267 research outputs found

    Portfolio of a Female Artist, Producer and Engineer

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    Masculine pre-eminence is an observable reality in various working environments. One of these is the music industry. This project is created to take over the role as a woman working as an engineer, electronic music producer and music video maker. A portfolio of various projects with acoustic and electronic elements will be presented to show the skills as an artist, engineer and producer. Eleven songs were recorded, mixed and produced to develop skills in a wide area. Throughout the process, knowledge such as mixing and producing were broadened. Hopefully this project will be an exemplar for women in the music industry to be encouraged to be able to accomplish many different tasks in a male dominated field.https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-production-technology/1224/thumbnail.jp

    Effect of early Ambroxol treatment on lung functions in mechanically ventilated preterm newborns who subsequently developed a bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD)

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    AbstractIn a randomized trial in 102 preterm newborns with respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) it has been shown that early Ambroxol treatment (30 mg kg−1over the first 5 days) significantly reduces the incidence of RDS-associated complications [bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), intraventricular haemorrhage, post-natal acquired pneumonia]. The aim of the present analysis was to investigate the effect of Ambroxol treatment on lung function in newborns who developed BPD.Respiratory function testing (RFT) was performed immediately after extubation and at day 28. Tidal volume (VT) and respiratory frequency (f) were measured during tidal breathing using the deadspace free flow-through technique. The lung mechanic parameter VT/maxPeswas determined by measuring the maximal oesophageal pressure changes, maxPes, with a catheter tip pressure transducer.In the placebo group 36/50 infants were extubated within the first 28 days of life and 13/36 (36%) developed BPD. In the Ambroxol group 44/52 were extubated and 9/44 (20%) developed BPD. After extubation, RFT showed (i) no statistically significant difference in the ventilatory parameters of either treatment group, (ii) improved (P<0·05) lung mechanics (VT/maxPes) in Ambroxol group compared to controls (9·4±2·7 ml kPa−1vs. 8·1±2·6 ml kPa−1) and (iii) no statistically significant difference in lung function between infants with and without BPD. At day 28 we found (i) no effect of early Ambroxol treatment on lung functions, (ii) significantly (P<0·05) higher f (58·5±11·7 min−1vs. 49·7±10·1 min−1) and significantly (P<0·01) lower VT(9·6±1·9 ml vs. 12·3±2·7 ml) and VT/maxPes(8·9±2·6 ml kPa−1vs. 12·0±2·9 ml kPa−1) in infants with BPD compared to infants without and (iii) these differences are not influenced by early Ambroxol treatment.If the process of BPD development is induced, early Ambroxol treatment has no influence on impaired lung function at day 28

    Hohe PrÀvalenz der Autoimmunthyreoiditis bei Patientinnen mit PCO-Syndrom

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    Eine Autoimmunthyreoiditis (AIT) manifestiert sich hĂ€ufig in Phasen, in denen Östrogen hoch und Progesteron niedrig ist, wie z. B. nach der Entbindung oder perimenopausal. Die PrĂ€valenz einer AIT steigt prĂ€menopausal in etwa um das Doppelte an. Etwa fĂŒnf Prozent aller Frauen entwickeln postmenopausal eine AIT. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte nun am Beispiel des PCO-Syndroms die Hypothese ĂŒberprĂŒft werden, ob die Hormonkonstellation „hohes Östrogen – niedriges Progesteron“ ein möglicher Auslöser einer AIT sein kann. Beim PCO-Syndrom weisen junge Frauen eine Ă€hnliche Hormonkonstellation auf. Diese Studie zeigte eine etwa dreifach erhöhte PrĂ€valenz fĂŒr das Auftreten von SchilddrĂŒsen-Autoantikörpern bei Patientinnen mit PCOS. Somit ist die Hypothese, dass ein Ungleichgewicht zwischen Östrogen und Progesteron eine AIT auslösen kann, belegt. Eine gemeinsame genetische Disposition kann nicht angeschuldet werden. Der Befund, dass Patientinnen mit PCO-Syndrom ein dreifach erhöhtes Risiko haben, eine AIT zu entwickeln, besitzt eine hohe klinische Relevanz: Patientinnen mit PCOS sollten nicht nur regelmĂ€ĂŸig im Hinblick auf Diabetes mellitus, HyperlipoproteinĂ€mie und andere Zeichen des metabolischen Syndroms kontrolliert werden, sondern auch hinsichtlich der SchilddrĂŒsenfunktion und des möglichen Vorliegens von SchilddrĂŒsen-Autoantikörpern, auch wenn es bei Diagnose des PCOS noch keinen Hinweis auf eine SchilddrĂŒsen-Dysfunktion gibt. Patienten mit nachweisbaren Thyreoglobulin-Antikörpern und Thyreoperoxidase-Antikörpern haben ein höheres Risiko, spĂ€ter einmal an einer Autoimmunthyreoiditis zu erkranken, wodurch es zu einer VerstĂ€rkung des POCS und seiner Folgen, insbesondere der InfertilitĂ€t, kommen kann. Die Therapie einer vorliegenden Hypothyreose bei PCOS ist deshalb ein wichtiger Aspekt bei der Behandlung des PCOS

    Differences in tidal breathing between infants with chronic lung diseases and healthy controls

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    BACKGROUND: The diagnostic value of tidal breathing (TB) measurements in infants is controversially discussed. The aim of this study was to investigate to what extent the breathing pattern of sleeping infants with chronic lung diseases (CLD) differ from healthy controls with the same postconceptional age and to assess the predictive value of TB parameters. METHODS: In the age of 36–42 postconceptional weeks TB measurements were performed in 48 healthy newborns (median age and weight 7d, 3100 g) and 48 infants with CLD (80d, 2465 g)) using the deadspace-free flow-through technique. Once the infants had adapted to the mask and were sleeping quietly and breathing regularly, 20–60 breathing cycles were evaluated. Beside the shape of the tidal breathing flow-volume loop (TBFVL) 18 TB parameters were analyzed using ANOVA with Bonferroni correction. Receiver-operator characteristic (ROC) curves were calculated to investigate the discriminative ability of TB parameters. RESULTS: The incidence of concave expiratory limbs in CLD infants was 31% and significantly higher compared to controls (2%) (p < 0.001). Significant differences between CLD infants and controls were found in 11/18 TB parameters. The largest differences were seen in the mean (SD) inspiratory time 0.45(0.11)s vs. 0.65(0.14)s (p < 0.0001) and respiratory rate (RR) 55.4(14.2)/min vs. 39.2(8.6)/min (p < 0.0001) without statistically significant difference in the discriminative power between both time parameters. Most flow parameters were strongly correlated with RR so that there is no additional diagnostic value. No significant differences were found in the tidal volume and commonly used TB parameters describing the expiratory flow profile. CONCLUSION: The breathing pattern of CLD infants differs significantly from that of healthy controls. Concave TBFVL and an increased RR measured during quiet sleep and under standardized conditions may indicate diminished respiratory functions in CLD infants whereas most of the commonly used TB parameters are poorly predictive

    Early Lung Function Testing in Infants with Aortic Arch Anomalies Identifies Patients at Risk for Airway Obstruction

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    BACKGROUND: Aortic arch anomalies (AAA) are rare cardio-vascular anomalies. Right-sided and double-sided aortic arch anomalies (RAAA, DAAA) are distinguished, both may cause airway obstructions. We studied the degree of airway obstruction in infants with AAA by neonatal lung function testing (LFT). PATIENTS AND METHODS: 17 patients (10 RAAA and 7 DAAA) with prenatal diagnosis of AAA were investigated. The median (range) post conception age at LFT was 40.3 (36.6-44.1) weeks, median body weight 3400 (2320-4665) g. Measurements included tidal breathing flow-volume loops (TBFVL), airway resistance (R(aw)) by bodyplethysmography and the maximal expiratory flow at functional residual capacity (V'(max)FRC) by rapid thoracic-abdominal compression (RTC) technique. V'(max)FRC was also expressed in Z-scores, based on published gender-, age and height-specific reference values. RESULTS: Abnormal lung function tests were seen in both RAAA and DAAA infants. Compared to RAAA infants, infants with DAAA had significantly more expiratory flow limitations in the TBFVL, (86% vs. 30%, p<0.05) and a significantly increased R(aw) (p = 0.015). Despite a significant correlation between R(aw) and the Z-score of V'(max)FRC (r = 0.740, p<0.001), there were no statistically significant differences in V'(max)FRC and it's Z-scores between RAAA and DAAA infants. 4 (24%) infants (2 RAAA, 2 DAAA) were near or below the 10(th) percentile of V'(max)FRC, indicating a high risk for airway obstruction. CONCLUSION: Both, infants with RAAA and DAAA, are at risk for airway obstruction and early LFT helps to identify and to monitor these infants. This may support the decision for therapeutic interventions before clinical symptoms arise

    Validation of computerized wheeze detection in young infants during the first months of life

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    Background Several respiratory diseases are associated with specific respiratory sounds. In contrast to auscultation, computerized lung sound analysis is objective and can be performed continuously over an extended period. Moreover, audio recordings can be stored. Computerized lung sounds have rarely been assessed in neonates during the first year of life. This study was designed to determine and validate optimal cut-off values for computerized wheeze detection, based on the assessment by trained clinicians of stored records of lung sounds, in infants aged <1 year. Methods Lung sounds in 120 sleeping infants, of median (interquartile range) postmenstrual age of 51 (44.5–67.5) weeks, were recorded on 144 test occasions by an automatic wheeze detection device (PulmoTrack¼). The records were retrospectively evaluated by three trained clinicians blinded to the results. Optimal cut-off values for the automatically determined relative durations of inspiratory and expiratory wheezing were determined by receiver operating curve analysis, and sensitivity and specificity were calculated. Results The optimal cut-off values for the automatically detected durations of inspiratory and expiratory wheezing were 2% and 3%, respectively. These cutoffs had a sensitivity and specificity of 85.7% and 80.7%, respectively, for inspiratory wheezing and 84.6% and 82.5%, respectively, for expiratory wheezing. Inter-observer reliability among the experts was moderate, with a Fleiss’ Kappa (95% confidence interval) of 0.59 (0.57-0.62) for inspiratory and 0.54 (0.52 - 0.57) for expiratory wheezing. Conclusion Computerized wheeze detection is feasible during the first year of life. This method is more objective and can be more readily standardized than subjective auscultation, providing quantitative and noninvasive information about the extent of wheezing

    Development of lung function in very low birth weight infants with or without bronchopulmonary dysplasia: Longitudinal assessment during the first 15 months of corrected age

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Very low birth weight (VLBW) infants (< 1,500 g) with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) develop lung damage caused by mechanical ventilation and maturational arrest. We compared functional lung development after discharge from hospital between VLBW infants with and without BPD.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Comprehensive lung function assessment was performed at about 50, 70, and 100 weeks of postmenstrual age in 55 sedated VLBW infants (29 with former BPD [O<sub>2 </sub>supplementation was given at 36 weeks of gestational age] and 26 VLBW infants without BPD [controls]). Mean gestational age (26 vs. 29 weeks), birth weight (815 g vs. 1,125 g), and the proportion of infants requiring mechanical ventilation for ≄7 d (55% vs. 8%), differed significantly between BPD infants and controls.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Both body weight and length, determined over time, were persistently lower in former BPD infants compared to controls, but no significant between-group differences were noted in respiratory rate, respiratory or airway resistance, functional residual capacity as determined by body plethysmography (FRC<sub>pleth</sub>), maximal expiratory flow at the FRC (V'max <sub>FRC</sub>), or blood gas (pO<sub>2</sub>, pCO<sub>2</sub>) levels. Tidal volume, minute ventilation, respiratory compliance, and FRC determined by SF6 multiple breath washout (representing the lung volume in actual communication with the airways) were significantly lower in former BPD infants compared to controls. However, these differences became non-significant after normalization to body weight.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Although somatic growth and the development of some lung functional parameters lag in former BPD infants, the lung function of such infants appears to develop in line with that of non-BPD infants when a body weight correction is applied. Longitudinal lung function testing of preterm infants after discharge from hospital may help to identify former BPD infants at risk of incomplete recovery of respiratory function; such infants are at risk of later respiratory problems.</p

    Reliability of Single-Use PEEP-Valves Attached to Self-Inflating Bags during Manual Ventilation of Neonates – An In Vitro Study

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    Introduction International resuscitation guidelines suggest to use positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) during manual ventilation of neonates. Aim of our study was to test the reliability of self-inflating bags (SIB) with single-use PEEP valves regarding PEEP delivery and the effect of different peak inflation pressures (PIP) and ventilation rates (VR) on the delivered PEEP. Methods Ten new single-use PEEP valves from 5 manufacturers were tested by ventilating an intubated 1kg neonatal manikin containing a lung model with a SIB that was actuated by an electromechanical plunger device. Standard settings: PIP 20cmH2O, VR 60/min, flow 8L/min. PEEP settings of 5 and 10cmH2O were studied. A second test was conducted with settings of PIP 40cmH2O and VR 40/min. The delivered PEEP was measured by a respiratory function monitor (CO2SMO+). Results Valves from one manufacturer delivered no relevant PEEP and were excluded. The remaining valves showed a continuous decay of the delivered pressure during expiration. The median (25th and 75th percentile) delivered PEEP with standard settings was 3.4(2.7–3.8)cmH2O when set to 5cmH2O and 6.1(4.9–7.1)cmH2O when set to 10cmH2O. Increasing the PIP from 20 to 40 cmH2O led to a median (25th and 75th percentile) decrease in PEEP to 2.3(1.8–2.7)cmH2O and 4.3(3.2–4.8)cmH2O; changing VR from 60 to 40/min led to a PEEP decrease to 2.8(2.1–3.3)cmH2O and 5.0(3.5–6.2)cmH2O for both PEEP settings. Conclusion Single-use PEEP valves do not reliably deliver the set PEEP. PIP and VR have an effect on the delivered PEEP. Operators should be aware of these limitations when manually ventilating neonates
