8,857 research outputs found

    Flux measurements on salt fingers at an interface

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    A series of two-layer, heat-salt fingering experiments were performed in a one meter deep insulated tank. Repeated profiling of the temperature and conductivity with a small probe allowed the calculation of the vertical fluxes of heat and salt…

    Advanced extravehicular activity systems requirements definition study. Phase 2: Extravehicular activity at a lunar base

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    The focus is on Extravehicular Activity (EVA) systems requirements definition for an advanced space mission: remote-from-main base EVA on the Moon. The lunar environment, biomedical considerations, appropriate hardware design criteria, hardware and interface requirements, and key technical issues for advanced lunar EVA were examined. Six remote EVA scenarios (three nominal operations and three contingency situations) were developed in considerable detail


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    Uma das questões de grande debate no mercado de investimentos gira em torno da diferença entre a valorização e a volatilidade de ativos relacionados a empresas do mundo real e empresas do mundo virtual (nova economia). O maior fluxo as informações, a incerteza e a inexistência de um modelo de negócio vencedor na nova economia têm ampliado essa discussão ao longo dos anos. O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar a valorização de ativos de empresas desses dois mundos (real e virtual) de mesmo foco de negócio e voltadas ao mesmo mercado em relação aos seus principais índices financeiros e performance. Estar-se-ão analisando dois negócios com mesmo fim de mercado mas que, por estarem com posicionamentos diferentes, apresentam características diferenciadas no que se refere a valorização de mercado e performance financeira. Visando desenvolver tal objetivo, o artigo analisará as empresa Barnes & Noble, tradicional varejista do segmento de livros no mercado norte-americano, e a sua subsidiária Barnes & Noble.com.One of the questions that has been deeply debated on the investment market is about the difference between assets’ rise in value and volatility in real-world and virtual-world companies (the New Economy). The larger flow of information, the uncertainty, and the nonexistence of a successful business model in the New Economy has broadened this discussion over the years. The present article aims to analyze the rise in value of company assets in these two worlds (real and virtual) that have the same business focus and are directed to the same market in relation to their main financial rates and performance. An analysis will be made of two businesses with the same market target; however, due to the fact that they hold different positions, they present different characteristics as to market increase in value and financial performance. Aiming at this objective, this article will analyse Barnes & Noble, a traditional retail company in the segment of books on the North American market and its subsidiary Barnes & Noble.com

    Analysing powers for the reaction npppπ\vec{\rm n} {\rm p} \to {\rm p} {\rm p} \pi^{-} and for np elastic scattering from 270 to 570 MeV

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    The analysing power of the reaction npppπ{\rm n}{\rm p} \to {\rm p}{\rm p} \pi^{-} for neutron energies between threshold and 570 MeV has been determined using a transversely polarised neutron beam at PSI. The reaction has been studied in a kinematically complete measurement using a time-of-flight spectrometer with large acceptance. Analysing powers have been determined as a function of the c.m. pion angle in different regions of the proton-proton invariant mass. They are compared to other data from the reactions npppπ{\rm n}{\rm p} \to {\rm p}{\rm p} \pi^{-} and ppppπ0{{\rm p}{\rm p} \to {\rm p}{\rm p} \pi^{0}}. The np elastic scattering analysing power was determined as a by-product of the measurements.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, subitted to EPJ-

    Preliminary data on boulders at station 6, Apollo 17 landing site

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    A cluster of boulders at Station 6 (Apollo 17 landing site) consists of breccias derived from the North Massif. Three preliminary lithologic units were established, on the basis of photogeologic interpretations; all lithologies identified photogeologically were sampled. Breccia clasts and matrices studied petrographically and chemically fall into two groups by modal mineralogy: (1) low-K Fra Mauro or high basalt composition, consisting of 50-60% modal feldspar, approximately 45% orthopyroxene and 1-7% Fe-Ti oxide; (2) clasts consisting of highland basalt composition, consisting of 70% feldspar, 30% orthopyroxene and olivine and a trace of Fe-Ti oxide

    The reaction npppπ{n} {p} \to {p} {p} \pi^{-} from threshold up to 570 MeV

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    The reaction npppπ{n} {p} \to {p} {p} \pi^{-} has been studied in a kinematically complete measurement with a large acceptance time-of-flight spectrometer for incident neutron energies between threshold and 570 MeV. The proton-proton invariant mass distributions show a strong enhancement due to the pp(1S0^{1}{S}_{0}) final state interaction. A large anisotropy was found in the pion angular distributions in contrast to the reaction ppppπ0{p}{p} \to {p}{p} \pi^{0}. At small energies, a large forward/backward asymmetry has been observed. From the measured integrated cross section σ(npppπ)\sigma({n}{p} \to {\rm p}{p} \pi^{-}), the isoscalar cross section σ01\sigma_{01} has been extracted. Its energy dependence indicates that mainly partial waves with Sp final states contribute. Note: Due to a coding error, the differential cross sections dσ/dMpp{d \sigma}/{d M_{pp}} as shown in Fig. 9 are too small by a factor of two, and inn Table 3 the differential cross sections dσ/dΩπ{d \sigma}/{d \Omega_{\pi}^{*}} are too large by a factor of 10/2π10/2\pi. The integrated cross sections and all conclusions remain unchanged. A corresponding erratum has been submitted and accepted by European Physics Journal.Comment: 18 pages, 16 figure

    Active monitoring of urban air with a simple short-term Tradescantia pallida var. purpurea bioassay under different temperature conditions

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of temperature regimes on the formation of micronuclei, and to assess the efficiency of a simple short-term exposure of Tradescantia pallida var. purpurea cuttings maintained in distilled water for in situ monitoring of air genotoxicity during different climatic seasons. The first experiment tested the effect of four temperature regimes and a reference temperature on the formation of micronuclei in growth chambers. For the second experiment, plant cuttings kept in distilled water were periodically exposed for 24 hours, from spring 2010 to winter 2011, in an urban site in the municipality of Novo Hamburgo, in the Sinos River Basin, State of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil); in addition an indoor control was carried out. Micronuclei frequencies (MCN) were determined in young tetrads of pollen mother cells and expressed as MCN/100 tetrads. The MCN frequencies varied from 0.70 to 1.17, however there was no significant difference between the different temperature regimes (minimum and maximum temperatures of 6 and 38 °C) and the temperature of 26 °C. Under field conditions, MCN frequencies were significantly higher in samples from the urban site than in those from the control and did not vary significantly among seasons (4.0 in spring, 2.9 in summer, 3.1 in autumn and 4.3 in winter). The results indicated the validity of this simple method as a suitable experimental model for active air monitoring under the environmental conditions of the study.(Monitoramento ativo simples de curta duração do ar urbano com o bioensaio de Tradescantia pallida var. purpurea sob diferentes condições de temperatura). O estudo objetivou investigar a influência de regimes de temperatura sobre a formação de micronúcleos e verificar a eficiência de um bioensaio de simples e rápida exposição de ramos de Tradescantia pallida var. purpurea mantidos em água destilada para o monitoramento in situ da genotoxicidade do ar ao longo das diferentes estações climáticas. No primeiro experimento, quatro regimes de temperatura e uma temperatura de referência foram testados quanto ao efeito sobre a formação de micronúcleos em câmaras de crescimento. No segundo experimento, ramos de plantas em água destilada foram periodicamente expostos por 24 horas, da primavera de 2010 ao inverno de 2011, a um ponto urbano no município de Novo Hamburgo, na Bacia do Rio dos Sinos, Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil), além de um controle em ambiente interno. As frequências de micronúcleos (MCN) foram determinadas em tétrades jovens de células-mãe de grãos de pólen e expressas como MCN/100 tétrades. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre frequências de MCN sob diferentes regimes de temperatura (temperaturas mínima e máxima de 6 e 38 °C) e a temperatura de 26 °C, variando de 0,70 a 1,17. Sob condições de campo, as frequências de MCN foram significativamente mais altas nas amostras do ponto urbano do que naquelas do controle e não variaram significativamente ao longo das estações (4,0 na primavera, 2,9 no verão, 3,1 no outono e 4,3 no inverno). Os resultados indicaram a validade desse método simples como um modelo experimental adequado para o monitoramento ativo do ar nas condições ambientais do presente estudo