369 research outputs found

    Empathie bei forensisch-psychiatrischen Patienten: Validität und Reliabilität des Reading the Mind in the Eyes-Test

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    Untersucht wurden 39 Patienten der Klinik für Forensische Psychiatrie der Universität Rostock hinsichtlich ihres Empathievermögens sowie auf das Vorliegen einer ADHS und mögliche Zusammenhänge. Als Testverfahren wurden der RME+ sowie der ESAQ zur Messung von Empathie sowie WURS und CAARS zur Erfassung einer eventuell vorliegenden ADHS angewandt; weitere anamnestische/kriminologische Faktoren wurden untereinander bezüglich des RME+ verglichen. Anhand unserer Daten hat sich der RME+ in unserem Patientenkollektiv nicht bewährt und erscheint nicht als geeignetes Messverfahren von Empathie

    CRISPaint allows modular base-specific gene tagging using a ligase-4-dependent mechanism

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    The site-specific insertion of heterologous genetic material into genomes provides a powerful means to study gene function. Here we describe a modular system entitled CRISPaint (CRISPR-assisted insertion tagging) that allows precise and efficient integration of large heterologous DNA cassettes into eukaryotic genomes. CRISPaint makes use of the CRISPR-Cas9 system to introduce a double-strand break (DSB) at a user-defined genomic location. A universal donor DNA, optionally provided as minicircle DNA, is cleaved simultaneously to be integrated at the genomic DSB, while processing the donor plasmid at three possible positions allows flexible reading-frame selection. Applying this system allows to create C-terminal tag fusions of endogenously encoded proteins in human cells with high efficiencies. Knocking out known DSB repair components reveals that site-specific insertion is completely dependent on canonical NHEJ (DNA-PKcs, XLF and ligase-4). A large repertoire of modular donor vectors renders CRISPaint compatible with a wide array of applications

    Extended Far-Infrared CO Emission in the Orion OMC-1 Core

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    We report on sensitive far-infrared observations of 12^{12}CO pure rotational transitions in the OMC-1 core of Orion. The lines were observed with the Long Wavelength Spectrometer (LWS) in the grating mode on board the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO), covering the 43-197 μ\mum wavelength range. The transitions from Jup=14J_{up}=14 up to Jup=19J_{up}=19 have been identified across the whole OMC-1 core and lines up to Jup=43J_{up}= 43 have been detected towards the central region, KL/IRc2. In addition, we have taken high-quality spectra in the Fabry-Perot mode of some of the CO lines. In KL/IRc2 the lines are satisfactorily accounted for by a three-temperature model describing the plateau and ridge emission. The fluxes detected in the high-JJ transitions (Jup>34J_{up} > 34) reveal the presence of a very hot and dense gas component (T=1500−2500T=1500-2500 K; N(CO)\rm N(CO)=2\times 10^{17}\cmmd),probablyoriginatingfromsomeoftheembeddedsourcespreviouslyobservedinthe), probably originating from some of the embedded sources previously observed in the \rm H_2near−infraredlines.AtallotherpositionsintheOMC−1core,weestimatekinetictemperatures near-infrared lines. At all other positions in the OMC-1 core, we estimate kinetic temperatures \geq 80$ K and as high as 150 K at some positions around IRc2, from a simple Large-Velocity Gradient model.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Centimetre continuum emission from young stellar objects in Cederblad 110

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    The low-mass star formation region associated with the reflection nebula Cederblad 110 in the Chamaeleon I cloud was mapped with the Australian Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) at 6 and 3.5cm. Altogether 11 sources were detected, three of which are previously known low mass young stellar objects associated with the nebula: the illuminating star IRS2 (Class III, Einstein X-ray source CHX7), the brightest far-infrared source IRS4 (Class I), and the weak X-ray source CHX10a (Class III). The other young stellar objects in the region, including the Class 0 protostar candidate Cha-MMS1, were not detected. The radio spectral index of IRS4 (alpha = 1.7 +/- 0.3) is consistent with optically thick free-free emission arising from a dense ionized region, probably a jet-induced shock occurring in the circumstellar material. As the only Class I protostar with a 'thermal jet' IRS4 is the strongest candidate for the central source of the molecular outflow found previously in the region. The emission from IRS2 has a flat spectrum (alpha = 0.05 +/- 0.05) but shows no sign of polarization, and therefore its origin is likely to be optically thin free-free emission either from ionized wind or a collimated jet. The strongest source detected in this survey is a new compact object with a steep negative spectral index (-1.1) and a weak linear polarization (about 2 %), which probably represents a background radio galaxy.Comment: 7 pages, 2 Postscript figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Orbital Ferromagnetism and Quantum Collapse in Stellar Plasmas

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    The possibility of quantum collapse and characteristics of nonlinear localized excitations is examined in dense stars with Landau orbital ferromagnetism in the framework of conventional quantum magnetohydrodynamics (QMHD) model including Bohm force and spin-orbit polarization effects. Employing the concepts of effective potential and Sagdeev pseudopotential, it is confirmed that the quantum collapse and Landau orbital ferromagnetism concepts are consistent with the magnetic field and mass-density range present in some white dwarf stars. Furthermore, the value of ferromagnetic-field found in this work is about the same order of magnitude as the values calculated earlier. It is revealed that the magnetosonic nonlinear propagations can behave much differently in the two distinct non-relativistic and relativistic degeneracy regimes in a ferromagnetic dense astrophysical object. Current findings should help to understand the origin of the most important mechanisms such as gravitational collapse and the high magnetic field present in many compact stars.Comment: To appear in journal Physics of Plasma

    A rotating molecular jet in Orion

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    We present CO(2-1), 13^{13}CO(2-1), CO(6-5), CO(7-6), and SO(65−54_5-5_4) line observations made with the {\it IRAM 30 m} and {\it APEX} radiotelescopes and the {\it Submillimeter Array} toward the highly collimated and extended southwest lobe of the bipolar outflow {\it Ori-S6} located in the Orion South region. We report, for all these lines, the detection of velocity asymmetries about the flow axis, with velocity differences roughly on the order of 1 km s−1^{-1} over distances of about 5000 AU, 4 km s−1^{-1} over distances of about 2000 AU, and close to the source of between 7 and 11 km s−1^{-1} over smaller scales of about 1000 AU. We interpret these velocity differences as a signature of rotation but also discuss some alternatives which we recognize as unlikely in view of the asymmetries' large downstream continuation. This rotation across the {\it Ori-S6} outflow is observed out to (projected) distances beyond 2.5 ×\times 104^4 AU from the flow's presumed origin. Comparison of our large-scale and small-scale observations suggests the rotational velocity to decline not faster than 1/R with distance R from the axis; in the innermost few arcsecs an increase of rotational velocity with R is even indicated. The magnetic field lines threading the inner rotating CO shell may well be anchored in a disk of radius ∼\sim 50 AU; the field lines further out need a more extended rotating base.Comment: Accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    On the frequency of N2H+ and N2D+

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    Context : Dynamical studies of prestellar cores search for small velocity differences between different tracers. The highest radiation frequency precision is therefore required for each of these species. Aims : We want to adjust the frequency of the first three rotational transitions of N2H+ and N2D+ and extrapolate to the next three transitions. Methods : N2H+ and N2D+ are compared to NH3 the frequency of which is more accurately known and which has the advantage to be spatially coexistent with N2H+ and N2D+ in dark cloud cores. With lines among the narrowests, and N2H+ and NH3 emitting region among the largests, L183 is a good candidate to compare these species. Results : A correction of ~10 kHz for the N2H+ (J:1-0) transition has been found (~0.03 km/s) and similar corrections, from a few m/s up to ~0.05 km/s are reported for the other transitions (N2H+ J:3-2 and N2D+ J:1-0, J:2-1, and J:3-2) compared to previous astronomical determinations. Einstein spontaneous decay coefficients (Aul) are included

    The Magnetized Electron Gas in terms of Hurwitz Zeta Functions

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    We obtain explicit expressions for thermodynamic quantities of a relativistic degenerate free electron gas in a magnetic field in terms of Hurwitz Zeta functions. The formulation allows for systematic expansion in all regimes. Three energy scales appear naturally in the degenerate relativistic gas: the Fermi energy Ef, the temperature T and an energy related to the magnetic field or Landau level spacing, eB/Ef. We study the cold and warm scenarios, T << eB/Ef and eB/Ef << T, respectively. We reproduce the oscillations of the magnetization as a function of the field in the cold regime and the dilution of them in the warm regime.Comment: 33 pages, 6 figures, LaTeX 2e, uses epsf. v2: References added, minor additions to content

    A contracting circumbinary molecular ring with an inner cavity of about 140 AU around Ori 139-409

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    Sensitive and subarcsecond resolution (∼\sim 0.7\arcsec) CH3_3OH(7−2,6_{-2,6} →\to 6−2,5_{-2,5}) line and 890 μ\mum continuum observations made with the Submillimeter Array (SMA) towards the hot molecular circumbinary ring associated with the young multiple star Ori 139-409 are presented. The CH3_3OH(7−2,6_{-2,6} - 6−2,5_{-2,5}) emission from the ring is well resolved at this angular resolution revealing an inner cavity with a size of about 140 AU. A LTE model of a Keplerian disk with an inner cavity of the same size confirms the presence of this cavity. Additionally, this model suggests that the circumbinary ring is contracting with a velocity of Vinf_{inf} ∼\sim 1.5 km s−1^{-1} toward the binary central compact circumstellar disks reported at a wavelength of 7 mm. {\bf The inner central cavity seems to be formed by the tidal effects of the young stars in the middle of the ring.} The ring appears to be not a stationary object. Furthermore, the infall velocity we determine is about a factor of 3 slower than the free-fall velocity corresponding to the dynamical mass. This would correspond to a mass accretion rate of about 10−5^{-5} M⊙_\odot/yr. We found that the dust emission associated with Ori 139-409 appears to be arising from the circumstellar disks with no strong contribution from the molecular gas ring. A simple comparison with other classical molecular dusty rings (e.g. GG Tau, UZ Tau, and UY Aur) suggests that Ori 139-409 could be one of the youngest circumbinary rings reported up to date. Finally, our results confirm that the circumbinary rings are actively funneling fresh gas material to the central compact binary circumstellar disks, i.e. to the protostars in the very early phases of their evolution.Comment: Accepted by MNRA
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