9 research outputs found

    The N Terminus of Adhesion G Protein–Coupled Receptor GPR126/ ADGRG6 as Allosteric Force Integrator

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    The adhesion G protein–coupled receptor (aGPCR) GPR126/ADGRG6 plays an important role in several physiological functions, such as myelination or peripheral nerve repair. This renders the receptor an attractive pharmacological target. GPR126 is a mechano-sensor that translates the binding of extracellular matrix (ECM) molecules to its N terminus into a metabotropic intracellular signal. To date, the structural requirements and the character of the forces needed for this ECM-mediated receptor activation are largely unknown. In this study, we provide this information by combining classic second-messenger detection with single-cell atomic force microscopy. We established a monoclonal antibody targeting the N terminus to stimulate GPR126 and compared it to the activation through its known ECM ligands, collagen IV and laminin 211. As each ligand uses a distinct mode of action, the N terminus can be regarded as an allosteric module that can fine-tune receptor activation in a context-specific manner

    The inotropic agent digitoxin strengthens desmosomal adhesion in cardiac myocytes in an ERK1/2-dependent manner

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    Desmosomal proteins are components of the intercalated disc and mediate cardiac myocyte adhesion. Enhancement of cardiac myocyte cohesion, referred to as \textquotedblpositive adhesiotropy\textquotedbl, was demonstrated to be a function of sympathetic signaling and to be relevant for a sufficient inotropic response. We used the inotropic agent digitoxin to investigate the link between inotropy and adhesiotropy. In contrast to wild-type hearts, digitoxin failed to enhance pulse pressure in perfused mice hearts lacking the desmosomal protein plakoglobin which was paralleled with abrogation of plaque thickening indicating that positive inotropic response requires intact desmosomal adhesion. Atomic force microscopy revealed that digitoxin increased the binding force of the adhesion molecule desmoglein-2 at cell-cell contact areas. This was paralleled by enhanced cardiac myocyte cohesion in both HL-1 cardiac myocytes and murine cardiac slices as determined by dissociation assays as well as by accumulation of desmosomal proteins at cell-cell contact areas. However, total protein levels or cytoskeletal anchorage were not affected. siRNA-mediated depletion of desmosomal proteins abrogated increase of cell cohesion demonstrating that intact desmosomal adhesion is required for positive adhesiotropy. Mechanistically, digitoxin caused activation of ERK1/2. In line with this, inhibition of ERK1/2 signaling abrogated the effects of digitoxin on cell-cell adhesion and desmosomal reorganization. These results show that the positive inotropic agent digitoxin enhances cardiac myocyte cohesion with reorganization of desmosomal proteins in an ERK1/2-dependent manner. Desmosomal adhesion seems to be important for a sufficient positive inotropic response of digitoxin treatment, which can be of medical relevance for the treatment of heart failure

    Keratin Retraction and Desmoglein3 Internalization Independently Contribute to Autoantibody-Induced Cell Dissociation in Pemphigus Vulgaris

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    Pemphigus vulgaris (PV) is a potentially lethal autoimmune disease characterized by blister formation of the skin and mucous membranes and is caused by autoantibodies against desmoglein (Dsg) 1 and Dsg3. Dsg1 and Dsg3 are linked to keratin filaments in desmosomes, adhering junctions abundant in tissues exposed to high levels of mechanical stress. The binding of the autoantibodies leads to internalization of Dsg3 and a collapse of the keratin cytoskeleton-yet, the relevance and interdependence of these changes for loss of cell-cell adhesion and blistering is poorly understood. In live-cell imaging studies, loss of the keratin network at the cell periphery was detectable starting after 60 min of incubation with immunoglobulin G fractions of PV patients (PV-IgG). These rapid changes correlated with loss of cell-cell adhesion detected by dispase-based dissociation assays and were followed by a condensation of keratin filaments into thick bundles after several hours. Dsg3 internalization started at 90 min of PV-IgG treatment, thus following the early keratin changes. By inhibiting casein kinase 1 (CK-1), we provoked keratin alterations resembling the effects of PV-IgG. Although CK-1-induced loss of peripheral keratin network correlated with loss of cell cohesion and Dsg3 clustering in the membrane, it was not sufficient to trigger the internalization of Dsg3. However, additional incubation with PV-IgG was effective to promote Dsg3 loss at the membrane, indicating that Dsg3 internalization is independent from keratin alterations. Vice versa, inhibiting Dsg3 internalization did not prevent PV-IgG-induced keratin retraction and only partially rescued cell cohesion. Together, keratin changes appear very early after autoantibody binding and temporally overlap with loss of cell cohesion. These early alterations appear to be distinct from Dsg3 internalization, suggesting a crucial role for initial loss of cell cohesion in PV

    Cardiomyocyte adhesion and hyperadhesion differentially require ERK1/2 and plakoglobin

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    Arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy (AC) is a heart disease often caused by mutations in genes coding for desmosomal proteins, including desmoglein-2 (DSG2), plakoglobin (PG), and desmoplakin (DP). Therapy is based on symptoms and limiting arrhythmia, because the mechanisms by which desmosomal components control cardiomyocyte function are largely unknown. A new paradigm could be to stabilize desmosomal cardiomyocyte adhesion and hyperadhesion, which renders desmosomal adhesion independent from Ca2+. Here, we further characterized the mechanisms behind enhanced cardiomyocyte adhesion and hyperadhesion. Dissociation assays performed in HL-1 cells and murine ventricular cardiac slice cultures allowed us to define a set of signaling pathways regulating cardiomyocyte adhesion under basal and hyperadhesive conditions. Adrenergic signaling, activation of PKC, and inhibition of p38MAPK enhanced cardiomyocyte adhesion, referred to as positive adhesiotropy, and induced hyperadhesion. Activation of ERK1/2 paralleled positive adhesiotropy, whereas adrenergic signaling induced PG phosphorylation at S665 under both basal and hyperadhesive conditions. Adrenergic signaling and p38MAPK inhibition recruited DSG2 to cell junctions. In PG-deficient mice with an AC phenotype, only PKC activation and p38MAPK inhibition enhanced cardiomyocyte adhesion. Our results demonstrate that cardiomyocyte adhesion can be stabilized by different signaling mechanisms, which are in part offset in PG-deficient AC

    video_2_Keratin Retraction and Desmoglein3 Internalization Independently Contribute to Autoantibody-Induced Cell Dissociation in Pemphigus Vulgaris.avi

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    <p>Pemphigus vulgaris (PV) is a potentially lethal autoimmune disease characterized by blister formation of the skin and mucous membranes and is caused by autoantibodies against desmoglein (Dsg) 1 and Dsg3. Dsg1 and Dsg3 are linked to keratin filaments in desmosomes, adhering junctions abundant in tissues exposed to high levels of mechanical stress. The binding of the autoantibodies leads to internalization of Dsg3 and a collapse of the keratin cytoskeleton—yet, the relevance and interdependence of these changes for loss of cell–cell adhesion and blistering is poorly understood. In live-cell imaging studies, loss of the keratin network at the cell periphery was detectable starting after 60 min of incubation with immunoglobulin G fractions of PV patients (PV-IgG). These rapid changes correlated with loss of cell–cell adhesion detected by dispase-based dissociation assays and were followed by a condensation of keratin filaments into thick bundles after several hours. Dsg3 internalization started at 90 min of PV-IgG treatment, thus following the early keratin changes. By inhibiting casein kinase 1 (CK-1), we provoked keratin alterations resembling the effects of PV-IgG. Although CK-1-induced loss of peripheral keratin network correlated with loss of cell cohesion and Dsg3 clustering in the membrane, it was not sufficient to trigger the internalization of Dsg3. However, additional incubation with PV-IgG was effective to promote Dsg3 loss at the membrane, indicating that Dsg3 internalization is independent from keratin alterations. Vice versa, inhibiting Dsg3 internalization did not prevent PV-IgG-induced keratin retraction and only partially rescued cell cohesion. Together, keratin changes appear very early after autoantibody binding and temporally overlap with loss of cell cohesion. These early alterations appear to be distinct from Dsg3 internalization, suggesting a crucial role for initial loss of cell cohesion in PV.</p

    Publisher Correction: Long-term functional and structural preservation of precision-cut human myocardium under continuous electromechanical stimulation in vitro

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    The original version of this Article incorrectly acknowledged Elisabeth Reiser and Rene Schramm as a corresponding author. This has now been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article