specific miR. BCL-W expression was highly selected for in patient samples of Burkitt lymphoma (BL), with 88.5% expressing BCL-W. BCL-W knockdown in BL cell lines induced apoptosis, and its overexpression conferred resistance to BCL-2 family-targeting BH3 mimetics. Additionally, BCL-W was overexpressed in diffuse large B cell lymphoma and correlated with decreased patient survival. Collectively, our results reveal that BCL-W profoundly contributes to B cell lymphoma, and its expression could serve as a biomarker for diagnosis and aid in the development of better targeted therapies

    Controlling Silver Nanoparticle Size and Morphology with Photostimulated Synthesis

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    Photo-induced synthesis and control over the size and shape of colloidal silver nanoparticles is investigated in contrast to photo-stimulated aggregation of small nanoparticles into large fractal-type structures. The feasibility of light-driven nanoengineering which enables manipulation of the sizes and shapes of the isolated nanoparticles is studied by varying the amount and type of the stabilizing agent and the type of optical irradiation.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, 11 image