170 research outputs found

    Conformational relaxation following reduction of the photoactive bacteriopheophytin in reaction centers from Blastochloris viridis. Influence of mutations at position M208

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    AbstractThe photochemically trapped bacteriopheophytin (BPh) b radical anion in the active branch (ΦA−) of reaction centers (RCs) from Blastochloris (formerly called Rhodopseudomonas) viridis is characterized by 1H-ENDOR as well as optical absorption spectroscopy. The two site-directed mutants YF(M208) and YL(M208), in which tyrosine at position M208 is replaced by phenylalanine and leucine, respectively, are investigated and compared with the wild type. The residue at M208 is in close proximity to the primary electron donor, P, the monomeric bacteriochlorophyll (BChl), BA, and the BPh, ΦA, that are involved in the transmembrane electron transfer to the quinone, QA, in the RC. The analysis of the ENDOR spectra of ΦA− at 160 K indicates that two distinct states of ΦA− are present in the wild type and the mutant YF(M208). Based on a comparison with ΦA− in RCs of Rhodobacter sphaeroides the two states are interpreted as torsional isomers of the 3-acetyl group of ΦA. Only one ΦA− state occurs in the mutant YL(M208). This effect of the leucine residue at position M208 is explained by steric hindrance that locks the acetyl group in one specific position. On the basis of these results, an interpretation of the optical absorption difference spectrum of the state ΦA−QA− is attempted. This state can be accumulated at 100 K and undergoes an irreversible change between 100 and 200 K [Tiede et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta 892 (1987) 294–302]. The corresponding absorbance changes in the BChl Qx and Qy regions observed in the wild type also occur in the YF(M208) mutant but not in YL(M208). The observed changes in the wild type and YF(M208) are assigned to RCs in which the 3-acetyl group of ΦA changes its orientation. It is concluded that this distinct structural relaxation of ΦA can significantly affect the optical properties of BA and contribute to the light-induced absorption difference spectra

    Rapid electron transfer reactions associated with oxygen evolution in photosystem II preparations from spinach and Phormidium laminosum

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    AbstractWe have measured the nanosecond kinetics of Chl-a+II reduction in oxygen-evolving detergent preparations of PS II from the cyanobacterium Phormidium laminosum and from higher plants (spinach) at 824 and 680 nm. Compared to earlier studies at 680 nm with higher plant material, we obtained an improved signal: noise ratio for measurements on a ns to ms time scale. The kinetics of Chl-a+II reduction in the ns range are consistent in the two preparations and are comparable to other studies of higher plant and cyanobacterial material. The ns kinetics are tightly connected to the ability for O2 evolution. Analysis of the μs kinetics indicates three phases: (a) the slow phase (t12 ~ 150 μs in spinach and ~ 500 μs in Phormidium) reflects the back reaction between Chl-a+II and Q−; (b) the phase with t125–10 μs is probably due to a donor which is not connected to an intact water oxidation system; (c) the intermediate μs component (t12 30–40 μs) may be related to water oxidation

    Species-specific differences of the spectroscopic properties of P700 - Analysis of the influence of non-conserved amino acid residues by site-directed mutagenesis of photosystem I from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

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    We applied optical spectroscopy, magnetic resonance techniques, and redox titrations to investigate the properties of the primary electron donor P700 in photosystem I (PS I) core complexes from cyanobacteria (Thermosynechococcus elongatus, Spirulina platensis, and Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803), algae (Chlamydomonas reinhardtii CC2696), and higher plants (Spinacia oleracea). Remarkable species-specific differences of the optical properties of P700 were revealed monitoring the ((3)P700-P700) and (P700(+.)-P700) absorbance and CD difference spectra. The main bleaching band in the Q(y) region differs in peak position and line width for the various species. In cyanobacteria the absorbance of P700 extends more to the red compared with algae and higher plants which is favorable for energy transfer from red core antenna chlorophylls to P700 in cyanobacteria. The amino acids in the environment of P700 are highly conserved with two distinct deviations. In C. reinhardtii a Tyr is found at position PsaB659 instead of a Trp present in all other organisms, whereas in Synechocystis a Phe is found instead of a Trp at the homologous position PsaA679. We constructed several mutants in C. reinhardtii CC2696. Strikingly, no PS I could be detected in the mutant YW B659 indicating steric constraints unique to this organism. In the mutants WA A679 and YA B659 significant changes of the spectral features in the ((3)P700 - P700), the (P700(+.)-P700) absorbance difference and in the (P700(+.)-P700) CD difference spectra are induced. The results indicate structural differences among PS I from higher plants, algae, and cyanobacteria and give further insight into specific protein-cofactor interactions contributing to the optical spectra

    Electron Transfer from Cyt b559 and Tyrosine-D to the S2 and S3 states of the water oxidizing complex in Photosystem II at Cryogenic Temperatures

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    The Mn4CaO5 cluster of photosystem II (PSII) catalyzes the oxidation of water to molecular oxygen through the light-driven redox S-cycle. The water oxidizing complex (WOC) forms a triad with Tyrosine(Z) and P-680, which mediates electrons from water towards the acceptor side of PSII. Under certain conditions two other redox-active components, Tyrosine(D) (Y-D) and Cytochrome b (559) (Cyt b (559)) can also interact with the S-states. In the present work we investigate the electron transfer from Cyt b (559) and Y-D to the S-2 and S-3 states at 195 K. First, Y-D (aEuro cent) and Cyt b (559) were chemically reduced. The S-2 and S-3 states were then achieved by application of one or two laser flashes, respectively, on samples stabilized in the S-1 state. EPR signals of the WOC (the S-2-state multiline signal, ML-S-2), Y-D (aEuro cent) and oxidized Cyt b (559) were simultaneously detected during a prolonged dark incubation at 195 K. During 163 days of incubation a large fraction of the S-2 population decayed to S-1 in the S-2 samples by following a single exponential decay. Differently, S-3 samples showed an initial increase in the ML-S-2 intensity (due to S-3 to S-2 conversion) and a subsequent slow decay due to S-2 to S-1 conversion. In both cases, only a minor oxidation of Y-D was observed. In contrast, the signal intensity of the oxidized Cyt b (559) showed a two-fold increase in both the S-2 and S-3 samples. The electron donation from Cyt b (559) was much more efficient to the S-2 state than to the S-3 state

    Investigation of the Stationary and Transient A1·− Radical in Trp → Phe Mutants of Photosystem I

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    Photosystem I (PS I) contains two symmetric branches of electron transfer cofactors. In both the A- and B-branches, the phylloquinone in the A1 site is π-stacked with a tryptophan residue and is H-bonded to the backbone nitrogen of a leucine residue. In this work, we use optical and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopies to investigate cyanobacterial PS I complexes, where these tryptophan residues are changed to phenylalanine. The time-resolved optical data show that backward electron transfer from the terminal electron acceptors to P700·+ is affected in the A- and B-branch mutants, both at ambient and cryogenic temperatures. These results suggest that the quinones in both branches take part in electron transport at all temperatures. The electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectra of the spin-correlated radical pair P700·+A1·− and the photoaccumulated radical anion A1·−, recorded at cryogenic temperature, allowed the identification of characteristic resonances belonging to protons of the methyl group, some of the ring protons and the proton hydrogen-bonded to phylloquinone in the wild type and both mutants. Significant changes in PS I isolated from the A-branch mutant are detected, while PS I isolated from the B-branch mutant shows the spectral characteristics of wild-type PS I. A possible short-lived B-branch radical pair cannot be detected by EPR due to the available time resolution; therefore, only the A-branch quinone is observed under conditions typically employed for EPR and ENDOR spectroscopies

    Quadrupole Interaction of 107Cd 11/2 - in Cadmium Metal

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