37 research outputs found

    Caracterizaci贸n morfo-histol贸gica de las n煤culas y su valor taxon贸mico en lamiaceae nativa de Argentina

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    Tesis (Doctor en Ciencias Agropecuarias) -- UNC- Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, 2017Una vasta caracterizaci贸n de la exomorfolog铆a y anatom铆a de las unidades de dispersi贸n (n煤culas) aporta desde diferentes lugares al conocimiento, tanto cient铆fico como cotidiano. Sobre esta base se realiz贸 el estudio de las unidades de dispersi贸n en los representantes nativos de Argentina pertenecientes a la Fam. Lamiaceae, con el fin de proveer una acabada informaci贸n morfo-anat贸mica de las n煤culas y valorar su incidencia taxon贸mica. Se analizaron 83 taxones de Lamiaceae que representan a 17 g茅neros, mediante observaciones exomorfol贸gicas con microscopio estereosc贸pico y microscop铆a electr贸nica de barrido y an谩lisis de preparados histol贸gicos permanentes. Se lograron definir los descriptores para n煤culas y una detallada caracterizaci贸n de los frutos que complementan la informaci贸n faltante en las floras regionales y en la literatura carpol贸gica del grupo. Tanto en la exomorfolog铆a como en la anatom铆a se observaron variaciones a distintos niveles jer谩rquicos; entre los primeros, se destacan la forma y secci贸n transversal de los frutos, el tama帽o, el color, la simetr铆a, el aspecto general y la ornamentaci贸n de la superficie, los rasgos de la zona de abscisi贸n y la producci贸n de muc铆lagos (mixocarpia), y en la histolog铆a, las variaciones corresponden a tipos de c茅lulas y su disposici贸n para cada capa, el n煤mero de estratos, presencia de cristales, engrosamientos de las paredes y presencia/ausencia de tricomas en el epi- y endocarpo. Un segundo enfoque de estos resultados permiti贸 la elaboraci贸n de una clave diferencial para los taxones nativos de Argentina, a trav茅s de sus n煤culas. Por 煤ltimo, se efectu贸 un an谩lisis de agrupamiento mediante la selecci贸n de caracteres para su evaluaci贸n taxon贸mica en los distintos niveles de jerarqu铆a, resultando que algunos caracteres que presentan valor para un grupo pueden no tenerlo para otro. En base a lo antes expuesto se concluye que los caracteres morfol贸gicos de las n煤culas permiten identificar y diferenciar las Lamiaceae nativas de nuestro pa铆s, y a su vez, estos caracteres pueden ser utilizados como complementarios en an谩lisis filogen茅ticos tendientes a la interpretaci贸n de la taxonom铆a de la familia y grupos relacionados.A detailed exomorphological and anatomical characterization of the dispersion units (nutlets) contribute both scientific and everyday knowledge from different places. In this framework the study of dispersion units was performed in native Argentinean species of Lamiaceae family, in order to provide a complete morphological and anatomical nutlets information and to evaluate their taxonomic incidence. Eighty three taxa of Lamiaceae representing 17 genera were analyzed through exomorphological observations with stereoscopic microscope and scanning electron microscopy as well as analysis of cross-section slides. It was possible to define the nutlets descriptors and a detailed characterization of the fruits that complement the missing information in the regional floras and carpological literature of the group. Both, the exomorphology and the anatomy of the fruits showed variations at different hierarchical levels; in the first case, shape and cross-section of the fruits, size, color, symmetry, surface general appearance and ornamentation, abscission zone characters, and mucilage production (Mixocarpy) stand out whereas the variation in the histology belongs to the type of cells and its disposition within each layer, the number of strata, the presence of crystals, the thickening of the walls, and the presence/ausence of trichomes in the epicarp and endocarp. A second approach of these results allowed the elaboration of a differential key for the native taxa of Argentina, through their nutlets. Finally, a clustering analysis was carried out by the selection of characters for taxonomic evaluation at different levels of hierarchy, resulting characters with value for one group could not have value for other groups. Based on the above, it is concluded that nutlets morphological characters allow to identify and differentiate the native Lamiaceae from our country, and at the same time, these characters can be used as complementary in phylogenetic analyzes in order to systematic interpretation of the family and related groups

    Caracterizaci贸n morfohistol贸gica de frutos en especies argentinas de Lepechinia (Lamiaceae-Nepetoideae-Mentheae)

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    As part of an integral study of fruits belonging to native argentinean species of Lamiaceae, we conducted a research of LepechiniaWilld. native species (Lamiaceae-Nepetoideae-Mentheae). The aim of the present investigation was to perform a detailed morphohistological fruit characterization of L. floribunda, L. meyeniiand L. vesiculosaand evaluate the possible taxonomic value of these characters. We worked with fresh and herbarium material. The observations were made with light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Shape, color and presence of the abscission scar waxes were the exomorphological diagnostic characters while abscission scar shape and position, and the surface SEM view of nutlets did not show differences for all three species. In terms of histology, L. floribundaand L. meyeniihave similar pericarp structure, differing only by the thickness of the layers. In contrast, L. vesiculosashows differences at the mesocarpComo parte de un trabajo integral en el cual se analizan los frutos de todas las especies nativas de Lamiaceae de Argentina, se realiz贸 un estudio de LepechiniaWilld. (Lamiaceae-NepetoideaeMentheae). El objetivo de la presente investigaci贸n fue realizar una detallada caracterizaci贸n morfohistol贸gica de frutos de L. floribunda, L. meyeniiy L. vesiculosay evaluar el posible valor taxon贸mico de estos caracteres. Se trabaj贸 con material fresco y material de herbario. Las observaciones se efectuaron con microscop铆a 贸ptica y electr贸nica de barrido. Los caracteres exomorfol贸gicos diagn贸stico resultaron ser la forma, color y presencia de ceras en el hilo c谩rpico; en tanto que la forma y posici贸n del hilo c谩rpico y la ornamentaci贸n de la superficie de las n煤culas vista al MEB fueron constantes para las tres especies. En cuanto a la histolog铆a, L. floribunday L. meyeniiposeen pericarpo con similar estructura, distingui茅ndose s贸lo por el grosor de las distintas capas. En cambio, en L. vesiculosase observan marcadas diferencias a nivel del mesocarpo

    Robust color contour object detection invariant to shadows

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    In this work a new robust color and contour based object detection method in images with varying shadows is presented. The method relies on a physics-based contour detector that emphasizes material changes and a contour-based boosted classifier. The method has been tested in a sequence of outdoor color images presenting varying shadows using two classifiers, one that learns contour object features from a simple gradient detector, and another that learns from the photometric invariant contour detector. It is shown that the detection performance of the classifier trained with the photometric invariant detector is significantly higher than that of the classifier trained with gradient detector.Peer Reviewe

    Caracterizaci贸n morfoanat贸mica de fruto, semilla y pl谩ntula de Desmodium incanum D.C. (Fabaceae: Faboideae: Desmodieae)

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    Desmodium incanum DC. es una leguminosa herb谩cea distribuida desde Canad谩 hasta Argentina Central y Uruguay. Forrajera de muy buena calidad y apetecible por los animales, sus hojas son utilizadas en la medicina popular y es considerada una maleza de dif铆cil control. Los objetivos fueron caracterizar la exomorfolog铆a y anatom铆a de frutos, semillas y pl谩ntulas de D. incanum. El material vegetal se recolect贸 en Montecristo y Cerro Pelado (C贸rdoba-Argentina). Se realiz贸 el an谩lisis morfoanat贸mico de frutos, semillas y pl谩ntulas, incluyendo pruebas histoqu铆micas. Los resultados muestran: fruto lomento indehiscente, con compuestos fen贸licos y cristales; semilla reniforme con arilo carnoso y epihilum, embri贸n tipo axial, subtipo curvo; anatom铆a de semilla t铆pica de Faboideae y presenta barra de traqueidas piriforme; pl谩ntula de germinaci贸n faneroep铆gea, tipos morfol贸gicos Macaranga y Sophora, hojas cotiledonares fotosint茅ticas, protofi los opuestos, los primeros nomofi los son simples, cristales en epidermis y par茅nquima del epicotilo. Se presentan las particularidades de los tricomas eglandulares y glandulares as铆 como su patr贸n de distribuci贸n en los 贸rganos estudiados. Los resultados son comparados con los citados para otras especies del g茅nero, de otras tribus o de la familia en general. Se aportan datos originales acompa帽ados de fotograf铆as que permitir谩n reconocer esta especie en los estadios estudiados.Desmodium incanum DC. is a herbaceous legume distributed from Canada to Central Argentina and Uruguay. It is a high quality forage and palatable for animals, its leaves are used in folk medicine and it is considered a weed of hard control. The objectives were to characterize the exomorphology and the anatomy of fruits, seeds and seedlings of D. incanum. The plant material was collected in Montecristo and Cerro Pelado (C贸rdoba-Argentina). The morphoanatomical analysis were performed on fruits, seeds and seedlings, including histochemical tests. The results show: loment indehiscent fruit, with phenolic compounds and crystals; reniform seed with fl eshy aryl and epihilum, embryo axial type, subtype curved; typical anatomy Faboideae seed with piriform tracheid bar; phaneroepigeal seedling germination of Macaranga and Sophora morphological types, photosynthetic cotyledonary leaves, opposite protophyll, the fi rst nomophylls are simple, crystals in epidermis and in the parenchyma of the epicotyl. We present the particularities of eglandular and glandular trichomes and their distribution pattern in the studied organs. The results are compared with those cited for other species of the genus, from other tribes or family in general. Original data were accompanied by photographs that will allow to recognize this species in the studied stages.publishedVersionFil: Scandaliaris, Melina. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. C谩tedra de Bot谩nica Taxon贸mica; Argentina.Fil: Arias, Claudia Vanina. Universitat de Barcelona. Facultat de Biologia. Unitat de Fisiologia Vegetal; Espa帽a.Fil: Molinelli, Mar铆a Laura. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. C谩tedra de Bot谩nica Morfol贸gica; Argentina.Fil: Lovey, Rita Julia. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. C谩tedra de Bot谩nica Taxon贸mica; Argentina.Fil: Periss茅, Patricia. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. C谩tedra de Bot谩nica Morfol贸gica; Argentina.Fil: Perez, Virginia Melina. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. C谩tedra de Bot谩nica Taxon贸mica; Argentina

    Research at the learning and vision mobile robotics group 2004-2005

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    Spanish Congress on Informatics (CEDI), 2005, Granada (Espa帽a)This article presents the current trends on wheeled mobile robotics being pursued at the Learning and Vision Mobile Robotics Group (IRI). It includes an overview of recent results produced in our group in a wide range of areas, including robot localization, color invariance, segmentation, tracking, audio processing and object learning and recognition.This work was supported by projects: 'Supervised learning of industrial scenes by means of an active vision equipped mobile robot.' (J-00063), 'Integration of robust perception, learning, and navigation systems in mobile robotics' (J-0929).Peer Reviewe

    Discriminant and invariant color model for tracking under abrupt illumination changes

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    Trabajo presentado al ICPR 2010 celebrado en Estambul (Turqu铆a) del 23 al 26 de agosto.The output from a color imaging sensor, or apparent color, can change considerably due to illumination conditions and scene geometry changes. In this work we take into account the dependence of apparent color with illumination an attempt to find appropriate color models for the typical conditions found in outdoor settings. We evaluate three color based trackers, one based on hue, another based on an intrinsic image representation and the last one based on a proposed combination of a chromaticity model with a physically reasoned adaptation of the target model. The evaluation is done on outdoor sequences with challenging illumination conditions, and shows that the proposed method improves the average track completeness by over 22% over the hue-based tracker and the closeness of track by over 7% over the tracker based on the intrinsic image representation.This work was supported by projects: 'CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010 Multimodal interaction in pattern recognition and computer vision' (V-00069), 'Robotica ubicua para entornos urbanos' (J-01225).Peer Reviewe

    Comparative Analysis for Detecting Objects Under Cast Shadows in Video Images

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    Trabajo presentado a la ICPR 2010 celebrada en Estambul del 23 al 26 de agosto.Cast shadows add additional difficulties on detecting objects because they locally modify image intensity and color. Shadows may appear or disappear in an image when the object, the camera, or both are free to move through a scene. This work evaluates the performance of an object detection method based on boosted HOG paired with three different image representations in outdoor video sequences. We follow and extend on the taxonomy from van de Sande with considerations on the constraints assumed by each descriptor on the spatial variation of the illumination. We show that the intrinsic image representation consistently gives the best results. This proves the usefulness of this representation for object detection in varying illumination conditions, and supports the idea that in practice local assumptions in the descriptors can be violated.This work has been partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under projects UbROB DPI2007-61452, and MIPRCV Consolider Ingenio 2010 CSD2007-00018. The first author is funded by the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC).Peer reviewe

    Gomphrena pulchella Mart.

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    Herbario ACOR, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad Nacional de C贸rdobaEjemplar de herbario CS 2027 de Gomphrena pulchella Mart., C贸rdoba, ArgentinaHerbario ACOR, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad Nacional de C贸rdob

    Combining color-based invariant gradient detector with HoG descriptors for robust image detection in scenes under cast shadows

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    Trabajo presentado al ICRA 2009 celebrado en Kobe (Jap贸n) del 12 al 17 de mayo.In this work we present a robust detection method in outdoor scenes under cast shadows using color based invariant gradients in combination with HoG local features. The method achieves good detection rates in urban scene classification and person detection outperforming traditional methods based on intensity gradient detectors which are sensible to illumination variations but not to cast shadows. The method uses color based invariant gradients that emphasize material changes and extract relevant and invariant features for detection while neglecting shadow contours. This method allows to train and detect objects and scenes independently of scene illumination, cast and self shadows. Moreover, it allows to do training in one shot, that is, when the robot visits the scene for the first time.This work was supported by projects: 'Ubiquitous networking robotics in urban settings' (E-00938), 'CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010 Multimodal interaction in pattern recognition and computer vision' (V-00069), 'Robotica ubicua para entornos urbanos' (J-01225), 'Percepci贸n y acci贸n ante incertidumbre' (4803). This research was partially supported by the Spanish Minist ry of Innovation and Science under projects Consolider Ingenio 2010 CSD2007-00018, and projects DPI 2007-614452 and DPI 2008-06022; by t he URUS project IST-045062 of the European Union; by the Generalita t of Catalonia鈥檚 Department of Innovation, University and Industry and the European Social Fund to JS; and by the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) to MV.Peer Reviewe

    Robust color contour object detection invariant to shadows

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    Presentado al 12th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition (CIARP-2007) celebrado en Valparaiso (Chile) del 13 al 16 de noviembre.In this work a new robust color and contour based object detection method in images with varying shadows is presented. The method relies on a physics-based contour detector that emphasizes material changes and a contour-based boosted classifier. The method has been tested in a sequence of outdoor color images presenting varying shadows using two classifiers, one that learns contour object features from a simple gradient detector, and another that learns from the photometric invariant contour detector. It is shown that the detection performance of the classifier trained with the photometric invariant detector is significantly higher than that of the classifier trained with gradient detector.This work was supported by projects: 'Integration of robust perception, learning, and navigation systems in mobile robotics' (J-0929), 'Ubiquitous networking robotics in urban settings' (E-00938).This work is supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science under project DPI 2004-5414 and the EU URUS project FP6-IST- 045062 to JS, MV, JAC and AS; by the Generealitat of Catalonia鈥檚 Department of Education and Universities and the European Social Fund to JS; and by the Technical University of Catalonia to MV. JAC is a Ram贸n y Cajal Postdoctoral Fellow.Peer Reviewe