924 research outputs found


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    While AI provides many business opportunities across industries, the organizational implications of AI are still largely unclear. We investigate governance roles related to AI use in practice, and undertake first steps to define the role profiles of a Chief AI Officer (CAIO) and an AI Risk Officer (AIRO). We base our inquiry on two sources: a literature review and evaluative interviews with nine AI professionals from small- and medium-sized companies. We find that, whereas the roles and activities associated with the CAIO and AIRO are commonly deemed relevant for such companies in the long run, today only a few companies have implemented them. Especially the creation of the CAIO position seems justified, due to the complexity of AI and the need for extensive interaction and coordination related to AI governance

    HPLC-MS with an Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer

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    Ion traps have become an important and powerful tool in many fields of analytical chemistry. The immanent sensitivity of the device and the ability to perform MSn opens a wide variety of experimental setups even at very low sample concentration levels. Modern and intelligent instrument control is of particular importance. The spread of ion trap mass spectrometry will greatly enhance the amount of data generated by LC-MS laboratories. The ability to handle and screen the flood of information puts high demands on companies and research facilities to keep pace with these developments

    Korrosionsschäden an sächsischen Biogasanlagen

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    In den zurückliegenden Jahren traten an Biogasanlagen vermehrt starke Korrosionsschäden auf, die zu Undichtigkeiten bis hin zum plötzlichen Versagen der angegriffenen Anlagenteile führten. Betroffen waren neben den Materialien Beton und Holz auch die bis dato als korrosionsbeständig geltenden V4A-Edelstähle. Neben erheblichen Reparaturkosten und ausfallbedingten Einspeiseverlusten bereiteten solche Schadensfälle in Einzelfällen auch Probleme bei der Anlagensicherheit und hatten klimarelevante Gasaustritte zur Folge. Die Veröffentlichung stellt die Untersuchung Schäden in sächsischen Biogasanlagen und mögliche Ursachen dar. Sie gibt außerdem Empfehlungen zur Reparatur der Schäden und zur Schadensvorbeugung. Redaktionsschluss: 04.12.201

    Leveraging the Power of Peer Groups for Refugee Integration

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    Refugee integration, one long-term solution to the large number of people fleeing their home countries, constitutes a challenge for both refugees and host societies. ICT and especially online peer groups seem promising to support this process. Building on literature demonstrating the societal benefits of peer groups, this paper proposes a novel peer-group-based approach to address refugee integration and introduces both an online and offline realization. A randomized field experiment in cooperation with public (refugee) services and a non-governmental organization makes it possible to expand existing research by quantitatively demonstrating societal benefits of online peer groups and ICT for refugee integration. Further, this paper is the first to assess the effectiveness of online and offline peer groups in one experimental setup comparatively. Results show that peer groups provide substantial value with respect to the integration domains social bridges, social bonds, rights and citizenship as well as safety and stability. While the outcome of the various integration domains differs for online and offline peer groups, participants’ adoption rates were higher for online peer groups

    Nanoscale Magnetic Imaging using Circularly Polarized High-Harmonic Radiation

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    This work demonstrates nanoscale magnetic imaging using bright circularly polarized high-harmonic radiation. We utilize the magneto-optical contrast of worm-like magnetic domains in a Co/Pd multilayer structure, obtaining quantitative amplitude and phase maps by lensless imaging. A diffraction-limited spatial resolution of 49 nm is achieved with iterative phase reconstruction enhanced by a holographic mask. Harnessing the unique coherence of high harmonics, this approach will facilitate quantitative, element-specific and spatially-resolved studies of ultrafast magnetization dynamics, advancing both fundamental and applied aspects of nanoscale magnetism.Comment: Ofer Kfir and Sergey Zayko contributed equally to this work. Presented in CLEO 2017 (Oral) doi.org/10.1364/CLEO_QELS.2017.FW1H.

    Genomic, genetic and structural analysis of pyoverdine-mediated iron acquisition in the plant growth-promoting bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Pyoverdines (PVDs) are high affinity siderophores, for which the molecular mechanisms of biosynthesis, uptake and regulation have been extensively studied in <it>Pseudomonas aeruginosa </it>PAO1. However, the extent to which this regulatory model applies to other pseudomonads is unknown. Here, we describe the results of a genomic, genetic and structural analysis of pyoverdine-mediated iron uptake by the plant growth-promoting bacterium <it>P. fluorescens </it>SBW25.</p> <p>Results</p> <p><it>In silico </it>analysis of the complete, but un-annotated, SBW25 genome sequence identified 31 genes putatively involved in PVD biosynthesis, transport or regulation, which are distributed across seven different regions of the genome. PVD gene iron-responsiveness was tested using '<it>lacZ </it>fusions to five PVD loci, representative of structural and regulatory genes. Transcription of all fusions increased in response to iron starvation. <it>In silico </it>analyses suggested that regulation of <it>fpvR </it>(which is predicted to encode a cytoplasmic membrane-spanning anti-sigma factor) may be unique. Transcriptional assays using gene expression constructs showed that <it>fpvR </it>is positively regulated by FpvI (an extracytoplasmic family (ECF) sigma factor), and not directly by the ferric uptake regulator (Fur) as for PAO1. Deletion of <it>pvdL</it>, encoding a predicted non-ribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS) involved in PVD chromophore biosynthesis confirmed the necessity of PvdL for PVD production and for normal growth in iron-limited media. Structural analysis of the SBW25 PVD shows a partly cyclic seven residue peptide backbone, identical to that of <it>P. fluorescens </it>ATCC13525. At least 24 putative siderophore receptor genes are present in the SBW25 genome enabling the bacterium to utilize 19 structurally distinct PVDs from 25 different <it>Pseudomonas </it>isolates.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The genome of <it>P. fluorescens </it>SBW25 contains an extensively dispersed set of PVD genes in comparison to other sequenced <it>Pseudomonas </it>strains. The PAO1 PVD regulatory model, which involves a branched Fpv signaling pathway, is generally conserved in SBW25, however there is a significant difference in <it>fpvR </it>regulation. SBW25 produces PVD with a partly cyclic seven amino acid residue backbone, and is able to utilize a wide variety of exogenous PVDs.</p

    Benefits and pitfalls of scientific research during undergraduate medical education

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    Objective: The integration of scientific research into medical education is a widely discussed topic. Most research training programs are offered on a voluntary basis. In Germany, it is mandatory to complete a doctoral thesis to obtain the academic title “doctor”. The reasons why students start a dissertation project and the influence of this project on their undergraduate studies and later career choices are not well known

    Methods for improving resilience in communication networks and P2P overlays

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    Resilience to failures and deliberate attacks is becoming an essential requirement in most communication networks today. This also applies to P2P Overlays which on the one hand are created on top of communication infrastructures, and therefore are equally affected by failures of the underlying infrastructure, but which on the other hand introduce new possibilities like the creation of arbitrary links within the overlay. In this article, we present a survey of strategies to improve resilience in communication networks as well as in P2P overlay networks. Furthermore, our intention is to point out differences and similarities in the resilience-enhancing measures for both types of networks. By revising some basic concepts from graph theory, we show that many concepts for communication networks are based on well-known graph-theoretical problems. Especially, some methods for the construction of protection paths in advance of a failure are based on very hard problems, indeed many of them are in NP and can only be solved heuristically or on certain topologies. P2P overlay networks evidently benefit from resilience-enhancing strategies in the underlying communication infrastructure, but beyond that, their specific properties pose the need for more sophisticated mechanisms. The dynamic nature of peers requires to take some precautions, like estimating the reliability of peers, redundantly storing information, and provisioning a reliable routing
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