807 research outputs found

    Exploring Different Assumptions about Outcome-Related Risk Perceptions in Discrete Choice Experiments

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    Environmental outcomes are often affected by the stochastic nature of the environment and ecosystem, as well as the effectiveness of governmental policy in combination with human activities. Incorporating information about risk in discrete choice experiments has been suggested to enhance survey credibility. Although some studies have incorporated risk in the design and treated it as either the weights of the corresponding environmental outcomes or as a stand-alone factor, little research has discussed the implications of those behavioural assumptions under risk and explored individuals’ outcome-related risk perceptions in a context where environmental outcomes can be either described as improvement or deterioration. This paper investigates outcome-related risk perceptions for environmental outcomes in the gain and loss domains together and examines differences in choices about air quality changes in China using a discrete choice experiment. Results suggest that respondents consider the information of risk in both domains, and their elicited behavioural patterns are best described by direct risk aversion, which states that individuals obtain disutility directly from the increasing risk regardless of the associated environmental outcomes. We discuss the implication of our results and provide recommendations on the choice of model specification when incorporating risk

    Accounting students' expectations and transition experiences of supervised work experience

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    Political and economic discourses position employability as a responsibility of higher education, which utilise mechanisms such as supervised work experience (SWE) to embed employability into the undergraduate curriculum. However, sparse investigation of students' contextualised experiences of SWE results in little being known about the mechanisms through which students derive employability benefits from SWE. The aim of this study is to examine the impact of students' expectation and conception of workplace learning on their transition into SWE. Analysis of accounting students' experiences reveal two broad conceptions of workplace learning, the differing impacts of which on transition experience are explored using existing learning transfer perspectives. Students displaying the more common 'technical' conception construct SWE as an opportunity to develop technical, knowledge-based expertise and abilities that prioritize product-based or cognitive learning transfer. Students with an 'experiential' conception were found to construct SWE primarily as an experience through which the development of personal skills and abilities beyond technical expertise are prioritized using process-based or socio-cultural learning transfer. Further data analysis suggests that these two learning transfer approaches have differing impacts on students' employability development which may indicate a need for universities to consider how to develop appropriate student expectations of and approaches to SWE and meaningful support for students' SWE transition

    Local costs of conservation exceed those borne by the global majority

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    Cost data are crucial in conservation planning to identify more efficient and equitable land use options. However, many studies focus on just one cost type and neglect others, particularly those borne locally. We develop, for a high priority conservation area, spatial models of two local costs that arise from protected areas: foregone agricultural opportunities and increased wildlife damage. We then map these across the study area and compare them to the direct costs of reserve management, finding that local costs exceed management costs. Whilst benefits of conservation accrue to the global community, significant costs are borne by those living closest. Where livelihoods depend upon opportunities forgone or diminished by conservation intervention, outcomes are limited. Activities can be displaced (leakage); rules can be broken (intervention does not work); or the intervention forces a shift in livelihood profiles (potentially to the detriment of local peoples’ welfare). These raise concerns for both conservation and development outcomes and timely consideration of local costs is vital in conservation planning tools and processes

    Effectiveness of e-learning in continuing medical education for occupational physicians

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    Background Within a clinical context e-learning is comparable to traditional approaches of continuing medical education (CME). However, the occupational health context differs and until now the effect of postgraduate e-learning among occupational physicians (OPs) has not been evaluated

    Secondary Distribution of HIV Self-Testing Kits to Social and Sexual Networks of PLWH in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. A Brief Report

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    Background: To reach 95% of persons living with HIV (PLWH) knowing their HIV status, alternative testing approaches such as HIV self-testing (HIVST) and secondary HIVST kit distribution are needed. We investigated if secondary HIVST kit distribution from male and female PLWH in South Africa would successfully lead to their contacts testing for HIV and linking to care if positive. / Methods: Male and female PLWH participating in an HIV treatment trial between July and November 2018 in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa were offered participation as "HIVST kit distributors" in a pilot of secondary distribution of HIVST kits to give to sexual partners and social networks. Univariate descriptive statistics were used to describe the characteristics of volunteer distributors, proportion of HIVST recipients who reported their results, and linkage to care among those who tested positive using HIVST were assessed. / Results: Sixty-three participant kit distributors accepted kits to disperse to contacts, of whom 52% were female, median age was 34 years (IQR 26-42.5), 84% reported 1 sexual partner and 76% did not know their partner's HIV status. HIVST kit distributors took 218 kits, with 13/218 (6%) of kits reported to be intended to be given to a sexual partner. A total of 143 HIVST recipients reported their HIVST results; 92% reported their results were negative, 11 recipients reported positive results and 1 HIVST-positive recipient was linked to HIV care. / Conclusion: Secondary distribution of HIVST to social networks and sexual partners from South African PLWH is feasible, with two thirds of contacts reporting use of the HIVST kits. Additional support is necessary to facilitate linkage to care

    Feedback in laparoscopic skills acquisition: an observational study during a basic skills training course

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    This study aimed to obtain insight in the effect of expert feedback during a basic laparoscopic skills training course for residents. A questionnaire was held among participants regarding provided feedback and the self-perceived laparoscopic skills improvement. The participants (n = 24) who completed the questionnaire were in their first to fifth postgraduate year. Most feedback was directed at intracorporeal knot tying (47% reported extensive feedback), while camera navigation and body positioning received the least feedback (40% and 43%, respectively, responded to have received no feedback at all). After the course, the self-perceived competence in intracorporeal knot tying and cutting had improved significantly, while camera navigation, body positioning, pointing, and grasping tasks did not improve. In conclusion, most benefit from expert feedback can be obtained at the start of the learning curve. Therefore, the basic laparoscopic skills course should be attended early in residency. Additionally, it is crucial that training objectives are clear prior to a course for both the expert and the trainee, in order to focus the feedback on all training objectives

    Comparison of Six Artificial Diets for Western Corn Rootworm Bioassays and Rearing

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    The western corn rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), is considered the most important maize (Zea mays L.) pest in the U.S. Corn Belt. Bioassays testing susceptibility to Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner (Bt) and other toxins of corn rootworm larvae often rely on artificial diet formulations. Successful bioassays on artificial diet for corn rootworm have sometimes been challenging because of microbial contamination. Toward the long-term goal of developing a universal artificial diet for western corn rootworm larvae, we compared larval survival, dry weight, and percentage of molt in 10-d bioassays from six current diets of which we were aware. In addition, as part of longer term rearing efforts, we recorded molting over an extended period of development (60 d). Six different artificial diets, including four proprietary industry diets (A, B, C, and D), the first published artificial diet for western corn rootworm (Pleau), and a new diet (WCRMO-1) were evaluated. Western corn rootworm larval survival was above 90% and contamination was 0% on all diets for 10 d. Diet D resulted in the greatest dry weight and percentage molting when compared with the other diets. Although fourth-instar western corn rootworm larvae have not been documented previously (only three instars have been previously documented), as many as 10% of the larvae from Diet B molted into a fourth instar prior to pupating. Overall, significant differences were found among artificial diets currently used to screen western corn rootworm. In order for data from differing toxins to be compared, a single, reliable and high-quality western corn rootworm artificial diet should eventually be chosen by industry, academia, and the public as a standard for bioassays

    How the data revolution can benefit farmers

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    Background: Iodine deficiency occurs in West European countries. Iodine is important for brain development of the foetus and infant. The current iodine status of pregnant and lactating Dutch women is unknown. Methods: In a pilot study we examined the iodine status of 36 women. From 20 gestational weeks (GW) until 4 weeks postpartum, they ingested 150 mu g iodine/day in the form of a multivitamin supplement for pregnant and lactating women. Twenty-four hour urine samples were collected at 20 and 36 GW and at 4 weeks postpartum. A breast milk sample was collected at 4 weeks postpartum. Iodine concentrations were analysed by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. Cut-off values for the urinary iodine concentration (UIC) for pregnant and lactating women are 150 and 100 mu g/l, respectively. Adequate intakes (AI) of iodine for infants aged 0-6 months are 1.1 mu mol/l (Institute of Medicine recommendations) or 0.5 mu mol/l (Nordic Council recommendations). Results: The median UICs (percentages below cut-off) were 102 mu g/l (83%) at 20 GW, 144 mu g/l (56%) at 36 GW and 112 mu g/l (40%) at 4 weeks postpartum. The median breast milk iodine concentration was 1.2 mu mol/l (range 0.5-3.0); 33% and 0% of the infants had estimated iodine intakes below the IOM-AI and Nordic-AI, respectively. Conclusion: This pilot study suggested a high prevalence of iodine deficiency during pregnancy. Daily supplementation of 150 mu g iodine from 20 GW might be insufficient to reach maternal iodine adequacy. The median breast milk iodine concentration seems adequate. Further studies, using a representative sample of the Dutch population, are needed to establish the current Dutch iodine status of pregnant and lactating women