787 research outputs found

    Suppression of small scale dynamo action by an imposed magnetic field

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    Non-helical hydromagnetic turbulence with an externally imposed magnetic field is investigated using direct numerical simulations. It is shown that the imposed magnetic field lowers the spectral magnetic energy in the inertial range. This is explained by a suppression of the small scale dynamo. At large scales, however, the spectral magnetic energy increases with increasing imposed field strength for moderately strong fields, and decreases only slightly for even stronger fields. The presence of Alfven waves is explicitly confirmed by monitoring the evolution of magnetic field and velocity at one point. The frequency omega agrees with vA k1, where vA is the Alfven speed and k1 is the smallest wavenumber in the box.Comment: Final version (7 pages

    Properties of simulated sunspot umbral dots

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    Realistic 3D radiative MHD simulations reveal the magneto-convective processes underlying the formation of the photospheric fine structure of sunspots, including penumbral filaments and umbral dots. Here we provide results from a statistical analysis of simulated umbral dots and compare them with reports from high-resolution observations. A multi-level segmentation and tracking algorithm has been used to isolate the bright structures in synthetic bolometric and continuum brightness images. Areas, brightness, and lifetimes of the resulting set of umbral dots are found to be correlated: larger umbral dots tend to be brighter and live longer. The magnetic field strength and velocity structure of umbral dots on surfaces of constant optical depth in the continuum at 630 nm indicate that the strong field reduction and high velocities in the upper parts of the upflow plumes underlying umbral dots are largely hidden from spectro-polarimetric observations. The properties of the simulated umbral dots are generally consistent with the results of recent high-resolution observations. However, the observed population of small, short-lived umbral dots is not reproduced by the simulations, possibly owing to insufficient spatial resolution.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Precision spectroscopy of the 3s-3p fine structure doublet in Mg+

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    We apply a recently demonstrated method for precision spectroscopy on strong transitions in trapped ions to measure both fine structure components of the 3s-3p transition in 24-Mg+ and 26-Mg+. We deduce absolute frequency reference data for transition frequencies, isotope shifts and fine structure splittings that are in particular useful for comparison with quasar absorption spectra, which test possible space-time variations of the fine structure constant. The measurement accuracy improves previous literature values, when existing, by more than two orders of magnitude

    Flux-loss of buoyant ropes interacting with convective flows

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    We present 3-d numerical magneto-hydrodynamic simulations of a buoyant, twisted magnetic flux rope embedded in a stratified, solar-like model convection zone. The flux rope is given an initial twist such that it neither kinks nor fragments during its ascent. Moreover, its magnetic energy content with respect to convection is chosen so that the flux rope retains its basic geometry while being deflected from a purely vertical ascent by convective flows. The simulations show that magnetic flux is advected away from the core of the flux rope as it interacts with the convection. The results thus support the idea that the amount of toroidal flux stored at or near the bottom of the solar convection zone may currently be underestimated.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Properties of Umbral Dots as Measured from the New Solar Telescope Data and MHD Simulations

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    We studied bright umbral dots (UDs) detected in a moderate size sunspot and compared their statistical properties to recent MHD models. The study is based on high resolution data recorded by the New Solar Telescope at the Big Bear Solar Observatory and 3D MHD simulations of sunspots. Observed UDs, living longer than 150 s, were detected and tracked in a 46 min long data set, using an automatic detection code. Total 1553 (620) UDs were detected in the photospheric (low chromospheric) data. Our main findings are: i) none of the analyzed UDs is precisely circular, ii) the diameter-intensity relationship only holds in bright umbral areas, and iii) UD velocities are inversely related to their lifetime. While nearly all photospheric UDs can be identified in the low chromospheric images, some small closely spaced UDs appear in the low chromosphere as a single cluster. Slow moving and long living UDs seem to exist in both the low chromosphere and photosphere, while fast moving and short living UDs are mainly detected in the photospheric images. Comparison to the 3D MHD simulations showed that both types of UDs display, on average, very similar statistical characteristics. However, i) the average number of observed UDs per unit area is smaller than that of the model UDs, and ii) on average, the diameter of model UDs is slightly larger than that of observed ones.Comment: Accepted by the AP

    High-resolution models of solar granulation: the 2D case

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    Using grid refinement, we have simulated solar granulation in 2D. The refined region measures 1.97*2.58 Mm (vertical*horizontal). Grid spacing there is 1.82*2.84 km. The downflows exhibit strong Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities. Below the photosphere, acoustic pulses are generated. They proceed laterally (in some cases distances of at least the size of our refined domain) and may be enhanced when transversing downflows) as well as upwards where, in the photosphere they contribute significantly to 'turbulence' (velocity gradients, etc.) The acoustic pulses are ubiquitous in that at any time several of them are seen in our high-resolution domain. Their possible contributions to p-mode excitation or heating of the chromosphere needs to be investigated

    CRISP Spectropolarimetric Imaging of Penumbral Fine Structure

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    We discuss penumbral fine structure in a small part of a pore, observed with the CRISP imaging spectropolarimeter at the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope (SST), close to its diffraction limit of 0.16 arcsec. Milne-Eddington inversions applied to these Stokes data reveal large variations of field strength and inclination angle over dark-cored penumbral intrusions and a dark-cored light bridge. The mid-outer part of this penumbra structure shows 0.3 arcsec wide spines, separated by 1.6 arcsec (1200 km) and associated with 30 deg inclination variations. Between these spines, there are no small-scale magnetic structures that easily can be be identified with individual flux tubes. A structure with nearly 10 deg more vertical and weaker magnetic field is seen midways between two spines. This structure is co-spatial with the brightest penumbral filament, possibly indicating the location of a convective upflow from below.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJL 17 Oct 2008. One Figure adde

    Imaging Spectropolarimetry with IBIS II: on the fine structure of G-band bright features

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    We present new results from first observations of the quiet solar photosphere performed through the Interferometric BIdimensional Spectrometer (IBIS) in spectropolarimetric mode. IBIS allowed us to measure the four Stokes parameters in the FeI 630.15 nm and FeI 630.25 nm lines with high spatial and spectral resolutions for 53 minutes; the polarimetric sensitivity achieved by the instrument is 0.003 the continuum intensity level. We focus on the correlation which emerges between G-band bright feature brightness and magnetic filling factor of ~ 1000 G (kG) fields derived by inverting Stokes I and V profiles. More in detail, we present the correlation first in a pixel-by-pixel study of an approximatively 3 arcsec wide bright feature (a small network patch) and then we show that such a result can be extended to all the bright features found in the dataset at any instant of the time sequence. The higher the kG filling factor associated to a feature the higher the brightness of the feature itself. Filling factors up to about 35 % are obtained for the brightest features. Considering the values of the filling factors derived from the inversion analysis of spectropolarimetric data and the brightness variation observed in G-band data we put forward an upper limit for the smallest scale over which magnetic flux concentrations in intergranular lanes produce a G-band brightness enhancement (~ 0.1''). Moreover, the brightness saturation observed for feature sizes comparable to the resolution of the observations is compatible with large G-band bright features being clusters of sub-arcsecond bright points. This conclusion deserves to be confirmed by forthcoming spectropolarimetric observations at higher spatial resolution.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, 1 table - Accepted for publication on Ap

    Энергетика Австралии

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    Реформы энергетической отрасли нашей страны вызывают очень много споров и разногласий. Уход от плановой экономике к рыночной не мог не воздействовать и на энергетический сектор. Вопрос о том что лучше госрегулирование или рыночные отношение в данной системообразующей отрасли и лежит в основе данной статьи. Пример Австралии, нам показывает, как можно построить структуру управления энергосистемой в рыночных условиях