20 research outputs found
The life of nuns: love, politics, and religion in medieval German convents
In the Middle Ages half of those who chose the religious life were women, yet historians have overlooked entire generations of educated, feisty, capable and enterprising nuns, condemning them to the dusty silence of the archives. What, though, were their motives for entering a convent and what was their daily routine behind its walls like? How did they think, live and worship, both as individuals and as a community? How did they maintain contact with the families and communities they had left behind?
Henrike LĂ€hnemann and Eva Schlotheuber offer readers a vivid insight into the largely unknown lives and work of religious women in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Using previously inaccessible personal diaries and letters, as well as tapestries, painting, architecture and music, the authors show that the nuns were, in fact, an active, even influential part of medieval society. They functioned as role models and engaged in spirited dialogue with other convents, with the citizens of their home towns and with the local nobility. Full of self-confidence, they organised their demanding daily lives; ran their complex convent economies as successful businesses; offered girls a comprehensive theological, musical and practical education; produced magnificent manuscripts; ministered to the convent sick and dying with homemade medicines and to family and friends with advice. Initiallyâand fiercelyâthey resisted the Reformation, only for some of the convents to survive as Protestant womenâs foundations to this day.
Now, for the first time in centuries, this account by Henrike LĂ€hnemann and Eva Schlotheuber allows the voices of these remarkable women to be heard outside the cloister and to invite us into their world
Mittelalterliche Bibliotheken und (digitale) Wissensordnung â zur AktualitĂ€t einer alten Forschungsfrage
Die Transformation von Wissen und Forschung der Geisteswissenschaften in den digitalen Raum ist im Arbeitsalltag bereits weit fortgeschritten. Mit dieser Transformation, die sich als eine rasante technische Revolution vollzieht, entwickelt sich nicht zuletzt eine neue digitale Wissensordnung. Unsere Ordnungssysteme reichen kulturell viele Jahrhunderte, bis weit in das Mittelalter und die Antike zurĂŒck. Die Ordnung des Wissens ist fundamental, denn erst Ordnung macht Wissen zu Wissen, indem sie Wissenswertes von Nicht-Wissenswertem trennt. Wissensordnungen sind immer hierarchisierend, weshalb man zu jeder Zeit intensiv um die Ordnung des Wissens gerungen hat. Sie muss sich mit neuen Bildungssystemen ebenso wandeln, wie sie sich durch neu erschlossene Wissensbereiche, neue soziale Gruppen oder neue Anforderungen innerhalb der Gesellschaft verĂ€ndert. In dem Beitrag geht es um methodische AnsĂ€tze zur Erforschung vormoderner Buchsammlungen als haptisch erfahrbare WissensrĂ€ume und den damit verbundenen langfristigen Dynamiken, die es erlauben, die fundamentalen Unterschiede zwischen der analogen und der digitalen Umgebung neu zu reflektieren.The transformation of knowledge and research in the humanities into the digital space is already well advanced in everyday work. With this transformation, which is taking place as a revolutionary technical revolution, at the same time a new digital knowledge order is developing successively. Culturally, our systems of the ordering of knowledge goes back many centuries, far into the Middle Ages and Antiquity. The ordering is fundamental, because only order turns knowledge into knowledge by separating what is worth knowing from what is not. Knowledge orderings are always hierarchizing, which is why they continuously and intensively have been challenged in all times. The ordering of knowledge has to change with new educational systems, new social groups and just as it changes with newly opened fields of knowledge or new demands within society. This article deals with methodological approaches in reassessing pre-modern religious institutions and book collections as specific knowledge spaces, in order to reflect the long term dynamics and the fundamental differences between the analog and the digital knowledge environment.Peer Reviewe
Die Fachinformationsdienste aus Sicht der Forschung
Die Frage, wie die Fachinformationsdienste (FID) aus Sicht der Forschung zu beurteilen sind, muss auf der Basis der grundlegenden Aufgaben der Bibliotheken fĂŒr die Forschung und die Gesellschaft diskutiert werden. Bibliotheken sind das kulturelle GedĂ€chtnis einer Gesellschaft, sie sind unser Erfahrungsraum, aus dem heraus altes Wissen aktualisiert, neues Wissen generiert und ĂŒber Generationen zur VerfĂŒgung gestellt wird. Die Voraussetzung dafĂŒr, dass die Bibliotheken als kulturelles GedĂ€chtnis fungieren und die Grundlage fĂŒr Forschung bieten können, liegt in zwei basalen Aufgaben begrĂŒndet, die sie erfĂŒllen: 1. das Wissen zu sammeln und bereitzustellen und 2. das Wissen zu ordnen, denn erst die Ordnung macht Wissen zu Wissen, indem sie Wissenswertes von Nicht-Wissenswertem trennt. Deshalb gehören insbesondere die Nachhaltigkeit der neuen Speichermedien und die Notwendigkeit einer transparenten und hinterfragbaren Orientierung im digitalen Wissensraum zu den wesentlichen Herausforderungen der digitalen Wende. Forschung, Politik und Bibliotheken mĂŒssen dabei gemeinsam abwĂ€gen: Was sind die StĂ€rken eines physischen Buchs, was kann das Digitalisat besser? In historischer Perspektive geht es bei so groĂen UmbrĂŒchen, wie sie die digitale Wende darstellt, vor allem darum, das Neue zu etablieren und dabei aber die entscheidenden Errungenschaften des Hergebrachten zu integrieren.Any evaluation of the FIDs from an academic point of view has to start with the fundamental role of libraries for research and society. Libraries are the cultural memory of society, spaces which provide experience, which can update existing knowledge and generate new information for generations to come. To be able to fulfil this role as cultural memory, libraries have to cover two fundamental tasks: 1) to collect and present existing knowledge, 2) to sort and systematize this knowledge. Only through structure, knowledge really becomes relevant since systematic organisation separates out what is worth knowing. Therefore, sustainability of the new storage systems and a transparent structure for the digital knowledge space which is open to being critically reflected are the main challenges of the recent digital turn. Scholarship, politics and libraries need to join together to evaluate strengths and weaknesses of physical books in comparison with digital resources. Under a historical perspective, the main task for major changes such as the digital turn is to establish new routines and to integrate significant achievements of the established practices
EducaciĂłn y formaciĂłn, saber prĂĄctico y saber erudito en los monasterios femeninos en la Baja Edad Media
Womenâs monastic foundations, since their appearance in the early days of Christianity, constituted a particular type of space for living and learning. Religious women had to have suffi cient command of Latin to carry out their liturgical duties; at the same time, their knowledge of Latin allowed them access to the scholarly traditions of the European Middle Ages. Since these women were excluded from public educational institutions, such as the Latin schools or the universities, as a rule nuns themselves assumed responsibility for educating the next generation of religious women. The various fields of knowledge taught in female foundations encompassed not only the theological, liturgical and literary, but also a sophisticated knowledge of administration and law that (in written form) was tailored towards the particular circumstances of managing, from within their monastic enclosure, the convent familia, its lands and economy. These fields of knowledge are reflected not only in the composition of their libraries but also in the written material pertaining to administration that is still preserved in monastic archives.Los monasterios femeninos medievales constituyeron, ya desde que vieron la luz en los comienzos del cristianismo, un espacio de vida singular. Gracias a los conocimientos de latĂn, necesarios para poder llevar a cabo las tareas litĂșrgicas, las religiosas tuvieron acceso a la tradiciĂłn culta del Medievo europeo. Dado que las mujeres no eran admitidas en las instituciones educativas pĂșblicas, tales como escuelas de latĂn y universidades, las propias monjas asumieron el papel de educar y formar a las nuevas generaciones de religiosas. Sin embargo, los diversos campos de conocimiento de los conventos femeninos no se limitaban a los conocimientos teolĂłgicos, litĂșrgicos y literarios, sino que abarcaban tambiĂ©n amplios saberes de tipo administrativo y jurĂdico. Estos saberes (como saberes ligados a la escritura) estaban adaptados a las exigencias particulares de la administraciĂłn, desde la clausura, de la familia monĂĄstica y de la economĂa del convento. Podemos encontrar manifestaciones de los mencionados ĂĄmbitos de conocimiento en la estructura de las bibliotecas monĂĄsticas, pero tambiĂ©n en la documentaciĂłn administrativa de sus archivos
Historische Grundwissenschaften und die digitale Herausforderung
Unter FederfĂŒhrung von Eva Schlotheuber (Heinrich-Heine-UniversitĂ€t DĂŒsseldorf / VHD-Unterausschuss "Geschichte in der digitalen Welt") und Frank Bösch (Zentrum fĂŒr die Zeithistorische Forschungen Potsdam / VHD-Unterausschuss "Audiovisuelle Quellen") verabschiedete der VHD ein Grundsatzpapier zum Status der Historischen Grundwissenschaften mit dem Titel "Quellenkritik im digitalen Zeitalter: Die Historischen Grundwissenschaften als zentrale Kompetenz der Geschichtswissenschaft und benachbarter FĂ€cher". Das Grundsatzpapier, in dem auch ein forschungsstrategisches Interesse an den Grundwissenschaften in der digitalen Transformation zum Ausdruck kommt, wurde auf H-Soz-Kult veröffentlicht und mit einem Diskussionsforum begleitet. Dazu wurde aus dem breiten Spektrum der Historischen Kulturwissenschaften eine Reihe in- und auslĂ€ndischer Kolleginnen und Kollegen zur Kommentierung und Diskussion eingeladen, um die Debatte zu stimulieren
L'imperatore Ludovico il Bavaro e le scomuniche pontificie. Uno scontro di strategie comunicative?
ITALIANO: Lo scontro dellâimperatore Ludovico il Bavaro con la curia papale nel XIV secolo ebbe un grande impatto storico. Tuttavia, furono storicamente efficaci non solo le prese di posizione politiche, giuridiche o teologiche, ma anche la loro comunicazione pubblica, oggetto di questo articolo. Questâultima fu alimentata sia dalle decisioni dei potenti sia dallâaccettazione dei governati. Per cogliere la dinamica di questi processi di negoziazione, lâapproccio metodologico della âgovernance multilivelloâ Ăš particolarmente adatto. Nel processo comunicativo di questa controversia, nella quale il Papa e lâImperatore lottano con tutti i mezzi per il predominio nella sfera pubblica
quanto allâinterpretazione dei fatti, si possono elaborare cinque diversi livelli di escalation, che portarono a una svolta storica nella relazione tra i due poteri. / ENGLISH: The struggles of Emperor Louis the Bavarian with the papal curia in the 14th century had great historical impact. However, it was not only the political, legal or theological positions that were historically effective, but to the same extent their public communication, which is the focus of
this article. It was fed by both the decisions of the powerful and the acceptance of the ruled. In order to capture the dynamics of these negotiation processes, the methodological approach of âmulti-level governanceâ lends itself particularly well. In the communicative process of this dispute, in which the Pope and the Emperor struggle by all means for dominance in the public sphere regarding the interpretation of facts, five different levels of escalation can be worked out, which led to a historical turning point in the relationship between the two powers
Drugi Salomon i âmÄ dry krĂłlâ. âTeologia wĆadzyâ i praktyka wĆadania cesarza Karola IV (zm. 1378)
The Second Solomon and âThe Wise Rulerâ: âTheology Of Powerâ and Ruling Practice of Emperor Charles IV (Ob. 1378) Charles IV introduced himself as the wise ruler. This self-identification allowed to build a considerable integration power. The position of the king, ruling over the estates, corresponded to the function of the highest judge, which acwas the apex of Charlesâs vision of power. He based his position on judicial power bestowed upon him by God and on voluntary submission to canon law. The king used public references to the virtues of humility and gentleness as a political principle. In order to gain the acceptance of such a role of the king, he referred to the medieval theory of soul and vices, and he utilized the existing theological standards. However, he formulated his own identity of a ruler as it suited his ambition. His concept of power was based on the recognized religious standards, but its consistent realization meant a new quality. Charles IV tried to exercise his role of a judge and ruler at the level of perception of scholars, which lead to evident problems. The circle of the learned clergymen was well-known to the court and the knightly estate, but the theological argumentation did not appeal to them. The problem of approving such a strategy of governing the country, just like the question of accepting the written law, depended largely on the degree of education of the subjects, which was a weak point in the monarchy of Charles IV
Mittelalterliche Bibliotheken und (digitale) Wissensordnung â Zur AktualitĂ€t einer alten Forschungsfrage
Die Transformation von Wissen und Forschung der Geisteswissenschaften in den digitalen Raum ist im Arbeitsalltag bereits weit fortgeschritten. Mit dieser Transformation, die sich als eine rasante technische Revolution vollzieht, entwickelt sich nicht zuletzt eine neue digitale Wissensordnung. Unsere Ordnungssysteme reichen kulturell viele Jahrhunderte, bis weit in das Mittelalter und die Antike zurĂŒck. Die Ordnung des Wissens ist fundamental, denn erst Ordnung macht Wissen zu Wissen, indem sie Wissenswertes von Nicht-Wissenswertem trennt. Wissensordnungen sind immer hierarchisierend, weshalb man zu jeder Zeit intensiv um die Ordnung des Wissens gerungen hat. Sie muss sich mit neuen Bildungssystemen ebenso wandeln, wie sie sich durch neu erschlossene Wissensbereiche, neue soziale Gruppen oder neue Anforderungen innerhalb der Gesellschaft verĂ€ndert. In dem Beitrag geht es um methodische AnsĂ€tze zur Erforschung vormoderner Buchsammlungen als haptisch erfahrbare WissensrĂ€ume und den damit verbundenen langfristigen Dynamiken, die es erlauben, die fundamentalen Unterschiede zwischen der analogen und der digitalen Umgebung neu zu reflektieren