75 research outputs found

    Frequency and Damping Wandering in Existing Buildings Using the Random Decrement Technique

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    International audienceWith the increasing use of permanent, continuous and real-time networks, ambient vibrations can provide a simple tool for the identification of dynamic building parameters. This study is focused on the long-term variation of frequency and damping in several buildings, using the Random Decrement Technique (RDT). RDT provides a fast, robust and accurate long-term analysis and improves the reliability of frequency and damping measurements for structural health monitoring. This reveals particularly useful information in finding out precisely how far changes in modal parameters can be related to changes in physical properties. This paper highlights the reversible changes of the structureÕs dynamic parameters, correlated with external forces, such as temperature and exposure to the sun. Contrasting behaviours are observed, including correlation and anti-correlation with temperature variations

    Intracellular Trafficking and Synaptic Function of APL-1 in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    Background: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder primarily characterized by the deposition of b-amyloid plaques in the brain. Plaques are composed of the amyloid-b peptide derived from cleavage of the amyloid precursor protein (APP). Mutations in APP lead to the development of Familial Alzheimer’s Disease (FAD), however, the normal function of this protein has proven elusive. The organism Caenorhabditis elegans is an attractive model as the amyloid precursor-like protein (APL-1) is the single ortholog of APP, and loss of apl-1 leads to a severe molting defect and early larval lethality. Methodology/Principal Findings: We report here that lethality and molting can be rescued by full length APL-1, C-terminal mutations as well as a C-terminal truncation, suggesting that the extracellular region of the protein is essential for viability. RNAi knock-down of apl-1 followed by drug testing on the acetylcholinesterase inhibitor aldicarb showed that loss of apl-1 leads to aldicarb hypersensitivity, indicating a defect in synaptic function. The aldicarb hypersensitivity can be rescued by full length APL-1 in a dose dependent fashion. At the cellular level, kinesins UNC-104/KIF-1A and UNC-116/kinesin-1 are positive regulators of APL-1 expression in the neurons. Knock-down of the small GTPase rab-5 also leads to a dramatic decrease in the amount of apl-1 expression in neurons, suggesting that trafficking from the plasma membrane to the early endosome is important for apl-1 function. Loss of function of a different small GTPase, UNC-108, on the contrary, leads t

    Structural Comparison of Human Mammalian Ste20-Like Kinases

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    BACKGROUND: The serine/threonine mammalian Ste-20 like kinases (MSTs) are key regulators of apoptosis, cellular proliferation as well as polarization. Deregulation of MSTs has been associated with disease progression in prostate and colorectal cancer. The four human MSTs are regulated differently by C-terminal regions flanking the catalytic domains. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We have determined the crystal structure of kinase domain of MST4 in complex with an ATP-mimetic inhibitor. This is the first structure of an inactive conformation of a member of the MST kinase family. Comparison with active structures of MST3 and MST1 revealed a dimeric association of MST4 suggesting an activation loop exchanged mechanism of MST4 auto-activation. Together with a homology model of MST2 we provide a comparative analysis of the kinase domains for all four members of the human MST family. SIGNIFICANCE: The comparative analysis identified new structural features in the MST ATP binding pocket and has also defined the mechanism for autophosphorylation. Both structural features may be further explored for inhibitors design. ENHANCED VERSION: This article can also be viewed as an enhanced version in which the text of the article is integrated with interactive 3D representations and animated transitions. Please note that a web plugin is required to access this enhanced functionality. Instructions for the installation and use of the web plugin are available in Text S1

    Thermal logging data analysis in the area of Ohárecký Lineament

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    DP - Jakub Schinkman Předmětem této práce bylo detailní zpracování dostupných teplotních karotážních dat z oblasti Oháreckého lineamentu, charakteristického svými teplotními projevy. Na základě podrobné selekce a oprav termometrických záznamů s využitím výsledků dalších karotážních metod bylo vybráno celkem 281 vrtů vhodných pro konstrukci teplotních map. Součástí práce jsou mapy geotermického gradientu a teplotních řezů celé oblasti Oháreckého lineamentu. Na základě těchto souhrnných map bylo pro podrobnější rozbory vybráno 6 menších území s anomálními teplotními projevy. Anomálie a trendy geotermického gradientu byly dále srovnávány s některými dalšími geofyzikálními projevy. Práce přináší nejen podrobné zpracování získaných termometrických dat, ale ukazuje také různé možnosti jejich vizualizace a snaží se o pochopení problematiky šíření tepla ve svrchních partiích zemské kůry.Jakub Schinkman - abstract The object of the thesis was a detailed processing of the available temperature logging data from the area of Ohře lineament. The Ohře lineament is known by its characteristic temperature manifestations. Based on a comprehensive selection of thermometric logs and using the results of other logging methods were selected a total of 281 wells suitable for the construction of temperature maps. The parts of the work are maps of geothermal gradient and temperature sections across the Ohře lineament. Based on these summary maps, 6 smaller areas with anomalous temperature signs were selected for detailed analysis. Anomalies and trends in geothermal gradient were then compared with some other geophysical features. The work provides not only detailed processing of the collected thermometric data, but also shows the different possibilities of visualization and try to understand the problems of heat transfer in the upper parts of the earth's crust.Ústav hydrogeologie, inž. geologie a užité geofyzikyInstitute of Hydrogeology, Engineering Geology and Applied GeophysicsPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Vergleichende Anwendung zweier verschiedener Larynxmaskentypen bezüglich Patientenkomfort und Nebenwirkungen

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    Meldungen über Kreuzinfektionen mit Prionen, rechtliche Bedenken bezüglich der Wiederaufbereitung von Medizinprodukten und nicht zuletzt wirtschaftliche Aspekte führten zur Frage nach qualitativen Unterschieden verschiedenster medizinischer Gerätschaften. Ziel der Untersuchung war es nun, zwei verschiedene Larynxmaskentypen hinsichtlich ihrer Handhabung und Verträglichkeit beim Patienten miteinander zu vergleichen. Von den beiden ausgewählten Produkten war die LMA ProSeal für eine Wiederaufbereitung geeignet, die Ambu® Laryngeal Mask ist ein Einwegprodukt. In einer prospektiven randomisierten Studie wurden 82 Patienten während elektiven unfallchirurgischen Eingriffen untersucht. Die Anästhesie wurde standardisiert durchgeführt. Initial wurden 41 Patienten über die LMA ProSeal und 41 Patienten über Ambu® Laryngeal Mask beatmet. Die Analyse der einzelnen Zielgrößen zeigte für vergleichbare Patientenkollektive eine signifikant kürzere Platzierungszeit, weniger Platzierungsversuche, auf dem vorgegebenen Signifikanzniveau deutlich weniger Verfahrenswechsel und weniger postoperative Halsschmerzen bei höherer Zufriedenheit des Anästhesisten für die Ambu® Laryngeal Mask. Welche Rolle wirtschaftliche Gesichtspunkte spielen, bleibt abzuwarten und ist letztendlich erst nach einer beide Produkte vergleichenden Prozesskostenanalyse zu beantworten. Das Maß an Sicherheit für den Patienten ließe sich mittels einer Untersuchung, welche die Leckagedrucke der beiden untersuchten Masken vergleicht, objektivieren. Da die durchgeführte Anwendungsbeobachtung lediglich orientierend für den klinischen Alltag interpretiert werden darf, sollte die Wahl der zu verwendenden Larynxmaske immer sorgfältig hinsichtlich der Notwendigkeit eines zweiten Lumens, das die LMA™ ProSeal bietet, erfolgen. Anhand dieser und eventuell folgender Untersuchungen wird sich zeigen, inwieweit sich die Ambu® Laryngeal Mask im Bereich des ambulanten Operierens etablieren könnte

    Control Module of a Trailing Probe Winch

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    Cílem této diplomové práce je navrhnutí, vytvoření a otestování elektronického zařízení pro řízení navijáku vlečné kalibrační sondy. Jedná se zejména o řízení motoru oběma směry, zajištění bezdrátové komunikace, měření úhlu svíraného mezi lanem a referenční úrovní a měření délky odvinutého lana. Dále je cílem konfigurace otestování obvodu pro ochranu Li-Pol baterie, ze které bude celý systém napájen.The aim of this work is to propose, develop and test electronic equipment for towing winch calibration probe. In particular, the emphasis is put on motor control in both directions, providing wireless communication, measuring the angle between the rope and the reference level and length measurements for unwounded rope. Another aim is to configure and test a circuit for protecting the Li-Pol batteries from which the system will be powered

    Thermal logging data analysis in the area of Ohárecký Lineament

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    Jakub Schinkman - abstract The object of the thesis was a detailed processing of the available temperature logging data from the area of Ohře lineament. The Ohře lineament is known by its characteristic temperature manifestations. Based on a comprehensive selection of thermometric logs and using the results of other logging methods were selected a total of 281 wells suitable for the construction of temperature maps. The parts of the work are maps of geothermal gradient and temperature sections across the Ohře lineament. Based on these summary maps, 6 smaller areas with anomalous temperature signs were selected for detailed analysis. Anomalies and trends in geothermal gradient were then compared with some other geophysical features. The work provides not only detailed processing of the collected thermometric data, but also shows the different possibilities of visualization and try to understand the problems of heat transfer in the upper parts of the earth's crust

    Reverse Engineering Tools for Converting PVM-C Applications into PVMGraph Format

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    This report describes the implementation of the Reverse Engineering tools C2graph and Split

    Biomechanical Simulation of the Falx cerebri Using the Finite Element Method

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    Keywords: Intracranial Pressure (ICP), Intercranial Pressure Monitoring, Falx cerebri, Biomechanical Simulation, Finite Element Analysis. A method is introduced which uses a biomechanical model of the Falx cerebri (F.c.) to determine the pressure difference in the scull that is necessary for a shunting of the F.c.. It therefore allows a correction of ICP measured in one hemisphere to the ICP in the other one. Introduction Intracranial Pressure (ICP) monitoring is a common tool in dealing with traumatic brain injury or other cerebral disorders. In intensive care medicine it is of great importance to know the exact level of the ICP. In general ICP is considered as a global value which has no space dependence. This assumption is based on a model of incompressible fluids and the herewith connected hydrostatic pressure. All ICP monitoring techniques currently being used, rely upon the validity of this assumption since they are based on sensors which are introduced into the skull via a cath..