220 research outputs found

    Teachers’ Perception of an Integrated Approach to Biology and Emotional Learning

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    Inclusive education requires that teachers not only teach academic knowledge and skills, but also consider the individual needs of all pupils, especially with respect to their social-emotional status. All teachers (including science and biology teachers) have to promote the well-being of their pupils by helping them develop social-emotional skills. The positive impact of these skills has been widely researched and documented. There is no doubt that academic achievements and social-emotional skills go hand in hand. However, only very little research data are available on how biology lessons and biology teachers can facilitate inclusive education in everyday school. The purpose of this qualitative study is to find out how teachers perceive an integrated approach in biology classes. This study reports on the experiences of five biology teachers with an integrated approach in which learning about the human body was intertwined with socio-emotional learning to address all pupils’ needs. Overall, the teachers considered the use and implementation of the approach a success. They observed that the pupils were motivated and showed a high level of active involvement and participation. However, it became obvious that the teachers did not fully realize all elements of the approach—the intertwined biological and emotional learning in particular—although they liked it. Finally, our findings show that a practical way to teach science and emotional learning can be realized in common, but teachers need further support and professional development

    Preparing Proteoforms of Therapeutic Proteins for Top-Down Mass Spectrometry

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    A characteristic of many proteoforms, derived from a single gene, is their similarity regarding the composition of atoms, making their analysis very challenging. Many overexpressed recombinant proteins are strongly associated with this problem, especially recombinant therapeutic glycoproteins from large-scale productions. In contrast to small molecule drugs, which consist of a single defined molecule, therapeutic protein preparations are heterogenous mixtures of dozens or even hundreds of very similar species. With mass spectrometry, currently high-quality spectra of intact proteoforms can be obtained only, if the complexity of the mixture of individual proteoform-ions, entering the gas phase at the same time is low. Thus, prior to mass spectrometric analysis, an effective separation is required for getting fractions with a low number of individual proteoforms. This is especially true not only for recombinant therapeutic proteins, because of their huge heterogeneity, but also relevant for top-down proteomics. Purification of proteoforms is the bottleneck in analyzing intact proteoforms with mass spectrometry. This review is focusing on the current state of the art, especially of liquid chromatography for preparing proteoforms for mass spectrometric top-down analysis. The topic of therapeutic proteins has been chosen, because this group of proteins is most challenging regarding their proteoform analysis

    Strategies for piecing-together local-to-global markov network learning algorithms

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    We introduce in this work a set of strategies for improving the piecing-together step in local-to-global Markov networks structure learning algorithms. For Markov networks, Local-to-global algorithms decompose the problem of learning a complete independence structure with n variables into n independent Markov blanket learning problems. On a second step these algorithms piece-together all the learned Markov blankets into a global structure using an \OR rule". Insucient data may result in incorrect learning of Markov blankets, with con in their decision on edge inclusion when, for two variables X and Y , X is in the blanket of Y , but Y is not in the blanket of X. In such cases the \OR rule" always decides to add the edge, making mistakes when such edge does not exist. Our contribution is alternative strategies. The first alternative is based on the \AND rule" which proposes to add an edge between two variables X and Y to the global structure if they mutually belong to its respective Markov blankets. The other alternative rule is based on the probability of the edges and aims to solve an inconsistency by comparing the probability of edge existence with the probability of edge absence, and taking the more probable for deciding to add or remove such edge. At the end of the work, we show that inconsistencies are an important source of errors in these algorithms, and demonstrate empirically interesting improvements in the quality of learned structures, using this new piecing-together alternative instead of the basic \OR rule".Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Efficiency of biofilm removal by combination of water jet and cold plasma: an in-vitro study

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    Background: Peri-implantitis therapy is a major problem in implantology. Because of challenging rough implant surface and implant geometry, microorganisms can hide and survive in implant microstructures and impede debridement. We developed a new water jet (WJ) device and a new cold atmospheric pressure plasma (CAP) device to overcome these problems and investigated aspects of efficacy in vitro and safety with the aim to create the prerequisites for a clinical pilot study with these medical devices. Methods: We compared the efficiency of a single treatment with a WJ or curette and cotton swab (CC) without or with adjunctive use of CAP (WJ + CAP, CC + CAP) to remove biofilm in vitro from rough titanium discs. Treatment efficacy was evaluated by measuring turbidity up to 72 h for bacterial re-growth or spreading of osteoblast-like cells (MG-63) after 5 days with scanning electron microscopy. With respect to application safety, the WJ and CAP instruments were examined according to basic regulations for medical devices. Results: After 96 h of incubation all WJ and CC treated disks were turbid but 67% of WJ + CAP and 46% CC + CAP treated specimens were still clear. The increase in turbidity after WJ treatment was delayed by about 20 h compared to CC treatment. In combination with CAP the cell coverage significantly increased to 82% (WJ + CAP) or 72% (CC + CAP), compared to single treatment 11% (WJ) or 10% (CC). Conclusion: The newly developed water jet device effectively removes biofilm from rough titanium surfaces in vitro and, in combination with the new CAP device, biologically acceptable surfaces allow osteoblasts to grow. WJ in combination with CAP leads to cleaner surfaces than the usage of curette and cotton swabs with or without subsequent plasma treatment. Our next step will be a clinical pilot study with these new devices to assess the clinical healing process

    Rhizobial plasmid pLPU83a is able to switch between different transfer machineries depending on its genomic background

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    Plasmids have played a major role in bacterial evolution, mainly by their capacity to perform horizontal gene transfer (HGT). Their conjugative transfer (CT) properties are usually described in terms of the plasmid itself. In this work, we analyzed structural and functional aspects of the CT of pLPU83a, an accessory replicon from Rhizobium sp. LPU83, able to transfer from its parental strain, from Ensifer meliloti, or from Rhizobium etli. pLPU83a contains a complete set of transfer genes, featuring a particular organization, shared with only two other rhizobial plasmids. These plasmids contain a TraR quorum-sensing (QS) transcriptional regulator, but lack an acyl-homoserine lactone (AHL) synthase gene. We also determined that the ability of pLPU83a to transfer from R. etli CFN42 genomic background was mainly achieved through mobilization, employing the machinery of the endogenous plasmid pRetCFN42a, falling under control of the QS regulators from pRetCFN42a. In contrast, from its native or from the E. meliloti background, pLPU83a utilized its own machinery for conjugation, requiring the plasmid-encoded traR. Activation of TraR seemed to be AHL independent. The results obtained indicate that the CT phenotype of a plasmid is dictated not only by the genes it carries, but by their interaction with its genomic context.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasInstituto de Biotecnologia y Biologia Molecula

    Transcriptomic buffering of cryptic genetic variation contributes to meningococcal virulence

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    Ampattu BJ, Hagmann L, Liang C, et al. Transcriptomic buffering of cryptic genetic variation contributes to meningococcal virulence. BMC Genomics. 2017;18(1): 282.Background: Commensal bacteria like Neisseria meningitidis sometimes cause serious disease. However, genomic comparison of hyperinvasive and apathogenic lineages did not reveal unambiguous hints towards indispensable virulence factors. Here, in a systems biological approach we compared gene expression of the invasive strain MC58 and the carriage strain alpha 522 under different ex vivo conditions mimicking commensal and virulence compartments to assess the strain-specific impact of gene regulation on meningococcal virulence. Results: Despite indistinguishable ex vivo phenotypes, both strains differed in the expression of over 500 genes under infection mimicking conditions. These differences comprised in particular metabolic and information processing genes as well as genes known to be involved in host-damage such as the nitrite reductase and numerous LOS biosynthesis genes. A model based analysis of the transcriptomic differences in human blood suggested ensuing metabolic flux differences in energy, glutamine and cysteine metabolic pathways along with differences in the activation of the stringent response in both strains. In support of the computational findings, experimental analyses revealed differences in cysteine and glutamine auxotrophy in both strains as well as a strain and condition dependent essentiality of the (p) ppGpp synthetase gene relA and of a short non-coding AT-rich repeat element in its promoter region. Conclusions: Our data suggest that meningococcal virulence is linked to transcriptional buffering of cryptic genetic variation in metabolic genes including global stress responses. They further highlight the role of regulatory elements for bacterial virulence and the limitations of model strain approaches when studying such genetically diverse species as N. meningitidis

    A Phylogenomic Analysis of the Floral Transcriptomes of Sexually Deceptive and Rewarding European Orchids, Ophrys and Gymnadenia.

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    The orchids (Orchidaceae) constitute one of the largest and most diverse families of flowering plants. They have evolved a great variety of adaptations to achieve pollination by a diverse group of pollinators. Many orchids reward their pollinators, typically with nectar, but the family is also well-known for employing deceptive pollination strategies in which there is no reward for the pollinator, in the most extreme case by mimicking sexual signals of pollinators. In the European flora, two examples of these different pollination strategies are the sexually deceptive genus Ophrys and the rewarding genus Gymnadenia, which differ in their level of pollinator specialization; Ophrys is typically pollinated by pseudo-copulation of males of a single insect species, whilst Gymnadenia attracts a broad range of floral visitors. Here, we present and describe the annotated floral transcriptome of Ophrys iricolor, an Andrena-pollinated representative of the genus Ophrys that is widespread throughout the Aegean. Furthermore, we present additional floral transcriptomes of both sexually deceptive and rewarding orchids, specifically the deceptive Ophrys insectifera, Ophrys aymoninii, and an updated floral transcriptome of Ophrys sphegodes, as well as the floral transcriptomes of the rewarding orchids Gymnadenia conopsea, Gymnadenia densiflora, Gymnadenia odoratissima, and Gymnadenia rhellicani (syn. Nigritella rhellicani). Comparisons of these novel floral transcriptomes reveal few annotation differences between deceptive and rewarding orchids. Since together, these transcriptomes provide a representative sample of the genus-wide taxonomic diversity within Ophrys and Gymnadenia (Orchidoideae: Orchidinae), we employ a phylogenomic approach to address open questions of phylogenetic relationships within the genera. Specifically, this includes the controversial placement of O. insectifera within the Ophrys phylogeny and the placement of "Nigritella"-type morphologies within the phylogeny of Gymnadenia. Whereas in Gymnadenia, several conflicting topologies are supported by a similar number of gene trees, a majority of Ophrys gene topologies clearly supports a placement of O. insectifera as sister to a clade containing O. sphegodes

    Supporting pre-service teachers in developing research competence

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    IntroductionTeachers need research competence to reflect on their teaching and to interpret and implement research-based recommendations. However, many pre-service teachers have critical attitudes toward research, little motivation to engage in research, and comparatively low knowledge of research methods and thereby consequently indicating a low research competence. Flexible online modules in university teaching could be a promising approach to address these issues. Online modules can potentially promote self-determined motivation, but should be sufficiently structured to support learners’ need for competence.MethodsWe designed two learning environments with different types of structure: a non-restrictive structured environment and a restrictive structured environment. A total of N = 108 pre-service biology teachers were randomly assigned to the two learning environments.Results and discussionContrary to our assumption, the restrictive type of structure of the learning environment did not lead to a higher perception of competence. This might be a consequence of external pressure, for example, the examination at the end of the course. Regarding pre-service teachers’ research competence, we found a decrease in the affective-motivational domain and an increase in the cognitive domain in both learning environments. These results suggest that fostering pre-service teachers’ research competence should focus on the affective-motivational domain. In order to positively affect this domain, care must be taken to ensure that structuring elements are not experienced as control and that given choices are meaningful to students
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