265 research outputs found

    A prospective study on the persistence of infant crying, sleeping and feeding problems and preschool behaviour

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    Aim: To determine the persistence of regulatory problems (RP), i.e. excessive crying (>3 months of age), feeding and sleeping difficulties from infancy to preschool age, and to evaluate whether RP at 5 months are predictive of preschool adaptive behaviour and social skills. Method: A prospective population study of newborns admitted to neonatal care. RP at 5, 20 and 56 months of age were obtained via parent interviews and neurological examination and preschool adaptive behaviour and social skills by parent ratings. Logistic and linear regression analyses were conducted and controlled for psychosocial and neurological factors. Results: More than half of the sample had RP at least at one measurement point. In about 8% of infants, RP persisted across the preschool years. Multiple RP and feeding problems increased the odds of eating problems at 20 and 56 months. Persistent RP and feeding problems were predictive of deficits in preschool adaptive behaviour and social skills. In addition, sex differences were found. Conclusions: Multiple RP and feeding problems had the highest stability. Persistent RP were predictive of adverse social and adaptive behaviour. Understanding of the aetiology may help to prevent persistent RP

    Zahlenlotto und Klassenlotterie in der Habsburgermonarchie 1751 - 1918

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    ABBILDUNGEN: nur in PRINTAUSGABE! -- Am Beginn der Arbeit stelle ich einige wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse über das Spiel und im speziellen über das Glücksspiel gegenüber. Dabei stütze ich mich hauptsächlich auf die Aussagen von Johan Huizinga und Roger Caillois. Daran anschließend, im ersten Schwerpunkt, folgt eine chronologische Darstellung über die Einführung und Entwicklung des Zahlenlottos und der Klassenlotterie. Hier liegt mein Augenmerk zunächst auf den ersten finanziell missglückten Versuchen einer Klassenlotterie in den Jahren 1721 und 1729 unter Karl VI., welche die Mittelbeschaffung zur Weiterentwicklung der 1719 gegründeten „Privilegierten Orientalischen Kompanie“ bringen sollte. Erst unter Maria Theresia erfolgte 1751 ein neuerlicher Beginn mit dem Pächter Cataldi und dem, an ihn vergebenen Privileg für die Errichtung eines „Lotto di Genua“ in den Österreichischen Erblanden. Dieses Zahlenlotto verlief für beide Seiten finanziell erfolgreich. Auf Grund dieser Entwicklung entschloss sich Josef II. im Jahr 1787 zur Verstaatlichung des Lottos. Kurz davor, im Jahr 1770, wurde nochmals ein neuerlich erfolgloser Versuch zur Einführung einer Klassenlotterie von Abraham Wetzlar gestartet. In der Folge kam es zu einer Neufassung des Lottopatents im Jahr 1813 unter Kaiser Franz I., welches nach Novellierungen und Änderungen in den 1850er Jahren bis 1962 in Kraft blieb. Wesentlich dabei war die Definition der eindeutigen Monopolstellung des Staates auf alle Arten des Glücksspiels und das gleichzeitig ausgesprochene Verbot jeglicher anderer einschlägiger Spiele. Der zweite Schwerpunkt und Hauptteil der Arbeit umfasst den Widerstand gegen das Zahlenlotto und die Klassenlotterie sowie die zugehörigen Reformvorschläge, weiters die Bedeutung der Traumbücher und magischen Praktiken. Die jeweiligen Aktivitäten, sowohl für, als auch gegen das Lottospiel, setzten fast zeitgleich mit dessen Einführung ein. Intensiviert hat sich die Gegnerschaft im 19. Jahrhundert, wobei 1840 erstmals Abgeordnete von Staaten des Deutschen Bundes für die Aufhebung eintraten. Ab den 1860er Jahren wurde das Thema von Abgeordneten im Reichsrat durch Anträge und Diskussionen behandelt. Am Ende der Arbeit wird die Einführung der Klassenlotterie im Jahr 1913, welche als Ersatz für das Zahlenlotto gedacht war, behandelt, die ebenso Kritik und Widerstand hervorrief. Alle Vorschläge der Gegner wurden nur in unwesentlichen Details realisiert. Letztlich sind sie alle an den Widerständen der jeweiligen Finanzminister gescheiterten

    Die traditionelle Medizin der Maya-HeilerInnen in Cayo, Belize

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    Laut Volkszählung 2010 leben 4813 indigene Maya in der Provinz Cayo. Durch die geographische Nähe zu den wichtigen politischen und wirtschaftlichen Zentren Belmopan und San Ignacio sind die Menschen dieser Region besonders stark vom Wandel betroffen, der sich mannigfaltig niederschlägt. Eine veränderte Wirtschaftsform, den sukzessiven Verlust der Sprache und verstärkte missionarische Bestrebungen unterschiedlicher religiöser Gemeinschaften haben zusätzlich Spuren im kulturellen Alltag der Maya Cayo's hinterlassen. In dieser Arbeit wird der Frage nachgegangen, inwieweit sich dieser Wandel auf das Traditionelle Heilwesen der Maya niedergeschlagen hat. Dazu wurden im Rahmen einer Feldforschung HeilerInnen interviewt und von ihnen verwendete Heilpflanzen gesammelt. Anhand dreier HeilerInnen wird die heutige Ausformung des Heilwesens analysiert. Dabei werden sowohl seine Verortung im Weltbild, die Konzeption von Krankheiten, die Weitergabe des Wissens und die Arbeitsweise der HeilerInnen untersucht und mit dem Wissensstand über mesoamerikanische Heiltraditionen in Zusammenhang gestellt. Im Falle Cayo's ist die Sorge der medizinischen ExpertInnen über den Verlust ihres Wissens geringer als die Befürchtung, durch fortschreitende Zerstörung des Regenwaldes die Basis für ihre pflanzlichen Therapien zu verlieren. Die Bemühungen der HeilerInnen,dem entgegenzusteuern, sollten unbedingt unterstützt werden

    Political implications of the PIAAC results

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag beschreibt und kommentiert ausgewählte Daten aus dem Survey of Adult Skills im Rahmen der PIAAC-Studie. Die AutorInnen, VertreterInnen der Arbeiterkammer Wien und des Verbandes Österreichischer Gewerkschaftlicher Bildung, fordern politische Antworten auf die aus den Daten abgeleiteten Bildungsbedarfe. Verlangt werden etwa ein zweites Gratiskindergartenjahr sowie eine Aufwertung von Betrieben als Lernorte. Aussehen, Möglichkeiten und Herausforderung gewerkschaftlicher Bildung werden dabei ebenso thematisiert wie Möglichkeiten der Bildungsfreistellung für InteressenvertreterInnen. (DIPF/Orig.)This article describes and comments on selected data from the Survey of Adult Skills that was part of the PIAAC study. Representatives of the Chamber of Labour Vienna and the Association of Austrian Trade Union Education (VÖGB), the authors demand a political response to the educational needs revealed by the data. They demand a second free kindergarten year and a valorization of companies as places for learning. Also discussed are the appearance, opportunities and challenge of trade union education as well as possibilities for representatives to apply for educational leave. (DIPF/Orig.

    Survival and graft function in a large animal lung transplant model after 30 h preservation and substitution of the nitric oxide pathway

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    Objective: Substitution of the nitric oxide- (NO-) pathway improves early graft function following lung transplantation. We previously demonstrated that 8-Br-cGMP (second messenger of NO) to the flush solution and tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4, coenzyme of NO synthase) given as additive during reperfusion improve post-transplant graft function. In the present study, the combined treatment with 8-Br-cGMP and BH4 was evaluated. Methods: Unilateral left lung transplantation was performed in weight matched outbred pigs (24-31kg). In group I, grafts were preserved for 30h (n=5). 8-Br-cGMP (1mg/kg) was added to the flush solution (Perfadex™, 1.5l, 1°C) and BH4 (10mg/kg/h) was given to the recipient for 5h after reperfusion. In group II, lungs were transplanted after a preservation time of 30h (n=3) and prostaglandin E1 (250g) was given into the pulmonary artery (PA) prior to flush. In all recipients 1h after reperfusion the contralateral right PA and bronchus were ligated to assess graft function only. Survival time after reperfusion, extravascular lung water index (EVLWI), hemodynamic variables, and gas exchange (PaO2) were assessed during a 12h observation period. Results: All recipients in group I survived the 12h assessment, whereas none of the group II animals survived more than 4h after reperfusion with a rapid increase of EVLWI up to 24.8±6.7ml/kg. In contrast, in group I EVLWI reached up to 8.9±1.5ml/kg and returned to nearly normal levels at 12h (6.1±0.8ml/kg). In two animals of group I the gas exchange deteriorated slightly. The other three animals showed normal arterial oxygenation over the entire observation time. Conclusion: Our data indicate that the combined substitution of the NO pathway during preservation and reperfusion reduces ischemia/reperfusion injury substantially and that this treatment even allows lung transplantation after 30h preservation in this mode

    Combined effects of pumped-storage operation and climate change on thermal structure and water quality

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    The assessment of ecological impacts of pumped-storage (PS) hydropower plants on the two connected water bodies is usually based on present climatic conditions. However, significant changes in climate must be expected during their long concession periods. We, therefore, investigate the combined effects of climate change and PS operations on water temperature and quality, as well as extent and duration of stratification and ice cover, using a site in Switzerland. For this purpose, a coupled two-dimensional hydrodynamic and water quality model for the two connected water bodies is run with 150 years long synthetic stochastic meteorological forcing for both current and future climate conditions under two PS and two reference scenarios. The results show relevant synergistic and antagonistic effects of PS operations and climate change. For example, hypolimnion temperatures in September are projected to increase by < 0.6 °C in a near-natural reference scenario and by ~ 2.5 °C in an extended PS scenario. Ice cover, which occurs every year under near-natural conditions in the current climate, would almost completely vanish with extended PS operation in the future climate. Conversely, the expected negative impacts of climate change on hypolimnetic dissolved oxygen concentrations are partially counteracted by extended PS operations. We, therefore, recommend considering future climate conditions for the environmental impact assessment in the planning of new or the recommissioning of existing PS hydropower plants

    Mutation (677C to T) in the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene aggravates hyperhomocysteinemia in hemodialysis patients

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    Mutation 677C to T in the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene aggravates hyperhomocysteinemia in hemodialysis patients. Hyperhomocysteinemia is frequent in hemodialysis patients and represents an independent risk factor for vascular disease in these patients. Elevated total homocysteine (tHcy) plasma levels can result from defective remethyla-tion of Hcy to methionine due to decreased activity of the enzyme methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR). A genetic aberration in the MTHFR gene (677C to T substitution) has been shown to result in reduced MTHFR activity. We tested the hypothesis that elevation of tHcy plasma levels in hemodialysis patients is influenced by the 677C to T mutation of the MTHFR gene and examined the relation of the genotype with tHcy, folate and vitamin B12 plasma levels in these patients. The allelic frequency of the MTHFR mutation was evaluated in 203 patients maintained on chronic hemodialysis treatment. Total Hcy, folate, vitamin B12 levels and the MTHFR mutation were analyzed in 69 of the 203 patients and in 69 age- and sex-matched healthy control subjects. The allelic frequency of the 677C to T transition in the MTHFR gene in hemodialysis patients was 34.7% versus 35.5% in healthy controls. Of 203 patients 26 (12.8%) were homozygous for the mutation (+/+) versus 10.2% in healthy subjects. The heterozygous (+/−) genotype was identified in 43.8% of patients versus 50.7% in controls. The mean tHcy level in hemodialysis patients was 28.7 ± 11.0 µuunol/liter versus 10.0 ± 3.0 µmol/liter in control subjects. The mean tHcy levels were 36.4 ± 13.4 µmol/liter in (+/+) patients and 12.2 ± 4.5 /mol/liter in (+/+) controls, 28.7 ± 10.8 µmol/liter in (+/−) patients and 9.9 ± 2.7 µmol/liter in (+/−) controls and 25.4 ± 8.5 µmol/liter in (−/−) hemodialysis patients versus 9.7 ± 2.8 µmol/liter in (−/−) controls. There was no significant difference of folate and vitamin B12 concentrations in patients and controls with different MTHFR genotypes. Analysis of covariance including age, gender, folate concentrations, vitamin B12 levels, albumin and creatinine as covariables revealed a significant influence of the (+/+) genotype, albumin and folate status on tHcy levels in hemodialysis patients. Together, our data demonstrate that the extent of hyperhomocysteinemia in hemodialysis patients is not only the result of uremia or folate status, but is also genetically determined by the (+/+) MTHFR genotype. The presence of the 677C to T mutation in the MTHFR gene does not appear to represent a risk factor for development of end-stage renal disease

    Comparison of the effects of artificial and natural barriers on large African carnivores: Implications for interspecific relationships and connectivity

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    Physical barriers contribute to habitat fragmentation, influence species distribution and ranging behaviour, and impact long-term population viability. Barrier permeability varies among species and can potentially impact the competitive balance within animal communities by differentially affecting co-occurring species. The influence of barriers on the spatial distribution of species within whole communities has nonetheless received little attention. During a 4-year period, we studied the influence of a fence and rivers, two landscape features that potentially act as barriers on space use and ranging behaviour of lions Panthera leo, spotted hyenas Crocuta crocuta, African wild dogs Lycaon pictus and cheetahs Acinonyx jubatus in Northern Botswana. We compared the tendencies of these species to cross the barriers using data generated from GPS-radio collars fitted to a total of 35 individuals. Barrier permeability was inferred by calculating the number of times animals crossed a barrier vs. the number of times they did not cross. Finally, based on our results, we produced a map of connectivity for the broader landscape system. Permeability varied significantly between fence and rivers and among species. The fence represented an obstacle for lions (permeability = 7·2%), while it was considerably more permeable for hyenas (35·6%) and wild dogs and cheetahs (≥50%). In contrast, the rivers and associated floodplains were relatively permeable to lions (14·4%) while they represented a nearly impassable obstacle for the other species (<2%). The aversion of lions to cross the fence resulted in a relatively lion-free habitat patch on one side of the fence, which might provide a potential refuge for other species. For instance, the competitively inferior wild dogs used this refuge significantly more intensively than the side of the fence with a high presence of lions. We showed that the influence of a barrier on the distribution of animals could potentially result in a broad-scale modification of community structure and ecology within a guild of co-occurring species. As habitat fragmentation increases, understanding the impact of barriers on species distributions is thus essential for the implementation of landscape-scale management strategies, the development and maintenance of corridors and the enhancement of connectivity

    Combined PET/CT-perfusion in patients with head and neck cancers

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    Objectives: Computed tomography perfusion (CTP) can provide information about angiogenesis and blood-flow characteristics in tumours. [18F]Fluoro-2-deoxy-d-glucose-positron emission tomography/computed tomography (FDG-PET/CT) is one of the major oncological imaging techniques which provides information about viability of the tumour cell and partly also about its aggressiveness. The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between FDG and CTP data in patients with head and neck cancers. Materials and methods: Forty-one patients with a clinically suspected head and neck cancer were prospectively included. All patients underwent a combined PET/CT with an integrated CTP examination in the area of the head and neck tumour. CTP data (BF, BV and MTT) and PET data (SUVmax, SUVmean, TLG, PETvol) were compared between tumours and (1) healthy contralateral tissue, (2) inflammatory lesions, (3) metastatic lymph nodes, and CTP data and PET data were correlated in tumours. Results: Thirty-five patients had a head and neck cancer. All CTP data were statistically different between tumours, inflammatory lesions, healthy tissue and metastatic lymph nodes; PET/CT data were in part significantly different. CTP and PET parameters were not significantly correlated. Conclusion: CTP and PET parameters were not significantly correlated; thus, the additional CTP values provide additional insights into tumour behaviour and their glycolytic status. Key Points : • Computed tomography perfusion (CTP) can be performed in combined positron emission tomography (PET)/CT. • CTP in addition to PET provides additional insights into tumour behaviour. • CTP can possibly differentiate between head and neck tumours and inflammatory lesions. • PET/CT with integrated CTP is possible without additional contrast medi