329 research outputs found

    Stereotactic Irradiation of GH-Secreting Pituitary Adenomas

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    Radiotherapy (RT) is often employed in patients with acromegaly refractory to medical and/or surgical interventions in order to prevent tumour regrowth and normalize elevated GH and IGF-I levels. It achieves tumour control and hormone normalization up to 90% and 70% of patients at 10–15 years. Despite the excellent tumour control, conventional RT is associated with a potential risk of developing late toxicity, especially hypopituitarism, and its role in the management of patients with GH-secreting pituitary adenomas remains a matter of debate. Stereotactic techniques have been developed with the aim to deliver more localized irradiation and minimize the long-term consequences of treatment, while improving its efficacy. Stereotactic irradiation can be given in a single dose as stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) or in multiple doses as fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy (FSRT). We have reviewed the recent published literature on stereotactic techniques for GH-secreting pituitary tumors with the aim to define the efficacy and potential adverse effects of each of these techniques

    Brexit or Bremain? : evidence from bubble analysis

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    We applied the Johansen-Ledoit-Sornette (JLS) model to detect possible bubbles and crashes related to the Brexit/Bremain referendum scheduled for 23rd June 2016. Our implementation includes an enhanced model calibration using Genetic Algorithms. We selected a few historical financial series sensitive to the Brexit/Bremain scenario, representative of multiple asset classes. We found that equity and currency asset classes show no bubble signals, while rates, credit and real estate show super-exponential behaviour and instabilities typical of bubble regime. Our study suggests that, under the JLS model, equity and currency markets do not expect crashes or sharp rises following the referendum results. Instead, rates and credit markets consider the referendum a risky event, expecting either a Bremain scenario or a Brexit scenario edulcorated by central banks intervention. In the case of real estate, a crash is expected, but its relationship with the referendum results is unclear

    Cataclysmic variables are a key population of gravitational wave sources for LISA

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    The gravitational wave (GW) signals from the Galactic population of cataclysmic variables (CVs) have yet to be carefully assessed. Here, we estimate these signals and evaluate their significance for Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA). First, we find that at least three known systems are expected to produce strong enough signals to be individually resolved within the first four years of LISA’s operation. Secondly, CVs will contribute significantly to the LISA Galactic binary background, limiting the mission’s sensitivity in the relevant frequency band. Third, we predict a spike in the unresolved GW background at a frequency corresponding to the CV minimum orbital period. This excess noise may impact the detection of other systems near this characteristic frequency. Fourth, we note that the excess noise spike amplitude and location associated with Pmin ∼ 80 min can be used to measure the CV space density and period bounce location with complementary and simple GW biases compared to the biases and selection effects plaguing samples selected from electromagnetic signals. Our results highlight the need to explicitly include the Galactic CV population in the LISA mission planning, both as individual GW sources and generators of background noise, as well as the exciting prospect of characterising the CV population through their GW emission

    Analysis of oxidative stress-related markers in Crohn’s disease patients at surgery and correlations with clinical findings

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    Crohn’ disease (CD) patients are at high risk of postoperative recurrence and new tools for the assessment of disease activity are needed to prevent long-term complications. In these patients, the over-production of ROS generated by inflamed bowel tissue and inflammatory cells activates a pathogenic cascade that further exacerbates inflammation and leads to increased oxidative damage to DNA, proteins, and lipids. We measured the products of protein/lipid oxidation and the total antioxidant capacity (ferric reducing ability of plasma, FRAP) in the serum of CD patients with severe disease activity requiring surgery with the aim to characterize their redox status and identify associations between oxidative stress-related markers and their clinical characteristics. At the systemic level, CD was associated with increased levels of protein and lipid oxidation products when compared to healthy volunteers, even though the FRAP values were similar. Advanced oxidation protein product (AOPP) levels showed the highest difference between patients and the controls (11.25, 5.02–15.15, vs. 1.36, 0.75–2.70, median, interquartile range; p < 0.0001) and the analysis of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves, indicated for AOPP, the best area under the curve (AUC) value for CD prediction. Advanced glycated end-products (AGEs) were also significantly higher in CD patients (p < 0.01), which is of interest since AOPP and AGEs are both able to activate the membrane receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) involved in inflammatory diseases. Thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS) levels were significantly higher in CD patients with ileal localization and aggressive disease behavior, in smokers, and in patients suffering from allergies. In conclusion, our data indicate that circulating oxidative stress biomarkers may be attractive candidates as disease predictors as well as for clinical or therapeutic monitoring of CD. Our results also suggest that AOPP/AGEs and RAGE signaling may represent a pathogenic factor and a potential therapeutic target in CD

    Spectroscopic follow-up of a subset of the Gaia/IPHAS catalogue of Hα-excess sources

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    State-of-the-art techniques to identify Hα emission-line sources in narrow-band photometric surveys consist of searching for  Hα excess with reference to nearby objects in the sky (position-based selection). However, while this approach usually yields very few spurious detections, it may fail to select intrinsically faint and/or rare Hα-excess sources. In order to obtain a more complete representation of the heterogeneous emission-line populations, we recently developed a technique to find outliers relative to nearby objects in the colour–magnitude diagram (CMD-based selection). By combining position-based and CMD-based selections, we built an updated catalogue of Hα-excess candidates in the Northern Galactic Plane. Here, we present spectroscopic follow-up observations and classification of 114 objects from this catalogue that enables us to test our novel selection method. Out of the 70 spectroscopically confirmed Hα-emitters in our sample, 15 were identified only by the CMD-based selection, and would have been thus missed by the classic position-based technique. In addition, we explore the distribution of our spectroscopically confirmed emitters in the Gaia CMD. This information can support the classification of emission-line sources in large surveys such as the upcoming WEAVE and 4-m Multi-Object Spectroscopic Telescope, especially if augmented with the introduction of other colours

    Modelling the role of material depletion, grain coarsening and revegetation in debris flow occurrences after the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake

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    A large amount of debris was generated by the co-seismic mass wasting associated with the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake. The abundance of this loose material along the slopes caused more frequent debris flows, triggered by less intense and/or shorter rainfalls. However, both the triggering rainfall and the debris flow frequency seem to have normalised progressively during the past decade. Although changes of rainfall thresholds for post-seismic debris flows were recorded after several major earthquakes, the factors controlling these changes remain poorly constrained. With the aid of a virtual experiment, we investigate the roles of material depletion, grain coarsening and revegetation of the co-seismic debris on the propagation and deposition of debris flows initiated by runoff, as well as their influence on the triggering rainfall thresholds. We employ a Geographic Information System (GIS)-based simulation of debris flow initiation by runoff erosion, which we first calibrate on the 14th August 2010 Hongchun gully event that occurred near the Wenchuan earthquake epicentre. We obtain, by investigating each of the aforementioned processes, changing critical rainfall intensity-duration thresholds for given debris flow runout distances. Grain coarsening appears to play a major role, which is consistent with published laboratory experiments, while material depletion and revegetation do not seem able to account alone for the actual quick decay of debris flow frequency. While the virtual experiment has proven useful in identifying the first-order controls on this decay, model improvements and verification over multiple catchments are needed to make the results useful in hazard assessments

    The Gaia/IPHAS and Gaia/KIS value-added catalogues

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    We present a sub-arcsecond crossmatch of Gaia DR2 against the INT Photometric H α Survey of the Northern Galactic Plane Data Release 2 (IPHAS DR2) and the Kepler-INT Survey (KIS). The resulting value-added catalogues (VACs) provide additional precise photometry to the Gaia photometry (r, i, and H α for IPHAS, with additional U and g for KIS). In building the catalogue, proper motions given in Gaia DR2 are wound back to match the epochs of IPHAS DR2, thus ensuring high proper motion objects are appropriately crossmatched. The catalogues contain 7927 224 and 791 071 sources for IPHAS and KIS, respectively. The requirement of >5σ parallax detection for every included source means that distances out to 1–1.5 kpc are well covered. We define two additional parameters for each catalogued object: (i) fc, a magnitude-dependent tracer of the quality of the Gaia astrometric fit; (ii) fFP, the false-positive rate for parallax measurements determined from astrometric fits of a given quality at a given magnitude. Selection cuts based on these parameters can be used to clean colour–magnitude and colour–colour diagrams in a controlled and justified manner. We provide both full and light versions of the VAC, with VAC-light containing only objects that represent our recommended trade-off between purity and completeness. Uses of the catalogues include the identification of new variable stars in the matched data sets, and more complete identification of H α-excess emission objects due to separation of high-luminosity stars from the main sequence

    XGAPS: a sub-arcsec cross-match of galactic plane surveys

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    We present a sub-arcsec cross-match of Gaia Data Release 3 (DR3) against the INT Galactic Plane Surveys (IGAPS) and the United Kingdom Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS). The resulting cross-match of Galactic Plane Surveys (XGAPS) provides additional precise photometry (URGO, g, r, i, Hα, J, H, and K) to the Gaia photometry. In building the catalogue, proper motions given in Gaia DR3 are wound back to match the epochs of the IGAPS constituent surveys (INT Photometric HαSurvey of the Northern Galactic Plane, IPHAS, and the UV-Excess Survey of the Northern Galactic Plane, UVEX) and UKIDSS, ensuring high-proper motion objects are appropriately cross-matched. The catalogue contains 33 987 180 sources. The requirement of >3σ parallax detection for every included source means that distances out to 1–1.5 kpc are well covered. In producing XGAPS, we have also trained a Random Forest classifier to discern targets with problematic astrometric solutions. Selection cuts based on the classifier results can be used to clean colour-magnitude and colour–colour diagrams in a controlled and justified manner, as well as producing subsets of astrometrically reliable targets. We provide XGAPS as a 111 column table. Uses of the catalogue include the selection of Galactic targets for multi-object spectroscopic surveys as well as identification of specific Galactic populations

    Magnetically gated accretion in an accreting ‘non-magnetic’ white dwarf

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    White dwarfs are often found in binary systems with orbital periods ranging from tens of minutes to hours in which they can accrete gas from their companion stars. In about 15 per cent of these binaries, the magnetic field of the white dwarf is strong enough (at 106 gauss or more) to channel the accreted matter along field lines onto the magnetic poles1,2. The remaining systems are referred to as ‘non-magnetic’, because until now there has been no evidence that they have a magnetic field that is strong enough to affect the accretion dynamics. Here we report an analysis of archival optical observations of the ‘non-magnetic’ accreting white dwarf in the binary system MV Lyrae, whose light curve displays quasi-periodic bursts of about 30 minutes duration roughly every 2 hours. The timescale and amplitude of these bursts indicate the presence of an unstable, magnetically regulated accretion mode, which in turn implies the existence of magnetically gated accretion3,4,5, in which disk material builds up around the magnetospheric boundary (at the co-rotation radius) and then accretes onto the white dwarf, producing bursts powered by the release of gravitational potential energy. We infer a surface magnetic field strength for the white dwarf in MV Lyrae of between 2 × 104 gauss and 1 × 105 gauss, too low to be detectable by other current methods. Our discovery provides a new way of studying the strength and evolution of magnetic fields in accreting white dwarfs and extends the connections between accretion onto white dwarfs, young stellar objects and neutron stars, for which similar magnetically gated accretion cycles have been identified6,7,8,9

    Triggering micronovae through magnetically confined accretion flows in accreting white dwarfs

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    Rapid bursts at optical wavelengths have been reported for several accreting white dwarfs, where the optical luminosity can increase by up to a factor 30 in less than an hour fading on timescales of several hours, and where the energy release can reach ≈1039 erg (“micronovae”). Several systems have also shown these bursts to be semi-recurrent on timescales of days to months and the temporal profiles of these bursts strongly resemble those observed in Type-I X-ray bursts in accreting neutron stars. It has been suggested that the observed micronovae may be the result of localised thermonuclear runaways on the surface layers of accreting white dwarfs. Here we propose a model where magnetic confinement of the accretion stream on to accreting magnetic white dwarfs may trigger localised thermonuclear runaways. The proposed model to trigger micronovae appears to favour magnetic systems with both high white dwarf masses and high mass-transfer rates