209 research outputs found

    Intervenção pedagógica para o desenvolvimento cognitivo e moral de adolescentes com deficiência intelectual

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    Orientadora: Profa. Dra Carla Luciane Blum VestenaTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação. Defesa : Curitiba, 02/09/2019Inclui referências: p. 289-301Área de concentração: Cognição, Aprendizagem e Desenvolvimento HumanoResumo: Com a crença de que um trabalho sistematizado metodologicamente e que protagoniza o aluno com DI (Deficiência Intelectual) como agente produtor de seu conhecimento e raciocínio promove desenvolvimento intelectual e moral, empreendemos um estudo qualitativo, denominado pesquisa intervenção, amparado na epistemologia genética e no método clínico Piagetiano, com objetivo de elaborar, desenvolver e avaliar um programa pedagógico sistematizado em metodologias ativas e problematizadoras para o desenvolvimento cognitivo e moral de adolescentes com DI. Realizamos setenta e cinco sessões de intervenção pedagógica em três áreas, sendo: Desenvolvimento Moral, Raciocínio Lógico e Educação Problematizadora. Além disso, no dia a dia se buscou manter atitudes e práticas de problematização e metodologia ativa. A intervenção foi executada regularmente durante um ano letivo, três vezes por semana, em uma sala de ensino fundamental para analisar quais são os elementos que impedem ou facilitam o pleno desenvolvimento cognitivo e moral de um grupo de seis adolescentes com deficiência intelectual, alunos de uma Escola de Educação Básica na Modalidade Especial na região Centro-Oeste do Paraná. Investigamos a dimensão cognitiva e moral anterior e posterior à aplicação do programa de intervenção por meio das provas operatórias piagetianas e apresentação de narrativas de histórias morais embasados em Piaget para observar o raciocínio e as argumentações dos alunos nas respostas. A intervenção foi profícua para o desenvolvimento operatório de cinco dos seis pesquisados, ao ponto de que saíssem da irreversibilidade e conseguissem realizar algumas abstrações e generalizações, se aproximando do nível operatório concreto, com exceção de um, mas o processo de intervenção foi primordial para que completasse o estágio pré-operatório. Se no desenvolvimento da habilidade operatória os resultados foram promissores, no aspecto moral os avanços foram observados, mas em menor proporção, pois a maioria manteve-se em período intermediário. Encontramos muitas marcas heterônomas, reveladas nas argumentações a favor da responsabilidade objetiva frente a desajeitamentos, à necessidade de sanção, preferências por sanção expiatória e pela crença na justiça imanente. Logo, o espaço, as relações heterônomas no lar e na escola, a compreensão institucional de moral prescritiva e a forma de gestão de conflitos e incivilidades foram alguns indicadores de interferência no desenvolvimento moral do grupo participante. Apesar de cognição e moral desenvolverem-se de modo correlato, pudemos concluir que o nível cognitivo não foi totalmente determinante para o desenvolvimento da moral, pois observamos em alguns de nossos pesquisados avanços operatórios exponencialmente acima da moral, comprovados pelos testes bem como pelas atitudes no cotidiano escolar. Depreende-se disto que o funcionamento atípico do raciocínio não é o único responsável pelo desenvolvimento moral com marcas heterônomas, aspectos afetivos e sociais devem ser ponderados. Portanto, o DI, pode ter no exterior alguns obstáculos para expansão do domínio moral. Palavras-chave: Deficiência Intelectual. Desenvolvimento Cognitivo. Desenvolvimento Moral. Epistemologia Genética. Metodologia Ativa.Abstract: With the belief that a work systematized methodologically and that leads the student with ID as an agent producing his knowledge and reasoning promotes intellectual and moral development, we undertake a qualitative study, called intervention research, supported by genetic epistemology and the Piagetian clinical method, with the goal to elaborate, aplicate and evaluate a systematized pedagogical program in active and problematizing methodologies for cognitive and moral development of adolescents with ID. We conducted seventy-five sessions of pedagogical intervention in three areas: Moral Development, Logical Reasoning and Problem - Based Learning. In addition, day-to-day attempts were made to maintain problematization practices and active methodology. The intervention was performed regularly during a school year, three times a week, in a primary school room with the purpose of analyzing what are the elements that foreclose or facilitate the full cognitive and moral development of a group of six adolescents with intellectual disability, students of a School of Basic Education in the Special Mode in the Central-West region of Paraná. We investigated the cognitive and moral dimension before and after the application of the intervention program through Piagetian operative tests and the presentation of narratives of moral stories based on Piaget to observe the reasoning and the students' arguments in the answers. The intervention was profitable for the operative development of five of the six students, to the point that they came out of irreversibility and could achieve some abstractions and generalizations, approaching the concrete operative level, with the exception of one, but the intervention process was primordial for complete the preoperative stage. If in the development of the operative skill the results were promising, in the moral aspect the advances were observed, but to a lesser extent, because the majority remained in the intermediate period. We find many heteronomous marks, revealed in arguments for objective responsability to clumsiness, need for sanction, preferences for expiatory sanction, and belief in immanent justice. Thus, the space, heteronomous relationships in the home and school, institutional understanding of prescriptive morals, and the way that conflicts and incivilities were managed were some indicators of interference in the moral development of the participating group. Although cognition and morality developed in a correlated way, we could conclude that the cognitive level was not totally determinant for the development of morality, because we observed in some of our researcheds exponential operational advances above moral development, as evidenced by the tests as well as the attitudes in the everyday life at school. It follows that the atypical functioning of reasoning is not the only responsible for moral development with heteronomous marks, affective and social aspects must be weighed. Therefore, the ID can have, on the outside some obstacles to the expansion of the moral domain. Keywords: Intellectual Disability. Cognitive Development. Moral Development. Genetic Epistemology. Active Methodology

    Is the level of eye-hand coordination and executive functioning related to performance in para table tennis players? – An explorative study

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    The goal of this explorative study was to explore whether eye-hand coordination and executive functions (i.e. cognitive flexibility, attention control and information processing) are related to the performance level in para table tennis players. The data of 11 elite (age 15-54) and 11 non-elite para table tennis players (age 13-49) were analyzed. The results showed that the elite players performed better than the median norm values for cognitive flexibility and attention control while the non-elite players demonstrated slower information processing than the median norm values (p 1000 points scored ≥ 24 catches per 30 s in the eye hand coordination task, whereas the players with 1000 and < 1000 rating scores in the executive functions tests. The results present a first profile of para table tennis players regarding their eye-hand coordination and executive functions and the relationship of these constructs with the performance level. Long-term international cooperation is recommended to understand the value of the measured constructs to predict future successes

    Randomized controlled trials of antibiotic prophylaxis in severe acute pancreatitis:Relationship between methodological quality and outcome

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    AIM: To evaluate the methodological quality of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of systemic antibiotic prophylaxis in severe acute pancreatitis in relation to outcome. METHODS: The MEDLINE, EMBASE and Cochrane databases were searched for RCTs that studied the effectiveness of systemic antibiotic prophylaxis in severe acute pancreatitis. A meta-analysis was performed with a random effects model. Methodological quality was quantified by a previously published scoring system (range 0-17 points). RESULTS: Six studies, with a total of 397 participants, obtained a methodological score of at least 5 points and were included. Systemic antibiotic prophylaxis had no significant effect on infection of pancreatic necrosis (absolute risk reduction (ARR) 0.055; 95% CI -0.084 to 0.194) and mortality (ARR 0.058, 95% CI -0.017 to 0.134). Spearman correlation showed an inverse association between methodological quality and ARR for mortality (correlation coefficient -0.841, p = 0.036). CONCLUSIONS: The inverse relationship between methodological quality and impact of antibiotic prophylaxis on mortality emphasizes the importance of high-quality RCTs. At present, adequate evidence for the routine use of antibiotic prophylaxis in severe acute pancreatitis is lackin

    Gallbladder histopathology during murine gallstone formation: Relation to motility and concentrating function

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    C57L mice are susceptible and AKR mice are resistant to gallstone formation. We studied in male mice of both strains gallbladder histopathology, cholecystokinin-induced emptying, and concentrating function at 0, 14, 28, and 56 days on a lithogenic diet. Gallbladder wall thickness increased on the diet, with stromal granulocyte infiltration, progressive fibrosis, edema, and epithelial cell indentation, particularly in C57L. Strong basal cholecystokinin octapeptide-induced gallbladder emptying (70% of fasting volumes) occurred in both strains, but fasting gallbladder volumes were significantly larger in C57L (14.8 +/- 2.2 microl vs. 8.8 +/- 1.0 microl). On the diet, fasting volumes increased exclusively in C57L (28.6 +/- 2.9 microl on day 56), with progressively decreased emptying (27% of fasting volumes on day 56). Gallbladder emptying remained normal in AKR. Gallbladder concentrating function decreased on the lithogenic diet (especially in C57L), coinciding with decreased aquaporin-1 (AQP1) and AQP8 expression at the mRNA and protein levels. In additional experiments, similar downregulation of AQP1 and AQP8 mRNA expression occurred in farnesoid X receptor (FXR)-deficient mice after 1 week on the lithogenic diet, without any difference from corresponding wild-type mice. In conclusion, during murine lithogenesis, altered gallbladder histology is associated with impaired motility, reduced concentrating function, and decreased AQP1 and AQP8 expression, the latter without the involvement of the FXR

    Acute Strenuous Exercise Induces an Imbalance on Histone H4 Acetylation/Histone Deacetylase 2 and Increases the Proinflammatory Profile of PBMC of Obese Individuals

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    This study evaluated the response of global histone H4 acetylation (H4ac), histone deacetylase 2 (HDAC2) activity, as well as the production of proinflammatory cytokines and monocyte phenotypes of lean and obese males after exercise. Ten lean and ten obese sedentary men were submitted to one session of strenuous exercise, and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were stimulated in vitro with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Global H4ac levels, HDAC2 activity in PBMC, and IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-α production were analyzed. Monocyte phenotype was determined in accordance with the expression of CD14 and CD16. At rest, obese individuals presented higher frequency of proinflammatory CD14+CD16+ monocytes. LPS induced a significant augment in global H4ac and in the production of IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-α mainly in obese individuals. After exercise, the increased production of IL-8 and TNF-α and peripheral frequency of CD14+CD16+ were observed in both groups. In addition, exercise also induced a significant hyperacetylation of histone H4 and decreased HDAC2 activity in both nonstimulated and LPS-stimulated PBMC of obese individuals. Our data indicate that the obesity impacts on H4ac levels and that strenuous exercise leads to an enhanced chronic low-grade inflammation profile in obesity via an imbalance on H4ac/HDAC2

    Techno-economics of algae production in the Arabian Peninsula

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    The Arabian Peninsula's advantageous climate, availability of non-arable land, access to seawater and CO2-rich flue gas, make it an attractive location for microalgae biomass production. Despite these promising aspects, the region has seen very few studies into the commercial feasibility of algae-based value chains. This work aims to address this gap through a techno-economic feasibility study of algae biomass production costs, comparing different photobioreactor types, locations, and production scales. Flat panel and raceway pond cultivation systems were found to be the most economically attractive cultivation systems, with biomass production costs as low as 2.9 €·kg−1. Potential cost reductions of up to 42.5% and 25% could be accomplished with improvements in photosynthetic efficiencies and increased culture temperatures, respectively. As of such, efforts to source local thermo- and photo- tolerant strains could be the key to unlock the potential of the region for algae commercialization, linking into food, feed and nutraceutical industries.The authors would like to thank Tommaso de Santis, Probir Das, Mahmoud Taher, and the QDVC team for their support. This work was sponsored by QDVC and Qatar University [Project: QUEX-CAS-QDVC-14/15-7]. Open Access funding was provided by the Qatar National Library

    Investigating algal CO2 capture through screening of Qatari desert microalgae & cyanobacteria strains

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    CO2 fixation by phototrophic microalgae has been addressed as a possible global carbon emissions reducer, whilst simultaneously producing useful products. Especially in Qatar, the prospect of using microalgae for CO2 abatement is promising: high solar irradiance, large areas of non-arable land, and large amounts of CO2 emissions make it seemingly the ideal place for algae cultivation. In order to promote high biomass productivities, and subsequent CO2 uptake rates, effective CO2 supply to the cultivation system is of high importance. However, the low solubility of CO2 in water, as well as the limiting tolerance of microalgae to increased CO2 concentrations, results in low efficiency of CO2 capture by microalgal production systems. In order to overcome these hurdles, this research focused on selecting local desert microalgae strains with high tolerance to increased CO2 levels, and developing growth media in order to increase the solubility of CO2. Forty-five locally isolated marine microalgae strains were screened for growth under increased CO2 concentrations, ranging from 0.04% to 30% (v/v). A number of different trends in CO2 tolerance could be identified from the results; a number of strains showed a clear inhibition of growth with CO2 concentrations of 5% and higher, whilst others showed increasing growth rates for increasing CO2 concentrations up to 30%. The trend in growth rate suggests that even higher CO2 concentration could be applied without growth-limiting effects, and could even stimulate higher growth-rates. In order to further increase the productivity of high CO2-tolerant strains, as well as to investigate the effects of pH on the CO2 tolerance of low-tolerant strains, various strains were cultivated in alkaline media and high CO2 concentrations. Besides leading to an increased solubility of CO2 in the culture media, increasing the pH is thought to balance the acidification effect of CO2 - possibly leading to higher CO2 tolerances. Overall, applying these strains and media adaptations for large-scale applications is expected to increase the CO2 transfer efficiency to the culture, resulting in decreased operational costs and higher overall productivities.qscienc

    Rapid carbon accumulation in a peatland following Late Holocene tephra deposition, New Zealand

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    Contemporary measurements of carbon (C) accumulation rates in peatlands around the world often show the C sink to be stronger on average than at times in the past. Alteration of global nutrient cycles could be contributing to elevated carbon accumulation in the present day. Here we examine the effect of volcanic inputs of nutrients on peatland C accumulation in Moanatuatua Bog, New Zealand, by examining a high-resolution Late Holocene C accumulation record during which powerful volcanic eruptions occurred, depositing two visible rhyolitic tephra layers (Taupo, 232 ± 10 CE; Kaharoa, 1314 ± 12 CE). Carbon accumulation rates since c. 50 CE, well before any human presence, increased from a background rate of 23 g C m−2 yr−1 up to 110 g C m−2 yr−1 following the deposition of the Taupo Tephra, and 84 g C m−2 yr−1 following the deposition of the Kaharoa Tephra. Smaller but nevertheless marked increases in C accumulation additionally occurred in association with the deposition of three andesitic-dacitic cryptotephras (each ≤ ∼1 mm thick) of the Tufa Trig Formation between the Taupo and Kaharoa events. These five periods of elevated C uptake, especially those associated with the relatively thick Taupo and Kaharoa tephras, were accompanied by shifts in nutrient stoichiometry, indicating that there was greater availability of phosphorus (P) relative to nitrogen (N) and C during the period of high C uptake. Such P was almost certainly derived from volcanic sources, with P being present in the volcanic glass at Moanatuatua, and many of the eruptions described being associated with the local deposition of the P rich mineral apatite. We found peatland C accumulation to be tightly coupled to N and P accumulation, suggesting nutrient inputs exert a strong control on rates of peat accumulation. Nutrient stoichiometry indicated a strong ability to recover P within the ecosystem, with C:P ratios being higher than most other peatlands in the literature. We conclude that nutrient inputs, deriving from volcanic eruptions, have been very important for C accumulation rates in the past. Therefore, the elevated nutrient inputs occurring in the present day could offer a more plausible explanation, as opposed to a climatic component, for observed high contemporary C accumulation in New Zealand peatlands

    Genomic diversity of the human pathogen Paracoccidioides across the South American continent

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    Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is a life-threatening systemic mycosis widely reported in the Gran Chaco ecosystem. The disease is caused by different species from the genus Paracoccidioides, which are all endemic to South and Central America. Here, we sequenced and analyzed 31 isolates of Paracoccidioides across South America, with particular focus on isolates from Argentina and Paraguay. The de novo sequenced isolates were compared with publicly available genomes. Phylogenetics and population genomics revealed that PCM in Argentina and Paraguay is caused by three distinct Paracoccidioides genotypes, P. brasiliensis (S1a and S1b) and P. restrepiensis (PS3). P. brasiliensis S1a isolates from Argentina are frequently associated with chronic forms of the disease. Our results suggest the existence of extensive molecular polymorphism among Paracoccidioides species, and provide a framework to begin to dissect the connection between genotypic differences in the pathogen and the clinical outcomes of the disease.Fil: Teixeira, Marcus de Melo. Universidade do Brasília; BrasilFil: Cattana, Maria Emilia. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Instituto de Medicina Regional; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste; ArgentinaFil: Matute, Daniel R.. University of North Carolina; Estados UnidosFil: Muñoz, José F.. Broad Institute Of Mit And Harvard; Estados UnidosFil: Arechavala, Alicia. Hospital Francisco J Muñiz; ArgentinaFil: Isbell, Kristin. University of North Carolina; Estados UnidosFil: Schipper, Rafael. Universidade do Brasília; BrasilFil: Santiso, Gabriela Maria. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital de Infecciosas "Dr. Francisco Javier Muñiz"; ArgentinaFil: Tracogna, Fernanda. Gobierno de la Provincia de Chaco. Hospital Julio Cecilio Perrando.; ArgentinaFil: Sosa, María de los Ángeles. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Instituto de Medicina Regional; ArgentinaFil: Cech, Norma. Hospital 4 de Junio; ArgentinaFil: Alvarado, Primavera. Instituto de Biomedicina Dr. Jacinto Convit; VenezuelaFil: Barreto, Laura. Instituto Superior de Formación Docente Salome Ureña; República DominicanaFil: Chacón, Yone. Provincia de Salta. Ministerio de Salud Pública. Hospital del Milagro; ArgentinaFil: Ortellado, Juana. Universidad Nacional de Asunción; ParaguayFil: Lima, Cleoni Mendes de. Universidade Federal de Rondonia; BrasilFil: Chang, Marilene Rodrigues. Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul; BrasilFil: Niño Vega, Gustavo. Universidad de Guanajuato; MéxicoFil: Yasuda, Maria Aparecida Shikanai. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Felipe, Maria Sueli Soares. Universidade Catolica de Brasilia; BrasilFil: Negroni, Ricardo. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital de Infecciosas "Dr. Francisco Javier Muñiz"; ArgentinaFil: Cuomo, Christina A.. Broad Institute of MIT And Harvard; Estados UnidosFil: Barker, Bridget. Tgen Northern Arizona University; Estados UnidosFil: Giusiano, Gustavo Emilio. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Instituto de Medicina Regional; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Medicina; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste; Argentin