855 research outputs found

    Wireless wake-up sensor network for structural health monitoring of large-scale highway bridges

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    To realize in-situ structural health monitoring of critical infrastructure such as bridges, we present a powerful, but also low power and flexible, wireless sensor node utilizing a wake-up transceiver. The sensor node is equipped with several kinds of sensors, such as temperature, pressure and acceleration for in-situ monitoring of critical infrastructure. In addition to these commonly used sensors in wireless sensor networks, some nodes are equipped with global navigation satellite system receivers (GNSS) and others with tilt and acceleration sensors of very high accuracy that were developed by Nothrop Grumman LITEF GmbH. We present a low power wakeup multi-hop routing protocol that is able to transmit data with little overhead by supporting the use of wake-up receivers in combination with long-range communication radios. The wireless sensor nodes and the routing protocol are tested at a large-scale highway bridge in south-west Germany, where a prototype network was installed in June 2015 following a first test installation earlier in June at the same bridge. A gateway node equipped with a Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) modem transfers the network data to a remote server located at the University of Freiburg

    Evaluation of a temporary vaccination recommendation in response to an outbreak of invasive meningococcal serogroup C disease in men who have sex with men in Berlin, 2013-2014

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    Meningococcal serogroup C (MenC) vaccination of men who have sex with men (MSM) was temporarily recommended to control an outbreak of invasive MenC disease among MSM in Berlin in 2012–2013. Vaccination was offered to HIV- infected MSM free of charge; others had to request reimbursement or pay out of pocket. We aimed to assess (i) awareness and acceptance of this recommendation through an online survey of MSM, (ii) implementation through a survey of primary care physicians and analysis of vaccine prescriptions, and (iii) impact through analysis of notified cases. Among online survey respondents, 60% were aware of the recommendation. Of these, 39% had obtained vaccination (70% of HIV-infected, 13% of HIV-negative/non-tested MSM). Awareness of recommendation and vaccination were positively associated with HIV infection, primary care physicians’ awareness of respondents’ sexual orientation, and exposure to multiple information sources. Most (26/30) physicians informed clients about the recommendation. Physicians considered concerns regarding reimbursement, vaccine safety and lack of perceived disease risk as primary barriers. After the recommendation, no further outbreak-related cases occurred. To reach and motivate target groups, communication of a new outbreak-related vaccination recommendation should address potential concerns through as many information channels as possible and direct reimbursement of costs should be enabled

    Sulfur-mediated electron shuttling during bacterial iron reduction

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    Microbial reduction of ferric iron [Fe(III)] is an important biogeochemical process in anoxic aquifers. Depending on groundwater pH, dissimilatory metal-reducing bacteria can also respire alternative electron acceptors to survive, including elemental sulfur (S0). To understand the interplay of Fe/S cycling under alkaline conditions, we combined thermodynamic geochemical modeling with bioreactor experiments using Shewanella oneidensis MR-1. Under these conditions, S. oneidensis can enzymatically reduce S0 but not goethite (α-FeOOH). The HS– produced subsequently reduces goethite abiotically. Because of the prevalence of alkaline conditions in many aquifers, Fe(III) reduction may thus proceed via S0-mediated electron-shuttling pathways

    Interdisciplinary study of warm core ring physics, chemistry, and biology

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    We are conducting an interdisciplinary study of the structure and dynamics of Gulf Stream \Warm Core Rings by a time series investigation of selected rings. This program consists of highly integrated components which include physical, chemical, and biological investigation and modeling studies. These components are designed to provide information on the structure of rings and exchange mechanisms at ring boundaries, on their marine chemistry, and on the environmental controls of biological activity of selected constituents associated with Warm Core Rings. This research is being conducted by approximately two dozen investigators from thirteen marine institutions. An interdisciplinary program of the scope proposed is required in order to understand the interdependence among biological, chemical, and physical processes in the ocean. This study of the structure and evolution of Warm Core Rings will enhance the understanding of fundamental oceanic processes and the role of rings in the region where they occur

    Differential activity of lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases on celluloses of different crystallinity. Effectiveness in the sustainable production of cellulose nanofibrils

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    A series of cellulosic substrates has been produced, treated with lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase (LPMO) from Streptomyces ambofaciens (SamLPMO10C), and analyzed by high performance anion exchange chromatography (HPAEC) with pulsed amperometric detection (PAD). The activity of the bacterial LPMO showed high variability depending on the origin and degree of crystallinity of the substrate. Additionally, we tested the effectiveness of SamLPMO10C in the nanofibrillation of flax, a high crystalline agricultural fiber, as a single pretreatment or in combination with cellulases. All pretreatments were followed by a mechanical defibrillation by high-pressure homogenization (HPH) to obtain cellulose nanofibrils (NFC). The combined LPMO-cellulase treatment showed higher fibrillation yield, optical transmittance and carboxylate content than control reactions. Therefore, it could be explored as a promising green alternative to reduce the energy consumption in the production of NFC. To our knowledge, this is the first study reporting the effect of a bacterial LPMO in nanocellulose productionPostprint (author's final draft

    A role for ColV plasmids in the evolution of pathogenic Escherichia coli ST58

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    Escherichia coli ST58 has recently emerged as a globally disseminated uropathogen that often progresses to sepsis. Unlike most pandemic extra-intestinal pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC), which belong to pathogenic phylogroup B2, ST58 belongs to the environmental/commensal phylogroup B1. Here, we present a pan-genomic analysis of a global collection of 752 ST58 isolates from diverse sources. We identify a large ST58 sub-lineage characterized by near ubiquitous carriage of ColV plasmids, which carry genes encoding virulence factors, and by a distinct accessory genome including genes typical of the Yersiniabactin High Pathogenicity Island. This sub-lineage includes three-quarters of all ExPEC sequences in our study and has a broad host range, although poultry and porcine sources predominate. By contrast, strains isolated from cattle often lack ColV plasmids. Our data indicate that ColV plasmid acquisition contributed to the divergence of the major ST58 sub-lineage, and different sub-lineages inhabit poultry, swine and cattle

    Microbial catabolic activities are naturally selected by metabolic energy harvest rate

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    The fundamental trade-off between yield and rate of energy harvest per unit of substrate has been largely discussed as a main characteristic for microbial established cooperation or competition. In this study, this point is addressed by developing a generalized model that simulates competition between existing and not experimentally reported microbial catabolic activities defined only based on well-known biochemical pathways. No specific microbial physiological adaptations are considered, growth yield is calculated coupled to catabolism energetics and a common maximum biomass-specific catabolism rate (expressed as electron transfer rate) is assumed for all microbial groups. Under this approach, successful microbial metabolisms are predicted in line with experimental observations under the hypothesis of maximum energy harvest rate. Two microbial ecosystems, typically found in wastewater treatment plants, are simulated, namely: (i) the anaerobic fermentation of glucose and (ii) the oxidation and reduction of nitrogen under aerobic autotrophic (nitrification) and anoxic heterotrophic and autotrophic (denitrification) conditions. The experimentally observed cross feeding in glucose fermentation, through multiple intermediate fermentation pathways, towards ultimately methane and carbon dioxide is predicted. Analogously, two-stage nitrification (by ammonium and nitrite oxidizers) is predicted as prevailing over nitrification in one stage. Conversely, denitrification is predicted in one stage (by denitrifiers) as well as anammox (anaerobic ammonium oxidation). The model results suggest that these observations are a direct consequence of the different energy yields per electron transferred at the different steps of the pathways. Overall, our results theoretically support the hypothesis that successful microbial catabolic activities are selected by an overall maximum energy harvest rate

    Population Dynamics Constrain the Cooperative Evolution of Cross-Feeding

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    Cross-feeding is the exchange of nutrients among species of microbes. It has two potential evolutionary origins, one as an exchange of metabolic wastes or byproducts among species, the other as a form of cooperation known as reciprocal altruism. This paper explores the conditions favoring the origin of cooperative cross-feeding between two species. There is an extensive literature on the evolution of cooperation, and some of the requirements for the evolution of cooperative cross-feeding follow from this prior work–specifically the requirement that interactions be limited to small groups of individuals, such as colonies in a spatially structured environment. Evolution of cooperative cross-feeding by a species also requires that cross-feeding from the partner species already exists, so that the cooperating mutant will automatically be reciprocated for its actions. Beyond these considerations, some unintuitive dynamical constraints apply. In particular, the benefit of cooperative cross-feeding applies only in the range of intermediate cell densities. At low density, resource concentrations are too low to offset the cost of cooperation. At high density, resources shared by both species become limiting, and the two species become competitors. These considerations suggest that the evolution of cooperative cross-feeding in nature may be more challenging than for other types of cooperation. However, the principles identified here may enable the experimental evolution of cross-feeding, as born out by a recent study
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