2,339 research outputs found

    Forming peculiarities and manifestation of tectonic faults in soft rocks

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    Features of distribution of tectonic structures in soft rocks confirm the presence of horizontal tectonic forces in the formation of faults and are based on the manifestation of their morphological features. Linear dependences of the amplitude on the length of tectonic dislocation in the area of wedging were obtained as a result of mathematical processing of the experimental data. Actual position of the crossing lines of fault plane with the seam were considered while studying the distribution of co-fault fracturing. Analysis of the data confirms that the distribution of faulting has an undulating character. Analysis of observations showed that the deviation of the crossing line of fault plane with the seam from the middle line is subject to the normal law of random variable distribution. Thus, the studies and the obtained results allow planning mining operations assessing the utility while developing fault areas

    Cyanide intermediates in catalytic reduction of NO by C2H4 on Rhodium(III)

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    Temp.-programmed reaction spectroscopy and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) have been applied to study reactions of NO and C2H4 coadsorbed on Rh(111). As expected, H2O, CO2, and N2 are the main products at low C2H4 coverages, but at higher coverages H2, HCN, CO, and NO, and even some C2N2 evolve as well. Static SIMS indicates the formation of a large supply of adsorbed cyanide species, part of which desorbs as HCN, while the remainder decomps. and is responsible for delayed formation of N2. For the highest C2H4 coverages, the majority of the nitrogen atoms in the initially adsorbed NO desorbs as HC

    Dvoretzky type theorems for multivariate polynomials and sections of convex bodies

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    In this paper we prove the Gromov--Milman conjecture (the Dvoretzky type theorem) for homogeneous polynomials on Rn\mathbb R^n, and improve bounds on the number n(d,k)n(d,k) in the analogous conjecture for odd degrees dd (this case is known as the Birch theorem) and complex polynomials. We also consider a stronger conjecture on the homogeneous polynomial fields in the canonical bundle over real and complex Grassmannians. This conjecture is much stronger and false in general, but it is proved in the cases of d=2d=2 (for kk's of certain type), odd dd, and the complex Grassmannian (for odd and even dd and any kk). Corollaries for the John ellipsoid of projections or sections of a convex body are deduced from the case d=2d=2 of the polynomial field conjecture

    Quantum linear mutual information and classical correlations in globally pure bipartite systems

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    We investigate the correlations of initially separable probability distributions in a globally pure bipartite system with two degrees of freedom for classical and quantum systems. A classical version of the quantum linear mutual information is introduced and the two quantities are compared for a system of oscillators coupled with both linear and non-linear interactions. The classical correlations help to understand how much of the quantum loss of purity are due to intrinsic quantum effects and how much is related to the probabilistic character of the initial states, a characteristic shared by both the classical and quantum pictures. Our examples show that, for initially localized Gaussian states, the classical statistical mutual linear entropy follows its quantum counterpart for short times. For non-Gaussian states the behavior of the classical and quantum measures of information are still qualitatively similar, although the fingerprints of the non-classical nature of the initial state can be observed in their different amplitudes of oscillation.Comment: (16 pages, 4 figures

    Transient backbending behavior in the Ising model with fixed magnetization

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    The physical origin of the backbendings in the equations of state of finite but not necessarily small systems is studied in the Ising model with fixed magnetization (IMFM) by means of the topological properties of the observable distributions and the analysis of the largest cluster with increasing lattice size. Looking at the convexity anomalies of the IMFM thermodynamic potential, it is shown that the order of the transition at the thermodynamic limit can be recognized in finite systems independently of the lattice size. General statistical mechanics arguments and analytical calculations suggest that the backbending in the caloric curve is a transient behaviour which should not converge to a plateau in the thermodynamic limit, while the first order transition is signalled by a discontinuity in other observables.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figure

    Feedback methods for inverse simulation of dynamic models for engineering systems applications

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    Inverse simulation is a form of inverse modelling in which computer simulation methods are used to find the time histories of input variables that, for a given model, match a set of required output responses. Conventional inverse simulation methods for dynamic models are computationally intensive and can present difficulties for high-speed applications. This paper includes a review of established methods of inverse simulation,giving some emphasis to iterative techniques that were first developed for aeronautical applications. It goes on to discuss the application of a different approach which is based on feedback principles. This feedback method is suitable for a wide range of linear and nonlinear dynamic models and involves two distinct stages. The first stage involves design of a feedback loop around the given simulation model and, in the second stage, that closed-loop system is used for inversion of the model. Issues of robustness within closed-loop systems used in inverse simulation are not significant as there are no plant uncertainties or external disturbances. Thus the process is simpler than that required for the development of a control system of equivalent complexity. Engineering applications of this feedback approach to inverse simulation are described through case studies that put particular emphasis on nonlinear and multi-input multi-output models

    Dyson-Schwinger Equations - aspects of the pion

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    The contemporary use of Dyson-Schwinger equations in hadronic physics is exemplified via applications to the calculation of pseudoscalar meson masses, and inclusive deep inelastic scattering with a determination of the pion's valence-quark distribution function.Comment: 4 pages. Contribution to the Proceedings of ``DPF 2000,'' the Meeting of the Division of Particles and Fields of the American Physical Society, August 9-12, 2000, Department of Physics, the Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohi

    Spin-Polarized Electron Transport at Ferromagnet/Semiconductor Schottky Contacts

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    We theoretically investigate electron spin injection and spin-polarization sensitive current detection at Schottky contacts between a ferromagnetic metal and an n-type or p-type semiconductor. We use spin-dependent continuity equations and transport equations at the drift-diffusion level of approximation. Spin-polarized electron current and density in the semiconductor are described for four scenarios corresponding to the injection or the collection of spin polarized electrons at Schottky contacts to n-type or p-type semiconductors. The transport properties of the interface are described by a spin-dependent interface resistance, resulting from an interfacial tunneling region. The spin-dependent interface resistance is crucial for achieving spin injection or spin polarization sensitivity in these configurations. We find that the depletion region resulting from Schottky barrier formation at a metal/semiconductor interface is detrimental to both spin injection and spin detection. However, the depletion region can be tailored using a doping density profile to minimize these deleterious effects. For example, a heavily doped region near the interface, such as a delta-doped layer, can be used to form a sharp potential profile through which electrons tunnel to reduce the effective Schottky energy barrier that determines the magnitude of the depletion region. The model results indicate that efficient spin-injection and spin-polarization detection can be achieved in properly designed structures and can serve as a guide for the structure design.Comment: RevTex