33 research outputs found

    The late holocene upper montane cloud forest and high altitude grassland mosaic in the Serra da Igreja, Southern Brazil.

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    Many soils of the highlands of Serra do Mar, as in other mountain ranges, have thick histic horizons that preserve high amounts of carbon. However, the age and constitution of the organic matter of these soils remain doubtful, with possible late Pleistocene or Holocene ages. This study was conducted in three profi les (two in grassland and one in forest) in Serra da Igreja highlands in the state of Paraná. We performed ?13C isotope analysis of organic matter in soil horizons to detect whether C3 or C4 plants dominated the past communities and 14C dating of the humin fraction to obtain the age of the studied horizons. C3 plants seem to have dominated the mountain ridges of Serra da Igreja since at least 3,000 years BP. Even though the Serra da Igreja may represents a landscape of high altitude grasslands in soils containing organic matter from the late Pleistocene, as reported elsewhere in Southern and Southeastern Brazil, our results indicate that the sites studied are at least from the beginning of the Late Holocene, when conditions of high moisture enabled the colonization/recolonization of the Serra da Igreja ridges by C3 plants. This is the period, often reported in the literature, when forests advanced onto grasslands and savannas

    Ecological and Environmental Aspects of Nutrient Cycling in the Atlantic Forest, Brazil

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    In developing countries, where population growth is on the rise, intense anthropogenic actions in natural forests are observed usually in the form of burnings and shallow cuts. With aiming to deploy crops or even promote irrational exploitation of forest products. In this context, preservation of natural forests (tropical and subtropical forests) depends on the knowledge of their dynamics. This information is important to allow exploration of natural forests sustainably or to subsidize conservation actions. In planted and native forests, the biogeochemical cycling of nutrients predominantly occurs through production and decomposition of litterfall. The information provided in this chapter, in particular with regard to nutrient cycling, is an important basis for understanding the structure and dynamics of nutrients in the ecosystem. We characterized nutrient stocks and elucidate some aspects of forest growth and productivity. This information is important to enhance biodiversity conservation and generate ecosystem goods and services in the Atlantic Forest Biome. Even with the intense change of land use (from forest to agricultural, pasture and urbanization), the region has high diversity of endemic species, and is considered a priority area for biodiversity conservation

    Soil preparation and NPK fertilization in the planting of five Atlantic Rainforest species in a clay extraction area

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    The occurrence of degraded areas worldwide grows each year and measures must be taken to mitigate degradation and to recover these areas. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of soil preparation and NPK levels on the growth of five native species of the Atlantic Rainforest in clay extraction area. The experimental design was randomized block in a split-split plot arrangement with four replications. Subsoiling and scarification soil preparation represented main plots.  Doses of NPK 04-14-08: 0; 40; 80;160; and 320 g pit-1 represented subplots and Atlantic Rainforest native species represented sub-subplots. Absolute growth rate, stem diameter and number of leaves were evaluated, 210 days after planting. The type of soil preparation did not influence the development of the species. The best dose for Dalbergia ecastaphyllum, Inga laurina, Protium heptaphyllum and Psidium cattleyanum were 176.49, 150.18, 199.25 and 166.48 g pit-1 of NPK, respectively. Schinus terebinthifolius was highly responsive to planting fertilization, being recommended 320 g pit-1 of NPK. All species are indicated for area recovery.The occurrence of degraded areas worldwide grows each year and measures must be taken to mitigate degradation and to recover these areas. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of soil preparation and NPK levels on the growth of five native species of the Atlantic Rainforest in clay extraction area. The experimental design was randomized block in a split-split plot arrangement with four replications. Subsoiling and scarification soil preparation represented main plots.  Doses of NPK 04-14-08: 0; 40; 80;160; and 320 g pit-1 represented subplots and Atlantic Rainforest native species represented sub-subplots. Absolute growth rate, stem diameter and number of leaves were evaluated, 210 days after planting. The type of soil preparation did not influence the development of the species. The best dose for Dalbergia ecastaphyllum, Inga laurina, Protium heptaphyllum and Psidium cattleyanum were 176.49, 150.18, 199.25 and 166.48 g pit-1 of NPK, respectively. Schinus terebinthifolius was highly responsive to planting fertilization, being recommended 320 g pit-1 of NPK. All species are indicated for area recovery

    Phylobetadiversity among Forest Types in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest Complex

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    Phylobetadiversity is defined as the phylogenetic resemblance between communities or biomes. Analyzing phylobetadiversity patterns among different vegetation physiognomies within a single biome is crucial to understand the historical affinities between them. Based on the widely accepted idea that different forest physiognomies within the Southern Brazilian Atlantic Forest constitute different facies of a single biome, we hypothesize that more recent phylogenetic nodes should drive phylobetadiversity gradients between the different forest types within the Atlantic Forest, as the phylogenetic divergence among those forest types is biogeographically recent. We compiled information from 206 checklists describing the occurrence of shrub/tree species across three different forest physiognomies within the Southern Brazilian Atlantic Forest (Dense, Mixed and Seasonal forests). We analyzed intra-site phylogenetic structure (phylogenetic diversity, net relatedness index and nearest taxon index) and phylobetadiversity between plots located at different forest types, using five different methods differing in sensitivity to either basal or terminal nodes (phylogenetic fuzzy weighting, COMDIST, COMDISTNT, UniFrac and Rao’s H). Mixed forests showed higher phylogenetic diversity and overdispersion than the other forest types. Furthermore, all forest types differed from each other in relation phylobetadiversity patterns, particularly when phylobetadiversity methods more sensitive to terminal nodes were employed. Mixed forests tended to show higher phylogenetic differentiation to Dense and Seasonal forests than these latter from each other. The higher phylogenetic diversity and phylobetadiversity levels found in Mixed forests when compared to the others likely result from the biogeographical origin of several taxa occurring in these forests. On one hand, Mixed forests shelter several temperate taxa, like the conifers Araucaria and Podocarpus. On the other hand, tropical groups, like Myrtaceae, are also very representative of this forest type. We point out to the need of more attention to Mixed forests as a conservation target within the Brazilian Atlantic Forest given their high phylogenetic uniqueness

    Composted sewage sludge and different irrigation layers on Acacia polyphylla development

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    É cada vez mais comum a adição de componentes orgânicos aos substratos em viveiros florestais, com o objetivo de potencializar seus atributos biológicos, químicos e físicos. Entre esses componentes destaca-se o lodo de esgoto que, após passar por processo de estabilização, torna-se um componente rico em matéria orgânica, podendo ser utilizado na agricultura, e em viveiros florestais. O trabalho teve como objetivo analisar o comportamento da espécie em diferentes composições de substratos e lâminas de irrigação. Utilizaram-se 5 formulações distintas de substrato compostas por substrato comercial (SC) e lodo e esgoto compostado (LEC). Avaliaram-se simultaneamente 3 lâminas de água, perfazendo um total de 300 mudas no estudo. Os parâmetros analisados foram: altura de planta, diâmetro do coleto, número de folhas, massa seca de parte aérea e raiz. Observou-se que os melhores tratamentos consistiram nas seguintes formulações: S1 (100% LEC), S2 (25% SC + 75% LEC), e S3 (50% SC + 50% SC). Mostrou-se que, a partir do LEC puro, houve melhor desenvolvimento das mudas, expressando um aporte com o aumento no diâmetro do coleto, altura da planta, maior crescimento inicial e desenvolvimento radicular, ou seja, além do potencial como fertilizante, o LEC atua como condicionador de atribuições físicas, química e biológicas necessárias às mudas. As diferentes lâminas de irrigação não apresentaram influência significativa em nenhum dos parâmetros avaliados.The selection of organic components to substrates in forest nurseries is increasingly common, with the aim of enhancing biological, chemical and physical data. The main components are the sewage process that goes through a stabilization process, becoming a rich component in industry that can be used in agriculture, and becomes a rich component in the composition of substrates. The objective of this work is to analyze the behavior of the species in different substrate compositions and irrigation depths. Five distinct formulations of composite substrate and commercial substrate (SC) and composted sludge and sewage (LEC) were used. The slide and irrigation evaluation was divided into three different irrigations, a total of 300 samples were analyzed. The parameters used were: plant height, stem diameter, leaf number, dry mass and root dry mass. Based on the results, the best alternatives for producing seedlings of wine in nurseries are observed, consisting of the following formulations: S1 (100% LEC), S2 (25% SC + 75% LEC), and S3 (50% SC + 50% LEC). The combination of 100% LEC resulted in the best development of seedlings, expressing a contribution with the increase in stem diameter, plant height, greater initial growth and root development, that is, in addition to the potential as fertilizer, it acts as a conditioner for physical assignments, chemical and biological necessary for seedlings. However, the different irrigation depths do not minimize the influences in any of the upper stages

    Potencial de utilização de Azospirillum brasilense e ácido indolbutírico no enraizamento de estacas de jasmim-amarelo

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    O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a influência de Azospirillum brasilense e do ácido indolbutírico na rizogênese de estacas de Jasminum mesnyi. Para tanto, brotações foram coletadas preparando-se estacas com 6 ± 0,2 cm de comprimento e mantendo-se um par de folhas reduzidas à metade. Após a desinfestação, as bases das estacas foram tratadas com ácido indolbutírico (0, 1000 e 1500 mg L-1) e com solução inoculante de A. brasilense (puro e diluído 1:1), sendo os propágulos plantados em tubetes com vermiculita e mantido em casa de vegetação. Após 100 dias foram avaliadas a porcentagem de enraizamento, número de raízes por estaca, comprimento médio das 3 maiores raízes por estaca, miniestacas vivas e mortas, presença de calos, emissão de brotação e manutenção de folhas. Os resultados para todas as variáveis não apresentaram diferença estatística ao nível de 5% de probabilidade pelo teste de Tukey. Os resultados indicam que J. mesnyi é de fácil enraizamento, e que os tratamentos com IBA e A. brasiliense não influenciam no enraizamento da espécie


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    La perca americana, Micropterus salmoides (Lacepéde, 1802), es un pez centrarchido de América del Norte que ahora tiene una distribución global debido a introducciones extendidas por pesca deportiva. Su introducción en Brasil data de 1920, principalmente en las regiones del sur. Sabemos que M. salmoides ha generado una serie de impactos en los ecosistemas en que se ha establecido. Sin embargo, sus parásitos en Brasil son desconocidos. Esto genera la posibilidad de nuevas interacciones y potenciales impactos. Por tanto, el objetivo de este estudio fue analizar los parásitos de M. salmoides en cuatro reservorios de agua en el sur de Brasil, midiendo la prevalencia y la abundancia media en cada reservorio. Analizamos un total de 59 individuos de M. salmoides, 15 en cada reserva, con excepción de la reserva Capivari-Cachoeira, con 14 individuos. De los peces analizados, 91,5% estaban parasitados por 1567 parásitos pertenecientes a cuatro especies, tres nemátodos: Contracaecum sp. (86,4%) en larvas, Procamallanus (Procamallanus) peraccuratus Pinto, Fábio, Noronha y Rolas 1976 (6,7%) y Hysterothylacium brachyurum Ward & Magath 1917 (6,7%), y una especie de monogenoideo Onchocleidus principalis (Mizelle, 1936) (57,6 %). De estos resultados podemos concluir que el proceso de co-introducción y “spillback” aún está en etapas tempranas, en la mayoría de las veces por la baja diversidad de parásitos. Sin embargo, el monitoreo y las acciones de control son altamente recomendadas para controlar los impactos de infecciones por parásitos y promover actividades de mitigación y campañas de prevención