1,079 research outputs found

    Política 2.0: el uso de facebook como herramienta de comunicación de los partidos políticos

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    Es indiscutible que en los últimos años el panorama comunicativo ha sufrido grandes cambios que han calado de lleno en la vida política de nuestro país. Uno de los principales responsables de esta evolución comunicativa es Internet, que abrió el camino a la comunicación fácil y directa, a la variedad informativa con un solo click y a la posibilidad para empresas, partidos políticos y otros interesados de dar a conocer bienes, servicios o ideas a través de las redes sociales lo que permiten que puedan llegar a la población de forma masiva, con independencia de la edad o la clase social. Así, podemos afirmar que en el entorno político se convierte en un instrumento esencial en toda campaña política. Si bien todos los partidos políticos utilizan redes sociales pero poco se ha hablado sobre cómo lo utilizan y para qué lo utilizan. Entre todas las redes sociales, Facebook es la mas seguida del mundo, ademas permite potenciar la comunicación, la información y los sondeos así como la posibilidad de obtener datos estadísticos de mucha calidad. Facebook nos permite poder ponernos en contacto con el político, tener una comunicación directa; antes lo máximo que se podía hacer para contactar era enviarle un mail, lo cual permitía que se pudiera eludir cualquier tema polémico simplemente con no responder. En el caso de las redes sociales, no responder ante un comentario o pregunta envuelta en cierta polémica puede originar pérdida de confianza a ojos de todo aquel que quiera tener acceso a dicha información. De este modo, los usuarios se sienten cómodos para manifestar sus opiniones políticas como de si un foro político se tratase. Si ademas tenemos en cuenta que en España coexisten dos partidos políticos que “obtienen regularmente la mayoría de la representación en las elecciones, con la exclusión de otras alternativas políticas, y la alternancia sistemática en la que sucesivamente uno de ellos ostenta el poder mientras el otro ejerce la oposición, para cambiar estos roles con cada ciclo de una o varias legislaturas” (Guzmán, 2011), se hace evidente que este proyecto se centre en un análisis de contenido de la participación en Facebook de los dos principales partidos políticos españoles. Para conocer mejor el marketing político, es necesario hacer un recorrido por sus orígenes y su evolución desde la polis griegas, pasando por la vida política estadounidense, hasta la España de Felipe González y Jose María Aznar. La historia política nos ha dejado grandes campañas y mensajes políticos que merecen ser rememorados aunque como cualquier otra disciplina, no está exenta ni de críticas ni del impacto de la evolución comunicativa y tecnológica que esta latente en cualquier red social. Para entender mejor el marketing político y la utilización de las redes sociales como herramienta de comunicación de los partidos político en el presente trabajo fin de grado vamos a realizar un estudio sobre la utilización de la red social Facebook por parte de los principales políticos españoles: Partido Popular y Partido Socialista. Para ello, en el primer capítulo repasamos los principales aspectos del marketing político. En el segundo, nos centramos en la campaña política así como en los ejemplos mas destacables de mensajes políticos a lo largo de la historia. En el tercer capítulo definimos la red social Facebook, así como su utilización hasta ahora por parte de los partidos políticos. En el cuarto y quinto capítulo presentamos el estudio realizado y los principales resultados. Por último, se presentan los principales resultados del estudio.Facultad de Ciencias de la EmpresaUniversidad Politécnica de Cartagen

    Consumo de produtos lácteos de origem não bovina no sul do Brasil

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    As cadeias de produção de leites de origem não bovina estão em crescimento no Brasil. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar os tipos de produtos lácteos não bovinos mais consumidos e sua origem (se caprina, ovina ou bubalina), bem como avaliar as características do consumidor que adquire esses produtos. Verificou-se, ainda, a frequência de consumo de leite bovino e derivados. Realizou-se uma pesquisa tipo survey, pela internet, com 636 respondentes. O produto derivado de leite não bovino mais citado é o queijo, seguido do leite e do iogurte. A espécie mais citada é a cabra, seguida pela búfala e a ovelha. Os consumidores que mais tendem a já ter consumido esses tipos de produtos são pessoas com mais de 45 anos, renda superior a três salários mínimos e formação superior. Os consumidores diários de queijo bovino demonstram já ter consumido produtos de leite de outra espécie. Os resultados obtidos poderão subsidiar decisões de marketing das cadeias de produção de leite não bovino.The production chains of non-cow’s milk are growing in Brazil. The aim of this study was to identify the most consumed types of non-bovine dairy products and their origin (goat, sheep or buffalo), as well as to assess the characteristics of the consumer who purchase such products. The frequency of cow’s milk and dairy products consumption was also verified. A survey-type research was carried out through the internet with 636 respondents. The most mentioned dairy product of non-bovine origin is cheese, followed by milk and yoghurt. The most mentioned species is goat, followed by buffalo and sheep. Consumers who are most likely to have already consumed these kinds of products are persons over 45 years of age, whose income is above three minimum wages and with an academic background. Daily consumers of cow’s cheese seem to have already consumed dairy products from other species. The results obtained by this study may subsidize market decisions of non-cow’s milk production chains

    Nitrogen and phosphorus additions negatively affect tree species diversity in tropical forest regrowth trajectories

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    Nutrient enrichment is increasingly affecting many tropical ecosystems, but there is no information on how this affects tree biodiversity. To examine dynamics in vegetation structure and tree species biomass and diversity, we annually remeasured tree species before and for six years after repeated additions of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in permanent plots of abandoned pasture in Amazonia. Nitrogen and, to a lesser extent, phosphorus addition shifted growth among woody species. Nitrogen stimulated growth of two common pioneer tree species and one common tree species adaptable to both high-and low-light environments, while P stimulated growth only of the dominant pioneer tree Rollinia exsucca (Annonaceae). Overall, N or P addition reduced tree assemblage evenness and delayed tree species accrual over time, likely due to competitive monopolization of other resources by the few tree species responding to nutrient enrichment with enhanced establishment and/or growth rates. Absolute tree growth rates were elevated for two years after nutrient addition. However, nutrient-induced shifts in relative tree species growth and reduced assemblage evenness persisted for more than three years after nutrient addition, favoring two nutrient-responsive pioneers and one early-secondary tree species. Surprisingly, N + P effects on tree biomass and species diversity were consistently weaker than N-only and P-only effects, because grass biomass increased dramatically in response to N + P addition. The resulting intensified competition probably prevented an expected positive N + P synergy in the tree assemblage. Thus, N or P enrichment may favor unknown tree functional response types, reduce the diversity of coexisting species, and delay species accrual during structurally and functionally complex tropical rainforest secondary succession


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    Agri-food products diversity and contemporary problems of food safety are leading to an uncertainty about the quality of products along the production chain. In this regard, the present study aimed to identify main factors in decision making of certified products consumers. To this effect, was performed a non-probabilistic sampling survey by sending an online questionnaire answered by 220 people. Among the factors that determine certified products consumption are monthly income, educational level and number of people in the family. The high price is considered as one of the barriers to certified products consumption. It was found that there are consumers who do not know what certification is. This fact constitutes an obstacle on certified products buying decision. Studies show an increase in importance when consumers attach to certification after educational campaigns. In this sense, it is necessary to develop information and awareness campaigns of the characteristics of certified products.A diversidade de produtos agroalimentares e os problemas contemporâneos de segurança alimentar conduzem à incerteza sobre a qualidade dos produtos seja para os diferentes elos da cadeia produtiva como para o consumidor final. Neste sentido, o presente estudo objetivou identificar os principais fatores na tomada de decisão dos consumidores de produtos com certificação. Para tanto, realizou-se uma survey com amostragem não probabilística pelo encaminhamento de um questionário on line, que foi respondido por 220 pessoas. Entre os fatores que determinam o consumo de produtos certificados estão renda mensal, escolaridade e número de pessoas na família. O preço elevado é considerado um dos obstáculos ao consumo de produtos certificados. Verificou-se que existem consumidores que não sabem o que é certificação, o que se constitui em entrave para a decisão de compra dos produtos certificados. Estudos apontam incremento na importância que os consumidores atribuem à certificação após campanhas educativas. Neste sentido, faz-se necessário desenvolver campanhas de informação e de divulgação das características de produtos certificados

    Dancing in the Dark - the never-resting ballet of animal life under the Arctic sea ice

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    While the Arctic Ocean is changing rapidly, we have barely begun to understand the dynamics of animal life under the permanent sea ice, as it exists today. During the MOSAiC expedition, RV Polarstern was moored to an ice floe and drifted more than 3,000 km across the central Arctic Ocean, enabling multidisciplinary observations of the inter-linked processes in atmosphere, sea ice, ocean and ecosystem. We studied year-round changes in diversity, abundance, vertical distribution, physiology, and ontogeny of Arctic ectotherms from the pack ice at the surface into the deep ocean. Imaging profilers show the fine-scale distribution of zooplankton at high resolution, how the vertical distribution and aggregation of different species change with season, and how zooplankton species prepare for reproduction already in the deepest winter. Systematic sampling with nets shows that the pelagic food web was active from the under-ice habitat down to bathypelagic depths throughout the winter, supporting a variety of predators, such as amphipods, polar cod (Boreogadus saida), and the understudied diversity of jellyfish. The first-ever hydroacoustic survey of the Transpolar Drift recorded the change in pelagic biomass in time and space, and highlights brief periods of diel vertical migration in spring and autumn. Video surveys with a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) documented the use of the under-ice habitat by polar cod and various jellyfishes. A new under-ice net mounted on the ROV can provide new insights in the connection of the life cycles of sympagic amphipods with the seasonal change of sea-ice- and water column properties. We collected thousands of samples for the analysis of condition, physiological parameters, food preference, microplastic, and trophic biomarkers, and conducted numerous rate process measurements including respiration, feeding and reproduction, for key species with the goal of unravelling the sources and fate of carbon in the food web. The first results demonstrate how sampling techniques from the days of Nansen in combination with modern technology can unfold a comprehensive picture of the contribution of Arctic fauna to ecosystem functioning and biogeochemical cycles, as well as their resilience and potential changes in a future seasonally ice-covered Arctic Ocean. We will present and discuss first results and conclusions emerging from our data with regard to the scientific objectives of MOSAiC

    Cattle as biomonitor in area under influence of a coal plant

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    Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos das poeiras e emissões atmosféricas decorrentes da combustão do carvão mineral em uma usina termelétrica (UTE) em bovinos de corte, utilizando alterações dentárias como indicador. Para tanto, cinco unidades produtivas (EAs) na região Sul do País (quatro situadas em área sob influência da Usina e uma fora do perímetro de influência da mesma) foram acompanhadas por quatro anos. Determinou-se o índice de mosqueamento (lesões dentárias compatíveis com intoxicação crônica por flúor) nos dentes incisivos de 594 bovinos. Observou-se que animais criados em região sob influência da usina apresentaram 3,9 vezes mais chances de índices de mosqueamento alto em relação aos animais fora desta área ocorrendo, ainda, interação entre as EAs e o tempo. Os resultados apontam para a interferência do ambiente na apresentação e aumento da gravidade de lesões dentárias em bovinos, sendo a proximidade à fonte poluidora um fator de risco. Entretanto, a dinâmica multifatorial das lesões dentárias e o sistema de criação utilizado em parte das unidades estudadas, podem trazer viés aos resultados. Desta forma, são necessárias avaliações mais abrangentes quanto às alterações dentárias, considerando a presença de outras fontes poluidoras na região bem como a existência de outros fatores causais às lesões dentárias.The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effects of atmospheric dust and emissions from the coal combustion in a thermal power plant (TPP) in beef cattle as biomonitor, using the dental changes as indicator of environmental pollution. To this end, five production units (EAs) in the southern region of the country (four located in area under influence of plant and outside the perimeter of influence thereof) were followed for four years. The mottling index (dental lesions compatible with chronic intoxication fluorine) was determined at 594 beef cattle incisors. It was observed that animals raised in the region under the influence of the plant showed 3.9 times more likely to mottling high rates towards animals taking place outside this area also interaction between AEs and time. The results point to environmental interference in the presentation and increased severity of dental lesions in cattle, and the proximity to the source of pollution is a risk factor. However, the multifactorial dynamics of dental injuries and the build system used in part of the units studied can bring bias to the results. Thus, considering the presence of other pollution sources in the region and the existence of other causal factors to dental injuries, more studies are needed to understand the assessments of the dental changes

    La concentración de óxido nítrico en suero de pacientes con periodontitis agresiva y crónica generalizada no está relacionada con la severidad de la enfermedad

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    Introduction: Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease that affects the supporting tissues of teeth, the effects of excess of nitric oxide, may contribute to the symptoms of periodontitis. Objective: Determine the serum nitric oxide concentration in generalized chronic and aggressive periodontitis patients and to compare it with a healthy subjects group from the Mexican population. Materials and methods: A case and control study was performed. Sixty-nine individuals were included from the Postgraduate Periodontology Clinic of the University Center of Health Sciences, the University of Guadalajara, Mexico. Patients with clinical features of generalized chronic periodontitis (GCP group n=19), generalized aggressive periodontitis (GAP group n=11), and a group of healthy subjects (HS=39) were included in the study. Informed consent was obtained from each subject, and serum nitric oxide concentration was measured by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results: Nitric oxide concentration in the study groups was greater in the GCP group (462.57 µmol/L ± 16.57 µmol/L) than in the GAP group (433.84 µmol/L ± 18.61 µmol/L) and the HS group (422.46 µmol/L ± 12.07 µmol/L). A comparison using Student’s t-test (one-tailed) between healthy subjects and generalized chronic periodontitis showed borderline significance (p<0.04), whereas no significant differences were observed in HS and GAP groups, with a p-value of 0.64, and the GAP vs. GCP p-value was 0.33. Conclusion: The serum nitric oxide concentration observed in the present study suggests that nitric oxide plays a major role in the inflammatory process, which cannot necessarily be linked to the severity of the disease and periodontal tissue destruction.Introducción. La periodontitis es una enfermedad inflamatoria que afecta los tejidos de soporte dental, los efectos del exceso de óxido nítrico, pueden contribuir a los síntomas de la periodontitis.Objetivo. Determinar la concentración de óxido nítrico en suero de pacientes con periodontitis agresiva y crónica generalizada y compararlas con individuos sanos de población mexicana.Materiales y métodos. Estudio de casos y controles. Se incluyeron 69 individuos de la Clínica de Posgrado de Periodoncia del Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad de Guadalajara. Se dividieron en tres grupos. Pacientes con periodontitis crónica generalizada (GCP n=19), Pacientes con periodontitis agresiva generalizada (GAP n=11) e Individuos sanos periodontalmente (HS n=39). Se obtuvo consentimiento informado de todos los participantes. Se realizó ensayo de ELISA para medir la concentración de óxido nítrico en suero.Resultados. Las concentraciones de óxido nítrico observadas fueron mayores en el grupo GCP (462.57 µmol/L ± 16.57 µmol/L) que en los grupos GAP (433.84 µmol/L ± 18.61 µmol/L) y HS (422.46 µmol/L ± 12.07 µmol/L). La comparación entre HS y GCP mediante la prueba estadística T de Student (una cola), mostró diferencias significativas (p<0.04), y no se observaron diferencias entre los grupos HS y GAP (p=0.64) y GAP contra GCP (p=0.33).Conclusiones. La concentración de óxido nítrico en suero, observada en el presente estudio, sugiere que el óxido nítrico desempeña un importante papel en el proceso inflamatorio, lo que, no necesariamente está ligado a la severidad de la enfermedad y a la destrucción del tejido periodontal