114 research outputs found

    Plant species diversity of pastures in the Naryn Oblast (Kyrgyzstan)

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    Traditional pastoral practices in Kyrgyzstan have been transformed into more intensive forms of pastoral land use during the Soviet colonial period, and once again modified after independence in 1991. Kyrgyz winter pastures close to settlements are subject to degradation processes, while remote summer pastures are less affected. It is largely unknown to what extent current grazing regimes, repeatedly modified during the post-Soviet transformation process, have influenced plant species diversity of mountain pastures. This paper aims to analyze inventory (α) and differentiation (β) diversity of pastures in the Naryn Oblast, where winter pastures are subject to increased grazing pressure. We used a non-asymptotic approach in order to infer Hill numbers, i.e. the effective number of species at different levels of q (where q = 0: species richness, q = 1: Shannon diversity, q = 2: Simpson diversity) to make fair comparisons among assemblages of winter and summer pastures. We established sample-size-based rarefaction (interpolation) and prediction (extrapolation) curves, and assessed beta diversity by implementing an ANOSIM and by calculating Jaccard and Sørensen indices. We also inspected the occurrence of rare endemic plants, which might play a key role in local ecosystem processes and are important for biodiversity conservation. Increased grazing pressure on winter pastures mainly results from abandoned seasonal livestock migration and unbalanced grazing intensity between seasonal pastures. Our results show that inventory diversity is higher on summer pastures and that species composition between summer and winter pastures differs significantly. Winter pastures are less species-rich but have a higher percentage of rare endemic species

    Technological and social networks of a pastoralist artificial society: agent-based modeling of mobility patterns

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    This paper explores the advantages of simulation to raise the question of how digital and social networks affect the mobility in a pastoralist artificial society in the context of environmental degradation. We aim to explore mechanisms and develop scenarios, which are going to be validated through further research. We use a model of a simple pastoralist society in a world without borders to migration by adding the possibility of experiencing the effects of social structures (such as family and friends) and technological networks (e.g., social media). It appears obvious that pastoralist mobility depends on other dimensions as land tenure and traditional knowledge; however, isolating these two effects and experimenting in a simple society allow us to filter the multidimensionality of mobility decisions and concentrate on comparing scenarios in several different social structures and technological network combinations. The results show an expected behavior of more connection and more mobility, and a non-linear emergent behavior where pastoralists wait for a longer amount of time to mobilize when they interact using powerful social and technological networks. This occurs until they decide to move, and then, they mobilize more quickly and strongly than they did when communication was non-existent between them. The literature on migration explains this emergent non-linear behavior

    Mountain pastures of Qilian Shan: plant communities, grazing impact and degradation status (Gansu province, NW China)

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    Environmental degradation of pasture areas in the Qilian Mountains (Gansu province, NW China) has increased in recent years. Soil erosion and loss of biodiversity caused by overgrazing is widespread. Changes in plant cover, however, have not been analysed so far. The aim of this paper is to identify plant communities and to detect grazing-induced changes in vegetation patterns. Quantitative and qualitative releve data were collected for community classification and to analyse gradual changes in vegetation patterns along altitudinal and grazing gradients. Detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) was used to analyse variation in relationships between vegetation, environmental factors and differential grazing pressure. The results of the DCA showed apparent variation in plant communities along the grazing gradient. Two factors – altitude and exposure – had the strongest impact on plant community distribution. Comparing monitoring data for the most recent nine years, a trend of pasture deterioration, plant community successions and shift in dominant species becomes obvious. In order to increase grassland quality, sustainable pasture management strategies should be implemented

    Future agricultural conditions in the Nepal Himalaya - A fuzzy logic approach using high resolution climate scenarios

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    Until the end of the 21st century, ongoing climate change is expected to trigger major changes in site conditions and vertical species distributions in high mountain regions such as the Himalaya. Altitudinal ranges of species used as staple crops in Himalayan agriculture and currently suitable cultivation areas will be affected as well. Changing climatic variables such as temperature and precipitation will modify agricultural land-use options, and assessments of future crop growth conditions are in high demand. This GIS-based approach utilizes high resolution climate data of the present and two future scenarios and relates them to bioclimatic requirements of the five most important crops grown in Nepal: rice, maize, wheat, finger millet and potato. It takes into account soil pH as a basic constraint for the individual crop. The three factors  temperature, precipitation,and soil pH are then combined using a fuzzy logic algorithm. The assessment visualizes the expected shifts in suitable cultivation zones for the individual crops. The results show that wheat is likely to experience the most severe loss of crop suitability until the end of the 21st century, while the cultivation of rice is likely to benefit

    Himalayan treeline soil and foliar C:N:P stoichiometry indicate nutrient shortage with elevation

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    Only a few studies have addressed the soil and foliar carbon:nitrogen:phosphorus (C:N:P) stoichiometry in alpine treeline ecotones. Moreover, information on the soil nutrient availability (primarily N, P) in such ecosystems is rare. To fill these gaps, we performed a multiple data sampling in a near-natural alpine treeline ecotone in Rolwaling Himal, Nepal. Our results show strongly varying soil C:N:P ratios and nutrient availabilitywith soil depth. Caused by high monsoon precipitation and coarse-grained soils with low water-holding capacities, a vertical transport of nutrients and potentially mineralizable soil organic matter (SOM) in soils occurs, which is a general problem in the study area impeding growing conditions for trees. Soil N and P availability, and soil C:P and N:P ratios decrease significantly as elevation increases, especially at the transition from krummholz (dominated by rhododendron campanulatum) to the alpine tundra (dwarf scrub heath). Soil C:N ratios increase significantly with elevation, most notably from the subalpine forest to krummholz and the alpine tundra. These altitudinal trends indicate increasing nutrient (N, P) shortage especially in the alpine tundra. LowNand P availability in alpine tundra soils are likely caused by a lower litter input from dwarf shrub vegetation, and a decline in litter mineralization in this altitudinal zone resulting in small accumulation of SOM. Nutrient availability in the entire study area is generally limited by low soil pH (from 2.5 to 4). In total six investigated tree species show diverse relationships between foliar and soil stoichiometric ratios, and soil nutrient availability. Significantly increasing foliar C:N and C:P ratios with elevation due to significantly decreasing foliar N and P concentrations suggest a limitation in N and P. Foliar N:P ratios indicate N rather than P limitation. Contrary to previous studies from different alpine treeline ecotones, we do not consider the Rolwaling treeline ecotone as an area of nutrient accumulation. We conclude that altitudinal variations in stand structures themselves govern nutrient cycling through the input of C, N, and P into soils by differences in leaf fall

    Rising Precipitation Extremes across Nepal

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    As a mountainous country, Nepal is most susceptible to precipitation extremes and related hazards, including severe floods, landslides and droughts that cause huge losses of life and property, impact the Himalayan environment, and hinder the socioeconomic development of the country. Given that the countrywide assessment of such extremes is still lacking, we present a comprehensive picture of prevailing precipitation extremes observed across Nepal. First, we present the spatial distribution of daily extreme precipitation indices as defined by the Expert Team on Climate Change Detection, Monitoring and Indices (ETCCDMI) from 210 stations over the period of 1981–2010. Then, we analyze the temporal changes in the computed extremes from 76 stations, featuring long-term continuous records for the period of 1970–2012, by applying a non-parametric Mann−Kendall test to identify the existence of a trend and Sen’s slope method to calculate the true magnitude of this trend. Further, the local trends in precipitation extremes have been tested for their field significance over the distinct physio-geographical regions of Nepal, such as the lowlands, middle mountains and hills and high mountains in the west (WL, WM and WH, respectively), and likewise, in central (CL, CM and CH) and eastern (EL, EM and EH) Nepal. Our results suggest that the spatial patterns of high-intensity precipitation extremes are quite different to that of annual or monsoonal precipitation. Lowlands (Terai and Siwaliks) that feature relatively low precipitation and less wet days (rainy days) are exposed to high-intensity precipitation extremes. Our trend analysis suggests that the pre-monsoonal precipitation is significantly increasing over the lowlands and CH, while monsoonal precipitation is increasing in WM and CH and decreasing in CM, CL and EL. On the other hand, post-monsoonal precipitation is significantly decreasing across all of Nepal while winter precipitation is decreasing only over the WM region. Both high-intensity precipitation extremes and annual precipitation trends feature east−west contrast, suggesting significant increase over the WM and CH region but decrease over the EM and CM regions. Further, a significant positive trend in the number of consecutive dry days but significant negative trend in the number of wet (rainy) days are observed over the whole of Nepal, implying the prolongation of the dry spell across the country. Overall, the intensification of different precipitation indices over distinct parts of the country indicates region-specific risks of floods, landslides and droughts. The presented findings, in combination with population and environmental pressures, can support in devising the adequate region-specific adaptation strategies for different sectors and in improving the livelihood of the rural communities in Nepal

    Rising mean and extreme near-surface air temperature across Nepal

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    Owing to unique topographic and ecological diversity, central Himalayan state of Nepal is exposed to adverse impacts of climate change and associated disasters. However, countrywide historical assessment of mean and extreme temperature changes, a prerequisite for devising adequate adaptation strategies, is still lacking. Here, we present a comprehensive picture of mean and extreme temperature trends across Nepal over the 1980–2016 period, based on high-quality daily temperature observations from 46 stations. Our results suggest that besides winter cooling in southern lowlands, the country features a widespread warming, which is higher for maximum temperature (~0.04°C⋅year−1) than for minimum temperature (~0.02°C⋅year−1), over the mountainous region than in valleys and lowlands and during the pre-monsoon season than for the rest of the year. Consistently, we found a higher increasing trend for warm days (13 days⋅decade−1) than for warm nights (4 days⋅decade−1), whereas the rates of decrease for cold days and cold nights are the same (6 days⋅decade−1). Further investigations reveal that pronounced warming in maximum temperature over mountain regions can be attributed to less cloud cover and snowfall in recent decades during non-monsoon seasons as a result of positive geopotential height anomalies and strengthening of anticyclonic circulations in the mid-to-upper troposphere. Similarly, increased stability of lower atmosphere during winter and post-monsoon seasons caused prolonged and frequent periods of fog over lowlands, resulting in significant winter cooling there. © 2019 The Authors. International Journal of Climatology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of the Royal Meteorological Society

    Climate change-induced shift of tree growth sensitivity at a central Himalayan treeline ecotone

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    Himalayan treelines are exposed to above average climate change impact, resulting in complex tree growth-climate relationships for Himalayan Silver Fir (Abies spectabilis (D. Don) Spach) at central Himalayan treelines. The majority of recent studies detected current tree growth sensitivity to dry conditions during pre-monsoon seasons. The aim of this study was to analyze growth-climate relationships for more than a century for a treeline ecotone in east-central Nepal and to test for Blue Intensity (BI; used as a surrogate of maximum late wood density) as climate proxy. We determined the relationships of Abies spectabilis radial tree growth and BI to climate by correlating both to temperature, precipitation and drought index data. The results showed a significantly unstable dendroclimatic signal over time. Climate warming-induced moisture deficits during pre-monsoon seasons became a major factor limiting radial tree growth during recent decades. Earlier in time, the dendroclimatic signal was weaker, predominantly reflecting a positive relationship of tree growth and summer temperature. Compared to radial tree growth, BI showed a different but strong climate signal. Temporally unstable correlations may be attributed to increasing effects of above-average rates of climate warming. An extended network of Himalayan tree-ring sites is needed to further analyze cause-effect relationships and to solve this attribution problem
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