17 research outputs found

    Low-Fat Diet With Caloric Restriction Reduces White Matter Microglia Activation During Aging

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    Rodent models of both aging and obesity are characterized by inflammation in specific brain regions, notably the corpus callosum, fornix, and hypothalamus. Microglia, the resident macrophages of the central nervous system, are important for brain development, neural support, and homeostasis. However, the effects of diet and lifestyle on microglia during aging are only partly understood. Here, we report alterations in microglia phenotype and functions in different brain regions of mice on a high-fat diet (HFD) or low-fat diet (LFD) during aging and in response to voluntary running wheel exercise. We compared the expression levels of genes involved in immune response, phagocytosis, and metabolism in the hypothalamus of 6-month-old HFD and LFD mice. We also compared the immune response of microglia from HFD or LFD mice to peripheral inflammation induced by intraperitoneal injection of lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Finally, we investigated the effect of diet, physical exercise, and caloric restriction (40% reduction compared to ad libitum intake) on microglia in 24-month-old HFD and LFD mice. Changes in diet caused morphological changes in microglia, but did not change the microglia response to LPS-induced systemic inflammation. Expression of phagocytic markers (i.e., Mac-2/Lgals3, Dectin-1/Clec7a, and CD16/CD32) in the white matter microglia of 24-month-old brain was markedly decreased in calorically restricted LFD mice. In conclusion, LFD resulted in reduced activation of microglia, which might be an underlying mechanism for the protective role of caloric restriction during aging-associated decline

    Priming of microglia in a DNA-repair deficient model of accelerated aging

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    AbstractAging is associated with reduced function, degenerative changes, and increased neuroinflammation of the central nervous system (CNS). Increasing evidence suggests that changes in microglia cells contribute to the age-related deterioration of the CNS. The most prominent age-related change of microglia is enhanced sensitivity to inflammatory stimuli, referred to as priming. It is unclear if priming is due to intrinsic microglia ageing or induced by the ageing neural environment. We have studied this in Ercc1 mutant mice, a DNA repair-deficient mouse model that displays features of accelerated aging in multiple tissues including the CNS. In Ercc1 mutant mice, microglia showed hallmark features of priming such as an exaggerated response to peripheral lipopolysaccharide exposure in terms of cytokine expression and phagocytosis. Specific targeting of the Ercc1 deletion to forebrain neurons resulted in a progressive priming response in microglia exemplified by phenotypic alterations. Summarizing, these data show that neuronal genotoxic stress is sufficient to switch microglia from a resting to a primed state

    Natural Histogel-Based Bio-Scaffolds for Sustaining Angiogenesis in Beige Adipose Tissue

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    In the treatment of obesity and its related disorders, one of the measures adopted is weight reduction by controlling nutrition and increasing physical activity. A valid alternative to restore the physiological function of the human body could be the increase of energy consumption by inducing the browning of adipose tissue. To this purpose, we tested the ability of Histogel, a natural mixture of glycosaminoglycans isolated from animal Wharton jelly, to sustain the differentiation of adipose derived mesenchymal cells (ADSCs) into brown-like cells expressing UCP-1. Differentiated cells show a higher energy metabolism compared to undifferentiated mesenchymal cells. Furthermore, Histogel acts as a pro-angiogenic matrix, induces endothelial cell proliferation and sprouting in a three-dimensional gel in vitro, and stimulates neovascularization when applied in vivo on top of the chicken embryo chorioallantoic membrane or injected subcutaneously in mice. In addition to the pro-angiogenic activity of Histogel, also the ADSC derived beige cells contribute to activating endothelial cells. These data led us to propose Histogel as a promising scaffold for the modulation of the thermogenic behavior of adipose tissue. Indeed, Histogel simultaneously supports the acquisition of brown tissue markers and activates the vasculature process necessary for the correct function of the thermogenic tissue. Thus, Histogel represents a valid candidate for the development of bioscaffolds to increase the amount of brown adipose tissue in patients with metabolic disorders

    Induction of a common microglia gene expression signature by aging and neurodegenerative conditions : a co-expression meta-analysis

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    INTRODUCTION: Microglia are tissue macrophages of the central nervous system that monitor brain homeostasis and react upon neuronal damage and stress. Aging and neurodegeneration induce a hypersensitive, pro-inflammatory phenotype, referred to as primed microglia. To determine the gene expression signature of priming, the transcriptomes of microglia in aging, Alzheimer's disease (AD), and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) mouse models were compared using Weighted Gene Co-expression Network Analysis (WGCNA). RESULTS: A highly consistent consensus transcriptional profile of up-regulated genes was identified, which prominently differed from the acute inflammatory gene network induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Where the acute inflammatory network was significantly enriched for NF-κB signaling, the primed microglia profile contained key features related to phagosome, lysosome, antigen presentation, and AD signaling. In addition, specific signatures for aging, AD, and ALS were identified. CONCLUSION: Microglia priming induces a highly conserved transcriptional signature with aging- and disease-specific aspects

    Bioresorbable and Mechanically Optimized Nerve Guidance Conduit Based on a Naturally Derived Medium Chain Length Polyhydroxyalkanoate and Poly(ε-Caprolactone) Blend

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    Severe peripheral nerve injuries represent a large clinical problem with relevant challenges such as the development of successful synthetic scaffolds as substitutes to autologous nerve grafting. Numerous studies have reported the use of polyesters and type I collagen-based nerve guidance conduits (NGCs) to promote nerve regeneration through critical nerve defects while providing protection from external factors. However, none of the commercially available hollow bioresorbable NGCs have demonstrated superior clinical outcomes to an autologous nerve graft. Hence, new materials and NGC geometries have been explored in the literature to mimic the native nerve properties and architecture. Here, we report a novel blend of a natural medium chain length polyhydroxyalkanoate (MCL-PHA) with a synthetic aliphatic polyester, poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL), suitable for extrusion-based high-throughput manufacturing. The blend was designed to combine the excellent ability of PHAs to support the growth and proliferation of mammalian cells with the good processability of PCL. The material exhibited excellent neuroregenerative properties and a good bioresorption rate, while the extruded porous tubes exhibited similar mechanical properties to the rat sciatic nerve. The NGCs were implanted to treat a 10 mm long sciatic nerve defect in rats, where significant differences were found between thin and thick wall thickness implants, and both electrophysiological and histological data, as well as the number of recovered animals, provided superior outcomes than the well-referenced synthetic Neurolac NGC

    Maternal inflammation induces immune activation of fetal microglia and leads to disrupted microglia immune responses, behavior, and learning performance in adulthood

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    Maternal inflammation during pregnancy can have detrimental effects on embryonic development that persist during adulthood. However, the underlying mechanisms and insights in the responsible cell types are still largely unknown. Here we report the effect of maternal inflammation on fetal microglia, the innate immune cells of the central nervous system (CNS). In mice, a challenge with LPS during late gestation stages (days 15-16-17) induced a pro-inflammatory response in fetal microglia. Adult whole brain microglia of mice that were exposed to LPS during embryonic development displayed a persistent reduction in pro-inflammatory activation in response to a re-challenge with LPS. In contrast, hippocampal microglia of these mice displayed an increased inflammatory response to an LPS re-challenge. In addition, a reduced expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) was observed in hippocampal microglia of LPS-offspring. Microglia-derived BDNF has been shown to be important for learning and memory processes. In line with these observations, behavioral- and learning tasks with mice that were exposed to maternal inflammation revealed reduced home cage activity, reduced anxiety and reduced learning performance in a T-maze. These data show that exposure to maternal inflammation during late gestation results in long term changes in microglia responsiveness during adulthood, which is different in nature in hippocampus compared to total brain microglia. (C) 2017 Elsevier Inc. All right