863 research outputs found

    Ultra-short silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) modulator for bidirectional polarization-independent operation

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    We propose a bidirectional, polarization-independent, recirculating IQ-modulator scheme based on the silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) platform. We demonstrate the viability of the concept by using an SOH Mach-Zehnder modulator, operated at 10 GBd BPSK and 2ASK-2PSK

    10 GBd modulator directly driven by an FPGA without electrical amplification

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    Using standard single-ended FPGA outputs with 270 mV(pp) we demonstrate 10GBd OOK and BPSK transmission by directly driving a low-voltage silicon-organic hybrid ( SOH) modulator. The scheme does not require electronic driver amplifiers, which paves the way to energy-efficient photonic-electronic integration

    Silicon-Organic Hybrid (SOH) and Plasmonic-Organic Hybrid (POH) integration

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    Silicon photonics offers tremendous potential for inexpensive high-yield photonic-electronic integration. Besides conventional dielectric waveguides, plasmonic structures can also be efficiently realized on the silicon photonic platform, reducing device footprint by more than an order of magnitude. However, nei-ther silicon nor metals exhibit appreciable second-order optical nonlinearities, thereby making efficient electro-optic modulators challenging to realize. These deficiencies can be overcome by the concepts of silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) and plasmonic-organic hybrid integration, which combine SOI waveguides and plasmonic nanostructures with organic electro-optic cladding materials

    Femtojoule electro-optic modulation using a silicon-organic hybrid device

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    Energy-efficient electro-optic modulators are at the heart of short-reach optical interconnects, and silicon photonics is considered the leading technology for realizing such devices. However, the performance of all-silicon devices is limited by intrinsic material properties. In particular, the absence of linear electro-optic effects in silicon renders the integration of energy-efficient photonic-electronic interfaces challenging. Silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) integration can overcome these limitations by combining nanophotonic silicon waveguides with organic cladding materials, thereby offering the prospect of designing optical properties by molecular engineering. In this paper, we demonstrate an SOH Mach-Zehnder modulator with unprecedented efficiency: the 1-mm-long device consumes only 0.7 fJ bit(-1) to generate a 12.5 Gbit s(-1) data stream with a bit-error ratio below the threshold for hard-decision forward-error correction. This power consumption represents the lowest value demonstrated for a non-resonant Mach-Zehnder modulator in any material system. It is enabled by a novel class of organic electro-optic materials that are designed for high chromophore density and enhanced molecular orientation. The device features an electro-optic coefficient of r(33) approximate to 180 pm V-1 and can be operated at data rates of up to 40 Gbit s(-1)

    Integrated silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) frequency shifter

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    We demonstrate a waveguide-based frequency shifter on the silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) platform, enabling frequency shifts up to 10 GHz. Spurious side-modes are suppressed by more than 23 dB using temporal shaping of the drive signal

    Novel Binding Mode of a Potent and Selective Tankyrase Inhibitor

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    Tankyrases (TNKS1 and TNKS2) are key regulators of cellular processes such as telomere pathway and Wnt signaling. IWRs (inhibitors of Wnt response) have recently been identified as potent and selective inhibitors of tankyrases. However, it is not clear how these IWRs interact with tankyrases. Here we report the crystal structure of the catalytic domain of human TNKS1 in complex with IWR2, which reveals a novel binding site for tankyrase inhibitors. The TNKS1/IWR2 complex provides a molecular basis for their strong and specific interactions and suggests clues for further development of tankyrase inhibitors

    Colossal Aggregations of Giant Alien Freshwater Fish as a Potential Biogeochemical Hotspot

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    The ubiquity and fascinating nature of animal aggregations are widely recognised. We report here consistent and previously undocumented occurences of aggregations of a giant alien freshwater fish, the Wels catfish (Silurus glanis). Aggregative groups were on average composed of 25 (±10 SD, ranging from 15 to 44) adults with estimated average total biomass of 651 kg (386 – 1132) and biomass density of 23 kg m−2 (14 – 40). Aggregations always occurred within the same location. No foraging, reproductive or anti-predator behaviour were observed during the aggregations. A mass-balance model estimated that these colossal aggregations of an alien species can locally release, through excretion only, up to 70 mg P m−2 h−1 and 400 mg N m−2 h−1, potentially representing the highest biogeochemical hotspots reported in freshwater ecosystems and another unexpected ecological effect of alien species
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