5,165 research outputs found

    Beam alignment techniques based on the current multiplication effect in photoconductors Third summary technical progress report, 15 Nov. 1966 - 15 Oct. 1967

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    Beam alignment techniques developed for infrared sensitive single crystal germanium to study multiplication effect in photoconductor

    Calibration and evaluation of a semi-distributed watershed model of Sub-Saharan Africa using GRACE data

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    International audienceIrrigation development is rapidly expanding inmostly rainfed Sub-Saharan Africa. This expansion underscoresthe need for a more comprehensive understandingof water resources beyond surface water. Gravity Recoveryand Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellites provide valuableinformation on spatio-temporal variability in water storage.The objective of this study was to calibrate and evaluatea semi-distributed regional-scale hydrologic model basedon the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) code forbasins in Sub-Saharan Africa using seven-year (July 2002–April 2009) 10-day GRACE data and multi-site river dischargedata. The analysis was conducted in a multi-criteriaframework. In spite of the uncertainty arising from the tradeoffin optimising model parameters with respect to two noncommensurablecriteria defined for two fluxes, SWAT wasfound to perform well in simulating total water storage variabilityin most areas of Sub-Saharan Africa, which havesemi-arid and sub-humid climates, and that among variouswater storages represented in SWAT, water storage variationsin soil, vadose zone and groundwater are dominant. Thestudy also showed that the simulated total water storage variationstend to have less agreement with GRACE data in aridand equatorial humid regions, and model-based partitioningof total water storage variations into different water storagecompartments may be highly uncertain. Thus, future workwill be needed for model enhancement in these areas with inferiormodel fit and for uncertainty reduction in componentwiseestimation of water storage variations

    Utility of Pop-Up Satellite Archival Tags to Study the Summer Dispersal and Habitat Occupancy of Dolly Varden in Arctic Alaska

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    In Arctic Alaska, Dolly Varden Salvelinus malma is highly valued as a subsistence fish; however, little is known about its marine ecology. New advances in electronic tagging, such as pop-up satellite archival tags (PSATs), provide scientists with a fishery-independent means of studying several aspects of this species’ movement and ecology. To evaluate the usefulness of this technology, we attached 52 PSATs to Dolly Varden in the Wulik River, which flows from northwestern Alaska into the Chukchi Sea, to study several characteristics of the marine habits of this species. Overall, PSATs provided unprecedented information about summer dispersal of Dolly Varden, including the first evidence of offshore dispersal in the Chukchi Sea, as well as previously documented dispersal types such as movement to other rivers and southerly nearshore movements in northwestern Alaska. On the basis of minimal observable evidence of tag-induced behavioral effects, as well as movements of more than 450 km by fish at liberty (i.e., between tag deployment and release or recapture), we conclude that PSATs offer an effective alternative method for studying several aspects of Dolly Varden dispersal and ecology in areas where it is not practical or feasible to capture these fish, such as coastal and offshore regions of Arctic AlaskaDans l’Alaska de l’Arctique, l’omble du Pacifique, Salvelinus malma revêt une grande importance en tant que poisson de subsistance. Toutefois, on en sait peu sur son écologie marine. Les progrès réalisés en matière de traçabilité électronique, notamment en ce qui a trait aux étiquettes de collecte de données par satellite (PSAT) permettent aux scientifiques d’étudier plusieurs aspects des déplacements et de l’écologie de cette espèce sans dépendre de la pêche. Afin d’évaluer l’utilité de cette technologie, nous avons fixé 52 PSAT à des ombles du Pacifique de la rivière Wulik, qui s’écoule depuis le nord-ouest de l’Alaska jusqu’à la mer des Tchouktches, pour étudier plusieurs caractéristiques des habitudes aquatiques de cette espèce. Dans l’ensemble, les PSAT ont permis de recueillir des renseignements sans précédent au sujet de la dispersion estivale de l’omble du Pacifique, y compris la première preuve de dispersion extracôtière dans la mer des Tchouktches et d’autres types de dispersion anciennement documentés, comme les déplacements vers d’autres cours d’eau et les déplacements sublittoraux en direction sud, dans le nord-ouest de l’Alaska. D’après un minimum d’éléments de preuve observables quant aux effets découlant de la présence d’étiquettes sur le comportement ainsi que d’après les déplacements de plus de 450 kilomètres des poissons en liberté (c’est-à-dire entre l’installation des étiquettes et le relâchement ou la recapture), nous concluons que les PSAT présentent une méthode de rechange efficace pour étudier plusieurs aspects de la dispersion et de l’écologie de l’omble du Pacifique dans des endroits où il n’est pas pratique ou réalisable de prendre ces poissons, comme dans les régions côtières et extracôtières de l’Alaska de l’Arctique

    Structural and magnetic characterization of the complete delafossite solid solution (CuAlO2){1-x}(CuCrO2){x}

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    We have prepared the complete delafossite solid solution series between diamagnetic CuAlO2 and the t2g^3 frustrated antiferromagnet CuCrO2. The evolution with composition x in CuAl(1-x)Cr(x)O2 of the crystal structure and magnetic properties has been studied and is reported here. The room-temperature unit cell parameters follow the Vegard law and increase with x as expected. The effective moment is equal to the Cr^3+ spin-only S = 3/2 value throughout the entire solid solution. Theta is negative, indicating that the dominant interactions are antiferromagnetic, and its magnitude increases with Cr substitution. For dilute Cr compositions, J_BB was estimated by mean-field theory to be 2.0 meV. Despite the sizable Theta, long-range antiferromagnetic order does not develop until very large x, and is preceeded by glassy behavior. Data presented here, and that on dilute Al-substitution from Okuda et al., suggest that the reduction in magnetic frustration due to the presence of non-magnetic Al does not have as dominant an effect on magnetism as chemical disorder and dilution of the magnetic exchange. For all samples, the 5 K isothermal magnetization does not saturate in fields up to 5 T and minimal hysteresis is observed. The presence of antiferromagnetic interactions is clearly evident in the sub-Brillouin behavior with a reduced magnetization per Cr atom. An inspection of the scaled Curie plot reveals that significant short-range antiferromagnetic interactions occur in CuCrO2 above its Neel temperature, consistent with its magnetic frustration. Uncompensated short-range interactions are present in the Al-substituted samples and are likely a result of chemical disorder

    Local corrugation and persistent charge density wave in ZrTe3 with Ni intercalation

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    The mechanism of emergent bulk superconductivity in t ransition-metal intercalated ZrTe3 is investigated by studying the effect of Ni doping on the band structure and charge density wave (CDW). The study reports theoretical and experimental results in the range of Ni0.01ZrTe3 to Ni0.05ZrTe3. In the highest doped samples, bulk superconductivity with Tc < TCDW is observed, with a reduced TCDW compared with pure ZrTe3. Relativistic ab initio calculations reveal that Ni incorporation occurs preferentially through intercalation in the van der Waals gap. Analysis of the structural and electronic effects of intercalation indicate buckling of the Te sheets adjacent to the Ni site akin to a locally stabilized CDW-like lattice distortion. In contrast to the changes of TCDW observed in resistivity, experiments with low-temperature x-ray diffraction, angle-resolved-photoemission spectroscopy, as well as temperature-dependent resistivity reveal the nearly unchanged persistence of the CDW into the regime of bulk superconductivity. The CDW gap is found to be unchanged in its extent in momentum space, with the gap size also unchanged or possibly slightly reduced upon Ni intercalation. Both experimental observations suggest that superconductivity coexists with the CDW in NixZrTe3

    Onset of Surface-Tension-Driven Benard Convection

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    Experiments with shadowgraph visualization reveal a subcritical transition to a hexagonal convection pattern in thin liquid layers that have a free upper surface and are heated from below. The measured critical Marangoni number (84) and observation of hysteresis (3%) agree with theory. In some experiments, imperfect bifurcation is observed and is attributed to deterministic forcing caused in part by the lateral boundaries in the experiment.Comment: 4 pages. The RevTeX file has a macro allowing various styles. The appropriate style is "mypprint" which is the defaul
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