64 research outputs found

    Chancen und Risiken des Influencer-Marketings für Unternehmen

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    In einer reiz- und insbesondere werbeüberflutenden Gesellschaft gestaltet es sich immer schwerer für Unternehmen potenzielle Kunden zu erreichen. Auf der Suche nach Aufmerksamkeit und Sichtbarkeit im Web und speziell in sozialen Medien wenden sich Unternehmen zunehmend an Influencer und integrieren das Influencer-Marketing als festen Bestandteil in ihren Marketingmix. Basierend auf dem bewährten Meinungsführerkonzept genießen Influencer eine hohe Authentizität und hohe Glaubwürdigkeit sowie ein hohes Maß an Vertrauen. Als Absender der Werbebotschaften von Unternehmen besitzen sie ein hohes Beeinflussungspotenzial auf die Wahrnehmung eines Produktes, einer Dienstleistung und einer Marke, auf die Reputation eines Unternehmens sowie schlussendlich auf den Kaufentscheidungsprozess ihrer Rezipienten. Doch der Einsatz des Influencer-Marketings birgt neben Chancen auch Gefahren, die es abzuwägen gilt. Die vorliegende Bachelorthesis beinhaltet eine Einschätzung über die Chancen und Risiken des Influencer-Marketings für Unternehmen zur Erreichung ihrer Unternehmensziele. Dafür wurden die Begriffe des Influencer- Marketings und des Influencers definiert. Anschließend wurden diese mit einem zeitlichen Rückblick zum Ursprung des Influencer- Marketings mit der Entdeckung der Meinungsführer sowie zur Entwicklung des Influencer-Marketings durch soziale Medien eingeordnet. Zudem wurde das Influencer-Marketing als Marketinginstrument durch eine Auflistung der Ziele, einer Einordnung in den Marketing-Mix sowie einer Abgrenzung zum klassischen Marketing betrachtet. Darauf aufbauend wurden die Chancen und die Risiken des Influencer-Marketings abgewogen, sodass abschließend eine Einschätzung über den Einsatz des Influencer- Marketings für Unternehmen zur Erreichung ihrer Unternehmensziele abgegeben wurde

    Awareness of age-related change in very different cultural-political contexts: A cross-cultural examination of aging in Burkina Faso and Germany

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    Combining recent developments in research on personal views on aging (VoA) and a cross-country comparative approach, this study examined awareness of age-related change (AARC) in samples from rural Burkina Faso and Germany. The aims of this study were (1) to examine for an assumed proportional shift in the relationship between gains/losses toward more losses as predicted by life span psychology; (2) to estimate the association between AARC dimensions and subjective age; and (3) to examine the association between health variables and AARC. A cross-sectional method involving a large, representative sample from rural Burkina Faso that included participants aged 40 and older (N = 3,028) and a smaller convenience sample of German respondents aged 50 years and older (N = 541) were used to address these questions. A proportional shift toward more AARC-losses was more clearly observable in the sample from Burkina Faso as compared to the German reference. In both samples, subjective age was consistently more strongly related to AARC-losses than to AARC-gains. Within the sample from Burkina Faso, differential associations of AARC-gains and AARC-losses to health variables could be shown. In conclusion, the findings support key tenets of life span psychology including that age-related gains occur even late in life and that a shift toward more losses occurs with increasing age. Also, feeling subjectively younger may indeed be more strongly guided by lowered negative aging experiences than by increased positive ones

    Feeling Younger in Rural Burkina Faso: Exploring the Role of Subjective Age in the Light of Previous Research From High-Income Countries

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    Objectives: Previous research on subjective age (SA), that is, how young or old a person feels relative to their chronological age, has shown that older adults tend to feel younger than they are (by about 15%–20%), but the extent of this effect depends, in part, on their health. However, as most of the studies have been conducted in Western countries, it is unclear how well these results generalize to culturally different samples. Objectives, therefore, were to examine SA in middle-aged and older adults from a very low-income setting in rural Burkina Faso, to examine associations between SA and health/quality of life-related measures, and to compare findings with Western studies. / Methods: Representative, cross-sectional sample of N = 3,028 adults (≥40 years, recruited in 2018) from north-western Burkina Faso. Data included questionnaires on depression (Patient Health Questionnaire-9) and quality of life (World Health Organization Quality of Life scale, including subjective health) as well as performance-based and objective health-related measures (Community Screening Instrument for Dementia as cognitive screening, walking speed). / Results: Respondents felt on average 3% younger (SD = 0.13) than their chronological age, with 48% (95% confidence interval: 0.46–0.50) feeling younger—27 percentage points lower than seen in representative Western studies. Lower depression, better walking speed, cognition, and quality of life were all associated with younger SA. / Discussion: Middle-aged and older adults in Nouna felt less young than similar age groups in Western studies. One of the reasons may be that youthfulness is less of a value outside Western cultures. As in Western studies, parts of the variation in SA can be explained by health parameters

    SPMSQ for risk stratification of older patients in the emergency department : An exploratory prospective cohort study

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    Risk stratification of older patients in the emergency department (ED) is seen as a promising and efficient solution for handling the increase in demand for geriatric emergency medicine. Previously, the predictive validity of commonly used tools for risk stratification, such as the identification of seniors at risk (ISAR), have found only limited evidence in German geriatric patient samples. Given that the adverse outcomes in question, such as rehospitalization, nursing home admission and mortality, are substantially associated with cognitive impairment, the potential of the short portable mental status questionnaire (SPMSQ) as a tool for risk stratification of older ED patients was investigated

    Enantioseparation of amino alcohol analogs possessing 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline skeleton and its derivatives using polysaccharide-based chiral stationary phases

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    The stereoisomers of 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline amino alcohol analogues were directly separated on modified cellulose based chiral stationary phases. The effects of the mobile phase composition, the structure of the analytes and temperature on the separations were investigated. Experiments were performed at constant mobile phase compositions with varying temperature in order to calculate thermodynamic parameters from plots of ln α versus 1/T. Some mechanistic aspects of the chiral recognition process are discussed with respect to the structures of the analytes

    Second-line treatment of pediatric patients with relapsed rhabdomyosarcoma adapted to initial risk stratification: Data of the European Soft Tissue Sarcoma Registry (SoTiSaR).

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    BACKGROUND Outcome of relapsed disease of localized rhabdomyosarcoma remains poor. An individual treatment approach considering the initial systemic treatment and risk group was included in the Cooperative Weichteilsarkom Studiengruppe (CWS) Guidance. METHODS Second-line chemotherapy (sCHT) ACCTTIVE based on anthracyclines (adriamycin, carboplatin, cyclophosphamide, topotecan, vincristine, etoposide) was recommended for patients with initial low- (LR), standard- (SR), and high-risk (HR) group after initial treatment without anthracyclines. TECC (topotecan, etoposide, carboplatin, cyclophosphamide) was recommended after initial anthracycline-based regimen in the very high-risk (VHR) group. Data of patients with relapse (n = 68) registered in the European Soft Tissue Sarcoma Registry SoTiSaR (2009-2018) were retrospectively analyzed. RESULTS Patients of initial LR (n = 2), SR (n = 16), HR (n = 41), and VHR (n = 9) group relapsed. sCHT consisted of ACCTTIVE (n = 36), TECC (n = 12), or other (n = 15). Resection was performed in 40/68 (59%) patients and/or radiotherapy in 47/68 (69%). Initial risk stratification, pattern/time to relapse, and achievement of second complete remission were significant prognostic factors. Microscopically incomplete resection with additional radiotherapy was not inferior to microscopically complete resection (p = .17). The 5-year event-free survival (EFS) and overall survival (OS) were 26% (±12%) and 31% (±14%). The 5-year OS of patients with relapse of SR, HR, and VHR groups was 80% (±21%), 20% (±16%), and 13% (±23%, p = .008), respectively. CONCLUSION Adapted systemic treatment of relapsed disease considering the initial risk group and initial treatment is reasonable. New treatment options are needed for patients of initial HR and VHR groups

    Tack energy and switchable adhesion of liquid crystal elastomers

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    The mechanical properties of liquid crystal elastomers (LCEs) make them suitable candidates for pressure-sensitive adhesives (PSAs). Using the nematic dumbbell constitutive model, and the block model of PSAs, we study their tack energy and the debonding process as could be measured experimentally in the probe-tack test. To investigate their performance as switchable PSAs we compare the tack energy for the director aligned parallel, and perpendicular to the substrate normal, and for the isotropic state. We find that the tack energy is larger in the parallel alignment than the isotropic case by over a factor of two. The tack energy for the perpendicular alignment can be 50% less than the isotropic case. We propose a mechanism for reversibly switchable adhesion based on the reversibility of the isotropic to nematic transition. Finally we consider the influence of several material parameters that could be used to tune the stress-strain response

    Entwurf eines Dauerfestigkeitsprüfstandes für DMS-Kraftmesszellen

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    In der vorliegenden Bachelorarbeit geht es um den Entwurf eines Dauerfestigkeitsprüfstands für Kraftsensoren, deren Messprinzip auf Dehnmessstreifen basiert. Ziel des Dauerfestigkeitsprüfstands ist es, die in der Konstruktionsphase simulierten Ergebnisse für die Dauerfestigkeit der Sensoren nachzuweisen. Erst dadurch sind optimale Verbesserungen der Messkörpergeometrien möglich