37 research outputs found
Dimensional Analysis
Dimensional analysis is an approach to research developed by Leonard Schatzman, a student and later colleague of Anselm Strauss. This chapter is presented as a brief introduction to dimensional analysis. A more in-depth treatment of the approach will be described in greater detail in a subsequent publication
The mundane ailment and the physical self: Analysis of the social psychology of health and illness
Using interview data from adult men and women who participated in an ongoing study of self-care, the research focused on the experience of mundane ailments as a promising topic for research in the social psychology of health and illness. Phenomenological analysis of respondents' accounts of everyday ailments generated concepts of 'the physical self', which expands interactive or dramaturgical concepts, and 'the health biography'. These concepts, when linked to analysis of interaction lead to a more dynamic sociology of health, illness, care and cure.self-concept self-care health biography ailment
Penerapan otomasi perpustakaan berbasis teknologi Senayan Library Information Management System ( SLIMS ) di UPT perpustakaan Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta
x, 86 hlm.; ilus.; 30 cm
Penerapan otomasi perpustakaan berbasis teknologi Senayan Library Information Management System ( SLIMS ) di UPT perpustakaan Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta
x, 86 hlm.; ilus.; 30 cm