286 research outputs found

    Засоби систем захисту доступом та модель класифікації рівнів захисту

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    We use Kieffer's model to represent the vibrational density of states (VDoS) and thermodynamic properties of pure substances in pressure-temperature space. We show that this model can be simplified to a vibrational model in which the VDoS is represented by multiple Einstein frequencies without significant loss of accuracy in thermodynamic properties relative to experimental data. The resulting analytical expressions for thermodynamic properties, including the Gibbs energy, are mathematically simple and easily accommodated in existing computational software for making thermodynamic databases. We show for aluminium, platinum, orthoenstatite and forsterite that thermodynamic properties can be represented with comparable accuracy as with Kieffer's model with the same number of fitting parameters as in the Mie-Grüneisen-Debye model. We demonstrate that the method enables to achieve thermodynamic properties with superior accuracy relative to the Mie-Grüneisen-Debye method. The method is versatile in the sense that it allows incorporating dispersion of Grüneisen parameters. It is possible to extend the formalism to include other physical effects, such as intrinsic anharmonicity in the same way as in vibrational models based on Kieffer's formalism

    Assessment techniques, database design and software facilities for thermodynamics and diffusion

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    The purpose of this article is to give a set of recommendations to producers of assessed thermodynamic data, who may be involved in either the critical evaluation of limited chemical systems or the creation and dissemination of larger thermodynamic databases. Also, it is hoped that reviewers and editors of scientific publications in this field will find some of the information useful. Good practice in the assessment process is essential, particularly as datasets from many different sources may be combined together into a single database. With this in mind, we highlight some problems that can arise during the assessment process and we propose a quality assurance procedure. It is worth mentioning at this point, that the provision of reliable assessed thermodynamic data relies heavily on the availability of high quality experimental information. The different software packages for thermodynamics and diffusion are described here only briefly

    Segregation of Yttrium at the Mg/MgO interface in an Mg-0.5Y Alloy

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    Interfacial segregation of selected elements can be exploited to manipulate the potency of solid substrates for heterogeneous nucleation, thus controlling the solidification process. As the native inclusions in Mg alloys, MgO acts as the nucleating substrate, but it has rarely been studied in terms of its interactions with alloying elements. In this work, investigations of yttrium (Y) segregation at interfaces between native MgO particles and Mg in an Mg-0.5Y alloy were carried out by state-of-the-art aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) and associated spectroscopy. Experimental results show that native MgO particles in Mg-0.5Y possess two typical morphologies: truncated octahedron primarily faceted by {111}MgO and minorly by {100}MgO, and cubic shape with unique {100}MgO facets. Y atoms are found to segregate at both Mg/{111}MgO and Mg/{100}MgO interfaces, leading to the formation of two different 2-dimensional compounds (2DCs). The 2DC at the Mg/{111}MgO interface is identified as two atomic layers of a face-centered cubic Y2O3 phase in terms of crystal structure and chemistry, whilst it is an Mg(Y)-O monolayer at the Mg/{100}MgO interface, coherently matching with the terminating {100}MgO plane. Discussion is focused on the mechanisms underlying the formation of the 2DCs, their effects on the nucleation potency of MgO particles, and grain refinement. This work sheds light on how heterogeneous nucleation can be manipulated by altering the nucleation potency of a substrate through deliberately promoting elemental segregation of carefully chosen element(s)

    True phase diagrams

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    Анализ основных показателей годовой финансовой отчетности предприятия

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    Актуальность темы обусловлена необходимостью постоянного мониторинга показателей финансовой отчетности с целью координирования деятельности компании. Объектом исследования в данной работе является ООО "РСТ". Предмет исследования – анализ финансовой отчетности ООО "РСТ". Цель выпускной квалификационной работы – анализ основных показателей годовой финансовой отчетности ООО "РСТ" и определение направлений совершенствования внутренней и внешней политики.The relevance of the topic is due to the need for constant monitoring of financial reporting indicators in order to coordinate the company's activities. The object of research in this paper is LLC "RST". The subject of the study is the analysis of the financial statements of LLC "RST". The purpose of the final qualification work is to analyze the main indicators of the annual financial statements of LLC "RST" and identify areas for improving domestic and foreign policy

    True Phase Diagrams

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